Posted in Government Politics

USAID Chief Visits Mogadishu, Meets With Somalia’s President

Samantha Power, administrator of the U.S. development agency USAID, announced new aid to tackle Somalia’s humanitarian crisis Sunday after meeting with Somalia’s President Hassan Sheikh Mahmud.Power was accompanied by the U.S. Ambassador to Somalia, La…

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Posted in Government

Rhino Orphans Get New South African Home

Moving home is stressful for anyone — and rhinoceroses are no exception.Vets in South Africa have just transferred more than 30 orphaned young rhinos to a sanctuary designed to keep the animals safe from poachers who killed their mothers.The move took…

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Posted in Government

Russian FM Lavrov Visits Egypt, Part of Africa Trip Amid Ukraine War

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov met with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sissi and Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri in Cairo Sunday for talks focusing on efforts to end the Ukraine crisis, moves to resume grain exports from Russia and Ukraine, j…

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Posted in Government Politics

Minister Ford statement on the humanitarian crisis in East Africa

Statement from the Minister for Africa, Vicky Ford, on the humanitarian crisis in East Africa.Minister for Africa, Vicky Ford, said:”Today’s agreement to resume Ukraine grain exports, brokered by the UN and Turkey, is a vital step towards alleviating h…

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Posted in Government Politics

Africa Prepares Rollout of World’s First Malaria Vaccine

Preparations are underway for the mass rollout of the world’s first malaria vaccine to protect millions of children in Africa.The rollout is being funded by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, for nearly $160 million.The World Health Organization said Gavi’s m…

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Posted in Government

Candidate’s Unexpected Rise Could Affect Outcome in Kenya Presidential Election

Just weeks before Kenya holds a presidential election, analysts say the unexpected, growing popularity of one candidate could deliver some unpredictability to the outcome.George Wajackoyah ranks a distant third behind front-runners Raila Odinga and Wil…

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Posted in Government Politics

Russia-Ukraine conflict: Russian Pres Putin praises ‘useful’ summit with presidents of Iran, Turkey

TEHRAN— Russian leader Vladimir Putin praised his talks with the presidents of Iran and Turkey, speaking after a three-way summit on the Syrian conflict overshadowed by Moscow’s intervention in Ukraine.Putin said the Syria summit in Tehran had been “tr…

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Posted in Government

Congo-Brazzaville Ruling Party Wins Parliamentary Vote

BRAZZAVILLE — The Republic of Congo’s ruling party won a majority in last week’s parliamentary election, based on provisional results seen by AFP on Saturday as opposition groups alleged electoral fraud.Congolese Territorial Administration Minister Guy…

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