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Promoting Local Agricultural Inputs Pivotal to Boost Production, Productivity

Addis Ababa: Promoting local production of agricultural inputs and strengthening the ties among stakeholders are essential to enhance production and productivity of the sector, State Minister of Agriculture Sofia Kassa said.

The 3rd agricultural inpu…

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IGAD Partners with Member States to Support Pastoral Communities, Enhance Dev’t

Addis Ababa: Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) is providing supports to pastoral communities to help them properly tap their enormous potential to accelerate development, uphold peace and regional integration, Director of IGAD Centre f…

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3rd Agricultural Inputs Expo, Symposium Opens in Addis Ababa

Addis Ababa: The 3rd agricultural inputs expo and symposium which will be held for three successive days kicked off in Addis Ababa today.

Opening the expo and symposium, State Minister of Agriculture Sophia Kassa said agricultural inputs and finance …

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Ethiopia’s Success to Transform Agricultural Sector Source of Inspiration for Africa: FAO DG

Addis Ababa: The achievements registered by the government of Ethiopia under the leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed to transform the agricultural sector with a view to become food self-sufficient has been a source of inspiration for Africa, Direc…

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PM Abiy Expresses Commitment to Achieving Food Sovereignty, Attaining Nat’l Prosperity

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed expressed his government’s commitment to not only meeting zero hunger goals but to achieving food sovereignty and attaining national prosperity.

In a ceremony hosted by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Or…

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PM Abiy Awarded Prestigious FAO Agricola Medal for His Innovative Solutions in Wheat Self-sufficiency

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been awarded the prestigious the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) today at ceremony held in Rome, Italy.

This prestigious award has been given to the prime minister, for his vision, lea…

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Ethiopia’s Quest for Access to Sea Very Essential to its Survival, Safeguarding Nat’l Interest: MPs

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia’s quest for access to sea is very essential to its survival and to safeguarding the national interest of the country, officials of Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee at the House of Peoples Representatives und…

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Desire of Foreign Companies to Invest in Ethiopia Growing: Ethiopian Ambassadors

Addis Ababa: The desires of several companies across the globe to invest in Ethiopia have been growing due to the existing favorable investment opportunities in the country, Ethiopian ambassadors disclosed.

The ambassadors told ENA that that a growin…

Read More Desire of Foreign Companies to Invest in Ethiopia Growing: Ethiopian Ambassadors