CAS charges junior officers to be decisive in discharging duties

The Chief Of Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hassan Abubakar, has charged junior military officers to be decisive in handling any tasks or missions given to them . Abubakar gave the charge at the regimental dinner night of the Armed Forces Command and Staff College (AFCSC), Junior Course 97 on Thursday in Jaji Kaduna State. He said, 'As junior commanders, you have to take vital decisions in the field. Junior leaders must understand that indecision is not an option. 'The dinner night is one of the major events lined up for the graduation of Junior Course 97 on June 15 . 'As you are aware, the objective of the college is to develop the professional knowledge and understanding of selected officers of the Armed Forces to prepare them for increasing responsibilities in staff and command appointments.' Abubakar said that the junior course cCurriculum has been restructured to lay a solid foundation for junior commanders. 'The College has done commendably well by continually reviewing the Curriculum to keep in t une with current developments in the world and to effectively align training objectives with emerging defence and security challenges locally and within the African Sub-Region, 'he said. The CAS said in the past 23 weeks, the officers have learnt vital concepts like counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency operations, the estimate process, the manoeuverist's approach to warfare and peace support operations, amongst others. 'It is also gratifying that you learnt the rudiments of time management, perseverance, determination, team spirit, staff work, self confidence and most importantly, discipline while on this course,' he charged. Abubakar said the members of the Armed Forces of Nigeria and some of their neighbours were already aware of the security challenges confronting the nation and the challenges they would face in the field. He said these security challenges were complicated by non-state actors acquiring commercial off- the- shelf technologies such as drones and satellite communications, thereby prof oundly impacting the operating environment they would face as junior commanders and leaders. According to him, as junior leaders, they are the bridge between senior leadership, the men and women who execute the missions on the land, sea, in the air, and the cyber space operational environments. 'Your leadership, dedication, and ability to inspire and guide your teams are essential to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and excellence. 'As junior leaders, you must be able to inspire confidence in subordinates and not lead through intimidation or be overtly coercive. 'As military leaders, you need to be firm and, in certain circumstances, authoritarian. Cross section of students of junior course 97 of AFCSC . ' As junior military leaders, you would make critical decisions in combat environments and other high-pressure situations with consequential risks to your life and your subordinates. 'You must understand that your Influence and actions extend beyond immediate tactical missions. 'Yo ur impact significantly contributes to the overall plan and objectives at the operational and strategic levels, 'he said. Abubakar charged them to lead with integrity, saying, 'we often pay lip service to the word Integrity. 'But it is indeed all-encompassing, Integrity to yourself, the Service and your subordinates.' The Air Chief emphasized that it was vital to maintain open lines of communication with their superiors and subordinates. He said clear and effective communication was crucial for operational coordination and fostering a cohesive team environment. Abubakar congratulated the international officers from Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Congo Republic, DR Congo, Eswatini, The Gambia, Mali, Togo and Zimbabwe. ' You have made your countries and families proud for completing the Course. I hope you will continue to nurture the relationships you have established while on this Course. 'Such relationships will go a long way in fostering our bilateral and long-standing military cooperation, 'Abubakar said. He also congratulated the students of course 97 from Ministries, Departments and Agencies. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that prizes here given to the students who distinguished themselves . Source: News Agency of Nigeria

ASR Africa, BUA Group donate N10m to empower widows

The Abdul Samad Rabiu Initiative for Africa (ASR Africa), in commemoration of the 2024 International Widows' Day, donated N10 million grant to the International Women's Society (IWS) on Tuesday in Lagos. ASR Africa is a brainchild of African industrialist, philanthropist, and Chairman of BUA Group, Mr Abdul Samad Rabiu. The initiative, established in 2021, aims to provide sustainable, impact-based, homegrown solutions to developmental issues affecting health, education, and social development within Africa. Dr Ubon Udoh, the Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of ASR Africa, announced the donation at the Widows Feast and Empowerment Programme organised by IWS in Lagos. According to Udoh, the grant is part of ASR Africa's ongoing efforts to invest in social development, one of its primary focus areas. He noted that the grant also reflected the commitment of the chairman of ASR Africa and BUA Group to improving the livelihoods and welfare of Nigerians. He said that the grant, distributed to w idows in partnership with IWS, aimed to bring relief to the beneficiaries while ensuring its relevance and sustainability. Udoh appreciated the significant work done by IWS since its establishment in 1957. Commenting on the donation, Mrs Adeola Adebanke, the Chairperson of the Widows' Trust Fund of IWS, expressed joy and satisfaction. She stated that not less than 250 widows benefited from the empowerment programme. Adebanke explained that the programme, organised yearly through the IWS WTF, is held to feast with and empower the widows. She further explained that the IWS WTF plays a vital role in supporting widows by providing them with the resources, skills, and connections needed to build a bright future. Adebanke prayed that the ASR Africa/BUA Group chairman continues to make significant strides and break new boundaries. The widows unanimously expressed their gratitude to ASR Africa and BUA Foods Plc for the timely palliative care packs received. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 250 wi dows received palliative care packs from BUA Foods Plc, which comprised rice, pasta, edible oil, and semolina Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Osimhen, Okocha, Pires, others storm Abuja for Attom charity cup

The Attom Foundation, an NGO in collaboration with some football legends will on Saturday play a Charity Champions Cup to raise awareness and funds for the eye treatment of over 10, 000 Nigerians. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the much anticipated match is billed for the Moshood Abiola National Stadium, Abuja. Reigning African footballer of the year, Victor Osimhen and some Super Eagles stars will join African legends like Jay Jay Okocha, Kanu Nwankwo, Didier Drogba, Emmanuel Eboue among others. Yahaya Attom, the Founder/CEO of Attom Foundation, disclosed this at a pre-match news conference on Friday in Abuja. He said the charity match will go a long way in raising awareness about the plight of Nigerians in need of eye treatment. He said the goal is to raise awareness and ultimately provide medical assistance to over 10,000 indigent Nigerians. Attom who was represented by Emmanuel Ugonna, a comedian popularly known as Craze Clown, said the foundation has offered free surgery to over 2,0 00 Nigerians in Maiduguri as part of it's outreach. He said going forward, the foundation plans to have mobile eye clinics in each of the 36 states of the country in line with international best practices. 'Our plan is to have 36 mobile eye clinics across all states in the country where you can have eye tests, cataract surgeries and so on. 'Each of the mobile clinics costs 250,000 dollars so you can see what we are talking about, we have four already at the Lagos port,' he said. Earlier, Super Eagles stand-in captain, Kenneth Omeruo urged Abuja fans to troop to the stadium to enjoy good football for a noble cause. 'When the foundation contacted me, I had no hesitation because am also involved in charity, especially as it involves the blind, my foundation is also supporting some schools. 'Abuja is also my city, so am proud to be part of this project, we have Jay Jay here, Kanu is here and a lot of other legends,' he said. Dr Ozy Okonokhua, a public health optometrist and partner for the charity match de cried the the lack of access to eye care/ treatment for most Nigerians, especially in the rural areas. Okonokhua said about 84 per cent of blindness in Nigeria are preventable/ avoidable with early checkup, treatment or surgery. He said the north-east and northern part of Nigeria has the highest number of people with blindness/visual impairment, stressing the need for all hands to be on deck to reverse this trend. According to him, HMC is partnering with the Attom Foundation to raise awareness and give some intervention and free consultation to Nigerians in this regard. Kafayat Shafau, popularly known as Kaffy, a dance instructor/fitness coach, who is the Project Director for the Foundation assured of a world class event on Saturday. NAN reports that the event was graced by ex-internationals and celebrities. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Artificial intelligence pivotal to electoral development of youths – FG

The Minister of Youths Development, Dr Jamila Ibrahim says artificial intelligence is pivotal to electoral development of youths. Ibrahim said this at the unveiling of Naija Elections, a generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool, developed by Kimpact Development Initiative (KDI) with the support of the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) in Abuja on Thursday. According to her, the naija electoral AI tool herald a new era in which every Nigerians can participate meaningfully in our electoral process. 'In an era where technology and information are pivotal to ensuring our young people have the tools and knowledge to engage in the democratic process actively is essential. 'This platform will empower our youths by giving them easy access to accurate real time electoral information enabling them to make informed decisions and participate actively in electoral processes. 'This could not have come at a more appropriate time than when we are celebrating 25 years uninterrupted democracy in Nigeria. 'As we inaugurate this platform today, I wish to emphasis the government's determination to deploy technology that will enhance our democratic processes,' Ibrahim said. Speaking also at the launch, Mr Bukola Idowu, Executive Director, KDI, said the tool would facilitate easy access to the Nigerian election ecosystem by youths. 'The tool is going to combat misinformation and disinformation, enhance voter education and electoral knowledge. 'Every information on Niaja elections is from the official sources that is, the Constitution and INEC. 'What we have done is that we give you information that you can rely on and you can actually use the platform without signing in you just log on to the address and it does not store an individual's data.' Speaking more on the features he said it had the three major Nigerian languages- Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba. He was optimistic that it would have up to 150 languages before the next election in 2027. In her remarks, Cynthia Rowe, Development Director, FCDO said 'for a country that is as large and diverse as Nigeria a well informed electorate is pivotal.' According to her, an educated voter is better equipped to make informed political choices and engage in the democratic process in a way that is meaningful. According to her, technology is bridging digital gaps in business, education , security that ensures much better efficiency. 'As we celebrate this launch it's important that we look at the broader context, democracy around the world is all facing exceptional challenges of misinformation and disinformation, which encourages scepticism. 'And, it is important we know that our collective efforts in putting forward correct information using platforms like this, we are also strengthening democracy in Nigeria and contributing to global efforts on democratic values. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the App is developed by Nigerians and built to supply any kind of electoral information that concerns Nigeria and can be accessed by logging on to www.naijae KDI is an independent non-profit and Non-governmental Organisation that inspires citizens-led-democratic development anchored on principles of participation, data -driven, advocacy, strong institutions, gender equality and public policies. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Trade Modernisation Project to empower 2,500 customs personnel with technical skills

The Trade Modernisation Project (TMP) Ltd, will empower 2,500 personnel of the Nigeria Customs Service (NCS) with technical skills. According to Mr Ahmed Ogunshola, the General Manager of the project, this is in line with the project's capacity building framework. Ogunshola said this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Friday in Abuja. NAN reports that TMP Ltd is the concessionaire of the NCS trade project. It is a 20-year concession agreement which has three phases, with phase one covering year one to six; phase two, seven to 13, and phase three from 14 to 20 years . The agreement was signed on May 27, 2023 between the Federal Government of Nigeria represented by NCS Board, and Trade Modernisation Project Ltd. TMP is the automation of the business processes of the NCS to simplify , and enhance the experience of stakeholders in the trade value chain. According to the manager, the training aims to empower the personnel with the requisite skills to operate state-of-the art technolog y that will be deployed to automate trade processes. 'More than 2,500 NCS personnel will be trained by the first quarter of 2025, in line with the project's capacity building framework. ' This will cover strategy, management and technical training, as well as direct skills and knowledge transfer. 'TMP has jointly designed, developed and deployed all technology systems and platforms for the project. This ensures that NCS has complete knowledge of all technology software, hardware and services from inception,' he said. He said that the company was developing a software known as the Unified Customs Management System (UCMS), to be deployed to monitor all stages of transactions by traders and other processes. According to him, the revenue cluster of the new system has been released and is currently undergoing user acceptance tests to facilitate the smooth integration of other stakolders in to the system. 'TMP has signed and is implementing nine technical agreements with its technical and financial partners. 'TMP invested 2.5 million dollars to retrofit the NCS Project Management Office, a one-story building donated by NCS to the project. 'TMP, upon handover of the Project Management Office (PMO) by NCS, renovated the space to world class standard, with latest-in-class technology, including a Modernisation Hub and teleconference facilities. 'The PMO is now host to about 100 professionals daily, drawn from NCS and TMP and its partners, working on the delivery of Phase 1 of the project,' he said. NAN reports that the project is expected to generate in excess of 250 billion dollars for the Federal Government during the life of the concession. The concessionaire is expected to invest 3.2 billion dollars to deliver the project over the 20-year period. (NAN)( Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NBCC to explore new frontiers of cooperation for Nigeria, UK

The Nigerian-British Chamber of Commerce (NBCC) has stated the need for Nigerian and British businesses to leverage their strengths and explore new frontiers at the forthcoming trade mission in the United Kingdom. Mr Ray Atelly, President, NBCC, said this at a news conference on Thursday in Lagos. Atelly said the 2024 NBCC Trade Mission slated for June 24 to 28 has the theme: 'Unveiling Untapped Opportunities Across the UK and Nigeria.' He said the advice was crucial to navigate the complexities of a post-Brexit and post-pandemic global economy. Atelly noted that the trade mission was critical, particularly at this time when the Nigerian economy needed a rebirth especially via influx of foreign direct investments. He said Nigeria's dynamic economy, rich in resources and entrepreneurial spirit, presented a wealth of investment opportunities for UK businesses, particularly as Nigerian banks need capital to meet the new capital threshold set by the apex bank. Atelly added that the UK, with its advanced in frastructure, diverse market, and robust legal framework, offered numerous opportunities for Nigerian businesses seeking to expand their footprint internationally. 'It is certainly not just a window but a big door of opportunities thrown open to investors all over the world, the United Kingdom particularly. 'The Central Bank of Nigeria Governor, Olayemi Cardoso, has agreed to feature in the trade mission and he will be delivering a paper on his programme for the banks (recapitalisation of Nigerian banks). 'It is, therefore, an opportunity for the financial institutions in Nigeria to join us on this mission to explore possibilities beyond borders,' he said. He also stated the need to explore and unveil untapped opportunities that exist within both economies. Atelly said on the Nigerian front, opportunities existed in the transportation, educational and technology areas while for Nigeria in the UK, opportunities were in housing, food exports and culinary delights. He stressed that Nigeria must expend effo rts such as this to replace businesses that were being lost, noting that the net gain was in the country's favour. He pledged that the NBCC would continue to be at the forefront of fostering strong bilateral trade relations between Nigeria and the United Kingdom. 'This trade mission is a testament to our commitment to deepening economic ties, promoting business opportunities, and enhancing mutual growth and development,' he said. The Director General, NBCC, Mrs Ebere Njoku, said the trade mission would high the vast and often underused opportunities in Nigeria's key sectors such as agriculture, technology, manufacturing, and energy. Njoku said the knowledge exchange in best practices between business leaders would foster innovation and collaboration between Nigerian and British business leaders. 'The UK-Nigeria relationship is built on a foundation of shared history and mutual interests. 'This trade mission is not just about business; it is about building bridges, fostering understanding, and creating a future where both nations can thrive together. 'As Nigeria navigates challenging economic conditions due to the decline in global oil prices, it has become imperative for us to diversify our economy and reduce our dependence on crude oil. 'The NBCC Trade Mission stands as a beacon of opportunity, aimed at attracting foreign investments to Nigeria with a focus on our non-oil sectors,' she said. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

African Caribbean free trade agreement requires multi-faceted approach- Minister Uzoka-Anite

Dr Doris Uzoka-Anite, Minister of Industry, Trade, and Investment (FMITI), Nigeria, says developing the African Caribbean Free Trade Agreement will require a multi-faceted approach. Uzoka-Anite said this at a Plenary Session: 'Towards An Afri-Caribbean Free Trade Agreement: The Pathway to Self-Determination' at the ongoing 31st Afreximbank Annual Meetings (AAM2024) in Nassau, The Bahamas. The meetings are being monitored by the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN). Uzoka-Anite said the agreement would involve multi-stakeholders whose roles would need to be clearly defined. ' The role of government, the private sector, international development communities, and civil society have to be defined. There has to be a multi-stakeholder engagement to address all the issues. 'When we have a focused and inclusive discussion, listening to diverse opinions and considering them in negotiations, we take the first step in breaking down barriers, because we are going to see a lot of barriers. Uzoka-Anite said strong political will from the political leaders was also needed to achieve the development of the African-Caribbean Free Trade Agreement. She mentioned that the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) was successful because the African Union leaders backed it with their political will. 'We need to see the same thing happen between the African and Caribbean countries.' The minister also said there was a need to clarify how the two regions would develop communication and infrastructure, citing no direct flights, and visa restrictions between the regions as a challenge. She, however, said the partnership between the regions was supposed to address those challenges. 'Opening the trading routes and developing market access so that there is a free flow of goods either through the sea are things we should be looking at. 'So, we need to do seaports, airports, road networks infrastructure, and digital network infrastructure for communication to happen. All that infrastructure has to be developed.' Uzoka-Anite said a stron g policy framework needed to be in place by harmonising them to ensure their alignment, including the different agreements the two regions already had in place. She emphasised the need to create incentives for private sector involvement in the agreement, as the sector would be the major driver of the agreement. Uzoka-Anite said there was also the need to ensure the removal of tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, however, not at the detriment of each country's nationalistic objectives. 'Even though we are looking for global and economic integration within the regions, every country has their nationalistic objective and their duty to provide infrastructure, job creation and sustainable growth for their citizens. ' Therefore, you do not want the free trade agreement to destroy what you are building. All this has to be considered,' she said She said dispute resolution mechanisms have to be in place to ensure the agreement is enforced in an equitable, efficient, and transparent way 'where everybody feels they are part of it.' The minister said there was also the need to harmonise different standards even amongst the financial services. 'How do I bring the banking sector from Africa into the Caribbean? how do I ensure there is free movement of professionals with different licensing regimes, different qualifications, etc? ' All these need to be considered in developing the free trade agreement itself.' She said apart from the challenges, there were many opportunities to benefit from the economic, and regional integration that the African Caribbean free trade area would offer. Uzoka-Anite said the creative sectors- fashion, music, film, technology, agriculture and tourism sectors; and cultural exchange, all had strong potential for growth. 'Even harvesting technology transfers between emerging areas like renewable energy and some industries. Now the Caribbean is discovering oil. 'We have a lot of skills and technology especially in Nigeria for example that we can transfer this knowledge, and lessons learn t between ourselves. 'When we put the opportunities and the benefits before our negotiating parties or before our countries and we understand that we are stronger together than separately, it begins to help us move in that direction.' Albert Muchanga, AU Commissioner for Economic Development, Trade, Tourism, Industry and Minerals, said it was necessary to build stakeholders ownership to achieve the trade agreement between the two regions. Christopher Edordu, Former President, Afreximbank, suggested going slow to achieve positive results on the trade agreement. Mrs Pamela Coke-Hamilton, Executive Director, International Trade Centre, said the political will was needed to achieve the trade agreement between the two regions. ' Next is to drill down to the specifics then get the youths to feel it is worth it for them. If they don't buy the idea there is no point.' Albert Ramidin, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Suriname, said the discussion on the agreement between the two regions would require political owner ship and commitment. 'I believe we need as soon as possible a document outlining the scope of this endeavor, present it to the African and Caribbean leaders, receive their mandate with a timeline and roadmap to execute and the rest will follow.' Dr Didadus Jules, Director-General, Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, said all the sectors should be brought to the table, especially the private sector and the youth economy. 'The youths have the greatest appetite for innovation. Also Open up the means of communicating for people, so that exchange can happen.' Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FCCPC frowns at increased sale of adulterated foods

The Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC) has frowned at the increasing sale of adulterated and contaminated foods in the markets. The Acting Executive Vice Chairman of the Commission, Dr Adamu Abdullahi, said in Abuja on Thursday, that some traders were engaging in various forms of adulteration without minding the health implications on consumers. Abdullahi said this at a one-day sensitisation for traders, farmers, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and the public on forceful ripening of fruits, adulterated palm oil, contaminated meat and grains. Abdullahi said the move was to ensure a healthier society in line with President Bola Tinubu's Renewed Hope Agenda. He said the Acts that established the Commission gave them powers to evacuate fake and adulterated products from the markets to avoid purchase by consumers. According to him, we have to renew the hope of our people to be alive and healthy first. 'We have allowed the love of money to supercede everything that we do. 'We will go the markets to sensitise the traders, educate the public and sellers that adulterated and fake products are not allowed in the markets and if they see any, they have somewhere to report. 'We are going to markets in the states, the grassroots, farms to find out the sharp practices going on and to ensure we get a healthier society in line with President Tinubu's Renewed Hope Agenda. 'We have to ensure that the goods in the markets are according to the standard that they should be,' he said. Mr Femi Stephen from the Federal Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, described adulteration as the addition of substandard substances that had same properties with the food stuff which they are mixed. On adulteration of palm oil, Stephen said they are being adulterated with dye, lard (animal fat from pork) and transformer oil (paraffin). Stephen said that adulteration had been linked to various health challenges. He listed some health issues linked to adulteration to abdominal pain, nausea, brain damage, sto mach disorder, cardiac arrest, liver disease and breathing difficulties. Stephen urged farmers to seek experts' guidance in the application of pesticides to avoid poisoning. Dr Promise Ogbonna from the National Agency for Food, Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) said that forceful ripening of fruits was detrimental to health. Ogbonna said that calcium carbide used for forceful ripening of fruits were arsenic and phosphorus which had been said to be carcinogenic. Dr Edozie Ugwu, the Vice-President, North Central, National Association of Nigerian Traders (NANTS), commended the FCCPC for the sensitisation. Ugwu said that many Nigerians had lost their vital body organs to the adulteration of food. He said the market associations would collaborate with the Commission and other government agencies to ensure that the law penalised any trader found wanting in the practice. 'What we intend doing is to take this back and sensitise our traders on the importance of avoiding these adulterated foods. 'We plea d that this be extended to various markets,' he said. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that various market associations including market women associations and members of Food and Hygiene Association of Nigeria were present at the event. Source: News Agency of Nigeria