Gnagna: Traders offer donations worth 4,640,000 FCFA to the VDPs of Piéla

Ouagadougou: The Association of Traders of Piéla (ACP) donated 8 motorcycles, communication equipment and fuel, all worth 4,640,000 FCFA to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), Saturday May 24, 2024 in Piéla, in the presence of administrative, customary and religious authorities.

The donation made consists of 8 APMOTOS motorcycles and 4 walkie-talkie devices. To this are added two financial envelopes: one of 100,000 francs for fuel costs and the other of 250,000 francs to be deposited in the Public Treasury as a contribution from Piéla traders to the peace effort.

The kolgweogo self-defense groups in Piéla also benefited from the support of Piéla traders.

During the ceremony, a sum of 205,300 francs was also collected immediately through voluntary donations for the benefit of the VDP.

According to the president of the Association of Merchants of Piéla (ACP), René Lankoandé, the donation is the result of active solidarity from the members of his association towards the Volunteers for the D
efense of the Fatherland for the sacrifices made in the fight against terrorism.

‘The fundraising continues and I am asking for the contribution of all traders to support the VDP and the FDS,’ he said.

In addition, the administrators of a WhatsApp group called ‘Groupe de la Gnagna diema Labaari’ also handed over a sum of 60,000 francs, a contribution from their members for the VDP of Piéla.

The 1st vice-president Aimé César Béogo, representing the president of the Special Delegation of Piéla, welcomed the commitment of traders in particular and all populations in general to support the fighting forces engaged in the reconquest of the national territory. He expressed the gratitude of the administrative authorities before urging them for more solidarity and social cohesion in these difficult times that our country is going through.

Source: Burkina Information Agency