The National Anti Corruption Commission (CONAC) says the state lost about FCFA 5 billion to corrupt practices last year and has drastically improved the fight against corruption in Cameroon.
The figures were presented on October 27, 2023 by CONAC President, Dieudonne Massi Gams in the commission’s 12th report on the fight against corruption in Cameroon. The figure represents a drop of about FCFA 40 billion given that in 2021, almost 44 billion was lost to corruption.
This improvement according to CONAC, is the result of a series of actions implemented that led to over 7,000 denunciations of corruption cases and practices.
The report also reveals that the territorial administration, decentralization, trade, survey and land tenure, education, finance, forces of law and order, forestry and wildlife, public contracts, justice, road transport and health were reported as the most corrupt sectors in 2022.
The report further states that 188 state agents of 22 administrative units were levied sanctions ranging from warnings to sacking. 77 entreprises saw their contracts terminated by the ministry of public contacts, 34 others were banned from forest exploitation activities and 121 persons suspended from state and private universities because of fraud.
Source: Cameroon News Agency