FG warns against discrimination, harmful practices against widows

The Federal Government has vowed to jail or fine any person engaged in any form of discrimination, violence and harmful traditional practices against widows in the country.

Mrs Monilola Udoh, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs (FMoWA), gave the warning during community grassroots sensitisation on Friday in Karu, FCT, as part of the International Widow’s Day (IWD) celebration.

Udoh reiterated the commitment of the government in accordance with the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act 2005 towards ensuring that human rights of widows are protected and promoted.

“Any person who subjects a widow to harmful practices commits an offence and will be sent to prison for two years or fined N500,000 or both.

“This is a warning to communities that practice all forms of discrimination against widows.

‘The law also prohibits any person who supports someone to commit the offence. That person will also be liable to N200,000 fine or imprisonment.

“Any person that receives or assists someone to commit the offence will spend six months in prison or fined N100,000 or both,” she warned.

She said the ministry will educate women, especially widows, on access to a fair share of their inheritance, land and productive resources; pensions and social protection that are not based on marital status alone.

Udoh said the 2023 theme, ‘’Innovation and Technology for Gender Equality”, highlights a gender responsive approach to innovation, technology and digital education to increase the widow’s awareness, empowerment, rights and civic engagements.

“The Widows Hub Africa Initiative also with the Ministry is creating awareness on innovation and technology for gender equality which aligns with this year’s theme.

“This activity is to enable Widows have access to information on the importance of innovation and technology in doing business.”

The Permanent Secretary also revealed that 300 widows will be trained on using orange fleshed sweet potatoes, while 200 others will also be given some palliatives to reduce their social and economic burden.

Also, Hajiya Lami Adamu-Lau, National President, National Council for Women Societies (NCWS), represented by Ms Nnenna Emedolibe, encouraged widows to continue to strive hard to improve their status and that of their dependent children.

Also, District Head, Peshe-Karu, Atnadu Shanyibwa, expressed appreciation to the government for its support to widows, assuring them of their commitment towards protecting their rights.

Mrs Gloria Samuel, a widow, urged the government to protect widows rights, especially that area concerning deceased spouses’ properties, as well as punish those who engage in harmful practices against them to serve as a deterrent to others.

“They should make a law that will protect all the widows across Nigeria. I encourage widows,, especially the young ones, not to give up,” she said.

Mrs Amina Musa, widow and mother of six, said the support from the government will reduce their economic hardship and encourage them to strive hard.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Fuel subsidy removal: NOA solicits NUJ FCT council`s collaboration on sensitisation

The FCT Directorate of National Orientation Agency (NOA), has solicited the collaboration of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), FCT council to sensitise Nigerians on the fuel subsidy removal.

The Acting Director, FCT NOA, Mrs Ijeoma Agbanusi, made the call during a visit to the NUJ FCT council office on Friday in Abuja.

Agbanusi said that it was the agency`s mandate to sensitise Nigerians on government policies and programmes, adding that Nigerians should learn to accept the deregulation of the downstream sector.

She said the collaboration with the NUJ required that the union increase its unrelenting support, to help disseminate the information to the citizens for better understanding of fuel subsidy removal.

The acting director said the fuel subsidy removal has enormous benefits in the long run.

She listed some of the benefits to include, putting a stop to the difficult challenges caused by smuggling of Nigeria’s PMS to neighbouring countries.

“It will curb the greed for higher profits and sabotage by a few players in the oil industry, which positively affect the economy.

“Subsidy removal will force down prices and control inflation as well as help government to spend greater portion of its budget meant for fuel subsidy directly on other key sectors.

“Based on the above enumerated benefits, we are appealing to Nigerians to be patient with the present government in her efforts to stabilise the economy,’’ she said.

Agbanusi called on Nigerians to cooperate with the government in the on-going adjustments on various sectors of the economy.

She urged to be vanguards and watchdogs over national infrastructural facilities and natural resources.

Responding on behalf of the council, Mr Ochiaka Ugwu, Secretary of NUJ FCT, pledged the council’s willingness to work with the agency.

Ugwu said the fuel subsidy removal had brought untold hardship to Nigerians, adding that the government needed urgent measures to cushion the effects.

The council`s scribe said the role of NOA was critical in mobilising and creating enlightenment for the Nigerian populace to understand government policies and programme.

“As a council, we will always be ready to collaborate in any area to inform Nigerians adequately because it is our duty as the fourth estate of the realm.

“We will also be ready to hold government accountable on its promises whenever it is necessary.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Group hails Gambo’s record in fight against maritime crimes

Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism, Insurgency and Terrorism (BRAVEIT), an NGO, has commended the immediate past Chief of Naval Staff (CNS), Vice Adm. Awwal Gambo, for the giant strides in the fight against maritime crimes.

BRAVEIT is a non-governmental strategic initiative determined to fill the gap that exists between safety and youth involvement in the fight against violent extremism, insurgency and terrorism in the North East.

The National Coordinator of BRAVIT, Dr Sani Abubakar, in a statement on Saturday said the Nigerian Navy under Gambo recorded huge successes against piracy, oil bunkering and other crimes in the last two years.

Abubakar said the Nigeria’s maritime space was now considerably secure while the country’s international standing had improved dramatically.

He said the Gulf of Guinea (GoG) was included in Nigeria’s maritime zone of interest, which extends beyond her immediate environs, approximately 2,874 nautical miles long, stretching from Angola in Southern Africa to Senegal in West Africa.

“Due to the absence of narrow maritime shipping lanes, straits or chokepoints connecting key global shipping destinations, the region is geographically positioned with a comparative advantage.

“Unfortunately, the GoG’s wealth has the unintended consequence of attracting threats such as piracy, smuggling and abduction for ransom, which continue to threaten the economic vitality of the region’s countries.

“Under the leadership of Admiral Gambo, the Nigerian Navy has established dedicated naval operations and initiatives to counter piracy, sea robbery attacks in Nigeria’s maritime environment, as well as engage in more extensive consultations with maritime stakeholders.

“Several successful anti-piracy operations have resulted from these initiatives.

“Nigeria will never forget how the Nigerian navy acquired the Falcon Eye at a discount.

“Falcon Eye’s satellite-based Automatic Identification System extends beyond Nigerian waters to Cote D’Ivoire in the west, Cameroon in the east, and Angola in the south-east.

“The International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) Global Piracy Report of July 14, 2021 reveals the lowest total of piracy and sea larceny against ships in 27 years.

“In 2021, 11 incidents of piracy were recorded in the GoG, as opposed to 44 incidents in 2020.

“Similarly, there was a decline in pirate attacks and sea robbery in the waters of Nigeria, which reported only 11 pirate incidents and three sea robberies in 2021, compared to 22 pirate incidents and 16 sea robberies in 2020.

“These numbers demonstrate the efficacy of maritime security operations conducted by the Nigerian navy,” he said.

Abubakar said the group deemed it appropriate to congratulate the former CNS for his distinguished service career that had aided Nigeria’s economy in immeasurable ways.

“We wish to use this forum to recognise former CNS, Vice Adm. Gambo, for his exemplary service during his tenure.

“Our expectation is that the new CNS will continue the successes of his predecessor,” he added.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Rotary Club builds toilets, classrooms for Nasarawa community

The Rotary Club of Abuja CBD has inaugurated three toilets and construction of two classrooms for the Central Primary School Gidan Gimba, in Karu Local Government Area, Nasarawa State.

The President of the club, Mr Max Amuchie, inaugurated the project in company of other members of the club along with the head of the community.

Amuchie said the club found it necessary to build the toilets for the school to prevent the pupils and staff from practicing open defecation.

He said that open defecation in this modern age was unhealthy and could breed diseases. So the club decided to build three toilets, one for the boys one for the girls and one for staff.

“The facilities were built in Gidan Gimba because it was the adopted community of the club.

“In rotary club , every rotary club has an adopted community, a community you adopt that you go for humanitarian work, do outreach.

“They are lucky to have rotary as a partner not all communities are so lucky and as I have also said they should try and maintain what we have provided for them,” he said.

He said that the project was the second in the community, noting that the club had sunk and commissioned a borehole there in 2020.

He said the borehole was not running at the moment because its engine was faulty and would soon be repaired to pipe water from there to the toilets.

Speaking on other humanitarian activities of the club he said, in 2022 Abuja CBD had partnered with the other rotary clubs to impact the lives of other communities.

He said that these included medical outreach in Sabon Lugbe Community and eye testing and screening and eye glass donation in Utako village in FCT

“Those are two times we went outside our community,” he said.

He called on the government’s representatives at different levels to rise up to their responsibility in providing needed social amenities for the people, especially in the community.

Speaking on what government should do as an intervention for the lack of facilities in the community, the club president said the community had representatives at every level of government.

“For us when we see a gap we try to fill it to the best of our ability we cannot do everything and we cannot go to all communities.

“We are limited in scope, this is our adopted community so what you have seen here is the effort of our club members and our friends.

`’Hopefully by the incoming rotary year the main building will be completed and it will be commissioned as well.”

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Amuchie’s tenure will end by June 30, as a new President will be elected on July 1, the club conducts elections and change leadership annually.

Speaking, Rotarian Nwaneka Ibekwe urged the children to use the facilities properly and help their community into a better community.

“What we have done is part of what we call SDG role, which as education, clean water and sanitation which are important for children.”

On her part, Mrs Martha Galadima, the Head teacher of the school was full of gratitude to the club for coming to their aid in providing the toilet facilities.

“Before now both the teachers and the children go to the bush, they will urinate at the back of the class, we give God the glory for what you people have done for us.

“So we still are crying for more so that they will come and finish the rest of the work for us.

“Presently we have only two classrooms, class one to four use one class and class five and six use one class, no space for us no classes, and we have just two teachers for the whole school” Galadima said.

Earlier the Seriki of the community, Chief Danjuma Audi and the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) Chairman, Mr Muhammed Poyi appreciated the club for its good work

The Seriki assured the club that the facilities would be judiciously used and maintained.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Lagos N-CARES supports 6,062 farmers with agric inputs, assets

No fewer than 6,062 farmers in Lagos State have received agricultural inputs and production assets from the Nigeria COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (N-CARES) programme, a World Bank supported project.

Mr Jonathan Obayemi, State Project Coordinator, Lagos N-CARES, stated this at the distribution exercise in Alimosho Local Government Area (LGA) on Saturday in Lagos.

He said the initiative was second cycle of the implementation of the Nigeria COVID-19 Action Recovery and Economic Stimulus (N-CARES) programme.

Obayemi noted that beneficiaries were drawn from across the 20 LGAs and 37 Local Council Development Areas (LCDAs) of the state.

He said that the farmers from Oshodi, Ikorodu, Agege, Kosofe, Shomolu, Surulere, Ifako-Ijaye and Ikeja had received the support.

He added that the programme would bridge the resource gaps that hinder production and productivity of small scale farmers in the state.

Obayemi said that the programme was designed to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on poor and vulnerable households in the state.

“The distribution of agricultural inputs and assets to farmers is a part of fulfilment of Mr Babajide Sanwo-Olu’s electoral promises to Lagosians as well as part of measures to cushion the impact of the recent fuel subsidy removal on agricultural production in the state.

“In this cycle, 2,652 farmers will receive crops (maize seeds, cassava cuttings, vegetable seeds, fertiliser, herbicides and insecticides), and livestock (broiler chicks, poultry feeds, fish juveniles, fish feeds and medication) inputs.

“Also, 3,410 farmers will receive production and processing assets including pig weaners, point of lay birds, sheep and goat weaners, water pumps and hoses, battery cages, fishing nets, motorised sprayers, smoking kilns and grinding machine,” he said.

Obayemi said that these initiatives would increase food production and enhance food security.

“In addition, 2,299 farmers will benefit from improved agricultural infrastructure support including culverts, walkways, roads rehabilitation and small scale irrigation facilities.

“Also, water and sanitary facilities will also be upgraded in about 50 wet markets across the state to improve sanitation in the markets.

“All support will spread through the end of the year 2023,” he said.

Obayemi said that Lagos FADAMA was implementing four Disbursement Linked Indicators under Result Area 2- Enhancing Food Security and Safe functioning of Food Supply chain under the N-CARES programme.

He said that in the first cycle of disbursement, 2,000 farmers benefitted from the supply of inputs, while 2,025 farmers benefitted from production and processing assets.

He added that water and sanitary facilities were upgraded in 20 wet markets while 1,531 farmers benefitted from infrastructure improvement.

On her part, Mrs Olatokunbo Emokpae, the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, re-emphasised that food security was key to making Lagos a 21st Century Economy being one of the pillars of Sanwo-Olu’s THEMES agenda.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigerian Army pulls out ex-COAS Yahaya from service

The Nigerian Army on Saturday, pulled out of service, the immediate past Chief of Army Staff, retired Lt.-Gen. Faruk Yahaya, following the change of leadership of the Armed Forces of Nigeria by President Bola Tinubu.

Tinubu had on June 19, approved the appointment of new service chiefs, marking the retirement of the erstwhile chiefs from the service of the armed forces.

Pulling Out Parade is a traditional military ceremony to mark officers’ retirement from service which involves review of parade by the retiring senior officer, March past by troops and pull out if the retired officer by top Generals.

In his valedictory speech, Yahaya thanked God for a successful career that saw him through the ranks and reaching the peak as the chief of army staff.

He said that whatever had a beginning must have an end, saying that Saturday, June 24 marked the end of his career that started on Sept. 27, 1985 when he reported to the prestigious Nigerian Defence Academy.

Yahaya said his time in the army in command positions enjoyed a measure of support from subordinates, quoting Abraham Lincoln who once said, “no man is good enough to govern another man without the other man’s consent or support”.

“The Nigerian army has indeed grown and I want to use this opportunity to appreciate my predecessors for their dedication service to the army.

“Their efforts significantly addressed some security challenges in the country during their tenure and provided good platform on which others can build upon.

“It was on those efforts and platforms that I tried to build which enabled me to contribute my own quota to the upliftment of the Nigerian army,” he said.

He said that his intention was to superintend over a Nigerian Army that would have flexibility capacity and courage to undertake operations in collaboration with other sister services.

Yahaya said that it was on the basis on that that conceptualised his vision which was to have a professional Nigerian Army ready to accomplish assigned mission in a joint environment in the defence of Nigeria.

“I am glad to say that we have made significant efforts in achieving the vision. Our operational activities greatly denied the terrorists and bandits freedom of action.

“In the North East for example, our kinetic and non-kinetic operations, other measures and supports have been successful and it has resulted among other things in the mass surrender of terrorists and have restored confidence in our people.

“Economic and social activities have been restored in most areas and many displaced persons have since been returned to their ancestral homes,” he said.

Yahaya said the army troops had also eliminated several bandits and criminal hideouts as well as neutralised scores with significant return of peace to several troubled areas.

He added that the anti-oil bunkering operations in the South-South and other operational activities in other parts of the country had also achieved tremendous successes.

The former COAS commended troops for the achievements and urged them not to relent but redouble their efforts to ensure that the country is secured.

“I urge you not to be distracted or discouraged by cynical comments by unpatriotic and disgruntled elements but be resolute and discharge your duty decisively with every sense of prove and patriotism.

“Our success so far was as a result of doggedness and patriotism of the officers and soldiers of the Nigerian Army to duty,” he said.

Yahaya urged his successor to continue to build on the successes and standards that the army had attained, to be able to take the service to the greater height for the good of the country.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Foundation distributes sanitary towels to secondary school girls

The Nikki Udezue Foundation has distributed sanitary pads to female students of Junior Secondary School, Nyanya Gbagyi, Nasarawa State to promote their personal hygiene.

The donation carried out through an individual donor, #BecauseICan, included 30 packs containing 480 Sanitary towels distributed to the students on Friday.

The Foundation also conducted lectures and trainings for the girls on menstrual hygiene and how to make alternative menstrual pads.

The Founder of Nikki Udezue Foundation, Nkeiruka Udezue, told newsmen that the donor contacted her foundation to carry out the project in Nigeria as part of her birthday celebration.

“We got a call from an individual donor in the United Kingdom, saying the 24th is her birthday and she indicated interest to collaborate with Nikki Udezue Foundation to run this project for her.

“This Pad The Girl Child is directed to our girls, empowering them and educating them on menstrual hygiene so that they will be able to care for themselves during their menstrual period .

“Menstruation has brought about a lot of stigmatisation in the girl child and some of them even miss out on school activities.

“#BecauseICan is the individual donor from the United Kingdom who has indicated that we could give the girls pads, Nikki Udezue Foundation is now giving two cycles of pad to our young girls.

“So, this is to enlighten them, also teach them ways that they can make alternative pads, using cotton wool, clean towels, so that they will be able to manage themselves in an event they cannot afford pads,” she said.

She said the foundation targeted 138 girls but the number increased to 150, saying each one would be given three to four pads each for two cycles.

“We have an American trained Nurse that will lecture them on menstrual hygiene. For now we chose JSS 1 and JSS 2 students about 10-13 age bracket.

” Some of them have started menstruating and some who have not started menstruating will be sensitised in case they started so that they will not be scared on the first day.”

Mbah Deborah-Esohe, a U.S. trained Nurse who lectured the girls on menstrual hygiene, said often times girl children missed out on school activities during their menstrual cycles.

“We are here today to educate the girl child about the menstrual hygiene and its management.

” Often times it is what they know but we just want to sensitise them and give them alternative to the regular menstrual pad that is often used because most of these students stay out of school when they are menstruating, and we wouldn’t want that to continue.

“We want to educate them and give them an alternative to the regular pad that we also use, that is our mission for today,” she said.

The Principal, Government Junior Secondary School, Nyanya Gbagyi, Abdulkareem Silifat, expressed delight over the project in the school.

“They came to sensitise the children. When they told me the date, I informed the children and the parents, they were all happy,” she said.

She said it was also important to extend the training to the boy child because according to her, if the girl child is well groomed and the boy child is not, the society is still not free.

Some students also expressed joy and appreciation for the events.

” I am Ukam Ukamaka and I am 13 years old; I have learnt to take care of myself by not using dirty clothes but to use pad, just as they have given us, or I can use cotton wool.

” I have to wear my pad for only four hours and not 24hrs and I have to be neat, I say thank you to the foundation and the donor, ” she said.

Also Miss Celina Ahmodu, a student of the school said,” I thank the foundation and nurse Deborah who taught us how to use pad, how it cannot be used for a whole day, but at least four to five hours.”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

President Tinubu departs France to London on private visit

President Bola Tinubu has moved to London after concluding the two-day summit in France on Friday.

A statement by Mr Dele Alake, Special Adviser to the President on Special Duties, Communications & Strategy, said Tinubu would be in London on a private visit.

The president was in Paris for the New Global Financing Pact summit organised by President Emmanuel Macron, which ended on Friday.

Alake said that aside participating in the summit, Tinubu also held high-profile sideline meetings with fellow heads of state and government, global business leaders and chief executives of leading multilateral and development finance institutions.

He said that the summit afforded the president the opportunity of projecting his advocacy for widening the fiscal space, economic justice for Africa as the world accelerates the pace of energy transition, and the urgency of addressing the pressing issues of poverty and climate change.

“President Tinubu, who was initially scheduled to be back in Abuja on Saturday, will now proceed to London, United Kingdom, for a short private visit.

“The President will be back in the country in time for the upcoming Eid-el-Kabir festival,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria