Bamboutos widows decry maltreatment, discrimination

Widows in the Bamboutos Division of the West, like elsewhere in Cameroon, still face poverty, denial of inheritance, eviction from their homes, ostracism, and abuse. Mme Sonwa Lonko Marie, the president of the Babadjou Widows Association, highlighted these issues on June 25 during a ceremony at the Babadjou Council's banquet hall to mark International Widows Day. She emphasized that in the 21st century, widows are mistreated by their in-laws. The common belief that a woman's life ends when she loses her husband leads to unfavorable treatment by family members. These widows call for authorities to address their challenges. Not only do widows suffer, but their children also face difficulties, including being withdrawn from school and increased vulnerability to abuse, particularly for girls. During the ceremony, the Divisional Officer, Noah Mani Venant, suggested enhancing awareness and urged widows to speak out against injustices they encounter. International Widows Day, established by the United Nations in 2010, aims to shed light on widows' human rights violations worldwide after their spouses' passing. It advocates for their full rights through research, addressing violence, discrimination, and poverty, and creating policies and programs. The event gathered municipal, traditional, and political authorities who provided necessities to the widows. The theme for this year, 'Widows for Peace through Democracy,' aligns with the 2024 Commission on the Status of Women's goal to accelerate gender equality by strengthening land and property rights. Source: Cameroon News Agency

Oil regulatory authority refutes dirty fuel importation

The Nigerian Midstream and Downstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (NMDPRA) says there is no imported dirty fuel in the country. The Authority said it would never encourage importation of dirty fuel into the country and ensured that only quality protroleum products are consumed by Nigerians. Mr Ogbugo Ukoha, Executive Director, Distribution Systems, Storage and Retailing Infrastructure, NMDPRA, made this known while speaking with newsmen after a meeting with the oil marketers and local refiners on Tuesday in Abuja. Dangote Oil Refinery and Petrochemicals had accused the Authority of granting licenses to oil marketers to import dirty fuel into the country. The Vice President, Oil and Gas, at Dangote Industries Limited (DIL), Devakumar Edwin, had accused International Oil Companies (IOCs) in Nigeria of doing everything to frustrate the survival of Dangote Refinery. Ukoha, while addressing newsmen said the sulphur content in the fuel even in this June was not above the lawful limit. 'There is no dirty fu el being brought in and I have given you the statistics for June. 'What we have on the average from the imports have continued to go down from 200 Parts Per Million (PPM) on the average and now we have it far below the 50 PPM that is provided under the law,' he said. He recalled that the ECOWAS), Heads of States in 2020 endorsed a declaration, adopting the African Fuel Roadmap that requires that certain products have as a minimum 50PPT per a million litres of sulphur. The Executive Director said while it encouraged almost an immediate enforcement, on import to comply with that standard, the same treaty deferred enforcement for local refiners up to Dec. 31, 2024. According to him, though the time for enforcement on local refineries is not due, the plants are complying on their own. 'And with the refineries there is no need to enforce that until the end of this year. But they themselves are already taking steps to see that is also guaranteed,' he said. Ukoha noted that the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) in 2021, Section 318 also captured and upheld the ECOWAS treaty. 'So as an Authority what have we done since we came into being? We started by engendering compliance. We saw a downward trend up to 2022-2023 December,' he said. The Executive Director admitted there was a spike in the sulphur content of imported products between December 2023 and January 2024, which resulted in a vigorous enforcement in February. 'In December and in January 2024, we noticed a spike in the sulphur content of products being imported. And again now began strong enforcement from Feb. 1, 'I am happy to tell Nigerians that up until as we speak in June, the average sulphur content in every Automotive Gas Oil (AGO) that is brought into Nigeria is far below what the 50 PPM provision is in the law,'' he said. According to him, the new refineries are even built with plant sulphurisation limit which will reduce it to 10PPM. 'But we are not very anxious about that because even the new refineries that are coming on have within their desig n of the plants the sulphurisation limit that we will see in the nearest future going down as low as 10PPM. 'So, I will like to assure Nigeria that this is a mandate that the Authority takes very seriously and that we are here to guarantee the wellbeing and health of Nigeria and there is no dirty fuel we will encourage to come into Nigeria,' he said. Ukoha further said that the meeting with the oil marketers and refiners was aimed at promoting collaboration in a manner that would guarantees energy security within the country. 'Our discussions covered considerable issues, very significant and profound. Issues of pricing, competition have been raised and we will continue to engage with every operator to see that we land at a place that is ultimately beneficial to Nigeria and Nigerians,' he added. Also, Gabriel Ogbechie, the Group Managing Director of Rain Oil Limited said the meeting agreed on level playing field for efficient collaboration in the sector. Source: South News Agency of Nigeria

World Drug Day: Tinubu rallies support for drug war

President Bola Tinubu has pledged more support for the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), in its fight against substance abuse and illicit drug trafficking. The President made the pledge as Special Guest of Honour, at the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, otherwise known as World Drug Day, on Wednesday in Abuja. Speaking on the theme: 'The Evidence is Clear: Invest in Prevention,' Tinubu enjoined all and sundry to support the War Against Drug Abuse (WADA) initiative launched by NDLEA three years ago. The President was represented by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Sen. George Akume. 'I commend and urge everyone to redouble their efforts to combat drug abuse and trafficking in the country. 'On this score, I wish to reassure you of this administration's support. The Renewed Hope Agenda places the youth at the centre of its focus. Therefore, we ensure that our young people are protected from anything that could derail their future or destroy their po tential,' he said. He noted that illicit drugs and substances had wreaked havoc on individuals, families, communities and countries worldwide. 'In the face of such a formidable challenge, prevention is the most potent weapon that we can deploy. Prevention not only saves lives; it also saves resources that would otherwise be spent on treatment and rehabilitation. 'It empowers individuals to make informed choices, promotes healthy lifestyles and creates resilient communities capable of withstanding the pressures of drug abuse. 'Investing in prevention is not merely a moral imperative, a prudent way of safeguarding our future. 'By allocating resources towards evidence-based prevention programmes, we can break the vicious cycle of drug abuse and protect our youth from falling prey to the menace,' said Tinubu. He stated that, 'the assignment before us as a country requires that we prioritise evidence-based prevention strategies, allocate adequate resources and foster partnerships for greater impact. 'This government will support NDLEA to build on the success recorded in the past few years. We shall work with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that we have positive statistics from the next national drug use survey that will be conducted in the country.' He urged all Nigerians to join hands in this noble cause, saying it is an assignment for all patriotic citizens, including religious leaders, traditional leaders, educational institutions, opinion leaders, and civil society organisations. 'NDLEA has created a formidable platform for cooperation vis-à-vis its War Against Drug Abuse (WADA) social advocacy initiative,' he said. Brig.-Gen. Mohamed Buba Marwa (Rtd), Chairman/Chief Executive Officer of NDLEA, said the 'Save Our Families' social advocacy campaign launched at the ceremony by the President, was designed to prevent and tackle drug use through early detection and intervention. He said the newly produced special drug test kits was a necessity in every home, school and workplace, and that the Drug Integ rity Test initiative would metamorphose into an anti-drug culture for every Nigerian. 'The test is intended for secondary school students, students seeking admission into tertiary institutions and returning students, workers in government and private offices and individuals seeking political offices as well as prospective couples before taking their marriage vows. 'The drug test will serve as a tool for the prevention of drug use and early detection of the individual's status of drug use for the purpose of appropriate intervention including treatment and rehabilitation. 'Let me also add that our drug integrity test, which has been adopted by some government institutions and tertiary institutions in the country, is a preventive mechanism,' said Marwa. He said the Agency had produced tens of thousands of special test kits capable of detecting 15 different substances, which were available in all its commands across the country. 'This is for use in homes, schools, workplaces and others. Apart from helping i n early detection of drug abuse especially by our youths so that we can get them help in form of treatment, this will also create some deterrence effects,' he said. Speaking on the theme for this year's World Drug Day, Marwa said drug use prevention lied at the heart of NDLEA's strategy in addressing the drug problem because it was far more effective and cost-efficient to prevent drug abuse than to deal with its consequences. 'In this regard, we have used our WADA social advocacy initiative to campaign vigorously at the grassroots and create awareness for our people to shun illicit substances. 'WADA is a sensitisation and advocacy initiative that employs the whole of society approach to engage all stakeholders including the government sectors, institutions, and Non-Governmental Organisations. 'This is with emphasis on youths in and out of school, community gatekeepers including traditional and community leaders, as well as religious leaders among others. 'I am proud to state that the programme has been a tremendous success as an effective tool of advocacy for social action and an awareness driven vehicle for public engagement and collaboration against the drug scourge,' he explained. He stated that between 2021 and 2024, the Agency embarked on 6,423 sensitisation and education programmes targeting young people in school and 987 programmes for Out of School youths in order to create awareness on the dangers associated with drug use. 'This is in addition to the millions of homes reached with our anti-substance abuse messages through our aggressive and impactful media campaigns using various traditional and new media platforms,' he said. The outgoing United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Country Representative, Dr Oliver Stolpe, also made a number of recommendations. 'After the exceptionally successful testing of the school-based drug prevention programme UNPLUGGED involving half a million secondary school children in Nigeria, the programme should be rolled out to all 28, 000 public and private s econdary schools. 'We need to enhance the resilience against drug use among the millions of out-of-school children, for example through sports-based initiatives such as Line Up Live Up (LULU). 'Furthermore, we need to strengthen families in their ability to recognise and address drug use in effective and constructive ways,' he said. Stolpe further said: 'Most importantly, there is an urgent need to repeat the 2018 national drug use survey. Without up-to-date data, there is no way in which we can assess whether our collective efforts have long-term impact and address the actual priorities.' The Minister of Education, Prof. Tahir Mamman, who emphasised the importance of testing in schools expressed the ministry's support for NDLEA drug test campaign. According to him, the most important place where this prevention fight should start is the education sector. 'And we will do our own part, even last week, it was something we considered and promised to review the existing policies so that we can work with NDL EA to take it to secondary schools and primary schools. 'To establish at all levels compulsory and sustained testing, it has to be compulsory and sustained, right through the years and period of their education,' he said. Chairman, House of Representatives Committee on Drugs and Narcotics, Rep. Abass Adigun, called for more budgetary provisions for NDLEA in the face of its multi-faceted mandate. 'We at the national assembly are ready to work with the NDLEA and we need the federal government to look into this,' said Adigun. Source: South News Agency of Nigeria

NAMA upgrades surveillance system to enhance airspace safety

The Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA) has begun upgrading surveillance infrastructure in airports and other remote installations to enhance safety and security of the nation's airspace. Its Managing Director, Mr Ahmed Farouk, made the disclosure in a statement on Wednesday in Lagos. Farouk also said that President Bola Tinubu had approved an onsite visit to Spain by critical staff of the agency to inspect some facilities and engage technology solution providers. He said that NAMA received a team from the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) to discuss salient issues on safety and security of the nation's airspace. According to Farouk, the collaboration between NAMA and NAF is critical to the sustenance of Nigeria's airspace safety and security. 'NAMA handles civil operations, while the air force oversees security. Our close collaboration is vital for maintaining a safe and secure airspace,' he said. He quoted the leader of the NAF delegation, AVM Abubakar Abdulkadir, as saying that NAF recently deployed ne w platforms designed for national air defence. Farouk also quoted Abdulkadir as saying that NAF had completed day training and was about to finish night training which would enable rapid interception of any intrusion in the airspace. Source: South News Agency of Nigeria

Nigeria recorded 75,000 new HIV infections in 2023 – NACA

Dr Temitope Ilori, the Director-General of National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA), said that Nigeria recorded 75,000 new infected HIV cases and 45,000 HIV-related deaths in 2023. She made this known at a two-day National Prevention Technical Working Group (NPTWG) meeting organised by NACA in Abuja on Wednesday. She said although there is gradual reduction in new HIV infections, there is need to implement the recommendations made at the 2024 Nigeria HIV Prevention conference and ongoing meeting to eradicate HIV/AIDS by 2030. She added that, 'it is disheartening to know that in 2023, we had as much as 75,000 new infections and 45,000 HIV-related deaths. 'This is a cause for concern. And we also know that even in our Mother-To-Child Transmission, we are just about 35 to 40 per cent as against the 75 per cent target. So, we know we have a lot of work to do.' Prof. Muhammad Pate, the Coordinating Minister of Health and Social Welfare, therefore, urged stakeholders to discuss progress on actions and st rategies toward preventing HIV transmission. Pate, who was represented by Dr Bashorun Adebobola, the National Coordinator, National AIDS/STI Control Programme (NASCP), said: 'We should strengthen our communication strategies in such a way that we can pass the right message. 'Even though we have made impressive gains, it does not mean that we are still not at risk or threat of a rebound of the infection and this is where communication needs to be strengthened so that we can achieve that overall goal before 2030.' Dr Leo Zekeng, UNAIDS Country Director and Representative in Nigeria, noted that Nigeria, and many countries, are not on track to meeting the 2025 prevention target. He said that, ' in spite of remarkable progress, prevention of new HIV infections is still a challenge, as many countries, including Nigeria are not on track to meeting the 2025 prevention target. 'We are here as UNAIDS and UN system in support and solidarity to government's efforts to address HIV prevention and appreciate the renewe d and continued leadership of NACA on HIV prevention. 'From the 2023 estimates, 45,000 deaths and 75,000 new infections is huge. We still have a lot to do'. Zekeng suggested that the roadmap to be developed should include quarterly performance framework for accountability and progress monitoring. On his part, Mr Abdulkadir Ibrahim, the National Coordinator, Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), stressed the need for HIV treatment as best option for prevention. He said, 'once someone is living with HIV, he/she must adhere to medications, then definitely the chances of transmitting HIV to another person is zero'. Evans Emerson, Deputy Country Coordinator, U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), emphasised the inclusion of youths, key populations and others to eliminate HIV as a public threat. Emerson reiterated the commitment of the U.S. to support with funding to implement innovative strategies and approaches to HIV prevention and treatment in Nigeria. The Ne ws Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the NACA director-general also unveiled the 2024 HIV Prevention Conference Technical Report and Communique. Source: South News Agency of Nigeria

Ways and means securitisation responsible for N24trn debt rise – DMO

The Debt Management Office says the rise in Nigeria's public debt stock from N97.34 trillion in December 2023 to N121.67 trillion in March 2024, is partly due to exchange rate fluctuations. The Director-General of DMO, Patience Oniha, said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Abuja. She was clarifying misconceptions about the recently released update of the country's total debt profile. She said that the securitisation of N4.90 trillion as part of the securitisation of the N7.3 trillion Ways and Means Advances approved by the National Assembly was also responsible for the N24.33 trillion increase in the debt stock. According to her, there is also the interest rate, as well as new borrowing of N2.81 trillion as part of the N6.06 trillion provided in the 2024 budget. She, however, emphasised that the debt stock included the domestic and external debt stock of the thirty-six states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). 'The total public debt as at March 31, showed tha t the total public debt in Naira terms stood at N121.67 trillion compared to N97.34 trillion as at December 31, 2023. 'While detailed information was provided on the data such as the split between external and domestic debt as well as the fact that the debt stock includes the domestic and external debt stock of the 36 states and the FCT, it has become imperative to provide some explanations. 'It is important to recognise the fact that Nigeria has undergone some major reforms which have impacted economic indices such as the dollar/Naira exchange rate and interest rates. 'These two, in particular affect the debt stock and debt service,' she said. Oniha said that the increase in Naira Terms of N24.33 trillion between the fourth quarter of 2023, and first quarter of 2024, did not strictly represent new borrowing. She said that the total external debt stock was relatively flat at 42.50 billion dollars and 42.12 billion dollars in the fourth quarter of 2023, and first quarter of 2024 respectively. 'The Naira values were significantly different at N38.22 trillion and N56.02 trillion respectively, representing a difference of N17.8 trillion. 'This explains the perceived sharp increase of N24.33 trillion in the total debt stock in the first quarter of 2024. 'The difference in the exchange rate for the two periods also explains why in dollar terms, the total debt stock actually declined in the first quarter of 2024 to 91.46 billion dollars,' Oniha said. She said that the debt report was an improvement from the past, before President Bola Tinubu government. According to her, if you discount FX impact, the debt is moderate and within normal limit. She urged the Federal Government to prioritise fiscal retrenchment, while assuring that the various measures to attract foreign exchange inflows would increase external reserves and support the Naira exchange rate. Source: South News Agency of Nigeria

We will not gag the press – FG assures

The Federal Government has restated its commitment to creating a conducive environment for journalists and the media profession in the country. Minister of Information and National Orientation, Alhaji Mohammed Idris gave the assurance on Wednesday in Abuja at a book presentation titled: 'Writing for Media and Monetising it' by Azu Ishiekwene. 'As we celebrate this milestone, it is also important to reaffirm the commitment of the President Bola Tinubu's administration to a free and responsible journalism. 'We understand that a society can only flourish when its media organs are free to report the truth without fear of retribution and to equally hold those in authority accountable. 'The Tinubu's administration is therefore, dedicated to creating an environment where journalists can work freely, without intimidation, and with the assurance that their rights will be acknowledged and protected,'' Idris said. The Minister, however, stressed that, freedom comes with responsibility. He noted that as the governm ent championed the cause of a free press, it is incumbent on the media to exercise the freedom with a sense of duty, ethics and patriotism. According to him, it is crucial that the information disseminated to the public is accurate, balanced, and devoid of sensationalism. 'We must all strive to ensure that this role is played with the utmost responsibility while we work closely to advance the course of good governance in our country. 'We must be wary of fake news, misinformation and disinformation and indeed, new cankerworms that destroy individual and corporate reputation, and above all, destabilise the society,'' Idris said. Speaking on the book, the Minister said the author had done a huge favour of distilling his great skill, talents and experience into the 280 pages of valuable works. 'I am very glad about the enthusiastic reception that the book is getting from a wide range of quarters as well as stellar reviews and comments, from some of our most respected media practitioners. 'This initiative re presents a meaningful way for the author to give back to the media industry by offering valuable guidance and support to the next generation of journalists. 'Indeed, the way Azu has creatively deployed the Internet for this new book is a testament to how well he has kept up with changing times and technologies,' he said. Speaking, the Chairman, Leadership Newspaper Group, Mrs Zainab Nda-Isaiah said the author has been honing his craft, writing articles that educate, inform and entertain on various and diverse topics. 'This book is not just a collection of tips and tricks, but a comprehensive guide that covers the entire process of writing for media from idea generation, to publication. 'However, this book is in a class of its own, because beyond what I just mentioned as its focus, the book also focuses on monetizing the craft of great writing,'' Nda-Isaiah said Meanwhile, Mr Ahmed Shekarau, owner of Trust TV and Daily Trust Newspaper encouraged the media to focus on human angle reporting that would creat e traffic in the media space, Similarly, Ms Kadaria Ahmed, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Radio Now 95.3fm, stressed the need to educate citizens on the significance of what they are doing. Prof. Abiodun Adeniyi of Mass Communication Department, School of Postgraduates Studies, Baze University, emphasised on the need for the media to be creative and adapt new trends in media profession. Source: South News Agency of Nigeria

Recruitment: Okiro urges harmony between PSC, Police

Former Inspector-General of Police (I-G) Mike Okiro has called on the Police Service Commission (PSC) and the Nigeria Police Force to work in harmony for national security. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Police had alleged irregularities and corruption in the recruitment of Constables by the PSC during the 2022/23 batch. Okiro, in a statement in Abuja, said that the fight against insecurity would remain a mirage, unless the commission and the police worked in harmony. According to him, what Nigerians desire now is how the country will exit the ravaging insecurity pervading the land. 'I implore both parties to eschew whatever be their perceived bitterness and embrace the fact that their jobs go hand in hand. 'Their focus should be how to meet the overwhelming yearnings of the Nigerian people. That can only happen when mutual respect exists between both parties. 'I am very concerned that a minute issue that can be resolved through robust dialogue was allowed to fester to the level of wa shing dirty linens in public,' he said. He said that the lingering problem had done collateral damage to their public image, and ridiculed the international standing of Nigeria. Okiro said that the powers of recruitment, discipline and promotion of police personnel other than the I-G, was vested in the PSC. 'It is not right for any police personnel to contemplate engaging in any misconduct in the course of performing assumed official duties,' he said. Okiro, who is a former chairman of the PSC, urged the commission to avoid over-flogging certain issues in the public domain. 'To move forward, it is imperative to work quickly and assiduously to address the real challenges facing Nigerians; else, the goodwill enjoyed by both parties will soon dissipate. 'This will further erode the fabric of confidence of Nigerians in our democratic process, which will spell doom for our economy too,' he said. He urged the leadership of the commission and police to meet and resolve their differences, and give peace and n ational security a chance. Okiro appealed to both parties to put the matter behind and rekindle the much needed cordial relationship for the successful candidates to start training on time. Source: South News Agency of Nigeria