Balé: Delegates from provincial youth councils want the renewal of the bodies of the national youth council

The presidents of the provincial youth councils held a consultation framework on Saturday August 26, 2024 in Boromo. The work focused on the concerns of their body, the inventory of recommendations to the National Youth Council in December 2023 in Ziniaré and the question of renewing the bodies of the National Youth Council. The opening of the works was chaired by the secretary general of the Balé province, Asseta Kouanda.

A delegation of thirty-eight representatives of provincial youth councils (CPJ) met in Boromo on Saturday August 26. Delegates from the regions examined the functioning and current dynamism within the provincial councils and the National Youth Council (CNJ), their parent structure.

According to the spokesperson for the presidents of provincial youth councils, President CPJ Balé Zakaria Guira, the CPJ feel neglected by their parent structure which is the CNJ.

It was therefore appropriate for the presidents to meet to discuss their concerns and give their assessments on the need to renew t
he bodies of the national youth council whose mandate expired a year ago, while the municipal and provincial have been found as a whole since 2023. The presidents therefore want to be situated in the process.

Also, the participants denounced the lack of response to Ziniaré’s recommendations, healthy communication between the CPJ and the CNJ, the lack of support and interest in their various activities and also the lack of respect for the texts relating to the age of certain CPJ and CNJ managers and the accumulation of positions.

A report of the recommendations will be sent to the CNJ, according to the organizers.

‘We hope that the national office will take our grievances into account as soon as possible for the happiness of young people,’ said Mr. Guira.

The president of the national youth council, Moumouni Dialla and the president of the Mouhoun regional youth council, Issa Gnanou, participated in the closing of the work. They also spoke behind closed doors with provincial delegates.

According to the pr
esidents’ spokesperson, Zakaria Guira, the discussions did not show a desire from the national office to move towards an immediate renewal of the authorities.

On the life of the nation, the participants discussed the contribution of youth to efforts to reconquer the national territory, the support and organization of citizen awakening movements, the carrying out of community work, support for local authorities and fighting forces.

The delegates welcomed the initiative of the meeting which allowed them to get to know each other and share their achievements and difficulties and solutions for youth councils in line with the vision of the Head of State, Captain Ibrahim Traoré.

At the opening of the proceedings, the secretary general of the province, Asseta Kouanda, invited the youth to serve their country with patriotism, commitment, courage and integrity. Also, he invites them to get rid of mediocrity, cowardice, treachery and to participate in the development of their locality. She was accompanied by the PDS
prefect of Boromo and the provincial director in charge of youth.

Source: Burkina Information Agency