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The head of Burkinabe diplomacy arrived in the Chinese capital to take part in the forum on Sino-African cooperation

Ouagadougou: Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Regional Cooperation and Burkinabe Abroad, arrived in Beijing on the evening of Saturday, August 31, 2024.

He was welcomed by the Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Bu…

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Loroum/Reconquest of the national territory: Two emissaries of the President of Faso encourage the population of Titao

Ouagadougou: The Minister of Economy and Finance, Dr. Aboubacar Nacanabo and the Minister in charge of Secondary Education, Aboubacar Savadogo, were in Titao on Friday, August 31, 2024 to encourage the resilience efforts of the populations but also to…

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Defense: Mamouna Sawadogo raises the issue of toilets at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University

Ouagadougou: Sociology student Mamouna Sawadogo stressed on Tuesday that demographic pressure has led to sanitation and public hygiene problems in the country’s major cities, as well as in higher education structures, including the toilets at Joseph K…

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Africa-China-Cooperation: Minister Karamoko Traoré in Beijing

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabe Minister in charge of Cooperation, Karamoko Jean Marie Traoré, arrived yesterday Saturday in Beijing, People’s Republic of China, where he will take part in the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC).

Burkinabe Foreign M…

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Barsalogho: The Pope expresses his compassion in Burkina Faso

Ouagadougou: Pope Francis expressed on Sunday his condolences and closeness to the people of Burkina Faso, following the terrorist attack that claimed the lives of several people in Barsalgho on August 24, 2024.

On Sunday after the Angelus prayer, Po…

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Boulkiemdé: Bassolma Bazié calls for a patriotic surge

Ouagadougou: Minister Bassolma Bazié called yesterday, Saturday, the populations of Boulkiemdé to a patriotic surge to counter the forces of evil that are bringing mourning to Burkina Faso.

The face-to-face meeting between the government delegation, …

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Zondoma/Fight against gender-based violence: AMR raises awareness among its members

Ouagadougou: In partnership with the Sahel Community Recovery and Stabilization Project (PCRSS-Burkina), the Association Monde Rural (AMR) organized, from August 28 to 31, 2024, an awareness-raising session for its members on the prevention and manage…

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Gnagna / Peace effort: An economic operator offers fuel worth 2 million to the FDS and VDP

Ouagadougou: The economic operator El Hadj Oumarou Damiba, also CEO of ‘Yentella SARL’, donated, on Sunday, September 1, 2024 in Piéla, fuel worth 2 million francs for the benefit of the fighting forces of Bilanga, Piéla and Bogandé, in the province o…

Read More Gnagna / Peace effort: An economic operator offers fuel worth 2 million to the FDS and VDP