NIFST urges FG to strengthen food standards, safety for global acceptability

The Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST) has urged the Federal Government to strengthen food standards and safety systems to reposition Nigerian foods for global acceptability.

Prof. Abu Oneh, National President of NIFST, made the remark on Thursday during the ninth Regional Food Science and Technology Summit/ NIFST Day Celebration in Lagos.

The theme of the event was: “Repositioning Nigerian Foods for Global Market Accessibility”.

Oneh, who was represented by Dr Bola Osinowo, First Vice-President of NIFST, said that the key challenges facing Nigerian foods in the global market were from issues of food safety.

Oneh said the challenges faced by the food sector included lack of awareness of the socio-economic importance of food safety, inability to enforce compliance with local, regional, international standards and global best practices.

He noted that other issues were inadequate infrastructure and resources to support scientific risk analysis and upgrading of food safety regulatory system.

“We are also faced with inefficient food supply chain, standard method of produce inspection, grading food safety and poor traceability system customised to Nigerian conditions for both large and small scale growers.

“There is an urgent need to strengthen the existing food standard and safety systems at the federal, state and local level to achieve a safe and reliable food supply chain within Nigeria and beyond,” Oneh said.

He said that policies from the national to the global level needed to support the transition toward sustainable food and farming systems in a coherent and targeted manner.

Oneh said that ensuring stakeholder coordination as well as creating a standard system for food safety inspection, origin tracking and nutrition labelling was necessary.

“Nigeria spends huge amount of scarce foreign currency on importation of various food products compared to what it earns from export.

“We need to promote locally processed foods globally, because this will not only boost the economy of the country but also increase the availability of healthy locally sourced foods in a sustainable manner,” Oneh said.

He noted that NIFST as a body would continue to contribute to the provision of skilled manpower which was essential for promotion of the production of pre-packaged, safe and globally competitive finished foods in Nigeria for exports.

Oneh said NIFST would achieve this by constituting working groups to address respective technical gaps in packaging, warehousing and preservation methods for agricultural produce along the value chain.

Also, Mr Olugbenga Aina, Chairman of NIFST Lagos Chapter, said that the need to encourage local industries and farmers on the key indicator of food accessibility which included crop production, market access and diet diversity could not be overemphasized.

He noted that the demand for Nigerian food globally was on the increase, adding that the food had to meet standard dietary needs for active and healthy life.

In her remarks, Mrs Kikelomo Amoreoluwa, Vice Chairman of NIFST Lagos Chapter, said the event was organised to discuss the bottlenecks hindering the exports of Nigerian foods globally.

She said it was also aimed at encouraging food science and technology graduates to work in the sector, to gain certain experiences for them to be better food processors and grasp good agricultural practices.

Speaking on food safety and security, Mrs Veronica Alaba, Chairman, Local Organising Committee, NIFST, said it was necessary to follow standard procedures before exporting foods out of the country to avoid rejection.

She said that farmers had a big role to play in ensuring food safety because they were the ones saddled with food production.

Alaba said it was essential for them to follow good agricultural practices by ensuring that they use the right fertilisers for planting crops.

She also urged farmers to desist from using harmful chemicals to ripen fruits, noting that such could cause severe health issues for consumers.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

World Environment Day: How Nigeria can combat plastic waste pollution – AfDB

The African Development Bank (AfDB), says addressing plastic pollution requires effective multi-stakeholder partnerships among the government, private sector, youth groups and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs).

The Director-General, Nigeria Country Department of AfDB, Lamin Barrow, in a statement, was quoted to have spoken at a Webinar to commemorate the World Environment Day.

Barrow said that collaborative efforts would help to mitigate the challenges posed by plastic pollution and create a sustainable future for the continent.

”Nigeria and other African countries must explore new strategies to control, if not entirely eliminate, single use plastic.

”Among the crucial steps in combating plastic pollution is raising public awareness and educating citizens on environmental and health impacts of plastic waste pollution.

”Through comprehensive campaigns, leveraging various communications platforms, workshops and educational programmes, individuals can be sensitised to adopt environmentally friendly and sustainable practices to reduce, reuse and recycle plastic waste.

Barrow said by highlighting the negative consequences of plastic pollution and providing viable alternatives, awareness campaigns could inspire behavioural changes and promote responsible plastic consumption.

He said it was also important to mention some of the opportunities that plastics offered through repurposing and reuse.

According to him, the theme for this year’s World Environment Day is well-aligned with the AfDB’s priorities.

”Specifically, the 2023 edition of the African Economic Outlook inaugurated recently at the Bank Group’s Annual Meetings in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, underscores the need for increased private sector participation.

”In financing environmental and climate actions in Africa, with specific focus on the role of natural capital and application of circular economy approaches for the efficient utilisation of our environmental assets.

”Finding lasting solutions to plastics waste pollution in Nigeria requires a combination of hard and soft interventions along the plastics value chain.

”To this end, we commend the Federal Government for supporting the Nigeria Plastics Action Plan (NPAP),” the said.

According to the director-general, the plan provides a framework for stakeholder collaboration to tackle the problem of plastic waste pollution in the country, and promote circular economy practices.

Barrow restated the need for Nigeria to invest in infrastructure for waste collection, sorting and recycling.

”By establishing recycling facilities and encouraging waste segregation at source, the country can significantly reduce plastic wastes that end up choking landfills and the natural habitats.

”Strengthening partnerships with private sector actors, youth groups, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and local communities will help accelerate actions to implement sustainable waste management practices and create job opportunities in waste recycling.

”Another viable solution is the use of biodegradable alternatives to conventional plastic.

”Fiscal incentives and regulations can be deployed to stimulate adoption of biodegradable packaging by businesses, reducing demand for traditional plastics, thereby lessening plastic pollution.”

Barrow further said that implementing strict regulations and bans on single-use plastics was an effective measure to combat plastic pollution.

He urged government to take a queue from countries like Rwanda, which had successfully implemented such policies and regulations.

He said that Cote D’Ivoire, since 2014 had banned the production and use of plastic bags in the country.

”Nigeria can encourage industries to adopt sustainable practices and develop innovative solutions to reduce plastic waste throughout the supply chains.

”Promoting corporate social responsibility, supporting research and development of eco-friendly packaging, and establishing partnerships with organisations focused on sustainable development can further facilitate a more integrated approach to tackling plastic pollution,” he said.

The director-general reiterated some programmes the bank and its key partners had rolled out to address plastic pollution in Africa through the circular economy approach.

He named some of the programmes to include; host of the Secretariat of the Africa Circular Economy Alliance to spur Africa’s transition to a Circular Economy.

”The Bank also has established the Africa Circular Economy Facility as a multi-donor trust fund to provide grants to support the mainstreaming of the circular economy approaches.

”As an inclusive green growth strategy, this facility/Trust Fund will help African countries meet the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

”Nigeria can tap into this facility to support some of its work on the circular economy, including managing plastic pollution.

”More specifically for Nigeria, the AfDB and partners established the Nigeria Circular Economy Working Group in 2019.

”To provide a platform for key stakeholders including State Governments, Development Partners, the private sector and NGOs to share ideas, experience and coordinate actions to support the development of circular economy policies and bankable projects in Nigeria, among other projects.”

Barrow said with concerted efforts, sustainable solutions could be found to tackle the problem of plastic pollution, which poses a major threat to the environment, ecosystems and public health.

He said by raising public awareness, strengthening waste management systems, promoting biodegradable alternatives, implementing regulations, and fostering greater collaborative partnerships with industry and other Non-State actors, Nigeria could effectively address plastic pollution.

He, therefore, urged government, businesses, youth groups and communities to develop innovative partnerships to create a cleaner and healthier future.

The director-general urged the preservation of Nigeria’s natural beauty for the present and future generations, saying “We must say NO to single use plastics.”

Barrow assured the Bank’s strong commitment to supporting the endeavours to turn the challenges posed by plastic and other wastes into opportunities toward building a greener and circular economy.

Plastic pollution poses a significant environmental challenge worldwide.

It is estimated that seven billion tons of plastics are produced each year globally and about 21 million tons finds their way to the rivers, the seas, and the oceans where they can remain for a thousand years.

Only about 10 per cent of the plastics are recycled globally. The rest are dumped arbitrarily in open spaces, creating public health problems, damaging our ecosystem and defacing the aesthetics of our cities.

The story of Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation, is not different.

Indeed, plastic pollution ranks among the topmost environmental challenges in the country, evidenced by the huge tons of plastic waste generated on a daily basis, particularly in our teeming cities and urban areas.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Economist unveils data book to enhance Nigeria’s socioeconomic devt.

Chief Economist, Analysts’ Data Services and Resources (ADSR), Dr Afolabi Olowookere, has unveiled a baseline data book (Nigeria in Figures) to aid Nigeria’s planning process and drive socioeconomic growth and development.

Olowookere, during the book launch on Thursday in Lagos, said ‘Nigeria in Figures’ was presented as a reference data book to guide the measurement and assessment of Nigeria’s socioeconomic performance over time.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the theme of the event was, “Nigeria’s Socio-Economic Performance since 1999: Lessons for New Policymakers.”

According to the economist, the book provides evidence-based inputs into the discussions, analysis and planning by policymakers, researchers, businesses and other key stakeholders in the country.

He stated that the data book specifically showed the country’s relative performance against selected comparator countries providing detailed sources and description of relevant data.

Olowookere described the data book as a must have for the new government, particularly as the availability of these baseline data would afford Nigeria the opportunity to benchmark itself among top global countries.

“The Nigerian economy is changing and we have a new government that would need the data that scores performance of democracy from 1999 till date to aid its policy planning processes.

“This book presents in a comprehensive manner data at national, regional and state levels and describes the development, challenges and policies of different sectors.

“More often than not, Nigerians complain about the unavailability of data but we have lots of data in different sources such as libraries, bookshelves of many professors among other places,” said Olowookere.

He said he had put together all the data from different places, across different sectors in a single and simple source called Nigeria in Figures (A socioeconomic data book) even though his goal was to have the largest database in Africa.

“The data was collated across different key sectors of the economy and has compared the data from 1999 till date to provide background information aimed at driving socioeconomic growth and development.

“Alongside the data presentation, economic policies, trends, and development across different sectors of the economy are collated into a single source for easy access to provide insights for policymakers,” he said.

In her remarks, Mrs Toyin Sanni, Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO), the Emerging Africa Group, stated that access to such data would help align policies and initiatives that would aid private sector development.

According to Sanni, the private sector, though very dynamic and entrepreneurial, has been crippled by unfavourable policies and environment, which does not give room from planning.

She stressed that henceforth, the private sector should be brought in during policy creation, infrastructural development discussion, among others, for improved economic growth and development.

“Policy environment needs to change, infrastructure needs to be tackled and we need to know the initiatives that would ameliorate the impact of subsidy removal on Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

“I am looking forward to some of these savings directed to stimulate MSME growth, healthcare, education, and security not just doling out cash to anybody,” she said.

Dr Chukwuka Onyekwena, Executive Director, Centre for the Study of the Economies of Africa(CSEA), emphasised the need to mobilise resources towards education, agriculture and health sectors to promote socioeconomic stability.

He said for Nigeria to fulfil its socioeconomic objectives by 2050, the human capital must be developed by investing in sectors that directly impacted their development.

“This can be achieved by freeing up resources spent on things that are not urgent and channel same to those that impact the citizens directly.

“I suggest there should be expansion of vocational training and Nigeria must develop rural areas via rural infrastructure and ensure agricultural intervention programmes to drive economic growth and development,” he said.

Dr Suleyman Ndanusa, CEO, Global Mandate Consulting, said the data book was a massive and excellent undertaking by the author who has succeeded in creating a data encyclopedia on Nigeria.

He, however, emphasised the need for government to embrace measures that would help earn the trust and build the confidence of Nigerians in its abilities.

He noted that citizens needed to have confidence in the government to do what was fair and right and that trust was essential in a free and democratic environment.

“People are not willing to trust government, and when citizens lack trust, they are less likely to comply with laws and regulations.

“The challenges a country would face when they are building trust include people saying things that foster disunity along religious and tribal sentiments causing insecurity.

“Government needs to fulfil socioeconomic promises to build the trust of the citizens and the top priority area for the new government is good governance and discipline to perform its social contract,” he said.

Prof Olu Ajakaiye, Executive Chairman, African Centre for Shared Development Capacity Building, said Nigeria in Figures offered comprehensive coverage of the key social and economic development indicators.

He stated that it would be particularly useful for policymakers at all levels of government.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Ethiopia Stands Firm in the Global Effort to Eliminate Terrorism: DPM & FM Demeke

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Demeke Mekonnen reaffirmed to the ministerial meeting of the International Coalition to Defeat ISIS/Daesh in Jeddha, Saudi Arabia, today that Ethiopia stands firm in the global effort to eliminate terrorism.

The deputy premier stressed that the international community should deny ISIS, Al-Shabab, and other terrorist groups the opportunity to recruit fighters and mobilize funds.

Demeke added that Al-Shabaab remains a threat to the Horn of Africa and the rest of the world, continuing to claim lives and disrupt livelihoods.

Ethiopia is fighting terrorism at home and abroad, and "it is critical that we join forces to stop such groups from resurging, expanding, and networking in Africa and other places,"

According to him, "we must all share the pain these groups inflict in other countries, not just ours.’’

The ministerial meeting kicked off this morning with short interventions from representatives of the coalition expressing their respective countries commitment to fighting terrorist groups, particularly, ISIS, it was learned.

The International Coalition to Defeat ISIS/Daesh, which has 85 members, seeks to combat Daesh from all angles, from destroying its networks, stymieing the organisation's propaganda and movement of foreign terrorist combatants across borders, and seriously harming its infrastructure on the economic fronts.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia, Russia Have Similar or Very Close Positions, Good Tradition of Mutual Cooperation: Ambassador Terekhin

The positions of Ethiopia and Russia on different problems are either similar or very close to each other, and we have a good tradition of mutual cooperation and support at the global arena, Ambassador Terekhin said.

Russian Ambassador to Ethiopia, Evgeny Terekhin told ENA that the position of the countries “on different problems of the contemporary world are either similar or very close to each other. (And) we have a good tradition of mutual cooperation and mutual support on different issues in this global organization.”

He recalled the support Russia extended to Ethiopia in the Security Council of the United Nations and the balanced and restrained position of Ethiopia when different anti-Russian draft proposals were put forward on the arena of the United Nations.

“I am sure that we will proceed in the same manner in the future, and even strengthen our cooperation in this regard,” he added.

Speaking on regional issues, the ambassador noted that the situation around the Horn of Africa “is really very complicated and very disturbing to us.”

Ambassador Terekhin added that unfortunately the region is far from being called pacified. As soon as one problem is solved, another problem emerges.

“We (therefore) highly esteem Ethiopia’s role in the Horn of Africa region since Ethiopia is a certain kind of nucleus state of the region.”

According to him, if trouble emerges in Ethiopia it impacts the whole region and vice versa. If Ethiopia reaches some successes and good results, it is working for the whole region or the Horn of Africa.

Hence “we wish our Ethiopian friends new results and successes in different fields, especially in peace building and economy as well as the humanitarian sphere.”

The ambassador stated that Russia opposes any attempts of interference into the internal affairs of Ethiopia or any other African country. “We strongly support the African Union principle: African solutions for African problems.”

Further commenting on the wonderful relations between the two countries, Ambassador Terekhin stressed that the relations between the governments and the peoples are based on cordial friendship, mutual trust, coexistence, and mutual help in times of troubles and difficulties.

He also noted that the two countries have a lot of opportunities to cooperate in many spheres, including economic cooperation and investment, among others.

Ambassador Terekhin finally said “I am sure that we will overcome any problems, any hardships and build very strong economic cooperation for the benefit of our two countries and the peoples of our countries.”

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Thwarted Attempted Attack by Al-Shabaab Terror Group

Ethiopia successfully foiled an attempted attack by the terrorist group Al Shabaab at the Ethiopia-Somalia border town of Dollo.

He Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) stopped the attackers in their tracks before they could wreak havoc, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The ENDF neutralized suicide bombers and destroyed weapons to be used by the terrorist group.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

DPM & MF Demeke Participating in Ministerial Meeting of International Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Demeke Mekonnen is taking part in the ministerial meeting of the International Coalition to Defeat Daesh/ISIS in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

In a one-day meeting, member countries are expected to reiterate their commitment to tackling the terrorist group on all fronts.

Demeke will also have bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the meeting.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Foreign Affairs State Minister Hold Talks with Newly Appointed Chilean Ambassador

Foreign Affairs State Minister Mesganu Arga received the newly appointed ambassador of Chile, Rodrigo Guzmán Barros, at his office today.

On the occasion, the two sides discussed about ways of further deepening the longstanding diplomatic relationship, especially in areas of agriculture, tourism, and cultural diplomacy.

According to Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the officials also reiterated the commitment of their respective governments to cooperate on multilateral issues.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency