Amateur Football Club leaders say Eto’o should step down

The executive bureau of the Association of Amateur Football Clubs in Cameroon have demanded the immediate resignation of Samuel Etoo as President of Cameroon Football Federation, FECAFOOT.

The resolution was arrived at during an executive meeting held this July 5, 2023.

They denounce among other issues: the non-publication, eight months later, of the statutes and regulations of the federation adopted on August 27, 2022; the exclusion from competitions, without valid reasons of certain clubs and the modification of the current mandate of the President of FECAFOOT from four to seven years.

They have called on the Minister of sports and physical education to fully take over the leadership of the federation in accordance with Articles 87, 88, and 89 of Law No. 2018/014 of 11 July 2018 on the organization and promotion of physical and sports activities in Cameroon.

Source: Cameroon News Agency