DPM, FM Demeke Briefs Addis Based Diplomatic Corps on Current Affairs

The Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ethiopia, Demeke Mekonnen, together with Minister of Justice, Gedion Timotheos, briefed Ambassadors and Heads of Regional and international organizations based in Addis Ababa this afternoon on current affairs.

Demeke and Gedion, most importantly briefed the participants on the implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement, in particular the Transitional Justice Policy process.

The Justice Minister presented updates on the nation-wide public consultations on the Transitional Justice Policy Options (TJPO), according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In his opening remarks, Demeke reaffirmed the commitment of the Government of Ethiopia to the full implementation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement, which so far has been successful and has made significant strides.

He said, the nation-wide consultations on the TJPO have also gained wide participation from the public.

In this regard, he added that the TJPO will further consolidate the peace process by facilitating truth-telling, healing and reconciliation.

This process aims at ensuring justice is done and victims are redressed in all-conflict affected areas of the country, the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister noted.

During a presser to local and international media correspondents on the major takeaways of the briefing, Spokesperson of the Ministry, Ambassador Meles Alem said, the TJPO is instrumental for the consolidation of the Pretoria Peace Agreement.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency