ANAN confers Fellowship on FMBN boss, Osidi

The Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN), on Friday in Abuja, conferred its Fellowship on Shehu Osidi, the Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Federal Mortgage Bank of Nigeria (FMBN). The President and Chairman of Council, ANAN, Dr James Neminebor, said that Osidi was conferred with the fellowship for his contribution in driving the nation's economy. Neminebor explained that the conferment was in line with ANAN's tradition of awarding fellowships to deserving members during its annual national conference. The president, who urged the FMBN boss to carry the flag of ANAN with pride, described the association, established in 1979, as the second professional accounting body in Nigeria. While noting the contribution of ANAN in driving Nigeria's economy through strengthening the accounting profession, Neminebor, however, decried nonpayment of membership subscription fees, amounting to over N10 billion. He described the development as a huge challenge, pointing out that with no sub vention from the government, the association depends on membership subscription to thrive. 'When I visited the accounts department, I saw indebtedness of subscription amounting to over N10 billion, meaning, members have not been paying their subscription fees. 'How will ANAN survive? We have no subvention from governments. It is from subscriptions of members that we strive,' he said. He added that ANAN was a member of both regional and international accountancy bodies and pays its dues in dollars. According to him, ANAN cannot afford to have members not paying their subscription fees. 'We pay our membership subscription in dollars to regional and international accountancy associations, but members owe over N10 billion debts. This is a serious challenge,' Neminebor said. See also Group kicks off empowerment initiative for women He called on members, including organisations to do well to the association by paying their membership subscribers. On his part, Osidi thanked ANAN for the honour, which he said , reflected the values upheld at FMBN namely integrity, accountability and relentless pursuit of excellence. Describing the association as a pillar of excellence and professionalism, the FMBN boss said that the recognition would further entrenched transparency and accountability in the housing sector. 'This fellowship will serve as a reminder of the importance of promoting financial stability and transparency in the housing sector and ensuring that every Nigerian has access to affordable housing. 'The fellowship is also a recognition of the positive trajectory we are now beginning to witness in FMBN, within the short period of the current Executive Management in office. 'This is a sign that the implementation of the agenda we have set for ourselves has begun to bear the expected fruits,' he said. Osidi encouraged young accountants and professionals to continue to pursue excellence and integrity in their careers, saying 'your dedication and innovation will shape the future.' He assured ANAN of FMBN's con tinued support in the implementation of its plans and programmes. Source: News Agency of Nigeria