Why Nigeria must succeed on its democratic journey

Since return to democratic government in 1999, Nigeria has continued to witness successfully transition of power from one administration to another. From former President Olusegun Obasanjo (1999-2007) to his successor, Umaru Musa Yar’adua (2007-2010), to Dr Goodluck Jonathan (20102015), Muhammadu Buhari (2015-2023) and now President Bola Tinubu on May 29.

Following the peaceful conduct of 2023 general elections and successful transition of power on May 29, political analysts believed Nigeria democracy is becoming sustainable.

Although, litigations challenging the outcome of the 2023 president election are ongoing at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal, lovers of democracy believed that Nigeria deserves some commendations for not allowing its democracy to be truncated, for whatever reason.

It is an indisputable fact that each time Nigeria goes to poll at every general election circle, global attention shits to the country.

This is not just because the election offers Nigerians the opportunity to elect their leaders, it also offers pivotal opportunity for the Africa most populous country and largest economy to solidify its place as a democratic leader in the continent.

According to former President Goodluck Jonathan, Nigeria needs a stable and reliable democracy for her leaders to meet the expectations of the people and adequately address present challenges facing the country.

“The world looks up to us to get our democracy right and become a force to be reckoned with in the leadership recruitment and governance process.

“We need peaceful elections to give democracy a boost on the continent, especially in our subregion where civil rule is threatened by a wave of unconstitutional change of government.”

In line with the global interest, no fewer than 33 international organisations, including the international observer the West African Elders Forum (WAEF) were accredited by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to observe the 2023 general election.

Like every other foreign election observation mission, WAEF deployed a pre-election mediation team to Nigeria to interface with major political actors and key stakeholders on the need for credible and peaceful election.

The mission, led by a former President of Sierra Leone, Ernest Bai Koroma, met with relevant stakeholders including INEC, leaders and candidates of political parties before the elections to ensure credible and peaceful election.

The mission delegates also stayed back after the poll and dialogued with stakeholders including major presidential candidates on challenges witnessed during the election to avoid post-election violence.

The WAEF in a statement jointly signed by its leader for the 2023 Election Mission to Nigeria, who is former President of Ghana, John Mahama; and the Convener of the Forum, ex-President Jonathan urged all stakeholders to exercise their constitutional responsibilities in a manner that would promote peace and protect the integrity of the Nigeria electoral process.

“We reiterate our earlier statement made after the Presidential and National Assembly elections that Nigeria is a major stakeholder in the sustainability of democracy in West Africa.

“The responsibility of maintaining the nation’s thriving democracy and the general peace of our subregion rests on all our shoulders, especially on the credibility of INEC and other election management bodies in West Africa, during elections.”

The forum also urged Nigerians to be law-abiding and desist from acts that could threaten the peace of the country and the West Africa sub-region.

The elections have come and gone with diverse views on the outcome and performance of INEC in the conduct of the polls. Some analysts argued that the elections were below expectations, others argued that it was fair.

Without prejudice to the awaited decision of the judiciary on the subject matter, elder statesmen and stakeholders have continue to mobilise Nigerians for peace, especially the youth and aggrieved candidates in the election, who are presently seeking redress at the tribunal.

They also beckoned on Nigerians to allow the judiciary to perform its constitutional role on the various litigations and the judiciary to be diligent and firm in handling the cases.

The former President Muhammadu Buhari in his farewell broadcast on May 27 urged Nigerians that irrespective of the outcome of the various cases, all parties involved should accept the decision of the courts and join hands to build a better Nigeria.

Buhari said that as a nation, Nigeria must improve and sustain gains made in the electoral process, on an incremental basis for the country to take its rightful place among Nations.

The immediate past president commended the doggedness and resilience of all the presidential candidates and their political parties for believing in Nigeria judicial system by taking their grievances to court.

“In the course of the campaigns, we had argued and disagreed on how to make Nigeria better but we never disagreed or had any doubts that Nigeria has to be better.

“I call on all of us to bring to bear the strength of our individualism, the power of our unity, the convictions of our beliefs to make Nigeria work better and together with one spirit and one purpose,’’ Buhari said.

The former Military Head of State, Gen.Yakubu Gowon (retired), also urged Nigerians, especially aggrieved candidates to allow the judiciary perform it constitutional responsibility as well accept the outcome from the courts.

Gowon speaking at the 15th edition of Punuka annual lecture 2023 in honour of Chukwunweike Idigbe, a late Supreme Court Justice, in Abuja, said the judiciary played a vital role in nation-building.

He said that as a former military leader, he had seen and know first-hand the importance of the judiciary in maintaining stability and order in the society.

“As such, we need to allow the apex court, their deliberations, come up with their decisions and as the public to be humble enough to accept their decision as final in order to maintain the sanctity of the judiciary as individuals and institutions.

“The litigation tribunals that are now ongoing, let us give the judiciary the opportunity to do their work and let us accept their decisions as it is,” Gowon said.

Also speaking during a condolence visit to Gov. Douye Diri over the loss of his father, Pa Abraham Diri in Sampou, Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area, Jonathan on March 17 urged Nigerians to maintain peace, irrespective of the challenges including those encountered in the collation and transmission of results during the election.

“Notwithstanding all these, we are pleased and encouraged by the mature attitudes of the candidates who contested the presidential elections.

“We are encouraged by the restraint they have exhibited and their commitment to seek justice through due process. This is in keeping with the spirit of the Peace Accord.

“We, therefore, appeal to the supporters of all parties and our citizens to please follow the good example of their leaders and remain law abiding till the process is brought to an end,’’ Jonathan said.

Jonathan, who has always been a vanguard of peace, appealed to Nigerians not to allow elections to be a source of violence and anarchy.

Similarly, Prof. Anthony Igyuve in the Department of Mass Communications, Nasarawa State University, Keffi, advised youths not to make themselves as available tools for violence on the outcome of the elections.

Igyuve in a keynote address at “The Peace For Free Lecture Series” in Abuja, with the theme “Sustainable Peace Beyond Elections” commended the candidates in the election for towing the path of peace by seeking redress in the court.

He also commended Nigerian youths for their uncommon courage, enthusiasm and active participation in the general election in spite of the challenges, which he described as the demonstration of the commitment to make Nigeria better.

Igyuve tasked young Nigerians to emulate former President Jonathan who sacrificed his ambition for the peace of the country when he lost the 2015 presidential election to Buhari.

He urged youths to maintain peace in the country, saying their dream of a better Nigeria would not be possible if there was no peace.

“Let no one make himself easily available for politicians to manipulate by causing unnecessary unrest because those who are manipulating you don’t have good intentions for you.

“They are not doing it because they love you. They are doing it because they want to benefit from you,” he said.

To the founder of Peace for Free Advocacy Initiative, Chris Kalu, said that peace, unity, tolerance and dialogue remained the critical ingredients for a healthy democracy without which no progress could be realised in a country.

Kalu said no doubt 2023 general election, unlike previous elections, so far have generated a lot of public attention and increasing youth’s participation in the collective struggle for good governance, hence the need to properly mobilise Nigerians for peace.

“Election is an important part of democracy, which in itself is a process involving human and technological elements not absolutely immune from errors.

“Like all processes, democracy needs to be allowed to grow, to develop to maturity for most of the population to enjoy the promises and gains thereof,” Kalu said.

To the Executive Secretary, National Human Rights Commission, Chief Tony Ojukwu, said there was need for all to be committed to peace, even after the general election.

He said the quest for peace transcends the boundaries of elections: ”it is a journey that must be undertaken each day, in every aspect of human lives.’’

Ojukwu called on all Nigerians to embrace the virtues of democracy – equality, justice, and freedom, as well as allow them to guide their thoughts, decisions, and interactions.

“Individually and collectively, we have a role to play to nurture the peaceful coexistence of Nigeria otherwise we will be adversely affected one way or another.

“The ethnic and religious tensions in some parts of Northern and Southern Nigeria respectively are clear testimonies that peace pays, while war, violence and conflicts bring destruction in terms of human and material resources.

“We can create a world where sustainable peace becomes the cornerstone of our collective existence, transcending elections and permeating all aspects of our lives,’’ he said.

Experts opined that though Nigeria still has a lot to do to make its elections more credible and more transparent, the peace Nigeria enjoyed after the 2023 general election is evidence that democracy is taking its roots in the country.

This they say is something worthy of emulation by other Africa countries to sustain democracy and it gains in the continent.

While Nigerians await the decision of the judiciary, they must not fail the expectations of the world, especially West African countries including those presently under military rule, looking to her to set the pace for a sustained democracy in the Africa continent.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Premier Underlines for Closing Climate Finance Gap, Make Progress on Fund Arrangements

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stressed the need for closing the climate finance gap for the Global South and make tangible progress on the Loss and Damage fund arrangements per COP27 outcomes.

The prime minister tweeted early this morning that Ethiopia is at the frontline of the climate crisis.

Extreme weather and droughts cause severe food and water insecurity which directly threatens our citizens and our national development, Abiy noted.

“To address these challenges, we need to close the climate finance gap for the Global South and make tangible progress on the Loss and Damage fund and funding arrangements per COP-27 outcomes. ” he stressed.

He added Ethiopia has full faith in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) as the ideal convener of COP-28 to build consensus between parties and mobilize every country, region and segment of society to deliver real-world climate solutions and meaningful outcomes.

Dr. Sultan Al Jaber, Chairman of Masdar, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company with his experience at the intersection of climate diplomacy, government and business, understands the need for the reform of the international finance infrastructure and the opportunity for sustainable low-carbon economic development that supports people and the planet, according to Abiy.

“We are grateful for his work as the Chairman of Masdar to champion the case for renewables in Ethiopia towards expanding our country’s clean energy capacity.”

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Government forces kill five men in Ekona

At least five men were summarily executed on Saturday June 24, 2023, by government forces in Ekona, Muyuka subdivision, South West region, CNA confirmed from videos and witnesses.

Houses were also set on fire.

“The guys were in a friend’s house, discussing and entertaining themselves. The military surrounded the house and shot them at close range. After k!lling them, some were b*tchered with axe,” a witness who visited the scene said.

CNA was able to review videos and pictures from the scene, confirming the authenticity.

“My neighbors son was among the victims,” another source added.

Videos show a man axed in his jaw while others had bullets ripped into their bodies.

No one has explained what provoked the killing. Surrounding residents have been helping to gather their corpses.

Earlier on June 21, a news blog handled by a separatist group announced that government forces were going to attack Ekona.

State sponsored Activists on their part shared pictures of the incident, insinuating that those killed were separatists who gathered to celebrate the birthday of a fighter popularly called Sagat.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

DPM andMF Demeke Says Understand Global Dynamics Vital to Protect National Interest

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen emphasized the need to protect national interest and strengthen diplomatic activities based on understanding the current global and regional dynamics.

A consultative forum on Ethiopia’s diplomacy is underway, which aimed at examining evolving regional dynamics of the Horn of Africa and their implications for Ethiopia's foreign relations.

The forum also serves as a venue to share experts' opinions on contemporary challenges of the world and Ethiopia's position.

High-level government officials, ambassadors, veteran diplomats, researchers, and academicians are attending the meeting.

At the opening of the meeting, Demeke said this consultative forum is crucial for devising a diplomatic plan for the next Ethiopian year and carrying out subsequent activities.

The forum is also more important than ever before in protecting the national interests of the country, forging partnerships, increasing friendships as well as gaining influence on international stage by understanding the current global and regional situations, he added.

The deputy prime minister and foreign minister stressed that strong efforts should be intensified in diplomatic activities more than ever to maintain Ethiopia's national interest by understanding the current regional and global situations.

Noting Ethiopia’s diplomatic path faced many challenges over the past three years, however, he said the challenges and pressures were averted due to the coordinated efforts and hard work of the diplomats and Ethiopian diaspora as well as the people.

As we are witnessing unpredictable and changing global order, Demeke emphasized the importance of wisdom and thoughtfulness in approaching the situations.

Noting diplomatic work requires commitment to stand up for the national interest, he said it is necessary to properly understand the current situation and elevate the country.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Cameroonians trapped in St Kitts demand release

Some 14 survivors of a boat accident in St Kitts, near Texas, USA, have demanded to be released. The Cameroonians who said they were fleeing from armed conflict in the Anglophone regions, have been held in detention centers since the incident in March.

On March 28, 2923, about 30 passengers were onboard a fishing boat that sank in the Caribbean off the coast of St Kitts. At least 3 people died and 13 went missing after the boat capsized.

Of the 14 survivors, all Cameroonians, 3 are women, 4 are teachers, with the majority coming from Lebialem division in the South West region.

The victims say they have been held for too long in detention centers. They want to:

Freedom to get our United Nations ID cards.

Freedom to speak with US Embassy and US Congress.

Freedom to get home to our community in Texas.

The founder of the Cameroon American Council, Sylvie Ngassa Qwasinwi Bello, told CNA that “I am a sailor myself. So their survival stories are so improbable.” She confirmed that she has been advocating for their plights to be heard by the US.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Ministry of Women, UNICEF Working on Child Protection from Online Abuses

The Ministry of Women and Social Affairs said it is working with UNICEF to protect children from online abuse.

A study indicated that one in four young people in Ethiopia between the age of 12 and 17 are internet users and 98 percent of them are accessing it via smart phones.

Ministry of Women and Social Affairs State Minister Alemitu Umut told ENA that the ministry is working in partnership with UNICEF to protect children from online abuses nationwide.

“We have plan working with the UNICEF on child abuses. So we are working with the regional states to organize and build the network systems in the regional states and at the Ministry of Women and Social Affairs,” Alemitu said, adding that we work on awareness creation to enable children on how to use the internet system.

She affirmed that creating awareness for every child on the use of the internet will protect them from exposing them to online abuses and exploitation.

“If everyone is aware of on how to use the internet, I think every child will be protected from the cyber and child abuses and online exploitations.”

A study indicated that one in four young people in Ethiopia between the age of 12 and 17 are internet users and 98 percent of them are accessing it via smart phones.

The ministry has recently established a technical working group drawn from concerned governmental and non-governmental organizations to coordinate interventions on child online safety nationwide, it was learnt.

UNICEF Ethiopia is working in partnership with the ministry of Education, Ministry of Women Social Affairs and Ministry of justice to strengthen child protection systems in the country.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy Extends Appreciation to President Macron for New Productive Session of Global Financing Pact

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed extended his appreciation to President Emmanuel Macron of France for the warm reception to him in Paris, France.

The prime minister also thanked President Emmanuel Macron for productive sessions during the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact and the willingness to support African countries.

"I extend my appreciation to President Emmanuel Macron for the warm reception in Paris; for productive sessions during the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact and the willingness to support African countries," he wrote on his FaceBook page.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, along with his delegation participated in the summit for the New Global Financing Pact in Paris, France.

By the initiative of President Emmanuel Macron, France hosted more than 300 high-level participants, heads of state and government, international organizations and representatives of civil society and the private sector, from 22 to 23 June 2023.

Prime Minister Abiy also participated in the roundtable discussion entitled “Evolving the model of multilateral development banks to address the 21st century challenges” at the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris, France.

At the roundtable discussion, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stressed the need for having a robust and predictable financial safety net to address the interconnected crises of low income countries.

Sharing his perspectives of the recent development challenges of the world, Abiy emphasized the need to implement past pledges with resolve, for instance, climate change pledges, boost concessional financing facilities and create a robust mechanism to finance the transition to a green future and end the debt crisis.

The PM noted that the developing world, particularly African countries, have been going through interconnected crises such as financial, climate, debt and also cost of living crises.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy Held Fruitful Discussions with Leaders of Countries, Int’l Institutions in Paris: Gov’t Communication Service

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had fruitful discussions on bilateral and continental issues with leaders of countries and international institutions in the margins of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in Paris, according to the Government Communication Service.

Government Communication Service State Minister Selamawit Kasa briefed the media about current issues today.

During the briefing, the state minister said Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed held successful discussions with leaders of countries and international institutions alongside the summit.

The prime minister also addressed the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact.

Speaking at the summit, Abiy requested the international financial institutions to make operating reforms to fulfill the financial needs of African countries, the state minister added.

The prime minister stressed the need to provide development capital to developing countries from the global arena and mentioned that development financing is necessary for developing countries and that requires attention.

At a time when the world is facing the complex challenges of climate change, request for appropriate assistance for countries like Ethiopia that are undertaking concrete solutions to tackle it should be supported, the prime minster told the summit, according to Selamawit.

Ethiopia has planted 25 billion saplings in the past four years and has started working to increase this to 50 billion in the second phase, pointed out that.

Pointing out that the World Food Program and USAID have temporarily suspended humanitarian aid to Ethiopia, she affirmed that the government is ready to improve operational gaps and ensure accountability.

A joint technical committee led by the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission and consisting of representatives of institutions directly related to the issue and experts from USAID has started investigation.

Selamawit pointed out that the PM said his government will continue to strengthen the rule of law and maintain accountability and noted that this is one of the focuses of the technical committee.

The committee focuses on emergency relief, Safety Net Program, the provision and distribution of humanitarian aid to refugees, and will announce its progress soon.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency