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Nigeria: Driver arrested for allegedly murdering former boss and his wife

By Charity Nginyu

Earlier this month, an elderly couple, identified as Adebola Ezekiel (80) and his wife, Abiodun Ezekiel, were discovered lifeless in their apartment. Reports indicate that the couple

was brutally murdered, with the perpetrator all…

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SW: UNHCR initiative enforces youth education rights amid crisis via stakeholders, CSOs

By Joy Bikom

Addressing the challenges facing education in the South West region of Cameroon, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCR) Central Africa Regional Office spearheaded a two-day symposium aimed at bolster…

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Gov’t Reaffirms Commitment to Implementing Transitional Justice Policy

Addis Ababa: The Government of Ethiopia is committed to implementing the Transitional Justice Policy which is essential to ensure lasting peace in the country, House of People’s Representatives (HPR) Chief Government Whip Tesfaye Beljige said.

The ch…

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Field Marshal Birhanu Extends Condolences over Death of Kenya’s Defense Chief

Addis Ababa: Chief of General Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF), Field Marshal Birhanu Jula, has expressed his condolences over the death of General Francis Omondi Ogolla, Kenya’s Chief of Defense Force.

In his message of condolenc…

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Addis Ababa Mayor Launches 6 Months Environmental Protection Campaign

Addis Ababa: Mayor of Addis Ababa Adanech Abiebe launched today a 6 months environmental protection campaign that is expected to engage 2.7 million residents of the city.

The campaign organized under the theme ‘Stop Pollution, Beauty Awakes’ will hav…

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Ethiopia’s BRICS Membership Bearing Fruit

Addis Ababa: As Ethiopia assumed its membership in the esteemed BRICS alliance in January 2024, the country’s active involvement in various BRICS meetings has begun to yield a multitude of benefits.

From economic opportunities to technological advanc…

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Cameroon closes Consulate as storms hit Dubai

The Consul General of Cameroon to Dubai and the Northern Emirates, Donacier Mebouogue, has informed Cameroonians living in these areas that the Consulate will be closed on Friday, April 19, 2024, due to heavy storms. A release stated that those with a…

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Yaounde: Two bike riders cheat death as truck transporting eggs overturns

By Charity Nginyu

Two bike riders cheated death today April 18 in Mvog-Mbi market, Yaounde, as a truck carrying cartons of raw eggs overturned at the market entrance.

Eyewitnesses recounted that the truck, while attempting to ascend a small hill lea…

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