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Tinubu tasks livestock reforms committee on agricultural productivity

President Bola Tinubu has tasked the Presidential Committee on Implementation of Livestock Reforms to address obstacles to agricultural productivity.

The president inaugurated the committee on Tuesday in Abuja and appointed former Chairman of the Ind…

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Posted in Government Politics

Gendarmes summon Maurice Kamto, associates

The president of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement, Prof Maurice Kamto has been summoned to appear at the West Gendarmerie Legion alongside Albert Nzongang and Andre Marie Tassa, all officials of the party.

The CRM President who is currently out of t…

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Posted in Government Politics

Web 2.0 MP to vote against extension mandate

Hon. Nourane Foster said she will vote against the bill tabled by President Paul Biya for the mandates of MPs and Local Councils to be extended.

The extension will mean that their mandates will expire in March 2026 instead of March 2025. This will gi…

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Brenda Biya sends strong message to father, Paul Biya, ‘change homosexuality laws’

The daughter of Cameroon’s longtime president, Brenda Biya, told French news Le Parisien that her coming out in June was a strong message to her father who is the Head of State to change the laws that punish homosexuality in Cameroon.

‘Coming out is …

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Group wants Cameroon president’s daughter prosecuted for promoting LGBTQ

A pressure group in Cmeroon, fighting against the decriminalization of LGBTQ in Cameroon has petitioned the Attorney General attached to the Mfoundi Court of Girst Instance in Yaounde, centre region, to prosecute President Paul Biya’s daughter Brenda …

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Ministries, Institutions Agree to Strengthen Collaboration to Sustainably Rehabilitate Returnee Migrants

The Ministry of Women and Social Affairs inked an agreement with pertinent ministries and institutions to strengthen cooperation to sustainably rehabilitate and safeguard the rights of returnee Ethiopian migrants.

Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Justi…

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Africa Needs Additional 800 million USD Annually towards Meeting SDGs

African policymakers, gender experts, and development actors are calling on countries to invest and collaborate more to finance the production and use of gender data to improve the lives of women and girls.

Senior public sector officials and civil so…

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PM Abiy Extends Condolences over Death of Former Senator Jim Inhoffe

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has extended condolences over the death of former Senator Jim Inhoffe.

The premier wrote on X ‘Former Senator Jim Inhoffe was a principled man and true friend of Ethiopia. I’m saddened to hear of his passing. He will be trul…

Read More PM Abiy Extends Condolences over Death of Former Senator Jim Inhoffe