Africa MENA Press Releases South Africa

Huawei Intelligent Cloud-Network, Unleashing Industry Digital Productivity

BANGKOK, Sept. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On the second day of HUAWEI CONNECT 2022, Zhao Zhipeng, Vice President of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, delivered a keynote speech entitled “Intelligent Cloud Network, Unleashing Industry Digital Productivity” and elaborated on how Huawei’s Intelligent Cloud-Network Solution further improves industry customer experience in three dimensions — easy, agile, and simplified — by continuously building its capabilities in CloudFabric, CloudWAN, and CloudCampus scenarios. At the conference, Huawei also unveiled the industry’s first Wi-Fi 7 AP AirEngine 8771-X1T, 400G-ready next-generation campus core switch CloudEngine S16700, and ultra-compact universal-service aggregation router NetEngine 8000 M4. These products help lay a solid data foundation to further unleash digital productivity.

Zhao Zhipeng, Vice President of Huawei's Data Communication Product Line, delivered a keynote speech entitled "Intelligent Cloud-Network, Unleashing Industry Digital Productivity"

Zhao Zhipeng highlighted that core services across various industries are gradually undergoing digital transformation, which poses higher requirements on networks. For example, as the financial sector moves toward Bank 4.0, stable-state and agile-state services coexist, driving financial service systems to be moved to multiple or hybrid clouds. In the public service sector, digital transformation involves data streamlining across functional departments and requires services to be transported in a unified manner. In the manufacturing and energy sectors, hundreds of types of sensors need to connect to the network, increasing network complexity multi-fold.

To address the preceding challenges, Huawei’s Intelligent Cloud-Network Solution further enhances the experience for industry customers in three dimensions — easy, agile, and simplified — by continuously building its capabilities in CloudFabric, CloudWAN, and CloudCampus scenarios.

  • CloudFabric 3.0 + Easy: This DCN solution provides easy deployment, O&M, and evolution capabilities to deliver an ultimate service experience, helping enterprises improve online service efficiency.
  • CloudWAN 3.0 + Agile: This cloud WAN solution provides agile connection, optimal experience, and agile O&M to unleash an ultimate cloud experience, enabling ISPs to further improve private line quality and the transportation sector to improve scheduling efficiency.
  • CloudCampus 3.0 + Simplified: This cloud campus network solution provides simplified access, architecture, and O&M capabilities to simplify enterprise networks, significantly improving service efficiency in the healthcare, education, and electric power sectors.

Piyapong Worakee, CIO of the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT), delivered a speech entitled “Digital Transformation Journey and Future of EGAT Smart Campus Network.” In this speech, he shared how Huawei’s Intelligent Network Solution helped EGAT build an efficient, innovative, green, and secure campus network. This in turn provides both stable and reliable energy supply for the region, and ensures a happy life in Thailand on EGAT’s digital transformation journey.

Huawei’s Intelligent Cloud-Network Solution serves customers in sectors such as education, government, transportation, finance, and energy in more than 150 countries and regions. In the future, Huawei will work with its customers and partners to dive deeper into various industry scenarios to unleash digital productivity. Specifically, Huawei will continue to explore next-generation technologies for various industries and innovate in six directions: green ultra-broadband (GUB), multi-domain network AI (MNA), ubiquitous network security (UNS), IPv6 Enhanced, high resilience & low-latency networking (HRL), and massive heterogeneous IoT (MHI).

For more information about Huawei’s Intelligent Cloud-Network Solution, visit

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Africa Press Releases South Africa

Jacqueline Shi : Huawei Cloud met l’accent sur son objectif « par les locaux, pour les locaux » pour stimuler la transformation numérique 

BANGKOK, 21 septembre 2022 /PRNewswire/ — L’événement HUAWEI CONNECT 2022 a débuté le 19 septembre à Bangkok, en Thaïlande. Jacqueline Shi, présidente du service mondial de marketing et de vente de Huawei Cloud, a souligné l’engagement de la société envers son objectif « By Local, For Local » (« par les locaux, pour les locaux ») visant à favoriser un écosystème solide pour la numérisation. Huawei Cloud estime que la transformation numérique ne peut se développer que lorsque l’écosystème local se développe, et ce de manière saine et durable.

Jacqueline Shi, President of Huawei Cloud's Global Marketing and Sales Service

Huawei Cloud fournit des technologies numériques de pointe aux utilisateurs du monde entier, ce qui permet aux entreprises et aux développeurs de mieux parvenir au développement numérique. Afin de fournir de meilleurs services locaux, la société continue de bâtir un réseau mondial unique pour proposer des services cloud de haute qualité et une expérience uniforme. Implanté en Asie-Pacifique depuis 2018, Huawei Cloud gère des filiales locales à Singapour et en Malaisie, et est le premier fournisseur de cloud public à opérer en Thaïlande. Huawei Cloud bâtit des centres de données 3AZ à Bangkok, Chonburi et Samut Prakan, et fournit des services de site Web et de conseil en thaïlandais.

Huawei Cloud et ses partenaires bâtissent également un écosystème industriel numérique par tous et pour tous. Huawei Cloud travaille sans relâche à la construction d’un écosystème mondial de startups. De multiples méthodes d’habilitation, telles que l’optimisation des coûts, l’assistance technique, la formation à l’entrepreneuriat et les ressources commerciales, permettront à au moins 10 000 startups à fort potentiel de se développer dans le monde entier au cours des trois prochaines années, aidant ainsi les startups à adopter le cloud avec souplesse et à se focaliser sur l’innovation.

Dans la seule région Asie-Pacifique, plus de 120 entreprises ont rejoint le programme de Huawei Cloud dédié aux startups. Huawei Cloud a par exemple aidé ReverseAds à développer ses activités en Thaïlande, à Singapour et en Amérique du Sud. Grâce à ce programme, ReverseAds a reçu un financement de plus de 20 millions de dollars. « Nous allons continuer à promouvoir le programme pour les startups dans le monde entier. Nous espérons que de plus en plus d’entreprises comme ReverseAds pourront innover et parvenir à un résultat bénéfique pour tous », a déclaré Mme Shi.

Au cours de l’événement HUAWEI CONNECT 2022, Huawei Cloud a également présenté son projet d’écosystème « Go Cloud, Go Global » (« accédez au cloud, accédez au monde ») pour partager la conformité locale et les ressources humaines de Huawei dans plus de 170 pays et régions. Ce projet partage également les connaissances de Huawei Cloud sur les secteurs d’activité et les domaines les plus populaires, ainsi que les produits et solutions correspondants pour permettre à un plus grand nombre d’entreprises de se mondialiser.

Mme Shi a présenté 15 services innovants au cours de la conférence, dont CCE Turbo (Cloud Container Engine), UCS (Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service), Pangu wave model, DataArts LakeFormation, Virtual Live, CodeCheck et CloudTest, KooMessage, KooSearch et KooGallery. C’est la première fois que ces services font l’objet d’une annonce de mise en œuvre à l’échelle internationale.

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Food crisis tightens its grip on 19 ‘Hunger Hotspots’ as famine looms in the Horn of Africa – New Report

ROME – The number of people facing acute food insecurity worldwide is expected to continue to rise precipitously, as the food crisis tightens its grip on 19 ‘hunger hotspots’ – driven by rising conflict, weather extremes, and economic instability aggravated by the pandemic and the ripple effects of the crisis in Ukraine, a joint UN report released today has found.

The ‘Hunger Hotspots – FAO-WFP early warnings on acute food insecurity’ report – issued by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the UN World Food Programme (WFP) calls for urgent humanitarian action to save lives and livelihoods and prevent famine in hotspot countries where acute food insecurity is expected to worsen from October 2022 to January 2023. The report lays out country-specific recommendations on priorities for anticipatory action – short-term protective measures to be put in place before new humanitarian needs materialize; and emergency response – actions to address existing humanitarian needs.

“The severe drought in the Horn of Africa has pushed people to the brink of starvation, destroying crops and killing livestock on which their survival depends. Acute food insecurity is rising fast and spreading across the world. People in the poorest countries in particular who have yet to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic are suffering from the ripple effects of ongoing conflicts, in terms of prices, food and fertilizer supplies, as well as the climate emergency. Without a massively scaled up humanitarian response that has at its core time-sensitive and life-saving agricultural assistance, the situation will likely worsen in many countries in the coming months,” said FAO Director-General QU Dongyu.

“This is the third time in 10 years that Somalia has been threatened with a devastating famine. The famine in 2011 was caused by two consecutive failed rainy seasons as well as conflict. Today we’re staring at a perfect storm: a likely fifth consecutive failed rainy season that will see drought lasting well into 2023. But the people at the sharp end of today’s crisis are also facing soaring food prices and severely limited opportunities to earn a living following the pandemic. We urgently need to get help to those in grave danger of starvation in Somalia and the world’s other hunger hotspots,” said David Beasley, WFP’s Executive Director.

The report spotlights the hunger crisis in the Horn of Africa, where the longest drought in over 40 years is forecast to continue – with the fifth failed rainy season in a row on the horizon – adding to the cumulative, devastating effects that successive rainfall deficits, economic crises and conflict have had on vulnerable households since 2020. Water scarcity has led to below average harvests, livestock deaths, and forced hundreds of thousands of people off their land in search of sustenance, while increasing the risk of intercommunal and resource-based conflict.

Up to 26 million people are expected to face Crisis or worse (IPC Phase 3 and above) levels of food insecurity in Somalia, southern and eastern Ethiopia, and northern and eastern Kenya. With humanitarian assistance at risk of being cut due to funding shortfalls, the spectre of large-scale deaths from hunger looms large in Somalia, with famine likely to take hold in the districts of Baidoa and Burhakaba in Bay region come October. Without an adequate humanitarian response, analysts expect that by December, as many as four children or two adults per 10 000 people will die every day. Hundreds of thousands are already facing starvation today with staggering levels of malnutrition expected among children under 5.

Globally, an all-time high of 970 000 people are expected to face catastrophic hunger (IPC Phase 5) and are starving or projected to starve or at risk of deterioration to catastrophic conditions in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen, if no action is taken – ten times more than six years ago when only two countries had populations in Phase 5. 

Key Findings

According to the report, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen remain at the ‘highest alert’ as hotspots, alone account for almost a million people facing catastrophic levels of hunger (IPC Phase 5 ‘Catastrophe’) with starvation and death a daily reality and where extreme levels of mortality and malnutrition may unfold without immediate action.

The Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Kenya, the Sahel, the Sudan and Syria remain ‘of very high concern’ with deteriorating conditions – as in the June edition of the quarterly report – but the alert is extended to the Central African Republic and Pakistan. Meanwhile, Guatemala, Honduras and Malawi have been added to the list of countries, joining Sri Lanka, Zimbabwe and Madagascar that remain hunger hotspots.

Violent conflict remains the primary driver of acute hunger with analysis indicating a continuation of this trend in 2022, with particular concern for Ethiopia, where an intensification of conflict and interethnic violence in several regions is expected to further escalate, driving up humanitarian needs.

Weather extremes such as floods, tropical storms and droughts remain critical drivers in many parts of the globe, and a “new normal” of consecutive and extreme weather events is becoming clear – particularly in the hotspots. Devastating floods have affected 33 million people in Pakistan alone this year and South Sudan faces a fourth consecutive year of extreme flooding. Meanwhile, a third consecutive season of below-average rainfall is projected in Syria. For the first time in 20 years, the La Niña climate event has continued through three consecutive years – affecting agriculture and causing crop and livestock losses in many parts of the world, including Afghanistan, West and East Africa and Syria.

On the economic front, the persistently high global prices of food, fuel, and fertilizer – continue to drive high domestic prices and economic instability. Rising inflation rates have forced governments to enact monetary-tightening measures in advanced economies which have also increased the cost of credit of low-income countries. This is constraining the ability of heavily indebted countries – the number of countries increased significantly in recent years – to finance the import of essential items.

In the face of these macroeconomic challenges, many governments are compelled to introduce austerity measures affecting incomes and purchasing power – particularly among the most vulnerable families. These trends are expected to increase in coming months, the report notes, with poverty and acute food insecurity rising further, as well as risks of civil unrest driven by increasing socio-economic grievances.

Humanitarian assistance is crucial to save lives and prevent starvation, death and the total collapse of livelihoods – the report notes, highlighting that insecurity, administrative and bureaucratic impediments, movement restrictions and physical barriers severely limit humanitarian responders’ access to people facing acute hunger in eleven of the hotspot countries, including all six of the countries where populations are facing or are projected to face starvation (IPC Phase 5), or are at risk of deterioration towards catastrophic conditions.

Humanitarian action critical to preventing starvation and death

The report calls for targeted humanitarian action to save lives and livelihoods in the 19 hunger hotspots, noting that in Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan and Yemen, humanitarian action will be critical in preventing further starvation and death.

Note to Editors

Photos from Hotspot Countries available here.

Identified through forward-looking analysis, the ‘hunger hotspots’ are areas showing the potential for acute food insecurity to increase during the outlook period. The hotspots are selected through a consensus-based process involving WFP and FAO field and technical teams, alongside analysts specialized in conflict, economic risks, and natural hazards.

The report is part of a series of analytical products produced under the Global Network Against Food Crises, to enhance and coordinate the generation and sharing of evidence-based information and analysis for preventing and addressing food crises.

Source: World Food Programme


‘The time to invest in Africa is now’ – Gabby woos US investors

ACCRA— The chair of the Advisory Board of the Commonwealth Enterprise and Investment Council (CWEIC), Gabby Asare Otchere-Darko, has urged US investors to quickly take advantage of the African Continental Free Trade Area ( AfCFTA) and invest.

Otchere-Darko said, “When you have a continent with 1.3 trillion, that is building a single market if you don’t wake up to it, it will be too late and you can’t blame China when it happens. So my message to America is that there is an opportunity in Africa.”

He said under the AfCFTA a customs union will be implemented which will cut down significantly on imports.

“We are building a new Africa and that new Africa is a single market, Africa. Potentially the largest single market in the World. We are going to have a customs union, some may think that it’s not possible but it’s possible. In fact, the first customs union in the world happened in Africa.”

Addressing an insightful trade and round table discussion on US-Ghana investment opportunities, he advised US investors not to lack behind their Chinese counterparts but to take several opportunities in the industry which he said remains a major source of transformation in Ghana.

“So I think what the Chinese are recognising [and I am just using Ghana as an example] is that they are setting industries here [in Ghana]. And perhaps before America wakes up, the single market would have been in full motion and you would have Chinese industries not just depending on imports into Africa but actually setting up in Africa and taking advantage of the single market.”



At UNGA, Biden Condemns Russia’s War on Ukraine as Putin Escalates Threats 

U.S. President Joe Biden called out Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine at the United Nations, as the Russian leader significantly escalated war efforts and threatened nuclear retaliation.

Speaking to the annual gathering of the U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) in New York Wednesday morning, Biden used most of his address to condemn Moscow.

“Let us speak plainly. A permanent member of the United Nations Security Council invaded its neighbor, attempted to erase a sovereign state from the map,” Biden said. “Russia has shamelessly violated the core tenets of the United Nations Charter, no more important than the clear prohibition against countries taking the territory of their neighbor.”

In the biggest escalation of the Ukraine war since Russia’s February 24 invasion, hours before world leaders gathered at the U.N. headquarters, Putin in Moscow announced the partial mobilization of his country’s military, calling up 300,000 reservists and vowing he would consider all options to protect what he considers Russian territory, raising concerns of a nuclear attack.

“If the territorial integrity of our country is threatened, we will without doubt use all available means to protect Russia and our people – this is not a bluff,” Putin said in a televised address to the nation.

Biden called out Putin’s “overt nuclear threats against Europe” as a “reckless disregard for the responsibilities of the Non-Proliferation regime” – the various international treaties that prohibit the use of nuclear weapons.

“And the Kremlin is organizing a sham referendum to try to annex parts of Ukraine, an extremely significant violation of the U.N. Charter,” he added, referring to Putin’s move to hold referendums on four occupied Ukrainian regions to join Russia, widely seen as a prelude to annexation of those territories.

The Russian leader’s announcement came after his troops suffered battlefield setbacks in northeastern Ukraine and came at a fortuitous time for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and his Western allies, who were concerned that war fatigue had set in among U.N. members gathering this week, observers noted.

“You never want to talk about escalation, particularly when they’re vague nuclear threats, as a positive thing,” said David Bosco, who teaches international studies with a focus on the U.N. Security Council at Indiana University. “But from a diplomatic standpoint for Ukraine and for Ukraine’s backers, I do think this helped sharpen the focus on that conflict and also probably had the effect of isolating Russia to an even greater degree than it’s already been isolated,” Bosco told VOA.

Zelenskyy was to deliver remarks Wednesday afternoon. Last week, a majority of the General Assembly’s 193 member states allowed the Ukrainian leader an exception to U.N. rules that say speeches in this year’s high-level session must be delivered in person.

Belarus, Cuba, Eritrea, Nicaragua, North Korea and Syria supported Russia in voting against allowing Zelenskyy’s video speech. Since Putin is not attending in person, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will make the address on behalf of his country on Saturday, as ministers are given later speaking slots than leaders.

Traditionally, as host, U.S. presidents always speak second after Brazil, but Biden forfeited his Tuesday speaking slot as he was returning from London, where he attended Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.


In his UNGA remarks, Biden called out Beijing’s “horrible abuses against pro-democracy activists and ethnic minorities” in China’s Xinjiang region and “the increased repression of women and girls by the Taliban in Afghanistan.”

Human rights groups have accused China of detaining more than 1 million minorities in camps, restricting freedom of movement, and engaging in torture, forced sterilization and sexual violence under the guise of Beijing’s campaign against religious extremism in Xinjiang. China has denied the accusations.

Biden touched on other global conflicts, including the war in the Tigray region of Ethiopia, the violence in Haiti and political oppression in Venezuela, and reiterated support for a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinian people.

As negotiations stalled, Biden said the United States will never allow Tehran to obtain nuclear weapons. He also said the U.S. stands with “the brave women of Iran,” in reference to protests this week over the death of 22-year-old Iranian woman Mahsa Amini, under suspicious circumstances after she was arrested in Tehran by the morality police – a unit that enforces headscarves and strict dress codes for women.

Authorities have denied that Amini suffered any mistreatment at their hands and say heart problems caused her death. Her family said she had no history of heart trouble.

Security Council reform

In a jab to Russia, which has used its veto power to block Security Council action on Ukraine, Biden said UNSC members including the United States should refrain from wielding the veto, “except in rare, extraordinary situations,” to ensure that the council remains credible and effective.

“Russia’s use of the veto in the Ukraine situation has really brought new attention to veto and it’s obviously very unpopular with the U.N. members as a whole,” Bosco said.

In his remarks, Biden threw his support behind expansion of the membership of the Security Council “to become more inclusive, so they can better respond to the needs of today’s world.”

“This includes permanent seats for those nations we have long supported and permanent seats for countries in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean,” he said.

By showing that it’s open to reform, the administration hopes it can put China and Russia in a corner, said Richard Gowan, U.N. director at the International Crisis Group. “The U.S. will want to highlight the fact that they are blocking improvements to the U.N.,” Gowan told VOA.

Observers have voiced skepticism that progress on the decades-long UNSC reform debate is imminent. The U.N. Charter must first be amended, which requires a two-thirds vote of its members, and any reform must be agreed to by the five permanent members with veto power.

Last week, the U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield, noted that since 2009, Russia has cast 26 vetoes and that in 12 cases it was joined by China, while the U.S. has used its veto only four times since 2009.

Food security and global health

Global food prices have dramatically increased because of supply chain disruptions and rising energy and fertilizer costs brought upon by the pandemic and exacerbated by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Biden announced more than $2.9 billion would be used to address global food insecurity, in addition to the $6.9 billion already committed by the administration this year, according to the White House.

“A multiyear drought in the Horn of Africa has created a dire humanitarian emergency, with parts of Somalia at risk of famine for the second time in just over a decade. This new announcement of $2.9 billion will save lives through emergency interventions and invest in medium- to long-term food security assistance in order to protect the world’s most vulnerable populations from the escalating global food security crisis,” the White House said in a statement.

On Tuesday, the U.S. convened a Global Food Security Summit co-chaired by Secretary of State Antony Blinken with the leaders of the European Union, African Union and Spain, and hosted with Colombia, Germany, Indonesia and Nigeria.

Beyond aid, the world needs a much more robust international agenda to meet the U.N. goal of ending hunger by 2030, which it is currently not on track to meet, said Rob Vos, economist at the International Food Policy Research Institute.

“We do need a lot more investments in food systems for the coming decades to make them more resilient,” Vos said in an interview with VOA, “to monitor much more closely the risk of food crisis from breaking out.”

Later Wednesday, Biden delivers remarks at a Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria replenishment conference. His administration has proposed a $6 billion pledge over the next three years to meet the $18 billion the Global Fund is seeking to fight the three diseases.

The Global Fund has helped reduce AIDS-related deaths by 70 percent and new infections by 54 percent, but the gains are fragile, according to the ONE Campaign, a group working to end preventable diseases by 2030.

“In just two years, two decades of progress against AIDS slammed on the brakes as COVID-19 and other global crises took center stage,” ONE Campaign’s president, Tom Hart, said in a statement.

ONE’s analysis shows that falling just $1 billion short could result in 25 million more new cases of the three diseases in countries where the Global Fund invests from 2024 to 2026.

Source: Voice of America


Church of England Bars Tutu’s Daughter From Presiding Over Friend’s Funeral

The daughter-in-law of the late South African Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu called the Church of England homophobic for not allowing her wife, who is a priest, to preside over the funeral of a family friend.

Marceline Tutu van Furth, who is married to Archbishop Tutu’s daughter, Mpho Andrea Tutu van Furth, said the church told them it accepts priests in same-sex relationships but not if they are married.

Speaking from the Netherlands where the couple lives, Marceline Tutu van Furth said she was upset by what she called the church’s blatant discrimination against her wife.

“She fell in love with me and then she had the courage to marry me and then she can’t be the person she is as a priest and that’s … I don’t understand that,” Marceline Tutu van Furth said.

She said the couple visited Martin Kenyon, the godfather of Mpho Andrea Tutu van Furth, in April for the last time, and he specifically asked Mpho to preside over his funeral.

Kenyon died in London last week at age 92.

However, Marceline Tutu van Furth said the Church of England is not allowing her wife to fulfill Kenyon’s request.

“She had to hand in her license and now this is the second time that I’m aware of, of course small things also happened, but that she can’t do something out of love for her godfather and for the family just because of the same-sex marriage and that’s something that upsets me,” Marceline Tutu van Furth said.

“The Tutu family has always been very welcoming to me,” she continued. “And Mpho [is] very polite and I thought now I’m going to make action. The Tutu family always have action and I thought, now it’s my turn.”

Branches of the Church of England are split on whether to accept same-sex marriage. The U.S. branch, known as the Episcopal Church, accepts it. But the Church as a whole does not, and this year the heads of the Anglican Church in Uganda, Rwanda and Nigeria boycotted a Church of England conference because the topic was on the agenda.

The Anglican Archbishop of Cape Town, Thabo Makgoba, who has been close to the Tutu family, was in transit Wednesday but said, “I’m right at the airport. I will reach out to Mpho and find the context, but as the Anglican Church, we remain divided on that particular matter.”

Marceline Tutu van Furth said her wife will address mourners in her godfather’s garden, but not at the church in England on Thursday.

Source: Voice of America

Africa Press Releases South Africa

Annabelle Bexiga, éminente directrice de conseil d’administration et ancienne directrice informatique ayant figuré au Fortune 100, rejoint le conseil d’administration de Quantexa

LONDRES, 20 sept. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Quantexa, un leader mondial spécialisé dans les solutions d’intelligence décisionnelle (ID) pour les secteurs public et privé, a annoncé aujourd’hui qu’Annabelle Bexiga rejoint son conseil d’administration. Mme Bexiga occupe actuellement le poste de directrice non exécutive pour DWS Group, Stonex Group (SNEX) et Triton International (TRTN). Avant d’occuper ses fonctions actuelles, elle était conseillère informatique chez Zoom, étant notamment chargée de collaborer avec ses équipes de développement et de marketing de produits. Elle a également établi et présidé le Conseil pour l’industrie des services financiers de Zoom.

Mme Bexiga possède 30 ans d’expérience dans le secteur des services financiers et 11 ans de service à divers postes de directrice informatique ayant figuré au Fortune 100. En tant que directrice du conseil d’administration, elle apporte à Quantexa ses connaissances opérationnelles, ainsi que son expérience en matière de direction et de conseil au sein de conseils d’administration publics, privés et à but non lucratif.

« Cet incroyable parcours d’apprentissage continu aux côtés de technologues brillants et de dirigeants courageux se poursuit par le biais de mon travail consultatif et au sein du conseil d’administration », a déclaré Mme Bexiga. « Je suis particulièrement ravie de rejoindre le conseil d’administration de Quantexa parce que ses membres comprennent qu’aujourd’hui, dans un environnement en rapide évolution, les entreprises doivent encourager une plus grande précision des décisions et de l’innovation en priorisant la technologie d’analyse et des données. L’équipe de Quantexa travaille pour aider les organisations à relever les principaux défis actuels en utilisant les données efficacement pour améliorer leurs opérations et les services qu’elles proposent à leurs clients. »

« L’expérience d’Annabelle comprend un ensemble diversifié d’activités au sein de sociétés telles que JPMorgan Chase, Zoom et AIG, ainsi qu’une expérience résidentielle mondiale à New York, Singapour, Tokyo et Boston », a déclaré Vishal Marria, PDG de Quantexa« Annabelle a apporté une contribution fantastique à Quantexa au cours des 2 dernières années en tant que conseillère pour notre entreprise et nous sommes donc ravis qu’elle rejoigne notre conseil d’administration. Son expérience correspond parfaitement à nos objectifs, notre culture, et nous sommes impatients d’intégrer son expertise pour aider nos clients à utiliser leurs données à grande échelle afin d’unifier leurs données, de gérer les risques, d’assurer la conformité et d’identifier les opportunités d’accroître l’efficacité. »

Quantexa est une société mondiale de logiciels de données et d’analyse pionnière dans l’intelligence décisionnelle contextuelle qui permet aux organisations de prendre des décisions opérationnelles fiables en rendant les données significatives. En utilisant les dernières avancées en matière de big data et d’IA, la plateforme de Quantexa met à jour les risques cachés et les nouvelles opportunités en fournissant une vue contextuelle et connectée des données internes et externes en un seul endroit. Elle résout des défis majeurs dans les domaines de la gestion des données, de la connaissance du client, de l’intelligence client, de la criminalité financière, des risques, de la fraude et de la sécurité, tout au long du cycle de vie client.

La plateforme d’intelligence décisionnelle contextuelle Quantexa améliore les performances opérationnelles avec une précision de plus de 90 % et une résolution de modèle analytique 60 fois plus rapide que les approches traditionnelles. Fondée en 2016, Quantexa compte désormais plus de 500 employés et des milliers d’utilisateurs travaillant avec des milliards de transactions et de points de données à travers le monde. La société possède des bureaux à Londres, New York, Boston, Washington DC, Bruxelles, Toronto, Singapour, Melbourne et Sydney. Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez contacter Quantexa ici ou suivez-nous sur LinkedIn.

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Africa Press Releases South Africa

Annabelle Bexiga, distinta administradora e ex-CIO da Fortune-100, integra o conselho de administração da Quantexa

LONDRES, Sept. 20, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Quantexa, uma empresa líder mundial em soluções de Decision Intelligence (DI) para os setores público e privado, anunciou hoje que Annabelle Bexiga passará a integrar o seu conselho de administração. Annabelle desempenha atualmente as funções de diretora não executiva no DWS Group, no Stonex Group (SNEX) e na Triton International (TRTN). Antes das suas funções atuais, foi conselheira do CIO na Zoom, com especial atenção ao trabalho com as equipas de desenvolvimento de produtos e de marketing. Foi também responsável pela criação da comissão para o setor dos Serviços Financeiros da Zoom, à qual presidiu.

Annabelle tem 30 anos de experiência no setor dos serviços financeiros e 11 anos de experiência nas funções de CIO da Fortune-100. Enquanto administradora, Annabelle contribuirá para a Quantexa com os seus conhecimentos operacionais, bem como com a sua experiência de liderança e de aconselhamento em conselhos de administração públicos, privados e sem fins lucrativos.

“Este incrível percurso de aprendizagem contínuo com tecnólogos brilhantes e líderes corajosos continua com o meu trabalho como administradora e conselheira,” disse Annabelle. “Estou especialmente entusiasmada por me poder juntar ao conselho de administração da Quantexa pois eles compreendem verdadeiramente que hoje em dia, face à evolução rápida das circunstâncias, as empresas precisam de basear-se em dados e tecnologias analíticas para conseguirem maior precisão nas decisões e na inovação. A equipa da Quantexa está a trabalhar para ajudar as organizações a resolver os grandes desafios da atualidade associados à utilização eficaz dos dados para melhorar as suas operações e os serviços que prestam aos seus clientes.”

“A carreira da Annabelle inclui um conjunto diversificado de responsabilidades de negócio em empresas como a JPMorgan Chase, a Zoom e a AIG, bem como experiência global residencial em Nova Iorque, Singapura, Tóquio e Boston,” afirmou Vishal Marria, CEO da Quantexa“A Annabelle deu uma contribuição fantástica à Quantexa ao longo dos últimos 2 anos, trabalhando como consultora da nossa empresa, por isso estamos entusiasmados com o facto de ela passar a pertencer ao nosso conselho de administração. A sua experiência alinha-se bem com os nossos objetivos, a nossa cultura, e esperamos conseguir incorporar os seus conhecimentos para ajudar os nossos clientes a usarem os seus dados à escala, a unificarem os seus dados, a gerir os riscos, a assegurar conformidade e a identificar oportunidades de eficiência.”

A Quantexa é uma empresa global de dados e software analítico pioneira em Contextual Decision Intelligence que capacita as organizações para tomarem decisões operacionais fiáveis através da atribuição de significado aos dados. Utilizando os mais recentes desenvolvimentos de Big Data e IA, a plataforma Quantexa identifica riscos ocultos e novas oportunidades ao proporcionar uma visão contextual e interligada dos dados internos e externos num único local. Resolve os grandes desafios nos campos da gestão de dados, KYC, informações sobre clientes, crime financeiro, risco, fraude e segurança, ao longo do ciclo de vida completo dos clientes.

A plataforma de Contextual Decision Intelligence da Quantexa melhora o desempenho operacional com uma melhoria de precisão de mais de 90% e com uma resolução do modelo analítico 60 vezes mais rápida do que a das abordagens tradicionais. Fundada em 2016, a Quantexa tem agora mais de 500 empregados e milhares de utilizadores a trabalhar com milhares de milhões de transações e pontos de dados em todo o mundo. A empresa tem escritórios em Londres, Nova Iorque, Boston, Washington DC, Bruxelas, Toronto, Singapura, Melbourne e Sydney. Para mais informações, contacte a Quantexa aqui ou siga-nos no LinkedIn.

Contactos para a comunicação social:

C: Laurel Case, VP, Fight or Flight

T: +1 315 663 6780


C: Adam Jaffe, SVP of Corporate Marketing
T: +1 609 502 6889
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