DDR Bamenda graduates seven nursery school children

Some seven nursery school pupils have graduated from the Bamenda Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration, DDR centre school in the just ended 2022/23 academic year.

The children included, 4 were promoted to primary 1 and 3 others were promoted to nursery 2 in the 2023/24 school year.

The graduation ceremony took place Thursday, June 22, 2023, at the centre in the presence of the Coordinator, Kum Henry, the Divisional Officer for Bamenda II Nicholas Nkongho, parents of the kids and others.

While congratulating the children and teachers, the coordinator challenged their parents to follow the children at home during the holidays to help improve their studies.

“We make sure we have this ceremony every year to graduate the children from pre-nursery to nursery and to primary school,” Kum said.

During the ceremony, Kum also called on separatist fighters still in the bushes to drop their guns and come to the centre. He added that the Bamenda DDR centre is open to all ex-separatists to further their education or elsewhere.

“We are telling all the young people still carrying arms in the bush to drop them and come to the centre so that their children can also benefit from these opportunities,” Kum added.

Amongst the activities carried out during the graduation ceremony were singing and reading rhymes by the children, and award of certificates and prizes.

Prizes were awarded to the best in the French language, best in the English language, best in Mathematics and the overall best.

The DO of Bamenda II used the opportunity to tell ex-separatists at the centre, that the DDR is the best decision they have taken. He also challenged them to use the opportunity to help their friends who are still in the bushes to drop their arms and join them at the centre for better opportunities.

Source: Cameroon News Agency