Buea: Man seeks Gendarmerie help to track down impostor

A Buea resident, Ngafi Emmanuel Ngafansi, expressed concern that his picture is being used by someone on Whatsapp to deceive students into buying fake GCE marking guides. He emphasized that this is fraudulent behavior and distanced himself from it. Ngafansi shared screenshots allegedly taken from the impostor's status to support his claim. In a letter to the Gendarme head office in Buea subdivision, Ngafi detailed how the impostor has been scamming candidates by claiming to sell marking guides that reveal exam questions in various subjects. 'This is fraud and as a man of honor, I strongly disclaim this,' he told CNA.Ngafi He is now cooperating with rlevant authorites to track down the individual responsible for using his picture in the scam. He urged the public to be vigilant and not fall for such deceitful tactics, emphasizing the importance of integrity and honesty in all dealings. Source: Cameroon News Agency

Tragic Incident in Limbe: Boy stabbed to death by bike rider

A young boy was fatally stabbed by a bike rider around a popular bar in Limbe on Sunday night, June 2, 2024. The incident occurred at CE' LE MOMENT, located on Sappa road Down Beach, causing widespread shock and sorrow in the community. Calleb who was popualrly alled 'Pepper Soup' went to intervaine in a fight between his friend and the biker. Witnesses reported that the altercation escalated quickly, culminating in the fatal stabbing. The perpetrator fled the scene and is currently on the run. Residents of Limbe have expressed their growing concern over the increasing criminal activities associated with bike riders, citing theft and violence as major issues. This latest incident has heightened these fears and has led to urgent calls for action. Prince, a resident of Limbe, voiced the community's distress in a statement: 'Some bike riders have become a nightmare in Limbe, especially with acts of theft. We urge the high authorities of Limbe to investigate this issue and bring the culprit to justice.' Sour ce: Cameroon News Agency