Climate change: Group unveils Nigeria’s maiden carbon literacy programme

Green Waka, a development and communication-based organisation, in collaboration with the UN - recognised Carbon Literacy Project, has unveiled Nigeria's first carbon literacy programme to ensure smooth transition to net-zero emissions. Mr Michael Bisong, Co-founder, Green Waka, who spoke at the event on Tuesday in Abuja, said that the carbon literacy training framework presented a platform to sensitise Nigerians and enable them to contribute to achieving a low-carbon economy fairly and inclusively. Carbon Literacy (CL) is an awareness of the carbon dioxide costs and impacts on everyday activities as well as the ability and motivation to reduce emissions on an individual, community and organisational basis. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the project, which is already widely adopted across the UK and rapidly expanding internationally, will help lay the foundation for Nigeria's just transition to net-zero emissions. It will motivate people from all walks of life to devise and deliver their be st climate action in order to ensure the nation's future prosperity. 'This will also ensure that the benefits and burdens of the transition are shared equitably. 'The training will foster widespread low-carbon culture in Nigeria as it is doing in the 26 nations with more than 700 unique Accredited Carbon Literacy courses already being delivered,'' Bisong said. Phil Korbel, Co-founder and Director of Advocacy, the Carbon Literacy Project, who delivered a keynote address via a webinar, said that the training propelled everyone in their individual spaces to devise their best action in such a way as to make it do-able. According to Korbel, carbon literacy is the renewable fuel for a just transition in Nigeria. 'The renewable power that will drive Nigeria towards a net zero future is that of its people. 'Urgent action on climate change is driven by facts agreed by the world's scientists but this language sometimes needs 'translating' so that everyone becomes aware of its relevance to them, whoever and wherev er they are,' he said. Eche Asuzu, Coordinator, Climate Change Unit, Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), while speaking on the topic 'The Role of Civic Engagement in Accelerating Nigeria's Just Transition, said that what 'Green Waka was doing would greatly translate to action among individual work spaces. 'This is the real action on creating functional awareness in the workplace because we have established that the work place is at the heartbeat of climate change challenges because more than 90 per cent of climate change is emitted in the work place 'Yes, we need to transit and for us at the NLC; this must address the welfare of workers; we must ensure workers are free to express these issues around their work spaces. 'The questions of what will happen to the jobs? What trainings are workers going to be given? How will gaps in the workplace be filled? 'Workers must have some cover; we must create new jobs and create a just transition to achieve net-zero emissions in Nigeria,'' he said. Mr Osadebamwen Patrick , Chairman, Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ), Abuja Council, presented the training certificates to the first two Nigerians and co-founders of Green Waka project in Nigeria, who were selected for training in the UK. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Green Legacy Initiative Bringing About Tangible Results in Enhancing Forest Cover

Addis Ababa: The Green Legacy Initiative, considered as a massive reforestation campaign of Ethiopia has been playing a paramount role in protecting the ecosystem and increasing the forest cover, the Ethiopian Forestry Development underscored. For the past five years, Ethiopia has diligently pursued an annual planting program under the Green Legacy Initiative, initiated by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in 2019, it was indicated. As a result of the initiative, Ethiopia's Forest Cover report indicates that by 2023, the country's forest cover had increased to 23.6% from 17.2% in 2019. Approached by ENA Ethiopian Forestry Development Director-General, Kebede Yimam underlined the need for reducing poverty and ensuring economic growth through a proper utilization of natural resources. Acknowledging Ethiopia's potential natural resources, the forest resource in particular, he reminded that it had been neglected for many years due to improper protection and cutting down of wood for shelter construction and firewood. The director-general referred a study conducted from 2000 to 2013, which figured out that the annual deforestation rate in Ethiopia is estimated at 92,000 hectares. And another study from 2014 to 2019 points out that deforestation decreased to 38, 0000 hectares. Most importantly, Kebede emphasized on the declined Ethiopia's annual deforestation rate which has decreased to 27,703 hectares. For him, those countries that do not manage and use their natural resources in an appropriate way are exposed to unprecedented ecological risk. Degradation of forested lands, unbalanced use of natural resources and high population growth are the reasons for various disasters, Kebede said. The Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative which has been becoming a critical demonstration in the endeavors of withstanding climate change impacts, the director-general elaborated that it has played an important role to increase forest cover. As green development is important for the safety of the ecosystem and sustainable development by increasing the forest cover, he urged the entire society to contribute their fair share in planting and maintaining saplings. According to the director-general, the survival rate of planted seedlings is significantly increasing. Kebede believed that this happened following the community's awareness on the importance of forests is growing and the culture of properly caring for saplings has developed. Speaking on year's Green Legacy pre-launch program said a paradigm last week, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed noted that our goal for this year is to reach 40 billion seedlings from our overall target of 50 billion, which means we need to collectively plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle.

Ethiopia Submits Application, Gears Up for Africa Cup of Nations, Announces PM Abiy

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced today that Ethiopia has submitted its application to host the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) and the country is carrying out preparatory activities. Prime Minister Abiy had a friendly match early this morning with some of Africa's football legends who are in Ethiopia to participate in the Shenen Africa Festival. Speaking at the occasion, the Prime Minister said that Ethiopia has thrown its hat into the ring to host the prestigious Africa Cup of Nations. Acknowledging the Africa Cup of Nations requires complex procedures, the premier underscored that Ethiopia is intensifying consolidated efforts to make its request come true. He pointed out that a thorough discussion was conducted on the matter with the president of the Confederation of African Football (CAF). Prime Minister Abiy also believed that hosting of the Africa Cup of Nations in Ethiopia will certainly stimulate Ethiopian football. Moreover, AFCON will also bring about a great benefit to the countr y's development of the tourism sector. Accordingly, the current visit of legendary African football players to Ethiopia, they are known for playing in the English Premier League and various European clubs will create a great opportunity to promote Ethiopia's potential in this sphere. According to him, Ethiopia is working hard through its diplomats to host AFCON and tremendous discussions including with the president of CAF have been underway. 'If we succeed in these endeavors, our people will be informed and we will be engaging in the hotel and the stadium arrangements as well as other necessary preparation,' PM Abiy stated. Mentioning the significant role of the Great Run in promoting Ethiopia's image across the globe, he further confirmed that work in various sports fields, including horse riding, will be reinforced. Former African footballers, and other renowned figures from the continent have also left their Green Legacy footprint at Friendship Park, it was learnt. On Friday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahm ed and Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Tiruneh met with former African footballers known for playing in the English Premier League and various European clubs, famous artists from the continent, influencers, and renowned designers who arrived in Ethiopia to participate in the Shenen Africa Festival.

Dessie City Inaugurates over Half Billion Birr Worth Infrastructure Dev’t Projects

Addis Ababa: Dessie city, the South Wollo Zone of the Amhara Region has inaugurated today over 500-million birr worth of infrastructure projects aimed at addressing long overdue development demands in the city. Dessie, located about 400 kilometers north of the capital Addis Ababa, the city's inhabitants have been demanding better infrastructure development including roads, housings and other necessary projects. Considering today's inaugurated projects as a response from the regional and federal governments, the development infrastructures are anticipated to significantly improve the living standards of the community. The inaugural ceremony of the newly built infrastructure projects was attended by the Deputy Chief Administrator of Amhara Region Abdu Hussain, Deputy Mayor of Dessie City Administration, Samuel Molalign and other federal and regional officials. Among the unveiled major infrastructures development projects are bus stations, asphalt roads built in different areas of the city, public pharmacies and other development projects, ENA reporter witnessed that. Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed visited development projects in and around the city of Dessie and met with the residents yesterday. The premier wrote on X that he observed many impressive works being carried out everywhere in the city during the visit. Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Managing Director of Dessie city Administration Infrastructure Department, Kasim Abera said the development projects have been constructed with the participation of the government and society. According to him, the asphalt roads were built from Koshin-Ber-Gerado to Piasa- Medhanialem, Wolo Hotel-Mayor's Office and its surrounding areas. Kasim recalled that the development works that have been completed for inauguration were the age-old development demands of the society. And he said those projects have been realized through a coordinated effort to speed up development along with maintaining the peace and stability of the city.

Ethiopia’s Chemical Industry Corporation Obtains 5 Billion Birr Revenue

Addis Ababa: Chemical Industry Corporation disclosed that it has secured 5 billion Birr in revenue from its industrial chemical input products over the past eleven months. Given the government's priority, Ethiopia has been becoming an attractive destination for chemical trade. In this regard, the country's chemical industry is diverse and demands chemicals for food, beverage and textiles. Ethiopia's Chemical Industry Corporation oversees Muger Cement Factory, Adami Tulu Pesticide Processing Factory, Awash Melkasa Chemical Factory, Batu Caustic Soda Factory and Rubber Tree Development and Production Project, it was indicted. Speaking to ENA the Corporation CEO, Hundessa Dessalegn said the corporation supplies the chemical products from its factories to the domestic and foreign markets. Hundessa pointed out that Corporation is playing a paramount role in the country's economy by increasing the productivity and profitability of fertilizer inputs, rubber tree products, cement and other related chemical produ cts. As one of the nation's enterprises, the CEO pointed out that the Chemical Industry Corporation has generated five billion Birr in the past 11 monts of the 2023/24 budget year. The revenue has shown a 28.9 percent increase compared to the same period last year, he indicated. He also noted that the Corporation is delivering products that it has partially or fully processed in the rubber tree cultivation to the customers. An expansion project is being implemented to increase its capacity in this sphere, Hundessa said. For Instance, it is cultivating rubber trees on more than 6,000 hectares of land in Oromia region and Southwest Ethiopia region. Indicating that half a million rubber trees have been planted through this project initiative, the CEO noted that the corporation is anticipated to harvest up to 30 tons of rubber trees in just one month. He further explained that in addition to covering the national demand in the sector, the rubber tree development and production project is imperative to maxim ize foreign currency earnings by exporting products to the international market. The Chemical Industry Corporation is a government enterprise that provides chemical inputs to producers engaged in agriculture, health, construction, manufacturing and other sectors.

Nigerian football legends Laud Ethiopia’s Undergoing Dev’t, Express Happiness in Hospitality

Addis Ababa: Nigerian football legends who are in Ethiopia, praised the country that has been under a rapid growth and they have felt overwhelmed by the hospitality. They stated that their stay in Ethiopia was exciting and they realized Ethiopia is passing through a rapid development activity. Recall that Nigerian former professional footballer, Nwankwo Kanu and Africa's football legends arrived in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to participate in the Shenen Africa Festival. During their stay, apart from the festival, they visited various development projects including the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). Similarly, the football legends had a friendly match early this morning with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and have also left their Green Legacy footprint at Friendship Park. During the occasion, former Nigerian football star Nwankwo Kanu said that Ethiopia is a country with a very beautiful and amazing culture. Kanu expressed his joy over the hospitality given to him and other former African players during t heir stay in Ethiopia, he said, adding that it has made us feel like we were at home. The player pledged to come back to Ethiopia. He also spoke about his visit to the ongoing development projects and tourism destinations in particular, which are built in the country based on Prime Minister Abiy's vision for Ethiopia. 'It (Ethiopia) is a beautiful country and the people are great. I feel at home and I love it. Also the food here is good and I have really enjoyed it. So what I saw in Ethiopia is that the Prime Minister is a man of great vision and he is doing a wonderful job. I am impressed and I can tell you that even if I go there, I would like to come back again,' Kanu revealed. Another Nigerian former professional footballer who played as a defender, Taribo West reminded the tour to various development activities in Ethiopia. According to West, he realized that the development endeavors being carried out in Ethiopia demonstrate Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's vision for the African continent beyond his co untry. He lauded today's announcement made by the Prime Minister that Ethiopia has submitted its application to host the Africa Cup of Nations (AFCON) to stimulate football in the country. West also expressed best wish that this would come true. He added that the recent coming of the African continent's former great players to Ethiopia will bring about a favorable environment for the improvement of football culture by creating ties with Ethiopians. 'We've been here for three days. They've taken us around and we see a lot of incredible places and great works of Prime Minister Abiy and also the ambition he has for Ethiopia as well as the continent of Africa,' he said. The former player is also excited by Ethiopia's application to host the Africa Cup of Nations. 'This country is also anticipated to host the Africa Cup of Nations here and {we will} be here to enjoy this great time with Ethiopia. The first country to come back home to what I saw is Ethiopia. I'm delighted to be here any day, and any time. The Prime Minister has an idea how to improve Ethiopian football and ………… transform the football culture in Ethiopia.' Noting that it is a great link, the Nigerian former professional footballer pledged to work for Ethiopia in its endeavors in the future not only to host AFCON but also to become the continent's champion. The other Nigerian footballer, Daniel Amukachi, said that Ethiopians warmly welcomed them with honor and love during their time here. Besides the friendly game with the Prime Minister, Amukachi also said that his participation in the tree seedling program gave him a special feeling. 'We have been in a lot of love here you know from all Ethiopians. The Prime Minister's cabinet; the Minister of Culture and Sports, the Ministry of Tourism and others are exceptionally welcoming. You cannot say much about this amazing hospitality. And we just also had a 20 minutes game with Prime Minister Abiy which was great fun.' He further noted that the friendly game with the Prime Minister and his partic ipation in the tree seedling program were unforgettable memories.

NAFDAC seals 2 sachet water factories in Imo

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) has shut down two sachet water factories in Owerri for operating in unhygienic environments. The agency further cautioned another factory during the routine inspection carried out on Friday in the Imo capital city. The two affected factories included Elmabo Table Water and Sylchap Enterprise Table Water, while Giver Table Water was cautioned over minor issues. In an interview with newsmen at the end of the enforcement, the Imo NAFDAC Coordinator, Mrs Mercy Ndukwe, said the factories were sealed for poor manufacturing practices. Ndukwe said: 'We have invited them all to visit NAFDAC office with their licences for verification. 'Looking at the factories we visited, the agency is not happy seeing the environment they were operating on. 'NAFDAC's minimum requirement is four to five rooms for small scale operators to operate a water production facility. 'At the time we registered them, these rooms were available but today, most of the rooms have been converted to other uses, like living rooms and other businesses.' The NAFDAC chief expressed concern that cholera and other diseases could breakout from such unhygienic environments, if not given proper attention. Ndukwe recalled that the agency, about three weeks ago, directed the water association in the state to close all operations for two days for proper cleaning and sanitisation of factories to avert cholera outbreak. 'In spite of the directive, we are very sad to see the environment where they operate in to be unhygienic,' she said. She cautioned other producers 'to sit up and conduct self sanitisation of their premises.' 'They should ensure that those they leave their businesses to run adhere strictly to the directives of NAFDAC. 'Our aim is not to close down factories or push them out of business but to ensure that Nigerians consume wholesale and hygienic food and water,' Ndukwe further said. She expressed the willingness of the agency to organise free trainings for the operat ors of table water factories in the state on the best practices. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the enforcement was carried out by NAFDAC, in collaboration with the Imo House of Assembly Committee on Health and Environment as well as the state chapter of the Association of Table Water Producers (ATWAP). The Vice Chairman of ATWAP, Mrs Joy Uwakwe, expressed the support of her association to the enforcement by the agency. 'The association is in support of ensuring that water sold to consumers are clean and treated for consumption for Imo residents. 'The most unfortunate thing that happened today is that the sealed factories are not members of ATWAP,' Uwakwe said . Also, the chairman, Imo House of Assembly Taskforce on Health and Environment, Chief Odyssey Obioha, expressed concern that the test conducted for quality at the facilities showed that the water was not safe for drinking. Obioha said that a similar test was conducted on different sachets of water at the Imo State House of Assembly where it was discovered that most of them were unsafe for consumption. 'The discovery necessitated the inspection of water production facilities in the state, in collaboration with NAFDAC and ATWAP. 'The outbreak of cholera in the country has become an issue and the State Government is determined to ensure that Imo is free from cholera,' Obioha said. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

When stakeholders converged on Banjul to affirm nuclear test rejection

Stakeholders gathered in Banjul, The Gambia, for a two-day African regional workshop organised by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) from May 31 to June 1, 2024. The workshop brought together 27 attendees from 23 countries, including both diplomatic and technical representatives. During the two-day event, participants emphasised the significance of African countries' adherence to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) for ensuring peace and security across the region. Topics discussed included strategies to increase support for and achieve universal adoption of the CTBT in Africa, as well as ways to build momentum towards its entry into force. There was call to Africa Heads of State and Governments to advance the ratification and national implementation of the Treaty. The CTBT, a multilateral agreement opened for signature in September 1996, has since been signed by 187 nations and ratified by 178, prohibiting any nuclear weapons test anywhere in the world by anyone. The workshop also focused on ensuring that all States Signatories benefit from Treaty membership, whether through using the data collected by the organization's state-of-the-art verification regime or accessing capacity building and training opportunities. It followed other regional and sub-regional outreach events held in Cairo, Egypt; Nairobi, Kenya; Rabat, Morocco; Niamey, Niger; Abuja, Nigeria; Dakar, Senegal; Pretoria, South Africa; and Tunis, Tunisia, among others. During the workshop, suggestions were made on how to better contribute to the International Monitoring System (IMS), a technical platform of CTBTO's verification regime that detects nuclear test explosions globally. Others called for capacity building programmes and training initiatives to promote States signatories' access to IMS data and International Data Centre (IDC) products for civil and scientific applications, such as earthquake warnings and climate change research. CTBTO Executive Secretary Robert Floyd emphasised the importance of the ban on nuclear testing for the African region, highlighting the Treaty's International Monitoring System's capability to detect any nuclear. He disclosed that the CTBT has not yet formally entered into force, requiring ratification from 9 remaining countries from a list of 44, including China, the United States, and Russia. He said that entry into force would unlock the Treaty's full verification tools, including the ability to conduct on-site inspections to confirm the nature of any suspected nuclear test. Floyd emphasised the devastating impact of nuclear weapons, citing the Hiroshima bombing as an example, and encouraged African countries to ratify the CTBT, noting that Africa's 35 IMS stations are actively monitoring global seismic activity. He praised Africa's role in building consensus for the Treaty's adoption by the UN General Assembly and highlighted the importance of complete adherence to the CTBT for realising a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa. Similarly, Mr Dawda Jallow, Attorney-Ge neral and Minister for Justice of The Gambia, said the regional workshop would help the stakeholders to discuss and advance the nuclear testing ban policy objective within the region. He said The Gambia's ratification of the Treaty in 2022 demonstrated commitment to nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament, as well as dedication to a safer and more peaceful world. According to him, the challenges Africans faced today required collective efforts through dialogue and diplomacy with relevant support to the CTBT. Jallow said: 'The CTBT's primary aim is to prevent nuclear testing, but it can also have civil and scientific applications.' 'The verification regime established by the CTBT offers valuable data and tools that can be utilised for purposes, such as climate change research, disaster prevention, including Tsunami warning.' 'These capabilities provide additional benefits to countries like The Gambia and also have the potential of generating positive outcomes across various sectors of economy.' Dr Ouma r Touray, President of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Commission, said Africa has been a driving force in nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament. He said this was particularly through the Treaty of Pelindaba, which established a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone (NWFZ) in the region. 'This workshop is important to uniting African countries towards achieving a shared future, advancing the CTBT and reinforcing our collective resolve to prevent nuclear proliferation and promote global security.' 'Today, we are gathered to contribute to a cause that not only affects our continents, but the entire world.' 'This workshop is a testament to our shared dedication towards achieving sustainable peace and cooperation in Africa and beyond', Touray said. Mako Sitali, a senior Geo-scientist at Namibia's CTBT National Data Centre (NDC) extolled the workshop to have provided platform for knowledge sharing on gains of nuclear testing ban. 'I believe in teamwork. Being in a room with so much regional exp ertise was a fantastic opportunity to learn from each other and collaborate. This is a crucial first step towards realising our vision of a world without nuclear tests', Sitali said. The stakeholders agreed that the proposed 2025 workshop scheduled to be hosted in Latin America and the Caribbean or the Pacific will benefit all signatories to the Treaty. This, they agreed, will be achieved through capacity building, especially those interested in engaging in dialogue against nuclear weapons testing. This will also ensure the safety and protection of the environment from nuclear weapons tests, aid in disaster management. It will also serve various other civil and scientific purposes. It aims to establish a world without nuclear tests and create barriers against further development and proliferation of nuclear weapons. Source: News Agency of Nigeria