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Terrorist attack in Barsalogho and scanning of copies of direct competitions on the front pages of Burkinabe newspapers

Today’s publications echo the government’s support for the injured in Barsalogo and the government delegation in the scanning center for copies of the 2024 direct competition.

‘Terrorist attack in Barsalogho: the government at the bedside of the woun…

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750 plants of caïlcedrats and flamboyants planted in Dori

The Sahel regional environment directorate planted, from August 24 to 26, 2024, around 750 plants in the town of Dori, along 4 km of the edge of the axis Dori-N’Diomga.

This reforestation, according to the regional director of the Environment of the …

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Sahel regional football league: Souleymane Ouédraogo elected president

The Sahel regional football league organized in Dori, on Friday August 24, 2024, a general assembly with a view to electing the members of the executive office responsible for presiding over the destiny of regional football for the period 2024- 2028.

Read More Sahel regional football league: Souleymane Ouédraogo elected president
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The Burkinabe state agrees with the private sector to acquire the management of two mining operations

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Aboubakar Nacanabo, and representatives of the mining companies, Lilium mining and Endeavor mining, signed this Monday, agreements allowing the State to acquire the Boungou and Wahgnion mines.

‘These agreements ma…

Read More The Burkinabe state agrees with the private sector to acquire the management of two mining operations
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Balé: Delegates from provincial youth councils want the renewal of the bodies of the national youth council

The presidents of the provincial youth councils held a consultation framework on Saturday August 26, 2024 in Boromo. The work focused on the concerns of their body, the inventory of recommendations to the National Youth Council in December 2023 in Zin…

Read More Balé: Delegates from provincial youth councils want the renewal of the bodies of the national youth council
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Kénédougou: The Coopake company celebrates its 60th anniversary

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Aboubakar Nacanabo, and representatives of the mining companies, Lilium mining and Endeavor mining, signed this Monday, agreements allowing the State to acquire the Boungou and Wahgnion mines.

‘These agreements ma…

Read More Kénédougou: The Coopake company celebrates its 60th anniversary