Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center (KFSH&RC) honore deux décennies d’engagement sincère de la part de ses employés

RIYAD, Arabie saoudite, 30 nov. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center est très fier de reconnaître le dévouement exceptionnel de ses employés diversifiés qui ont chacun contribué sur deux décennies à la noble mission que constituent les soins aux patients. Son Excellence, le Dr Majid Al-Fayad, directeur général, a personnellement rendu hommage à tous ces précurseurs lors de la quarante-quatrième édition de la cérémonie d’hommage aux pionniers, qui s’est tenue à Djeddah et à Riyad les 20 et 22 novembre, respectivement.

En remerciement de leur engagement inébranlable à fournir des soins de santé de qualité, l’hôpital a commémoré les moments importants consacrés à l’amélioration de l’expérience globale des patients. L’aboutissement de ces efforts a permis de confectionner un superbe patchwork d’expériences et de compétences sur lesquelles repose la solide réputation dont jouit le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aujourd’hui.

L’engagement inébranlable en matière de développement du personnel et d’instauration d’une culture organisationnelle solide est au cœur de cette réussite. L’hôpital accorde une importance particulière à son capital humain, conscient du rôle essentiel qu’il joue dans sa renommée mondiale. Cet engagement se traduit par la mise en œuvre de programmes et de services de qualité visant à améliorer l’environnement de travail et la productivité des employés.

Le succès de ces initiatives a été mis en évidence par une enquête interne, dans laquelle 78 % des participants recommandent l’environnement de travail et 81 % se déclarent satisfaits des services fournis par l’hôpital. La création d’un club destiné aux employés il y a plusieurs années illustre bien le dévouement du King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center à l’égard de son personnel. Cette initiative favorise un environnement de travail positif, encourage les interactions sociales, le développement personnel et la participation à la vie de la communauté, tout en faisant en sorte que les individus se sentent valorisés, connectés et soutenus.

Preuve de l’engagement de l’hôpital en faveur d’un développement personnel et professionnel continu, le KFSH&RC organise régulièrement des ateliers, des séminaires et des sessions de discussion portant sur divers sujets tels que le leadership, la gestion du temps, la gestion du stress, la santé financière et l’évolution professionnelle. Ces formations visent à contribuer au perfectionnement potentiel des employés au sein de l’organisation.

Grâce à ces initiatives, le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aspire à créer un environnement de travail susceptible d’attirer les meilleurs professionnels de santé en provenance des quatre coins du monde. Cet engagement s’inscrit pleinement dans ses objectifs stratégiques et soutient son parcours de près de cinq décennies visant à devenir un leader mondial dans la prestation de soins de santé spécialisés grâce à la recherche et à l’innovation.

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King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Presta Homenagem à Dedicação de Duas Décadas dos Seus Funcionários

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Nov. 30, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) tem o grande orgulho de reconhecer a excepcional dedicação da sua diversificada força de trabalho, com cada membro contribuindo há duas décadas para a nobre missão de cuidado do paciente. Sua Excelência, o CEO Dr. Majid Al-Fayad, prestou homenagem pessoalmente a esses funcionários pioneiros na quadragésima quarta edição da Cerimônia de Homenagem aos Pioneiros, realizada em Jeddah e Riad em 20 e 22 de novembro.

Ao demonstrar a apreciação pela dedicação inabalável aos cuidados de saúde, o hospital comemorou os momentos significativos dedicados a melhorar a experiência em geral do paciente. Todo esse esforço criou uma rica tela de experiência e habilidades, formando a base para o estimado status que o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center tem hoje.

O ponto central desse sucesso é o compromisso inabalável com o desenvolvimento dos funcionários e o cultivo de uma cultura organizacional robusta. O hospital dá especial ênfase ao seu capital humano, reconhecendo o seu papel fundamental para alcançar a sua proeminência global. Esse compromisso é evidente com a implementação de programas e serviços de qualidade voltados ao aprimoramento do ambiente de trabalho e da produtividade dos funcionários.

O sucesso dessas iniciativas é confirmado por uma pesquisa interna que revelou que 78% dos participantes recomendam o ambiente de trabalho e 81% expressam satisfação com os serviços prestados pelo hospital. A dedicação do King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aos seus funcionários é exemplificada também pelo estabelecimento há muitos anos atrás de um clube social para funcionários. Esta iniciativa promove um ambiente de trabalho e uma interação social positiva, crescimento pessoal e participação da comunidade, para que os funcionários se sintam valorizados, conectados e apoiados.

Destacando o compromisso do hospital com o contínuo desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, o KFSH&RC organiza regularmente workshops, seminários e sessões de diálogo que abrangem vários tópicos, como liderança, gestão do tempo, gestão do estresse, bem-estar financeiro e progressão na carreira. Essas oportunidades educacionais visam contribuir para o crescimento potencial dos funcionários dentro da organização.

Com todas essas iniciativas, o King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center busca criar um ambiente de trabalho atraente para os principais profissionais de saúde de todo o mundo. Esse compromisso, alinhado aos seus objetivos estratégicos, dá suporte à sua meta de quase cinco décadas de se tornar um líder global na prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados por meio de pesquisa e inovação.

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UNAIDS calls for communities’ support to end AIDS by 2030

The Country Director of UNAIDS Nigeria, Dr Leopold Zekeng, has called for communities’ support to end the Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic by 2030, being part of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

He made the call in a statement issued in Abuja on Thursday, ahead of the 2023 World AIDS Day (WAD), annually marked on Dec. 1 to raise awareness about the AIDS pandemic, caused by the spread of HIV infection.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that WAD is a global observance and an opportunity for people worldwide to unite and show support to people living with HIV, commemorate those who died from AIDS-related illnesses, as well as advocate increased efforts to prevent new infections.

The theme of the global celebration is “Let Communities Lead”, domesticated in Nigeria as “Communities’ Leadership to End AIDS by 2030.’’

AIDS is a chronic, potentially life-threatening condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which damages the immune system, interferes with the body’s ability to fight infections.

Zekeng said the theme reflected the country’s recognition of the significant role of communities’ leadership in driving the goals and targets for ending HIV/AIDS by 2030.

He described communities as “people living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV, leading the frontline of progress in the HIV response.

“Communities play significant roles particularly in hard-to-reach areas where access to modern healthcare services are limited.

“They also play important roles where the barriers of inequalities and experiences of stigma and discrimination constrain the uptake of HIV, tuberculosis and related health services.’’

He cited the Global Fund’s statistics, which shows that community organisations in Nigeria reached more than one million people with HIV interventions in 2022.

The community organisations provided support in counselling services in 2020 and distributed over 5.5 million condoms and supported thousands of people living with the virus.

The country director commended the contributions of Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), Association of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (ASWHAN), Association of Positive Youths (APYIN), among others, in the HIV response.

He said “it is also good to mention the initiative of the Community “iMonitor +” app for HIV /AIDS communities.

“It is a novel digital approach toward improving community engagement and empowerment of PLWH in Nigeria.

“The app provides a platform for communities to report abuses and rights violations, information on service centres and surveys to track activities.

“The community of PLHIV in the country demonstrated evidently that they are not only beneficiaries of services but are contributing and driving the lead in the HIV/AIDS response in Nigeria.’’

He, however, added that dwindling resources, capacity constraints and intermittent infringement on human rights, as well as structural barriers in Nigeria are barriers affecting communities’ efforts in the HIV response.

He suggested that “communities will lead but need our support to overcome the challenges.

“Engaging and empowering diverse communities require deliberate efforts in building strong relationships, continuous learning, adapting to changing circumstances, and celebrating incremental achievements.’’

He, therefore, reiterated the commitment of UNAIDS and other partners to support government to end the AIDS epidemic by 2030.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Enoh unveils ‘WAIFAR’ agenda to fast track sports development

The Minister of Sports Development, Sen. John Owan Enoh has unveiled a comprehensive six-point agenda known as ‘W.A.I.F.A.R’ to drive sports development in the country.

The minister revealed the strategic framework that will guide sports development in the country on Wednesday in Abuja, as part of activities to mark his 100 days in office.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that ‘WAIFAR” stands for Welfare of athletes, Activation of sports as business amd Infrastructure development.

Others are Funding for sports development, Activation of grassroots sports and Reorganisation of sports federations.

He said that the objective of the agenda is to rejuvenate and restore sports to its former glory, consolidating its significance within Nigeria’s cultural and competitive landscape.

“This agenda is meticulously designed to bolster growth and excellence within the country’s sports sector.

“We must key into President Bola Tinubu’s Renewed Hope agenda and strive to propel the sports industry to newer heights,”he said.

He charged all departments within the Ministry to work towards actualising all aspects of the agenda, with renewed vigor and passion.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigerians should embrace gas-powered vehicles – NADDC

The National Automotive Design and Development Council (NADDC), has called on Nigerians to embrace the use of gas-powered vehicles to reduce dependency on petrol and diesel.

The Director-General, NADDC, Joseph Osanipin said this at the Awareness/Sensitisation workshop for the Northern Zone, organised by the Sector Skills Council (SSC) for Automotive Industry in Abuja on Thursday.

Osanipin said the Presidential Compressed Natural Gas Initiative (PCNGI) of the current administration was a commitment to ease the impact of fuel subsidy removal on Nigerians by reducing energy costs.

He said the use of gas-powered vehicles would also mitigate environmental concerns of greenhouse gas emissions.

“It is also a means of diversification of the Nigerian economy. It will lead to more job opportunities and wealth creation for Nigerians, especially for our technicians.

“These efforts by PCNGI and NADDC should be supported by all and sundry for the desired impacts to be achieved.”

Osanipin said the NADDC had been integrated into the PCNGI, adding that the council was already playing leading roles in the implementation of the PCNGI.

“This is because of the critical roles the council plays in the industry in the areas of technical know-how and expertise.

“The PCNGI is designed to facilitate the provision of workshops across all geopolitical zones and states with essential kits and comprehensive training for newly-employed staff.

“This will create new opportunities for technical skill development and employment for Nigerians.”

He said the NADDC was working with the Standards Organisation of Nigeria to come out with standards in terms of installation of Compressed Natural Gas(CNG), quality of the kits, and standards in dispensing and usage.

“After that, we need to certify and train those who will be fixing the cars during the conversion. We have prepared the training manual and will soon go for validation.

“We do this with other partners and stakeholder organisations to provide the necessary training for everyone in the ecosystem.”

Osanipin urged the participants to be prepared to acquire the knowledge needed for the move to CNG, saying we need to bridge the gap between the development in the sector and the knowledge we have.

He said to ensure skills development and international best practices in the automotive sector of the country, the council had established 21 Automotive Training Centres (ATCs) across the six geo-political zones.

“This is aimed at redefining the nation’s auto industry, job provision, and improvement in skills among technicians.

“This will in turn ensure prompt and efficient repair and maintenance of vehicles while ensuring the safety of the mechanics, the vehicles, and the environment. ”

Mr Francis Udeh, President, SSC, who spoke on the sideline of the event, said the workshop was the second in its series with the first held in Lagos for the Southern Zone.

Udeh said the workshop was aimed at sensitising all relevant stakeholders on the roles, responsibilities, and objectives of SSC to get their support and buy-in.

“We have different stakeholders who have no knowledge of the existence of the SCC and how they can maximise what the council has to offer for the betterment of their jobs.”

He earlier called on all the participants to partner the SSC, saying it will give them the advantage of quality recognition.

Udeh assured participants that the SSC had well-trained quality assurance managers who would be at their disposal at the workshops for certification.

He called on the participants to embrace the opportunities offered by the council for professional continuous development.

“The NADDC provides for all its members across the country by getting them into a league of professionals.

“If you operate alone, you will become obsolete, so it is good for you to be part of the council.

“Therefore when you return to your states, inform others that they need to be part of the NADDC and SSC to enjoy these benefits,” he said.

Sandra Aguebor, the first lady mechanic in Nigeria, said she started empowering women in 2004 and presently there are no fewer than 2,000 female mechanics with different skills in the industry.

Aguebor, who is also the Vice-President of the SSC, said money could be made from any specialised part of the automotive industry.

According to her, “we want to also inform the media, government parastatals, and agencies that the SSC has come to stay and we call for collaboration to move the industry forward.”

Mr Magaji Mohammed, National President, Nigeria Automobile Technician Association (NATA), in his message, said most of its roadside mechanic members were now experts in the industry.

Mohammed, represented by NATA Vice-President, Aliyu Ibrahim, assured that its members would follow all due process on any regulation brought by NADDC.

Mr Moruf Arowolo, National President, Motor Mechanics and Technicians Association of Nigeria (MOMTAN), represented by its PRO, Taiwo Phillips, appreciated the NADDC for the training given to technicians in Nigeria.

The News Agency of Nigeria(NAN) reports that the SSC which was established in 2016, sees to the formulation and reviewing of standards of occupational competence for the sector.

The SCC also ensures skills and workforce development of employees in the sector and influences how training and certification are delivered.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center Honors Two Decades of Heartfelt Employee Commitment


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Nov. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center takes great pride in recognizing the exceptional dedication of its diverse workforce, with each member contributing two decades to the noble mission of patient care. His Excellency, CEO Dr. Majid Al-Fayad, personally paid tribute to these trailblazing individuals at the forty-fourth edition of the Pioneers Honoring Ceremony, held in both Jeddah and Riyadh on November 20th and 22nd, respectively.

In conveying appreciation for the unwavering commitment to healthcare, the hospital commemorated the meaningful moments dedicated to enhancing the overall patient experience. The culmination of these efforts has woven a rich tapestry of experience and skills, forming the foundation for the esteemed status King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center holds today.

Central to this success is the unwavering commitment to employee development and the cultivation of a robust organizational culture. The hospital places special emphasis on its human capital, acknowledging their pivotal role in achieving its global prominence. This commitment is evident through the implementation of quality programs and services aimed at enhancing the work environment and employee productivity.


The success of these initiatives is reflected in an internal survey, where 78% of participants recommend the work environment, and 81% express satisfaction with the services provided by the hospital. King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center’s dedication to its staff is further exemplified by the establishment of a social club for employees several years ago. This initiative fosters a positive work environment, promoting social interaction, personal growth, and community participation, ensuring that individuals feel valued, connected, and supported.

Highlighting the hospital’s commitment to continuous personal and professional development, KFSH&RC regularly organizes workshops, seminars, and dialogue sessions covering various topics such as leadership, time management, stress management, financial well-being, and career advancement. These educational opportunities aim to contribute to the potential growth of employees within the organization.

Through these initiatives, King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center aspires to create an enticing work environment that attracts top-tier healthcare professionals worldwide. This commitment aligns with its strategic goals, supporting its nearly five-decade journey to be a global leader in providing specialized healthcare through research and innovation.

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OPS-WASH expands board, unveils 2024 agenda for water, sanitation initiatives

The Organised Private Sector in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (OPS-WASH) has officially announced an expansion of its Board of Directors and outlined ambitious plans for 2024.

Schael Igwe, Global Business Director, OPS-WASH Nigeria, in a statement on Wednesday, said the group was poised for impactful growth with strategic appointments and a comprehensive roadmap.

According to her, the organisation’s plans for 2024 promise impactful strides in supporting community engagement, fostering partnerships, and advancing data-driven solutions in the water and sanitation sector.

Following a recent board meeting, it may be recalled that OPS-WASH made strategic appointments from key sector plays in line with its ambitious roadmap for 2024.

Those appointed include; Ekuma Eze, former Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability at the Nigerian Bottling Company, to its esteemed Board of Directors.

Eze’s extensive experience is expected to strengthen the organisation’s governance.

Dr Elizabeth Eterigho, President of the Association of Professional Women Engineers of Nigeria (APWEN), was also appointed to its Board of Directors.

Igwe said Eterigho’s leadership aligned seamlessly with OPS-WASH’s mission as she would be heading the administrative support for the Data and Technology pillar.

“During the meeting, OPS-WASH approved its comprehensive plans for 2024.

“One of which was the noteworthy decision on the ratification of rotational board membership for the President of APWEN, ensuring diverse perspectives within the leadership structure.

“In view of this, Dr Adebisi Osim also joined the board meeting as the incoming President of APWEN from next year.’’

Igwe said the organisation would continue to support and adhere to President Bola Tinubu’s community engagement plans in Nigeria with take-off plans from the North-Central zone.

He said that the initiative was led by the Special Senior Assistant to the President on Community Engagement.

Igwe said development-focused projects with international organisations were ongoing as there was need for monitoring and evaluation plans to support the critical need for proper data in the sector.

“We will be fostering partnerships with some of Nigeria’s biggest economic and sustainability groups, to strengthen the body’s leadership.

“Starting points for the South African and Zimbabwean branches as well as a projection on participation in global events, in which OPS-WASH will support technological exhibitions and innovation hubs,’’ she said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that OPS-WASH Nigeria National Coordinator, Dr Nicholas Igwe, received a commendation for his relentless efforts in recent partnership with the presidency on community management and engagement.

He was also congratulated for receiving the prestigious Hall of Fame Award from the World Toilet Organization during the AfricaSan7 conference in Namibia.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Foundation urges global leaders to intensify efforts against AIDS by 2030

The AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) on Wednesday called on world leaders and stakeholders to redouble efforts in ending HIV and AIDS by 2030.

Mr Steve Aborisade, the Advocacy and Marketing Manager in a statement said the fight against HIV and AIDS was not over.

The plea comes ahead of the 2023 World AIDS Day, observed annually on Dec. 1, emphasising the ongoing need for awareness about the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection.

With the theme “Let Communities Lead” for 2023, AHF aims to highlight the pivotal role communities play in shaping the HIV response and global health.

Aborisade stressed the importance of raising awareness, combating stigma, and promoting access to test and treatment services for people living with HIV.

Dr Echey Ijezie, AHF’s Country Programme Director, underscored the organisation’s active support for the Federal Government’s goal to end AIDS by 2030.

He said AHF focuses on targeted interventions across various states in partnership with the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) and the Federal Ministry of Health (FMoH).

Ijezie highlighted the priority placed on projects advancing gender equality and building leadership potential at the grassroots, empowering communities to lead.

The organisation is implementing Community Advocacy Clubs (CAC) in three Nigerian states, with plans for expansion, and investing in community education through radio to prevent new infections and ensure the well-being of rural dwellers.

The AHF’s World AIDS Day event in Nigeria will feature community testing campaigns and the distribution of 75,000 condoms across seven program states, namely: Akwa Ibom, Anambra, Benue, Kogi, Nasarawa, Cross River, and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT).

The initiative aims to honor those who have lost their lives to AIDS-related illnesses, support ongoing efforts, and unite individuals in the fight against HIV and AIDS.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria