Posted in MENA Press Releases

Announcing Spider Impact V5 — Adapt and Achieve Your Strategy!

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Solidifying its commitment to enabling organizations to rapidly adapt and execute business strategy in the midst of unprecedented, ongoing market changes, Spider Strategies today introduced Spider Impact®, Version 5. Spider Impact is Spider Strategies’ Software-as-a-Service solution that aligns organization’s key performance indicators (KPIs) and initiatives to strategy, engages employees in […]

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Posted in Press Releases

Micro Insurance Company Partners With Chamasure to Provide Digital Insurance Solutions in Kenya

NEW YORK, Oct. 20, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — MicroEnsure – now part of Micro Insurance Company (MIC) – has entered into a strategic partnership with Nairobi-based insurance platform Chamasure to give communities across Kenya access to digital insurance solutions. Chamasure makes insurance affordable for more than 10 million people in underserved communities in Kenya, including […]

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Posted in Press Releases

Adagio Therapeutics Divulga Novos Dados In Vitro Destacando a Neutralização Ampla e Potente do ADG20 Contra Todas as Variantes Conhecidas de SARS-CoV-2

Dados a serem apresentados na Conferência Virtual ISIRV-WHO 2021 WALTHAM, Mass., Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Adagio Therapeutics, Inc., (Nasdaq: ADGI) uma empresa biofarmacêutica de estágio clínico focada na descoberta, desenvolvimento e comercialização de soluções com base em anticorpos para doenças infecciosas com potencial pandêmico, divulgou hoje novos dados in vitro demonstrando a […]

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Posted in Press Releases

Adagio Therapeutics annonce de nouvelles données in vitro mettant en évidence une activité neutralisante large et puissante de l’ADG20 contre tous les variants connus du SARS-CoV-2

Les données seront présentées lors de la conférence virtuelle ISIRV-OMS 2021 WALTHAM, Massachusetts, 19 oct. 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Adagio Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq : ADGI), une société biopharmaceutique au stade clinique axée sur la découverte, le développement et la commercialisation de solutions à base d’anticorps pour les maladies infectieuses à potentiel pandémique, a annoncé aujourd’hui de […]

Read More Adagio Therapeutics annonce de nouvelles données in vitro mettant en évidence une activité neutralisante large et puissante de l’ADG20 contre tous les variants connus du SARS-CoV-2
Posted in Press Releases

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Commits up to $120 Million to Accelerate Access to COVID-19 Drug for Lower-Income Countries, Calls on Other Donors to Mobilize Resources

Financial commitment aims to secure dedicated, low-cost supply of molnupiravir, if the drug is authorized by regulators; builds on long-term efforts to increase access to tests, treatments, vaccines SEATTLE, Oct. 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced today a commitment of up to $120 million to accelerate access to the investigational antiviral […]

Read More Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Commits up to $120 Million to Accelerate Access to COVID-19 Drug for Lower-Income Countries, Calls on Other Donors to Mobilize Resources
Posted in Press Releases

1300 MWh ! Huawei remporte un contrat pour le plus grand projet de stockage d’énergie au monde

DUBAÏ, E.A.U., 19 octobre 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Huawei Digital Power a terminé son Sommet mondial sur l’économie numérique 2021 à Dubaï, Émirats arabes unis, avec plus de 500 participants venant de 67 pays différents, le 16 octobre. Lors du sommet, Huawei Digital Power a signé un contrat clé avec SEPCOIII pour le projet de la mer rouge […]

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Posted in MENA Press Releases

Bill Wang from Huawei: Building an All-Optical Target Network Can Drive Continuous Business Value Growth

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 19, 2021 Today, the 7th Ultra-Broadband Forum (UBBF2021) is opened in Dubai. In the agenda of the first day, Bill Wang, Vice President of Huawei’s Optical Product Line, delivered a keynote speech. He pointed out that in addition to benefits in energy saving and rate improvement, all-optical target networks also accelerate the digital […]

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Posted in MENA Press Releases

Huawei Kevin Hu: Intelligent Cloud-Network Inspires New Growth

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — At the 7th Ultra-Broadband Forum (UBBF 2021), Kevin Hu, President of Huawei’s Data Communication Product Line, introduced four new features of Huawei’s Intelligent Cloud-Network Solution and all-scenario NetEngine series intelligent routers, providing differentiated cloud-network convergence service capabilities and accelerating digital transformation for industries. Digitalization has become a global development trend, […]

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