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Residents of Various Cities Participate in Road Race to Reaffirm Their Support for GERD

Addis Ababa: Inhabitants of various cities in Oromia region have today participated in a road running to reaffirm their support for the successful completion of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).

A five-kilometer road race has come at a tim…

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Over 74,000 Second Generation Diaspora Visit Ethiopia in First Round: Diaspora Service

Addis Ababa: More than 74,000 second-generation of Ethiopian Diaspora have visited their ancestral homeland in the first phase alone, according to the Ethiopian Diaspora Service.

It is worth recalling that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed initiated this hom…

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Separatists impose ‘no farming Mondays’ in Meme, Ndian

An armed group fighting for the independence of the Anglophone regions, known as the Ribbons of Ambazonia, a separatist faction based in Meme and Ndian Divisions of the South West Region, has said they have banned Monday(s) farming activities across t…

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SAHIF secures $38Million (R700Million): Aims to recapitalize business by settling funds, existing facilities with AIIM and Old mutual hybrids Equity

The SA Housing and Infrastructure Fund (SAHIF), the largest black private investor in South Africa’s optical fibre industry, has embarked on an ambitious international drive to raise capital to accelerate the expansion of high-speed internet access th…

Read More SAHIF secures $38Million (R700Million): Aims to recapitalize business by settling funds, existing facilities with AIIM and Old mutual hybrids Equity