CSO demands urgent action over tents scarcity at Muna

The Independent Hajj Reporters (IHR), a Civil Society Organisation, has called on the National Hajj Commission of Nigeria (NAHCON) to screen all tents in Muna to weed out fake pilgrims.

The National Coordinator of the CSO, Malam Muhammad Ibrahim, made the call in a statement isdued on Monday in Makkah, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ibrahim said the CSO observed with dismay the lack of spaces for Nigerian pilgrims to this year’s Hajj in Muna camp leading to thousands being stranded.

“Our initial findings show that the lack of space for the pilgrims was as a result of two major issues and lapses. Firstly, the Muassasa allocated the same number of tents to Nigerian pilgrims this year as they did 2022.

“However, while the Nigerian contingent to Hajj 2022 was about 45,000, Saudi Authorities allocated 95,000 slots this year. It therefore, makes no sense that the same spaces are allocated for the two contingents.

“Secondly, the Saudi based security personnel deployed to man the tents in the area allocated to Nigerian pilgrims opened the entrances much earlier than the arrival of real pilgrims and the fake ones, mostly made up of illegal immigrants from Nigeria, popularly called ‘Tukari’, took over the spaces.”

He said that fake pilgrims went as far as producing fake wrist bands and trackers to hoodwink the security personnel.

The national coordinator, therefore, in the interim suggested that all officials from NAHCON and the 36 states and FCT should vacate the tents they are presently occupying to allow stranded Nigerian pilgrims to stay there temporarily.

“Priority should be given to only female officials. Also, NAHCON and the states should immediately go into action by screening all pilgrims inside the tent in order to weed out all fake pilgrims.

“We are sad to note that there was very poor supply of food to the pilgrims on the first day of stay in Muna. Most of the caterers brought food very late.

“We call on NAHCON to blacklist these caterers against future Hajj operations,” the group advised.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Russia-Africa Summit Will Elevate Relations: Ambassador Terekhin

The Second Russia-Africa Summit which takes place from July, 26-29 in St. Petersburg, Russia, will boost the existing relations by setting concrete growth directions, Russia’s Ambassador Evgeny Terekhin said.

A two-day Russia-Africa forum on Sustainable Urban Future opened in Addis Ababa today under the theme "Exchange of Experiences and Partnerships for Common Goals."

Briefing the media after the opening of the forum, Russia's Ambassador to Ethiopia, Evgeny Terekhin, said the upcoming Russia-Africa Summit will elevate the Russia and Africa relations.

According to him, economic and humanitarian issues will be the main talking points of the summit.

By the end of the summit, we will set concrete growth directions between Africa and Russia, he added.

“We are going to discuss in practical terms different directions, the development of our economy, education, humanitarian and other spheres of cooperation. And I am sure that this will give us a good opportunity to put fundamentals for further development of this cooperation.”

Commenting about the Russia-Africa forum on Sustainable Urban Future underway, the ambassador stated that it focuses on the day-to-day problems of the cities of our countries and to look for better ways of finding solutions for these problems.

He added, “We are just at the beginning stage, and we have good perspective for the future benefit of inhabitants of the cities.”

Urban and Infrastructure State Minister Fenta Dejen said the forum is crucial as it focuses on the cooperation of Russian and African cities, and sharing of best experiences as well as strengthening cooperation.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Troops raid militants, oil theft camps, capture cache of arms

Troops of the Nigerian Army have raided camps suspected to belong to unrepentant militants and illegal oil bunkerers in Bayelsa creeks and captured an armoury.

The Director of Army Public Relations, Brig.-Gen. Onyema Nwachukwu, made this known in a statement on Monday in Abuja.

Nwachukwu said the operation was undertaken by troops of 5 Battalion operating under 16 Brigade on Sunday, at Azuzuama Community in Ijaw South Local Government Area of Bayelsa.

He said the troops subdued the suspected militants during the operation with superior firepower and compelled them to abandon their camp in disarray.

According to him, the well-conducted raid operation led to the recovery of five AK 47 Rifles, two rocket propelled grenade bombs,and four rocket grenade bomb chargers.

He said that the troops also recovered seven 7.62mm special ammunition, 14 AK 47 Rifle magazines and one pumping machine.

“Other items recovered include two 16-inch anchored verve, one mallet hammer, one pipe range spinner and one axe.

“The illicit camp has been destroyed by the troops.

“The Nigerian Army wishes to express appreciation to members of the public and urges all to continue to provide timely and credible information.

“This will support the ongoing effort by the Nigerian Army to ensure that oil theft in the South-South region comes to zero level,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

MSMEs Most Viable to Alleviate Poverty, Build Sustainable Economy: Enterprise Director General

The development of micro-small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) is the most viable and preferred path toward alleviating widespread poverty and building sustainable economy, according to the Ethiopian Enterprise Development.

The international day of micro-small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) was celebrated today under the theme of "Galvanizing MSMEs Worldwide by Supporting Women and Youth Entrepreneurship and Resilient Support Chain" in Mojo town.

Speaking at the event, Ethiopian Enterprise Development Director-General Alebachew Negussie said Ethiopia has been exerting sustained efforts to transform MSMEs and enhance their contribution to drive economic growth.

Through these efforts, the country has succeeded in creating hundreds of thousands of enterprises that provided job opportunities for millions and created opportunities for many others to survive beyond themselves.

According to the director-general, the government has given special attention to resolving challenges in the manufacturing sector as it is an important sector for social justice and pivotal for job creation.

MSMEs face numerous challenges, including financial constraints, skill shortage, and shortage of supplies, among others.

Alebachew stressed that transforming micro-small and medium-sized enterprises is the most viable and preferred development strategy to overcome widespread poverty, reduce unemployment, and build sustainable economy.

The Ethiopian Enterprise Development is established to further invigorate the efforts, and to especially support and guide the development of manufacturing enterprises with better focus and capacity.

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) Deputy Representative to Ethiopia, Asegid Adane said it is crucial that countries and development partners continue to support and empower MSMEs and unlock their full potential through inspiring innovation, creativity, and decent work for all.

"UNIDO recognizes the importance of MSMEs for employment creation and poverty alleviation. That is why we have invested in projects to benefit more than 377 enterprises that employed 3,800 workers," he added.

In developing countries, the private sector mainly consists of micro-small and medium-sized enterprises that generate a large share of employment and income opportunities.

Often, however, their development potential remains untapped as firms operate in isolation and locked into uncompetitive production patterns, and unable to approach dynamic business partners that could bring in new expertise and know-how, Adane noted.

The deputy representative reiterated that UNIDO will continue to support the development of the industrial sector in Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Int’l Day of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Being Celebrated in Mojo Town

The International Day of Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) is being celebrated in Mojo town, Oromia region.

The Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs) Day is being celebrated under the theme of "Galvanizing MSMES Worldwide by Supporting Women and Youth Entrepreneurship and Resilient Support Chain."

The event was organized in collaboration with Ethiopian Enterprises Development, Modjo Town Administration, the LISEC Consortium (People in Need, the International Rescue Committee, Solidaridad), and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO).

The day was celebrated with various programs including panel discussion, visiting manufacturing enterprises and planting seedlings.

International Day of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises is celebrated for the sixth time globally, and for the second time in Ethiopia.

The day was first observed globally in 2017 in Ethiopia, following the United Nations General Assembly declaration of 27 June as Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSME) Day.

The commemoration of day focuses on the contribution by MSMEs to Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs) and the global economy.

The MSMEs have also the potential to transform economies, foster job creation as well as promote equitable economic growth.

According to the UN, MSMEs account for up to 90 percent of businesses, and 60 to 70 percent of employment, accounting for half of the global GDP.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency