Posted in Press Releases

Curia nomme Steve Lavezoli vice-président de sa division Produits biologiques

ALBANY, New York, 23 févr. 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Curia, l’un des principaux organismes de recherche, de développement et de fabrication sous contrat, a annoncé aujourd’hui la nomination de Steve Lavezoli au poste de vice-président des produits biologiques à compter du 26 février. M. Lavezoli dirigera la division des produits biologiques de Curia, dont il supervisera les services de […]

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Posted in Press Releases

Curia Nomeia Steve como Vice-Presidente, Divisão Biológica

ALBANY, N.Y., Feb. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Curia, uma organização líder em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e fabricação por contrato, anunciou hoje a nomeação de Steve Lavezoli como vice-presidente da divisão biológica a vigorar a partir de 26 de fevereiro. Lavezoli liderará a divisão de produtos biológicos da Curia, supervisionando seus serviços de descoberta, desenvolvimento […]

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Posted in MENA Pakistan Press Releases

Karate Combat 46 to enhance Dubai’s standing as a leading sports tourism destination

Karate Combat KC46 Dubai KC46 will be held on Saturday 20 April First professional sports league gamified by a blockchain access token DUBAI, United Arab Emirates, Feb. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Karate Combat, the world’s premier full-contact professional striking league, has partnered with Dubai Department of Economy and Tourism (DET) and Dubai Sports Council […]

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Posted in General

Ethiopia Doing Quite Lot of Connectivity: ITU Regional Director for Africa

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia is doing quite a lot in terms of connectivity and practically improving daily in this regard, International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Regional Director for Africa Anne-Rachel Inne said.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, In…

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Posted in General

Cameroon’s Defense Forces, wowed by Human rights advocacy campaignReform in Education Will Immensely Support Ethiopia’s Transformation: AAU INT Prez

With the crises in the Region, more cases of Human Rights violations have come up which explains the United Nations Development Programme, UNDP’s initiative to organize a 1-day training program in Mindiff, Mayo Kani Division, Far North Cameroon to dri…

Read More Cameroon’s Defense Forces, wowed by Human rights advocacy campaignReform in Education Will Immensely Support Ethiopia’s Transformation: AAU INT Prez
Posted in General

High Interest Rate that Africa Pays Blocking its Development, Says US Economist

Addis Ababa: The renowned American economist, Professor Jeffrey Sachs, underscored that the higher interest rate which Africa pays than any other part of the world is blocking its effort for development.

The likelihood of interest rates staying high …

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Posted in Sports

Mount Cameroon Race, recap of 2023 edition

In 2023, the 28th edition of the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope, which was also celebrating its 50th anniversary, took place amidst ongoing insecurity in the English-speaking regions of Cameroon.

Unfortunately, the event was marred by several explosions…

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Posted in Government Politics

Council Passes Decisions on Various Issues, Refers Bills to Parliament

Addis Ababa: The Council of Ministers, in its 27th regular session today has discussed various issues and passed decisions, according to the Office of the Prime Minister.

Initially, the Council deliberated on the draft regulation of forest developmen…

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