Posted in General

Gov’t of Ethiopia Expresses Commitment to Preservation of Human Rights

The Government of Ethiopia is committed to the preservation of Human Rights, Ministry of Foreign Affaires said in a statement today.According to the statement, Ethiopian government has been working to ensure accountability, reconciliation, healing, and…

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Posted in General

Joint Session of House of Peoples’ Representatives, House of Federation Opens Monday

The joint session of the third year and sixth tenure of the House of Peoples’ Representatives of Ethiopia and the House of Federation will officially open on the coming Monday.As per the constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, the…

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Posted in Business Market

UNHCR, RRS & National ID Program Sign Tripartite Data Sharing Agreement

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Refugees and Returnees Service (RRS) and Ethiopia’s National ID Program (NIDP) have signed tripartite data sharing agreement.The tripartite agreement aims at issuing National ID to refugees and asy…

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