Couple appeals for support to raise quadruplets

A civil servant, Mr Ugochukwu Nwogute and his wife, Vivian have appealed to the First Lady, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu and well-meaning Nigerians for support in raising their quadruplets. The couple, who gave birth to the four babies in a private hospital in Kubwa, Abuja on May 21, made the appeal in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja. Speaking with NAN in the hospital, Mrs Nwogute, said she got married in 2015 and had her first daughter on Nov. 5, 2016. 'After years of waiting, I became pregnant in Sept. 2023 and was delivered of three boys and one girl through caesarean section at Vinca hospital, Arab Road, Kubwa, Abuja, on May 21. 'When I was told I was going to have multiple babies, it was a mixed feeling for me. 'Mixed feelings, because I was not expecting it, but was happy because we have waited for years after our first daughter. So, we were hoping on God and praying and God did more than we expected,'' she said. She added that the hospital billed them about N1.7 milli on in the first instance, which they were still running around to pay. 'The babies eat two hourly, they consume almost half of their Pre NAN formula which we were asked to feed them with, and a tin costs N10, 000. 'We also have follow ups because the paediatrician said after we have been discharged, we are expected to be bringing the babies to the hospital weekly for check up,' she said On the babies' health, Mrs Nwogute said that they were responding to treatment, adding that her recovery was gradual. 'I am getting stronger because I have relapses. For example, last night I was cold all through and I have treated malaria and because of that, I cannot breastfeed my babies the way I am expected to,'' she said. The husband appealed to the government to come to their aid, financially and in the area of accommodation for a bigger apartment that can be convenient for the family. 'The journey has not been easy, taking care of a heavily pregnant woman and the only daughter we had eight years back. 'When the b abies came, I was not expecting such a number, but I give glory to God for the marvelous thing He has done for us. 'My appeal to the government and well meaning Nigerians is for them to come to our aid. 'We need financial support to take care of the babies as well as, in the area of accommodation, because the apartment we are currently occupying cannot contain us anymore,' he said. Nwogute, specifically appealed to the First Lady, Sen. Oluremi Tinubu, to see the quadruplets as anniversary gifts to the administration of President Bola Tinubu. He, urged Mrs Tinubu, the FCT Minister of State, Dr Mariya Mahmud as well as the wife of the FCT Minister, Mrs Eberechi Wike, to render assistance to his family On his part, Dr Chiemezie Odera, an Obstetrician/Gynaecologist at the hospital said it would not be easy, taking care of the children as they would need more hands for their care because the mother would not be able to do it all alone. Odera, therefore, urged the general public to support the couple so as to take good care of the babies. 'Most importantly is care and support after delivery. Any woman that has more than one baby, needs more hands to help out because she might go into depression if you allow her to stay without care. 'So, we encourage that they have support, people should be around them to help in taking care of the children,'' he reiterated. The obstetrician said that it would not always be easy for the woman as her breast milk would not be enough for the babies. According to him, Vinca hospital has been doing well in the area of maternal care, and the facility have had series of multiple birth. Talking about the weight of the babies, he said, for the fact that they might not have weight like single birth, but they were still strong like any other single birth. 'In the uterus, they shared what was available, so, you don't expect them to have much weight. 'But interestingly, those weights, no matter how small they appear compared to single birth, they are still as strong as those single birt hs without any complication. 'Though they need to be observed after delivery, but they are doing well. Even if they weigh 1.5kg, they are still as strong as 3kg and above,'' he explained. The Doctor added that there would be need for the babies to be reviewed over time by the paediatrician to see how they were faring. Odera, while urging the nursing mother to eat well and rest, he advised her not to hesitate in coming back to the facility where the babies were delivered, in case of any issue. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

We want solid minerals contribution to GDP to surpass oil – Alake

The Ministry of Solid Minerals Development is determined to ensure that the solid minerals sector's contribution to Nigeria's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) surpasses that of oil, the minister, Dr Dele Alake, has said. Alake stated this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja. He said that the administration of President Bola Tinubu was putting in place policies and initiatives aimed at diversifying the economy and ensuring that it generates more revenue than oil in the near future. He said that the move was necessary, especially with the global upsurge of energy transition, which would reduce the demand of oil. 'We have been totally dependent on oil for decades, everyone has been dependent on the free flow of petrol dollars on the economy. 'And the critical sector of the economy such as agriculture and solid minerals was neglected. 'Our objective is to make the solid minerals contribution to the GDP to surpass oil. 'By the time all our policy initiatives go through the g estation period and begin to manifest results, the revenue that will be accruing to Nigeria from this sector would be enormous. 'We are going to recover trillions to the coffers of the Nigerian government and for the benefit of Nigerians at large' he said. He said that Nigeria possesses the critical minerals in commercial quantities across its states needed for energy transition, which the ministry was aggressively marketing to attract big players to invest in the sector. 'We embarked on aggressive marketing to unlock the richness of the potential, making sure we push out information on the number of minerals that we have, the type and their demand nationally and internationally, ' he said. According to him, negotiations are ongoing with an auditing firm to audit the sector aimed at sanitising it to ensure the appropriate accruals to boost the country's GDP. 'As we speak, we are far in our negotiations with an auditing firm to come and audit the entire sector, because we have lost a lot of money in the past. 'We know that operators will under-declare what they are carting away, even the payment of royalties they under pay, taxes they evade. 'So, we are in the process of engaging an internationally recognised auditing firm that has done the same thing in other parts of the world, in more than 20 countries. 'So that they come and help us recover lost revenue and put some measures in place going forward so that we will no longer lose revenue. 'We are going to recover trillions to the coffers of the Nigerian government and for the benefit of Nigerians at large, ' he said. NAN recalls that the minister had said that a German company, Geo Scan, conducted a preliminary survey that indicates that Nigeria has 750 billion Dollars' worth of solid minerals underground, which had not been harnessed. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Army School of Supply and Transport honours 7 Generals, others

The Nigerian Army School of Supply and Transport (NASST) has honoured seven Generals and 20 other officers after 35 years of meritorious service to the nation. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the generals honoured are Maj.-Gen. V.O Offiong, Maj.-Gen. B.N Salami, Brig. -Gen. MT Waboke, Brig.-Gen. M. Abiodun, Brig. -Gen. M.A Bolarinwa, Brig.-Gen. Idowu and Brig.-Gen. S. Umaru. Speaking at the parade ground on behalf of the retirees, Maj. -Gen. Victor Offiong, said retirement from active service remained a natural and inevitable end. According to Offiong, retirement begins to count from the day an officer passed out from the Nigerian Defence Academy. 'Our joy and that of our families, colleagues and friends gathered here knows no bounds as we take a final bow from this noble Corps of great logisticians. 'It is a day of grave emotional feelings, nostalgic memories, wholesome gratitude, unending joy and above all, a sense of unwavering fulfilment. 'Let me on behalf of my retired colleagues, mos t respectfully appreciate the Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Taoreed Abiodun Lagbaja and the Corps Commander, Maj. Gen. Adekunle Adeyinka for organising this memorable pull out parade in our honour. 'Our collective gratitude goes to the other Senior Logistics, retired Generals and senior officers. 'As we finally bid farewell to the Corps of the proud logisticians, I want to encourage all our successors not to only sustain our modest strategic achievements but to surpass them by all means no matter the challenges,' he said. Offiong, however, urged the Supply and Transport Corps not to rest on its oars, adding that, the entire Nigerian Army dependent largely on the support of the Corps to achieve its core mandate and mission. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG secures N20bn FDI on local production of disability assistive devices

The Federal Government says it has secured Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) to the tune N20 billion towards facilitating local production of assistive devices for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs). Dr James Lalu, the Executive Secretary, National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja. Lalu said, the need to source for investors in the manufacturing of locally made assistive devices for Persons with Disabilities (PwD) became necessary, following the high cost of the imported devices. 'Recently, we secured a foreign direct Investment to the tune of N20 billion and the organisation is committed to starting the local manufacturing of assistive devices as an MoU has already been signed. 'The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities is going forward to make sure that we provide this opportunity to Nigeria for the manufacturing of local assistive devices. 'This is due to the fact that 99 per cent of our ass istive devices are imported and the prices are higher and are now getting out of the reach of the poor. 'Even, the budgetary allocation provided may not be able to provide assistive devices to the disability community across all states of the federation,' he said. Lalu added that promoting local contents in the manufacturing of assistive devices will go a long way to increase patronage and boost the nation's economy. 'With the local manufacturing of assistive devices, it will encourage the state governments, local governments and other government agencies to procure and distribute them to the disability communities. 'The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities is working already in the area of local manufacturing of assistive devices for Persons with Disabilities. 'These include, wheelchairs, hearing aids and other devices for the blind and the deaf as well as persons with albinism,' he said The Executive Secretary disclosed that the commission was touting for talent in innovative and creative industry to improve in the production of assistive devices for PwDs. 'Just recently, we saw a video circulating on social media about one person in Kano, who was able to manufacture a digital eye-glass that can assist a blind person to walk around using sensors that will communicate to him through voice. 'When we saw this, we put an invitation to the innovator to come to our head office. 'We are expecting him at our head office on Tuesday and we are going to review his invention, to see what we can do, to partner with the Bank of Industry and NASENI to bring the innovation to reality in Nigeria,' he said. Lalu noted that Nigeria is a land of great opportunities, adding that the commission will scout for the opportunities in other to bring the disability community into technological era. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

UWGN, Creative Colony, educate students on transforming trash to art

An NGO, United Way Greater Nigeria (UWGN), in collaboration with Creative Colony, has trained students in Lagos schools on transforming discarded plastics into art. Ms 'Deola Durodola, Executive Director, UWGN, at the completion of the three-day initiative on Friday in Lagos, said the project was aimed at promoting recycling and the creative use of waste plastics to create art. Durodola said that the initiative tagged 'Eco Art project' was conducted at Ilupeju Junior Secondary School and Mawumaduka School and Orphanage, Makoko. According to her, the project engaged students in an educational and artistic experience, transforming discarded plastics into vibrant works of art. Durodola said that the students learnt about the environmental impact of plastic waste and the significance of recycling. She noted that they were guided by skilled artists from the Creative Colony, who taught them various techniques to repurpose waste materials into beautiful, meaningful artworks. 'The project aimed to inspire the n ext generation to think creatively about environmental conservation and to see the potential in everyday waste. 'We are thrilled to see the enthusiasm and creativity of the students, and it is our hope that this experience will leave a lasting impression and encourage sustainable practices in their communities,' she said. She added that the initiative not only highlighted the importance of recycling but also showcased the students' creativity and artistic talents. According to her, participants created stunning portraits of notable figures such as Tobi Amusan, celebrated Nigerian sprinter and world champion; Gov. Babajide Sanwo-Olu of Lagos State, and Tunde Onakoya, a chess player and coach. Also, Dr Ameera Euba, Founder, The Creative Colony, said the partnership with UWGN represents a powerful synergy of community engagement and artistic innovation. Euba noted that by merging efforts, the organisations had not only educated young minds on the importance of recycling but also provided them with a creativ e outlet to express their ideas and aspirations. 'Together, we are fostering a culture of sustainability and creativity that will resonate far beyond the classrooms and communities we serve,' she said. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

600 PwDs benefitted from health Insurance package – Lalu

The National Commission for Persons with Disabilities (NCPWD) says no fewer than 600 PwDs have benefitted from the pilot programme of its health Insurance package. James Lalu, the Executive Secretary of the commission gave the figure on Sunday, in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Abuja. Lalu also told NAN that the commission was working with the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency in the training of over 3000 health workers that would specialise in handling disability related illness. According to him, the training would come in the second phase of the health insurance intervention programme. 'We have provided health insurance coverage for PwDs in the last two years. We started with 600 beneficiaries. 'We are currently working with the Federal Ministry of Health to improve access to healthcare facilities for PwDs across the federation and we have started the pilot programme with the Maitama district hospital in Abuja. 'We have signed an MoU for the hospital to become a re ferral centre for PwDs,' he said Lalu added ''Our intention is to have, at least, one tertiary hospital in each state of the federation as referral for PwDs, 'We are providing training for the healthcare workers in the hospital on how to handle disability issues and make sure they are disability friendly. 'The training is ongoing at the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency and over 3000 health workers have already passed through the training at the moment. 'We are creating awareness on access to healthcare facilities for PwDs'. On income security for PwDs Lalu said, no fewer than 150 Point of Sale (POS) machines and grants of N100,000 each were distributed to PwDs. 'We have also supported various Associations of PwDs on annual basis with grants to support their advocacy efforts 'We also provided assistive devices to three Nigerian Universities and the Sultanate Council in efforts to use the traditional institutions to create awareness on compliance with accessibility regulations for PwDs. 'T he programme is expected to reduce hardship and and improve the health, sanitary conditions of the disability environment,' he said. Lalu said the programmes were also some of the commitments of the commission to ensure access to public services for PwDs in Nigeria. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Climate Change: NGO empowers communities for environmental sustainability

Sustainable Environment and Fisheries Foundation (SEFFA), an NGO, says it has empowered communities in Jos and environs for environmental sustainability. Mrs Ololade Adegoke, Chief Executive Officer, SEFFA, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Sunday in Abuja. She said that SEFFA, a Jos-based NGO, is dedicated to promoting sustainable agricultural practices and environmental protection as well as empowering young girls in the fight against climate change. 'Since its inception in 2008, SEFFA has been a pivotal force in empowering communities, especially women, to improve their livelihoods and contribute to environmental sustainability 'The organisation continues to complement the efforts of government and development partners in promoting climate-friendly actions and ensuring a sustainable environment for humans, livestock, and plants.'' According to her, the foundation welcomes partnerships with development organisations and government bodies to further their mission of advocacies, actions and sustainable practices. The chief executive officer emphasised the importance of raising awareness about climate-smart agriculture and sustainable practices. According to her, by providing education and resources, SEFFA aims to create a new generation of 'climate smart ambassadors' who can drive change in their communities. 'By educating young girls about climate change and its impacts, we prepare them to ask the right questions and take meaningful actions to address these challenges.'' She said SEFFA recently conducted a three-day training programme from May 16 to May 19 in Jos with the theme 'Building Life Resilience for Climate Change in Jos, Plateau.'' Adegoke said that the young girls who participated in the training would not only serve as ambassadors but also become influential voices for change in their communities and beyond. 'The involvement of future leaders in climate advocacy is crucial.'' She said that SEFFA also recently concluded a programme in collaboration with United Nations Development Programme/ Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation Accelerator (AFCIA). Adegoke said that the collaboration brought together 48 young girls from selected secondary schools and communities in Jos South and Jos North Local Government Areas. 'During the training, participants engaged in sessions such as: Introduction to Climate Change and Climate-Smart Agriculture Practices, Financial Literacy for Young Farmers Building Synergy through Cooperatives and Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene(WASH). 'Others are General Hygiene Practices for Girls and the Introduction to Solar Charging Point Business. 'SEFFA has a series of climate-smart activities planned for July, which will expand their outreach to more communities,' she said. On his part, Newton Akpona, acting Chairman of the National Sector Skills Council for Agriculture and Agri-processing, highlighted the significance of creating awareness among young farmers. He said that fostering a positive mindset and adopting climate-smart practices were essential steps in mitigating the effects of climate disasters. NAN recalls that on May 14, 2024 SEFFA also distributed farm inputs to communities in Gurapwana, Dahwol-Bob, and Vom in Jos South Local Government Area. SEFFA is collaborating with the Federal College of Veterinary Research and Medical Laboratory Technology, Vom, to build a greenhouse facility and to support individuals, families, and societies in adopting smart agricultural practices. Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Latin America hosts 2025 global workshop on nuclear-test ban – CTBTO

The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test Ban Treaty Organisation (CTBTO) on Saturday declared Latin America host for its 2025 global workshop on nuclear-test ban. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is a multilateral agreement which opened for signature in September 1996 and has since been signed by 187 nations and ratified by 178 to prohibit any nuclear weapon test anywhere in the world by anyone. The Executive Secretary of CTBTO, Dr Robert Floyd, disclosed this at the closing of a two-day regional workshop organised by CTBTO for African States Signatories on Saturday in Banjul, The Gambia. The workshop held from May 31 to June 1. Floyd said, 'The workshop was experimental: it is the first time we have conducted workshop on nuclear-test ban outside of Vienna and The Gambia in Africa is the first ever host. 'The workshop has been a success. It is not a global community that gathered, but a continent that gathered. It is wonderful that we can have focus on Africa. 'The next experiment is likely to be in the Latin America, in the Caribbean or the Pacific region. 'We started with pictures about the treaty and we have come so far to discover the treaty has so much to deliver, to every member state signatory to it. 'There is benefit for all member states signatory to the treaty through capacity building, especially seeing people thread on the path of dialogue against nuclear weapon testing.' The executive secretary identified benefits of the treaty to include ensuring safety and protection of environment from nuclear weapons, disaster management and other scientific purposes. 'We must establish a world without nuclear-test, put barriers against further development and proliferation of nuclear weapons. 'It is an essential step towards shared future of eradicating nuclear weapons in our environment,' he added. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports out of 52 States in Africa that signed the Treaty, 50 have so far ratified it. Source: News Agency of Nigeria