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Gnagna: Traders offer donations worth 4,640,000 FCFA to the VDPs of Piéla

Ouagadougou: The Association of Traders of Piéla (ACP) donated 8 motorcycles, communication equipment and fuel, all worth 4,640,000 FCFA to the Volunteers for the Defense of the Homeland (VDP), Saturday May 24, 2024 in Piéla, in the presence of admini…

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Ministry of Infrastructure agents plant 100 trees in Yimdi

Ouagadougou: Staff from the Ministry of Infrastructure under the leadership of the Secretary General, Ismaël Zebret, planted 100 plants in Yimdi, on the western edge of Ouagadougou.

The young trees, mainly composed of cashew trees, were planted at th…

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Burkina-Environment-Reforestation 300 trees planted in Bassinko during the initial edition of the ‘one household, one living tree’ project

Ouagadougou: 300 plants were planted in the relay city of Bassinko, on the northwest outskirts of Ouagadougou on the occasion of the first edition of the citizen initiative ‘one household, one tree » sponsored by Minister Bassolma Bazié and the Living…

Read More Burkina-Environment-Reforestation 300 trees planted in Bassinko during the initial edition of the ‘one household, one living tree’ project
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Burkina: Like head and neck, man and woman must unite against terrorism (Association)

Ouagadougou: The man is the head which cannot turn without the woman, who is the neck, said yesterday, Saturday, Dr Justine Kielem/Coulidiaty, calling on the two to unite against terrorism in Burkina Faso.

‘In a subtle way (…) we agree and we recogni…

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Kourweogo/Training in income-generating activities: AFEMIB supports women and youth associations

Ouagadougou: The Association of Women in the Mining Sector of Burkina Faso (AFEMIB), closed, on Wednesday August 21, 2024, a series of training sessions simultaneously in Silmiougou and Boussé, for the benefit of women’s and youth associations , to st…

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The city of Ouagadougou is tackling its unsanitary spaces to prevent flooding

Ouagadougou: Public cleaning activities are organized in several unsanitary places in Ouagadougou, AIB noted this Sunday.

The special delegation from District 10 and the citizen monitoring committees carried out a major cleaning operation of the East…

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Iron Biby defends his world champion title on September 7 in England

Ouagadougou: Iron Biby, log lift world champion, will defend his title on September 7, 2024 in the city of Birmingham, England, the AIB learned from an official source.

Received in audience yesterday Friday by the Minister of Sports, Youth and Employ…

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Mouhoun/Election to the Burkinabè football federation: Candidate Oumarou Sawadogo in the campaign in Dédougou

Ouagadougou: The candidate for the presidency of the Burkinabè Football Federation (FBF), Colonel Major Oumarou Sawadogo, met on Sunday August 25, 2024 in Dédougou, football players from the region of Boucle du Mouhoun, in order to outline the main ax…

Read More Mouhoun/Election to the Burkinabè football federation: Candidate Oumarou Sawadogo in the campaign in Dédougou