Economic empowerment of young people in Sabcé: Bissa Gold trains and teams local poultry producers

Ouagadougou: The Bissa Gold SA mining company organized a ceremony to hand over poultry farming equipment on August 15, 2024 for the benefit of a cooperative of poultry farmers in the commune of Sabcé, which had previously been formed and whose members come from populations impacted by Bissa Gold's activities. It was the first vice-president of the special Sabcé delegation, François Xavier Sawadogo, who presided over the ceremony in the town hall. There are 50 poultry farmers, including 10 women, grouped into a cooperative, who were trained in local poultry farming by the Bissa Gold mine. According to the manager of the firm responsible for training, Pengwendé Roger Ilboudo, the 50 learners were trained in four days on poultry management, chick management, egg management, incubation and prophylaxis. He said he was satisfied with the level of the learners at the end of the session. 'We brought poultry equipment consisting of drinkers, feeders and poultry feed for the benefit of the 50 members of the Sabcé cooperative identified by Bissa Gold. The training went well and I am very satisfied with the level of the learners,' he said. The representative of the members of the cooperative, Soumaïla Sawadogo, expressed his joy and that of the cooperative towards Bissa Gold and the commune of Sabcé. For him, training and equipment support will allow the cooperative to boost local poultry production in Sabcé. The representative of Bissa Gold, Rasmané Ouédraogo, invited the members of the cooperative 'to take ownership of the activity by following the technical characteristics that were instilled in them during the training'. According to him, the choice of poultry farming was motivated by the technicians in the field, who reassured the mine and the town of Sabcé that it is a profession with a future that feeds its people. 'It is to promote the economic empowerment of young people in the municipality that we initiated this training. You know very well that the mine cannot hire everyone. And as we are aware that youn g people do not always have work, we have initiated this type of training to facilitate their professional integration,' he explained. As a reminder, there are at least five municipalities in the Center-North that have been impacted by Bissa Gold, and all benefit from the same support each year. Source : Burkina Information Agency