Representatives of Addis Ababa Conducting Consultation to Sort Out City Level Agendas

Addis Ababa: The Representatives of Addis Ababa who are given roles to sort out agendas for the city are rigorously discussing important issues that will be dealt with by Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission (ENDC.) A four-day Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission's chapters of the dialogue sessions that brought together representatives from various segments of the society of Addis Ababa concluded yesterday. Political parties, representatives of institutions, associations, representatives from the three branches of the government i.e. the executive, the legislative and the judicial, as well as representatives of opinion leaders and other stakeholders participated in the consultation. The participants, who are 121, have represented 11 social groups in Addis Ababa are anticipated to discuss the agendas each group has gathered, and then organize and set city level agendas. Ethiopia has already embarked on its first-ever national dialogue and a highly anticipated nationwide consultation project in response to historical and contemporary contradictions and challenges. At the inaugural session of the nationwide agenda setting consultative chapter held at the Adwa Victory Memorial Museum on Saturday, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed took part as a stakeholder representing the government. At the event, the prime minister urged all stakeholders not to miss this opportunity and utilize this rare and historic opportunity properly for dialogue, towards making all Ethiopians winner. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

PM Abiy, First Lady Zinash Warmly Welcomed by City of Chuncheon

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew were warmly welcomed by the city of Chuncheon where they lay a wreath at the monument of Ethiopian veterans of the Korean War and briefly toured the Memorial Hall. This memorial honors the Ethiopian Kagnew Battalion, which fought alongside South Korean and United Nations forces during the Korean War. The hall serves as a tribute to the sacrifices and contributions made by Ethiopian soldiers and aims to strengthen the historical ties between Ethiopia and South Korea, according to the Office of the Prime Minister. Recall that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and First Lady Zinash Tayachew are in South Korea for an official visit. During his stay, the premier, accompanied by a ministerial delegation, will participate in the Korea-Africa Summit. The Summit will be held on 4th and 5th of June 2024, under the theme 'The Future We Make Together: Shared Growth, Sustainability, and Solidarity', it was learned. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Premier Reaffirms Ethiopia’s Commitment to Further Enhance Partnership with South Korea

Addis Ababa: Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has reaffirmed Ethiopia's commitment to work together with South Korea to further enhance partnership between the two countries. The Prime Minister who is in South Korea for an official working visit also appreciated South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol for a warm welcome to his delegation. 'I (would) like to thank President Yoon Suk Yeol for receiving us today. Our countries share a long history spanning over six decades, rooted in Ethiopia's support during the Korean War,' the premier shared on his social media channels. Prime Minister Abiy added that: 'I am confident that we will work together to further enhance our partnership.' The premier and First Lady Zinash Tayachew were warmly welcomed by the city of Chuncheon today where they lay a wreath at the monument of Ethiopian veterans of the Korean War and briefly toured the Memorial Hall. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Youths Actively Participating In Agendas Setting Consultations in Addis, Say Participants

Addis Ababa: Youths who have taken roles in the agenda gathering consultative chapter in Addis Ababa have said they are actively participating in the efforts of sorting out city level agendas. Representatives of various segments the society in Addis Ababa have conducted rigorous consultation on setting the agendas of the city as part of the participatory nationwide agenda gathering and consultative chapter. Samson Gelaw who participated at the consultation chapter in Addis Ababa, representing Yeka sub-city youths told ENA that the processes of agenda gathering is participatory and being conducted in good faith. As a result of conducive situation created by the National Dialogue Commission, we have presented agenda items transparently and without restriction, he said. And for similar agenda setting and consultations which will follow elsewhere, he urged youths in different parts of the country to discharge their responsibilities for lasting peace in the country by presenting their agendas in civilized mann er. The other youth Simegn Tibebu on her part said they are actively participating in the agenda gathering and consultative chapter. She stressed that the process of nation building will be successful through dialogue and consultations and added that youths should recognize these essential values and actively participate in the agenda setting and consultative chapter. Rahel Yinesu who Represented Arada Sub-city youths on her part stressed that nation building will be anchored on solid basis and peace be solidified if we disentangle ourselves from individualistic feelings and collectively rally behind nation building. Especially we youths should work together and in unison to ensure the peace of the country, she said. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Stakeholder Representatives Emphasize Active Engagement in Consultations to Consolidate Nation Building

Addis Ababa: Representatives of various stakeholders who are participating at the agenda setting and consultative chapter in Addis Ababa stressed through active participation at the nationwide consultation, they are leaving a historic milestone to the nation building endeavours. Political parties, representatives of institutions, associations, representatives from the three branches of the government i.e. the executive, the legislative and the judicial, as well as representatives of opinion leaders and other stakeholders are participating at the consultation. There are 121 participants who represented various parts of the society in the capital city and are actively engaged in the agenda setting discussions, agenda gathering to organize and ultimately set city level agendas. Some of the representatives who are participating at the agenda setting and consultative chapter told ENA about the need to active participation to determine the fate of the country. They observed that the representatives adhered to t he principles of democracy, respect, and listening to the views of various sections of the participants. Retired Colonel Admasu Berhanu, who represented the former Army Support and Development Association, said that the consultations are a major historical departure to resolve differences be they economic, political and social settings in the country through dialogue. "This means that I have made history at my age," he said, expressing the benefits of participating in the consultation that determines the country's fate,' he said. Teshale Sebro who is among the prominent figures participating at the consultation pointed out that the consultation 'will address our decades-old problems', anchoring the peace of the country on solid basis. He added that participating at the agenda setting and consultative chapter to foster Ethiopia's unity, reach national consensus and lasting peace and sustainable development are historical phenomenon. Mohamed Abrar, representing Gurage Unity and Justice Party (GOGOT) said t hat they have a consistent position that Ethiopia's problems should be solved through dialogue. According to him, his party will actively participate to exploit the opportunity provided by the consultations to find solutions to our problems through dialogue. For her part, Zainba Shakur, a representative of the Addis Ababa Government Council, said that the consultation forum was conducted freely and transparently. Commissioner Zige Asfaw, Commissioners of the Ethiopian National Dialogue, said that the stakeholders participation at the consultation will set the agendas and should continue their consultations to determine the fate of their country. Recall that the Prime Minister Abiy called on all stakeholders to seize this opportunity and participate effectively to find solutions to the country's challenges. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Meet Nigerian family Imafidon, UK’s smartest family

By Charity Nginyu Hailing from Nigeria, the Imafidon family has garnered recognition as the 'smartest family in the UK,' and perhaps even the world. Comprised of Chris and Ann Imafidon and their five children, the family boasts a remarkable academic pedigree that has captivated audiences worldwide. Ann-Marie Imafidon, embarked on her university journey at the age of 15 and later founded Stemettes, an organization dedicated to empowering women in STEM fields. Meanwhile, Christina Imafidon made waves by entering university at the tender age of 11 and conducting groundbreaking research at Oxford University. Samantha Imafidon stunned the academic community by sitting for high school exams at just 6 years old and enrolling in secondary school at the age of 9. The youngest members of the family, Paula and Peter Imafidon, affectionately known as the 'Wonder Twins,' made headlines for becoming the youngest students to attend a British secondary school. Not only did they excel in mathematics, but they also aced the advanced mathematics exams at the University of Cambridge. The twins' exceptional talents extend beyond academics, as they have also been recognized for their prowess in athletics. They aspire to pursue careers in politics and education. The family's extraordinary achievements are attributed to the innovative educational approach of their father, Chris Imafidon, a renowned professor and scientist. Source: Cameroon News Agency

SOWEDA envisages more projects despite decreasing state subvention, insecurity

Nchendzengang Tatah The South West Development Authority, SOWEDA has mapped out other income streams to increase it's activities and impact on the rural population as government subvention is on the decline. The Board Chair, Herbert Apande Ediage disclosed at the end of the 50th Ordinary Session of Board of Directors May 31, 2024. The SOWEDA Management has been tasked to look for partners and other collaborators especially internationally who have development plans. He further explained that, this is not only going to be a development move but an investment by SOWEDA to birth returns and help her meet other social responsibilities. In 2023, despite alarming insecurity in the South West posing difficulty; SOWEDA distributed over 250,000 (two hundred and fifty thousand) cocoa seedlings and trained South West farmers on climate smart activities and agricultural pollution. They also donated an ultramodern solar powered borehole to Missaka chiefdom in Tiko, and installed the first weather station in Bangem. I n his appraisal of the activity reports, the Board chair said, they 'realised that Management executed the budget at a good rate. Resources were mobilized to the tune of about two billion, two hundred and sixty-six million. And of this, one billion, eight hundred and forty million were executed in terms of expenses.That gives an inscription rate of about 81%.' Considering the insecurity plaguing the South West as the major challenge, the Board through it's chairman congratulated the SOWEDA management. Not only for the level of project execution, but also for the quality of the documents they brought up. Source: Cameroon News Agency