Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Center annonce le lancement d’un service de pharmacogénomique clinique innovant

Une plus grande efficacité des médicaments combinée à une sécurité accrue des patients

RIYADH, Arabie saoudite, 25 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Le King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (« KFSH&RC ») est fier d’annoncer le lancement de la phase inaugurale de son service de pharmacogénomique clinique au sein de son pôle cardiologie. Ce service pionnier utilise l’ADN du patient pour adapter les dosages et le choix des médicaments, annonçant ainsi une nouvelle ère dans les soins de santé, qui donne la priorité à un traitement personnalisé pour chaque individu. Cette approche novatrice devrait permettre d’améliorer les résultats thérapeutiques et de réduire les effets indésirables potentiels des médicaments.

Selon les experts du KFSH&RC, cette analyse permet aux médecins de prescrire des médicaments adaptés à chaque patient, en tenant compte de son état de santé et de ses caractéristiques génétiques. Les réactions des patients aux produits pharmaceutiques peuvent varier considérablement en fonction de leur profil génétique. Par conséquent, ce qui s’avère efficace pour un patient peut n’avoir qu’un effet minime pour un autre. Il convient de noter que les statistiques révèlent que 15 % des admissions à l’hôpital sont dues à des effets indésirables des médicaments, ce qui représente une charge financière et humaine considérable pour les systèmes de soins de santé du monde entier.

Ce service innovant est le fruit d’une collaboration entre le Centre de médecine génomique, le département des technologies de l’information dans le domaine de la santé et le département des soins pharmaceutiques du KFSH&RC. Dans sa phase initiale, ce service englobe six des médicaments les plus fréquemment prescrits, sur la base des données hospitalières recueillies, dont l’efficacité est connue pour être influencée par des variations génétiques.

Le KFSH&RC a clairement indiqué qu’il restait déterminé à étendre progressivement le champ d’application de ce service à tous les services de l’hôpital. Cette expansion souligne la volonté inébranlable de l’hôpital de dispenser des soins de santé personnalisés à chaque patient, de garantir le plus haut niveau de sécurité et de minimiser les effets indésirables, tout en adhérant aux dernières pratiques scientifiques approuvées à l’échelle mondiale.

À l’occasion du salon Global Health Exhibition, qui se tient à Riyad du 29 au 31 octobre, un événement dans le cadre duquel le KFSH&RC joue un rôle essentiel en qualité de partenaire stratégique dans le domaine de la santé, l’hôpital s’apprête à dévoiler ce service innovant qui promet de faire progresser les résultats en matière de soins de santé dans la région.

Le KFSH&RC a déclaré qu’il s’apprêtait à étendre progressivement le champ d’application du service à toutes les spécialités médicales dans le cadre de son engagement à dispenser des soins de santé personnalisés à chaque patient moyennant le plus haut niveau de sécurité et de prévention des effets indésirables et à exploiter les dernières pratiques scientifiquement éprouvées dans le monde entier.

L’établissement est considéré comme l’un des plus réputés au monde en matière de soins de santé spécialisés, un pionnier en matière d’innovation et un centre de recherche et d’enseignement médical de pointe. Il cherche également à développer des technologies médicales et à améliorer les soins de santé dans le monde entier, en partenariat avec d’éminentes institutions locales, régionales et internationales. Assurer un service de niveau international dans les domaines clinique, de la recherche et de l’enseignement, telle est la mission qu’il s’est fixée.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8965796

King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Lança Inovadora Farmacogenômica Clínica

Aprimorando a Eficácia do Medicamento e a Segurança do Paciente

RIADE, Arábia Saudita, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (KFSH&RC) tem o orgulho de anunciar o lançamento da fase inaugural do seu serviço de farmacogenômica clínica no Heart Center. Este serviço pioneiro que utiliza o DNA do paciente para adaptar as escolhas e dosagens dos medicamentos, estabelece uma nova era na área da saúde que prioriza o tratamento personalizado para cada indivíduo. Esta abordagem inovadora está viabiliza o aprimoramento dos resultados do tratamento e a redução dos danos potenciais.

Os experts da KFSH&RC dizem que esta análise capacita os médicos a prescrever medicamentos personalizados para cada paciente, levando em consideração suas condições de saúde e características genéticas únicas. As respostas dos pacientes aos produtos farmacêuticos podem ser substancialmente diferentes de acordo com seus perfis genéticos. Por isso, o que demonstra ser eficaz para um paciente pode ter um impacto mínimo em outro. Vale a pena notar que as estatísticas revelam que 15% das internações hospitalares decorrem de reações adversas a medicamentos, que causam ônus financeiros e humanos substanciais aos sistemas de saúde em todo o mundo.

Este serviço inovador é um esforço colaborativo entre o Centro de Medicina Genômica, Assuntos de Tecnologia da Informação de Saúde e o Departamento de Assistência Farmacêutica do KFSH&RC. Na sua fase inicial, este serviço engloba seis dos medicamentos mais frequentemente prescritos, de acordo com dados hospitalares, cuja eficácia é sabidamente influenciada pelas variações genéticas.

O KFSH&RC deixou claro que continua empenhado em expandir progressivamente o âmbito deste serviço, abrangendo todos os departamentos do hospital. Essa expansão demonstra a dedicação inabalável do hospital em fornecer cuidados de saúde personalizados a todos os pacientes, garantindo o nível máximo de segurança e minimização de danos, ao mesmo tempo em que adere às mais recentes práticas científicas adotadas em todo o mundo.

Na Exposição Global de Saúde realizada em Riade de 29 a 31 de outubro, onde a KFSH&RC terá um papel vital como parceira estratégica de saúde, o hospital irá introduzir o serviço inovador que promete acelerar os resultados de saúde na região.

O KFSH&RC disse que está trabalhando para expandir gradualmente o escopo da aplicação do serviço para incluir todas as especialidades médicas, como parte do seu compromisso de fornecer cuidados de saúde personalizados para cada paciente no mais alto nível de segurança e prevenção de danos possível, e utilizar as mais recentes práticas cientificamente comprovadas em todo o mundo.

O King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center é considerado um dos mais proeminentes do mundo na prestação de cuidados de saúde especializados, um pioneiro em inovação e um centro avançado de pesquisa e educação médica. O hospital também trabalha no desenvolvimento tecnologias médicas e aprimoramento dos cuidados de saúde em todo o mundo em parceria com instituições locais, regionais e internacionais proeminentes. Para o alcance de um serviço de classe mundial nos campos clínico, de pesquisa e educacional.

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8965796

LeddarTech Unveils LeddarCar at Reuters Automotive USA 2023 on November 8-9 in Detroit, Demonstrating Next-Gen Sensor Fusion and Perception Software for ADAS Applications

QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, an automotive software company that provides patented disruptive low-level sensor fusion and perception software technology for ADAS and AD, is pleased to announce its participation as a speaker and on-site exhibitor along with demonstrating its technology live with the LeddarCar at the Automotive USA 2023 conference on November 8-9, Huntington Place, Detroit, MI.

The Automotive USA 2023 event has become an industry hallmark, and this year’s edition promises to be a new milestone in automotive innovation. LeddarTech’s software solutions have received several awards and honors this year, with most recently being granted the UK-based AutoTech Breakthrough announced on October 4, 2023 that LeddarVision™ Front-Entry-Level (LVF-E) has been selected as winner of the Advanced Driver Assistance System of the Year award.

November 8-9: EXPERIENCE LeddarTech’s award-winning interactive dashboard demonstration at booth #18 featuring LeddarVision, a high-performance, scalable, cost-efficient automotive low-level sensor fusion and perception software solution that is also hardware and processor-agnostic.

Also featuring LeddarVision-inspired ADAS products:

  • LVF-E, a front-view fusion and perception stack for entry-level ADAS L2/L2+ highway assist and 5-star NCAP 2025/GSR 2022
  • LVF-H, the premium companion fusion and perception stack in the front-view product family featuring extended sensor configuration
  • LVS-2+, the newly launched surround-view premium fusion and perception stack that efficiently extends the LVF front-view product family 1VxR sensor configuration to a 5V5R configuration

RIDE ALONG LeddarCar live: Delegates representing automotive Tier 1-2 suppliers and OEMs are invited to book a real-world on-road demonstration of LeddarTech’s LeddarVision low-level fusion and perception software technology. Space is limited, so reserve your LeddarCar on-road demo now.

LeddarTech Presents: On November 9 at 1:10 p.m., Pierre Olivier, LeddarTech’s Chief Technology Officer, will host a panel discussion entitled “Delivering a Safe Transition Towards Autonomous Vehicles.” Take a seat alongside fellow auto executives to engage, build partnerships and delve into a key challenge that the market is facing!

Pre-arrange a meeting for a product demonstration or to experience LeddarCar live.

About Automotive USA 2023

“Reuters Events: Automotive USA” is the industry gathering to unite senior-level OEM leaders who address how they will build software-defined electric vehicles, reshape the OEM business model and plan for an autonomous future. Reaching a North American audience, this event shapes future strategies across business-critical topics, including electrification, connectivity, autonomous vehicles, sustainability, supply chain and more.

About LeddarTech

A global software company founded in 2007 and headquartered in Quebec City with additional R&D centers in Montreal, Toronto and Tel Aviv, Israel, LeddarTech develops and provides comprehensive perception software solutions that enable the deployment of ADAS and autonomous driving (AD) applications. LeddarTech’s automotive-grade software applies advanced AI and computer vision algorithms to generate accurate 3D models of the environment, allowing for better decision making and safer navigation. This high-performance, scalable, cost-effective technology is available to OEMs and Tier 1-2 suppliers to efficiently implement automotive and off-road vehicle ADAS solutions.

LeddarTech is responsible for several remote-sensing innovations, with over 150 patent applications (80 granted) that enhance ADAS and AD capabilities. Better awareness around the vehicle is critical in making global mobility safer, more efficient, sustainable and affordable: this is what drives LeddarTech to seek to become the most widely adopted sensor fusion and perception software solution.

Additional information about LeddarTech is accessible at www.LeddarTech.com and on LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook and YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-President, Global Marketing, Communications and Investor Relations, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ext. 232 daniel.aitken@LeddarTech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision and related logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of LeddarTech Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other brands, product names and marks are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks used to identify products or services of their respective owners.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8952473

LeddarTech Introduz LeddarCar na Reuters Automotive USA 2023 entre 8 e 9 de Novembro em Detroit, com Demonstração do Software de Fusão e Percepção de Sensores da Última Geração para Aplicativos ADAS

QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 25, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A LeddarTech®, uma empresa de software automotivo que fornece tecnologia patenteada de software de fusão e percepção de sensores de baixo nível para ADAS e AD, tem o prazer de anunciar sua participação como palestrante introduzindo sua tecnologia ao vivo no LeddarCar na conferência Automotive USA 2023em 8-9 de novembro, em Huntington Place, Detroit, MI.

O evento Automotive USA 2023 tornou-se uma marca registrada do setor, e este ano promete ser um novo marco da inovação automotiva. As soluções de software da LeddarTech receberam vários prêmios e honrarias este ano, sendo o mais recente o AutoTech Breakthrough do Reino Unido, anunciado em 4 de outubro de 2023, com o LeddarVision™ Front-Entry-Level (LVF-E) recebendo o prêmio Advanced Driver Assistance System of the Year.

8-9 de novembro: VEJA uma demonstração do dashboard interativo premiado da LeddarTech no booth #18 com o LeddarVision, uma solução de software de fusão e percepção de sensores de baixo nível automotivo de alto desempenho, escalável e econômica que também é independente de hardware e processador.

Também com produtos ADAS inspirados na LeddarVision:

  • LVF-E – uma pilha de fusão e percepção de visão frontal para assistência rodoviária ADAS L2/L2+ de nível básico e NCAP 2025/GSR 2022 de 5 estrelas
  • LVF-H – uma pilha de fusão e percepção complementar premium da família de produtos de visão frontal com configuração ampliada de sensor
  • LVS-2+, – uma recém-lançada pilha de fusão e percepção premium de visão surround que amplia a configuração do sensor 1VxR da família de produtos de visão frontal LVF para a configuração 5V5R

PASSEIE no LeddarCar: Representantes de fornecedores e OEMs automotivos de Nível 1-2 estão convidados a fazer uma reserva para uma demonstração prática da tecnologia de software de fusão e percepção de baixo nível LeddarVision da LeddarTech. O espaço é limitado, faça sua reserva para a demonstração prática do LeddarCar agora.

LeddarTech Apresenta: No dia 9 de novembro, às 13h10, Pierre Olivier, Diretor de Tecnologia da LeddarTech, organizará um painel de discussão intitulado “Delivering a Safe Transition Towards Autonomous Vehicles” (Transição Segura para Veículos Autônomos). Sente-se ao lado de outros executivos automotivos para se envolver, criar parcerias e mergulhar em um desafio fundamental que o mercado está enfrentando!

Marque uma reunião para a demonstração de um produto ou para testar o LeddarCar.

Sobre a Automotive USA 2023

“Reuters Events: Automotive USA” é um encontro da indústria que reúne líderes OEM de nível sênior que abordam como construir veículos elétricos definidos por software, remodelar o modelo de negócios OEM e planejar um futuro autônomo. Atingindo um público norte-americano, este evento cria estratégias futuras em tópicos críticos para os negócios, incluindo eletrificação, conectividade, veículos autônomos, sustentabilidade, cadeia de suprimentos e muito mais.

Sobre a LeddarTech

Uma empresa global de software fundada em 2007 e sediada na cidade de Quebec, com centros adicionais de P&D em Montreal, Toronto e Tel Aviv, Israel, a LeddarTech desenvolve e fornece soluções abrangentes de software de percepção que permitem a implantação de aplicações ADAS e de condução autônoma (AD). O software de nível automotivo da LeddarTech aplica algoritmos avançados de IA e visão computacional para gerar modelos 3D precisos do ambiente, permitindo uma melhor tomada de decisão e navegação mais segura. Esta tecnologia de alto desempenho, escalonável e econômica é disponível para OEMs e fornecedores de Nível 1-2 para a implementação eficiente de soluções ADAS para veículos automotivos e off-road.

A LeddarTech é responsável por várias inovações de sensor remoto, com mais de 150 patentes solicitadas (80 concedidas) que aprimoram os recursos de ADAS e AD. A percepção de veículos é fundamental para tornar a mobilidade global mais segura, eficiente, sustentável e acessível: e é por isso que a LeddarTech deseja se tornar a solução de software de fusão e percepção de sensores mais amplamente adotada.

Para mais informação sobre a LeddarTech, visite www.LeddarTech.com, LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook e YouTube.

Daniel Aitken, Vice-Presidente, Marketing Global, Comunicações e Relacionamento com o Investidor, LeddarTech Inc. Tel.: + 1-418-653-9000 ramal 232 daniel.aitken@LeddarTech.com

Os logotipos Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision e afins são marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas da LeddarTech Inc. e suas subsidiárias. Todas as outras marcas e nomes de produtos são ou podem ser marcas comerciais ou marcas comerciais registradas usadas para identificar produtos ou serviços de seus respectivos proprietários.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8953160

LeddarTech présentera sa LeddarCar à l’événement Reuters Automotive USA 2023 les 8 et 9 novembre à Détroit avec des démonstrations de son logiciel de fusion et de perception de nouvelle génération pour applications ADAS

QUÉBEC, 25 oct. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, une société de logiciels automobiles qui fournit des technologies logicielles de fusion bas niveau de capteurs et de perception innovatrices et brevetées pour systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite (systèmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systèmes AD), est heureuse d’annoncer sa participation en tant que conférencier et exposant et présentera sa technologie en direct avec la LeddarCar à la conférence Automotive USA 2023 les 8 et 9 novembre à Huntington Place, Détroit, au Michigan.

L’événement Automotive USA 2023 est devenu une référence dans l’industrie, et l’édition à venir promet d’être un nouveau jalon dans l’innovation automobile.   Les solutions logicielles de LeddarTech ont remporté plusieurs prix et distinctions cette année, le dernier en date étant le Prix du système ADAS de l’année attribué au LeddarVision™ d’entrée de gamme LVF-E dans le cadre du programme AutoTech Breakthrough, au Royaume-Uni, et dont l’annonce a été faite le 4 octobre 2023.

Les 8-9 novembre : FAITES L’EXPÉRIENCE de la console démo virtuelle interactive primée de LeddarTech au stand 18 avec LeddarVision, une solution logicielle automobile de fusion bas niveau et de perception à la fois performante, évolutive et économique indépendante du matériel et des processeurs.

Autres produits ADAS inspirés de LeddarVision :

  • LVF-E, la suite logicielle de fusion et de perception à vue frontale (front-view) pour applications ADAS de niveau 2/2+ d’aide à la conduite sur autoroute et de sécurité 5 étoiles NCAP 2025 et GSR 2022 d’entrée de gamme
  • LVF-H, la suite logicielle supérieure de fusion et de perception de la famille de produits à vue frontale compatible avec une configuration de capteurs étendue
  • LVS-2+, la solution « premium » de fusion et de perception à vue périphérique (surround-view) nouvellement lancée qui étend efficacement la configuration de capteurs 1VxR de la famille de produits à vue frontale LVF à une configuration 5V5R

Vivez une DÉMONSTRATION EN TEMPS RÉEL de la LeddarCar : les délégués représentant les fournisseurs automobiles de rang 1-2 et les équipementiers sont invités à réserver une démonstration sur route, dans un environnement réel, de notre technologie logicielle de fusion bas niveau et de perception LeddarVision. Les places sont limitées, donc réservez votre démo LeddarCar sur route dès maintenant.

Présentation LeddarTech : le 9 novembre à 13 h 10, Pierre Olivier, chef de la technologie de LeddarTech, animera une table ronde intitulée « Pour une transition sûre vers des véhicules autonomes » (en anglais). Prenez place aux côtés d’autres dirigeants de l’industrie automobile pour vous impliquer, nouer des partenariats et vous pencher sur un enjeu majeur auquel le marché fait face!

Planifiez un rendez-vous pour une présentation du produit ou une démonstration en temps réel de la LeddarCar.

À propos de Automotive USA 2023

« Reuters Events : Automotive USA » est l’événement de l’industrie qui réunit les principaux dirigeants des équipementiers pour discuter de la manière dont ils construiront des véhicules électriques définis par logiciel, affineront le modèle commercial OEM et planifieront un avenir autonome. Ciblant le public nord-américain, cet événement vise à façonner les stratégies de demain sur des enjeux critiques pour l’entreprise comme l’électrification, la connectivité, les véhicules autonomes, la durabilité, la chaîne d’approvisionnement et plus encore.

À propos de LeddarTech

Entreprise mondiale de logiciels fondée en 2007, basée à Québec et disposant de centres de R&D supplémentaires à Montréal, Toronto et Tel Aviv (Israël), LeddarTech développe et propose des solutions de perception logicielles complètes qui permettent le déploiement d’applications ADAS et de conduite autonome (AD). Le logiciel de classe automobile de LeddarTech applique des algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle et de vision numérique avancés afin de générer des modèles 3D précis de l’environnement, pour une meilleure prise de décision et une navigation plus sûre. Cette technologie performante, évolutive et économique permet la mise en œuvre efficace de solutions ADAS pour véhicules automobiles et hors route par les équipementiers et fournisseurs de rang 1 et 2.

Ayant déposé plus de 150 demandes de brevets (dont 80 accordées) qui améliorent les capacités des systèmes d’aide à la conduite et de conduite autonome, l’entreprise a contribué à plusieurs innovations liées à des applications de télédétection. Une plus grande conscience situationnelle est essentielle pour rendre la mobilité plus sûre, efficace, durable et abordable : c’est ce qui motive LeddarTech à vouloir devenir la solution logicielle de fusion de capteurs et de perception la plus largement adoptée.

Renseignements complémentaires disponibles sur www.LeddarTech.com et sur LinkedIn, Twitter (X), Facebook et YouTube.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice-président, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tél. : + 1-418-653-9000 poste 232 daniel.aitken@LeddarTech.com

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, VAYADrive, VayaVision et les logos associés sont des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent être des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées utilisées pour désigner les produits ou les services de leurs propriétaires respectifs.

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8952473

FG seeks enhanced private sector engagements for digital economic growth

The Federal Government has called for more private sector collaborations to ensure Nigeria’s participation in global technology trade for digital economic growth.

Dr Bosun Tijani, Minister of Communications, Innovation and Digital Economy, made the call at the opening ceremony of the 3-day Digital Nigeria conference, exhibition and awards in Abuja.

Organised by the National Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA), the theme of the conference was “Harnessing Digital Technologies for Job Creation, Inclusive Economic Growth and Sustainability”.

Tijani said that technology was evolving and countries that made the most out of technology were those who had progressive attitude of continuously asking questions and demanding better ways of doing things.

He reiterated that his leadership had five key pillars that would transform the technology ecosystem in the country.

Tijani listed the keys as: Knowledge sharing, focus on policy, building of infrastructure, innovation, entrepreneurship on capital and participation in the global trade economy.

“We understand that for us to continue to make gains out of technology and to continue to develop technology for good in Nigeria, we must prioritise the development of our workforce.

“We must also prioritise knowledge generation for us to become a major player globally, not just in Africa in technology, we must be part of knowledge generation and application.

“As a nation that is open to coming up with policies to support the development of technology in our ecosystem, we do so by not using policy as a way of stifling innovation.

“We use policy as an opportunity to open up our market for innovators and entrepreneurs to actually build and also while protecting society,’’ he said.

Tijani further said that in spite of the gains that had been made on infrastructure in Nigeria, to benefit from the digital economy, the nation must continue to reimagine how to invest, regulate and make infrastructure available for people.

“We reimagine the use of our satellites, ensure that we manage our spectrum more effectively, ensure that we make innovation spaces available to our people to actually innovate.

“It is our duty to ensure that the pool of patient capital available for people to innovate in Nigeria is good enough, and is robust enough to support our dreams.

“It is also our responsibility to ensure that we use policies to encourage entrepreneurs, we help the country to capture value by driving more local domiciliation of startups.

“If we do one, two, three and four effectively, now we can actually also participate in global technology trade as well,’’ he said.

The minister said the government was open to collaborations, input from the private sector, adding that our collective responsibility and investment would get us to where we desired.

Tijani commended the efforts of technology players both in government and private sector which had led to the evolution of technology in the country.

”It is easy for us to focus on what we need to build in our country or lose sight of the gains that we’ve actually made as a nation,” he added.

Tijani said that it was their efforts that gave Nigeria the backbone required to participate in the global economy.

The Director-General of NITDA, Mr Kashifu Inuwa, in his address, said that the celebration symbolised the collective aspirations to launch Nigeria at the forefront of digital innovation.

Inuwa said that technology had transformed individuals, nations, way of life and the very fabric of human identification.

He said that digital Nigeria was at the core of the ‘Renewed Hope Agenda’, which included inclusive economic growth, productivity and prosperity for all.

Inuwa recalled that according to statistics, digitally transformed enterprises contributed 13.5 per cent dollars to the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2018.

“It is projected to contribute 53.3 trillion dollars to the global GDP this year, that means more than 50 per cent of the global GDP.

“Looking at these key activities or enablers of digitisation, we are so keen about innovation, on how we use digital to innovate and grow our economy.

“We aim to use the power of digital technology to foster job creation, ensure inclusive economic growth, and lay the foundation for the future digital economy in Nigeria,’’ he said.

Inuwa added that the conference was designed to boost networking, activate conversations around innovation and inspiration, engender policies and regulations that can provide the enabling environment to thrive as a nation.

Other objectives he mentioned included building a stronger ecosystem for global visibility, leading to economic activities, hence national prosperity.

Mrs Funke Opeke, Chief Executive Officer of MainOne Cable, while speaking on “The Role Emerging Technologies Can Play in Helping National Frog Leap’’, said, ”we need to encourage global players in Nigeria.

”We need to encourage them to trade in our technology market and domesticate technology platforms and create jobs locally.

“If we are able to put in place a strategy to bring digital technology value chain to our country, provide the right incentives and build broadband infrastructure, provide our young people with access to knowledge.

”Nigeria can be positioned in the same way as South Korea, Singapore, or as India is lifting its citizens out of poverty.

“The one million jobs we are looking to create in this administration can become five million jobs in less than 10 years and create the wealth that will turn around.\”

The conference had in attendance, tech industry leaders, government officials, tech enthusiasts, students and many other participants.

There was also an exhibition tour by the dignitaries as well.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

“Be wary of desperate politicians,” Wike tells religious leaders

Minister of the FCT, Mr Nyesom Wike on Wednesday in Abuja advised the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the Committee of FCT Imams Initiative (CFII) to be wary of ambitious politicians.

Wike gave the advice when executive members of CAN, led by its National President, Most Rev. Daniel Okoh and those of CFII led by the Chairman, Imam Tajudeen Adigun, paid him a courtesy visit.

The minister said at separate meetings with the religious groups that politicians, desperate for power could do anything to divide the country for their selfish interests.

During his meeting with CAN, Wike said: “Let me advise all of us. You say you are not politicians, but be careful about politicians. Be careful with politicians who are so desperate to get power.

“Be careful with politicians who can do anything just because of power. It is not everything you read in social media that is correct. Ask questions.

“If there is anything you hear that the FCT is trying to do, do not hesitate to ask questions so that we will be able to defend the government and defend ourselves,’’ he said.

The minister noted that opposition politicians who could not face the victorious ones on the political turf usually ran back to religious leaders with tales about hatred.

Wike stressed the need for religious leaders to always ask questions before taking action and urged the clerics to pray for the leadership of the country.

According to him, once a leader emerges after an election, people should leave their personal view and pray for the leaders to succeed so that the country will succeed.

“God has voted a president for this country; pray for him to succeed. Harsh decisions are being taken to address the wrong way things had been done.

“This is not the time to criticise, but a time to help Nigeria to grow,’’ he stressed.

The minister promised that the FCT Administration would continue to support the National Christian Centre and the National Mosque, which he described as “national assets’’.

Wike promised to visit the two national monuments to assess the state of rehabilitation there so as to determine the nature of assistance that would be directed at the two.

“We will continue to support the National Mosque and the National Christian Centre,” the minister assured.

Earlier, Okoh said the CAN leadership visited to declare full support for the Wike-led administration and to pray for him to succeed.

He reiterated CAN’s commitment to continue to engage stakeholders and to promote societal cohesion.

Okoh appealed to the minister to award the contract for the second phase of the rehabilitation of the National Christian Centre, adding that Phase One had been concluded in May 2023.

At his meeting with the Imams, Wike also told the CFII to be wary of politicians who never loved Nigeria but were fond of causing disunity.

“You have to be careful as religious leaders; don’t allow desperate politicians and those who think if they are not in power, Nigeria must come down to sell or distort information.

“Do not hesitate to ask questions about anything that you are not clear about. If you follow politicians’ propaganda, you are not doing anything meaningful to yourself.

“Politics is over; a president has emerged. It is for you the leaders to now pray to God to guide the president, give him the wisdom, and bring out ideas on how the nation will grow.

“If he fails, Nigerians have failed,’’ he said.

Wike pledged renewed partnership with the group particularly on issues that concern it.

Earlier, Chairman of the CFII, Imam Adigun described Wike as a true Nigerian and pledged the initiative’s support and advice for growth, development, and unity in the FCT.

Wike had earlier pledged continued support for the maintenance and development of the Abuja National Mosque.

He gave the pledge on Oct. 18 in Abuja when the mosque’s Management Board, led by its Chairman, the Etsu Nupe, Alhaji Yahaya Abubakar, visited him. (NAN)

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

MTN urged states to invest in ICT parks to drive digital skills acquisition

The Chief Executive Officer of MTN Nigeria, Karl Toriola, has called on States in Nigeria to invest in ICT parks and create economic clusters.

Toriola, who made this call in a statement was a panelist on the topic “Collaboration for Sustainable Economic Development” at the 29th Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG29) in Abuja.

The theme of the NESG29 was: “Pathway to Sustainable Economic Transformation and Inclusion”.

He said this would stimulate sub-national collaboration and accelerate advancement in the ICT sector in the country.

Speaking specifically on possibilities between the telecoms industry and states, Toriola advocated closer partnership to ensure the development of digital skills.

He said, “I am waiting for the first state to create an ICT park. It is not an ICT park where you put a few data centres.

“I am talking about a complete environment where you allow limitless fiber to be rolled out to cover those kinds of locations, and where you allow leading technologies, with power and other infrastructure

“Whether you look at it from an international level, or regional or state level, capital will always flow to where the best return is.”

He also called on the States to create clusters around agriculture, mining and policy consistency in economic development.

Toriola commended the Nigerian Communications Commission for providing a strong regulatory framework to support the growth of the telecoms industry in Nigeria.

“The success of MTN and the telecommunications industry in Nigeria can be accounted for by clarity of policy and good institution building in our primary regulator.

“However, we have also seen that at the sub-national levels, we see some level of inconsistencies of policies, multiple taxation, and inflation have become the major challenges companies are facing,” he said.

Other panelists included Gov. Abdulrahman Abdulrazaq of Kwara and Gov. Abdullahi Sule of Nasarawa State.

They also advocated stronger collaborations between states to accelerate development in Nigeria.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria