World’s Biggest Cocktail Festival Unveils Jacob Martin as World’s Best Bartender

Highly anticipated competition brings colourful cocktail experiences and never-before-seen collaborations to the city of São Paulo


Jacob Martin celebrates his win at the World Class Global Bartender of the Year awards.

SÃO PAULO, Brazil, Sept. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Jacob Martin, from Canada, has been recognised by industry legends as the 2023 World Class Global Bartender of the Year. He shook off competition from over 10,000 other elite bartenders who attempted this year’s Everest of bartending.

The competition saw Jacob participate in a series of challenges over four days. From creating classic cocktails and elevating them to a TEN with bartender favourite, Tanqueray No. TEN, Jacob also dared to go one step beyond with Johnnie Walker Black Label’s versatility of flavours, as well as creating a Ketel One Garnished with Good cocktail which not only impressed the judges with its flavour creativity but delivered a positive impact in their local community in Canada.

Upon winning, Jacob said: “It’s an unbelievable honour to win World Class. Not just because it’s the pinnacle of the industry but also because of the giants I’ve had the privilege of competing with this week. Bartending is an amazing community and this week has constantly reminded me of that. We have all pushed each other, learned from each other and fed off the amazing energy from this fantastic city. The standard of the competition was out of this world, but right now I’m just looking forward to enjoying a cocktail made by someone else!”

Jacob Martin from Canada is crowned winner of the World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023 and celebrates with previous World Class winners.

Jacob Martin from Canada is crowned winner of the World Class Global Bartender of the Year 2023 and celebrates with previous World Class winners.

As part of the competition, São Paulo has seen world-renowned bartenders including Monica Berg (from London’s Tayer + Elementary), Giacomo Giannotti (from the World’s Best Bar, Paradiso in Barcelona) and Ago Perrone (from London’s The Connaught Bar) descend on the city to judge the event and host special ‘World Class’ experiences in some of the city’s most iconic nightlife venues.

The competition also signals the beginning of the World Class Cocktail Festival, with amazing bar collaborations across the city including Bar Dos Arcos, Tan Tan and Guilhotina Bar.

Overall, The World Class Cocktail Festival extends to over 1,000 venues across Brazil, giving hundreds of thousands of cocktail lovers unique experiences from the likes of Johnnie Walker, Tanqueray No. TEN and Don Julio.

This year’s World Class also saw the inclusion of the Industry Forum, a chance to engage, educate and inspire the bartending community with seminars and panel discussions from World Class judges and guests – highlights included: “From Insta to IRL: trends and how to master them”, featuring World Class 2017 winner, Kaitlyn Stewart and Diageo Global Reserve Culture Manager, Giuliana Pe Benito and “Behind the Scenes of the World’s Best Bars” with bar owners including Monica Berg, Thiago Benares and Benjamin Padron.

Marissa Johnston, Global Head of Diageo World Class said: “Following last year’s World Class in Sydney was always going to be a big ask, but the World Class teams around the world, the Brazil team and, of course, our amazing 54 competitors have all stepped up to the plate and knocked it out the park. The level of energy on the ground here is incredible and after so many months of planning it’s been such a thrill to see it all come together like this. It’s so exciting to see a city come alive with great drinks and great experiences.

“Jacob has truly taken this competition to the next level – he excelled across the board and the feedback from the judges has been incredible. Jacob is such a deserving winner and I can’t wait to work with him over the next 12 months – he’ll go far.”

Since its launch in 2009, Diageo World Class has played a significant role in inspiring better drinking and transforming cocktail culture around the world by supporting over 450,000 bartenders worldwide through training and education.

For more information on World Class and to keep up to date with the latest drinks, trends and training, visit and follow @WorldClass on Instagram.

Jacob Martin takes on the Speed round during the World Class Global Bartender of the Year competition in São Paulo.

Jacob Martin takes on the Speed round during the World Class Global Bartender of the Year competition in São Paulo.

Sarah Deller

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930946

William Ruto, President of Kenya, joins GCA Advisory Board

Nairobi, Kenya, Sept. 29, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — William Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya and Chair of the Committee of African Heads of State and Government on Climate Change has accepted an invitation from Ban Ki-moon, 8th Secretary-General of the United Nations and Chair of the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) and CEO Professor Patrick Verkooijen, to join the GCA Advisory Board.

During a high-level official meeting which took place today at the State House in Nairobi , Professor Patrick Verkooijen and President Ruto  discussed a roadmap to guide the mobilisation of the financial commitments for adaptation which were made at the Africa Climate Summit hosted by the President in Nairobi earlier this month.

The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP) Country Compacts, announced during the Leaders’ Dialogue on Adaptation, will drive the doubling down and scaling of adaptation action across the world’s most climate-vulnerable continent. The country-led investment roadmaps, initiated by the Government of Kenya, outline adaptation investment priorities, financing needs, and finance mobilization strategies for implementing climate adaptation measures connected to the priorities outlined in National Adaptation Plans and other national strategies.

Recent research from GCA showed Africa may need a nearly tenfold increase in climate adaptation funding to $100 billion a year if it is to buttress its infrastructure, improve climate early warning systems and shield its agriculture from climate change.

On accepting the invitation, William Ruto, President of the Republic of Kenya said:
“African governments, businesses and communities have paid heavily for climate-related destruction and disruption, and have already invested heavily in adaptation action, but we need stronger international partnerships to support adaptation more than ever before. The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program , the world’s largest adaptation program resulting from collaboration between GCA, the University of Nairobi, African Development Bank and the African Union Commission, is the best vehicle we have to mobilize additional funding. I  look forward to working closely with Professor Verkooijen and the Board to build on the US$6.7 billion that the AAAP has already invested in resilient climate projects in 27 countries since 2021. By working together I am confident that we will make great progress in ensuring that international commitments  to deliver highly strategic and comprehensive adaptation responses are fulfilled.”

Professor Patrick Verkooijen, CEO of GCA and Distinguished Chair of the Wangari Maathai Institute said:
“It is only by adapting to climate change that Africa can reach its potential. Yet promised climate finance—which is necessary to underpin wider development goals—remains critically short of what is needed. President Ruto has played a crucial role in the implementation of the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program across the continent and I commend his leadership in hosting the Africa Climate Summit. I look forward to our continued collaboration to ensure the Summit outcomes are delivered for Africa’s march to sustainable economic transformation and green growth.”

During the Africa Climate Summit, President Ruto announced Kenya will host regional headquarters for GCA in Nairobi:
“I have had opportunity to interact with the Global Center for Adaptation, an international organisation based in Rotterdam in the Netherlands, whose constitution is an appealing emblem of our aspirations, from the aspirational design of its  global headquarters and futuristic regional headquarters in Nairobi, comprising green walls and roof as well as rain gardens, to the collaborative culture of its staff. Unsurprisingly, the Center is intended to inspire the world to thrive with nature instead of pursuing the dangerous course of seeking to thrive at nature’s expense.”

It is expected the new Africa headquarters will open in Nairobi in January 2025.

Notes to Editors

About the Global Center on Adaptation
The Global Center on Adaptation (GCA) is an international organization that works as a solutions broker to accelerate action and support for adaptation solutions, from the international to the local, in partnership with the public and private sectors. Founded in 2018, GCA operates from the largest floating office in the world, located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. GCA has a worldwide network of regional offices in Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire; Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Beijing, China.

About the Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program
The Africa Adaptation Acceleration Program (AAAP) is a joint initiative of the African Development Bank and the Global Center on Adaptation (GCA). It aims to mobilize $25 billion, over five years, to accelerate and scale climate adaptation action across the continent. This ambition is delivered through the AAAP Upstream Financing Facility managed by the Global Center on Adaptation and the African Development Bank’s climate action window in the ADF replenishment. AAAP works across four pillars to achieve transformational results: Climate-Smart Digital Technologies for Agriculture and Food Security; African Infrastructure Resilience Accelerator; Youth Empowerment for Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in Climate Adaptation and Resilience and Innovative Financial Initiatives for Africa.


Alexandra Gee
Global Center on Adaptation

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930853

Novo estudo global revela que pessoas que sentem dor estão se sentindo cada vez mais socialmente excluídas

  • Última edição do Índice de Dor Haleon revela que metade (49%) das pessoas com dor se sentem estigmatizadas[1][2]
  • 42% se sentem regularmente solitários devido à dor, e um terço sente solidão séria (com base na escala de solidão da UCLA)[3]
  • 32% das pessoas que vivem com dor temem ser julgadas
  • Mulheres, pessoas de cor e a comunidade LGBQ+ são as mais afetadas
  • A Geração Z é mais propensa a não se sentir ouvida do que os Baby Boomers

LONDRES, Sept. 28, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Um novo estudo com 18.097 pessoas em 18 países revelou que a sociedade se tornou menos tolerante com as pessoas que sofrem mesmo diante do fato que os efeitos da COVID-19 aumentaram a conscientização sobre a saúde global.

A quinta edição do Índice de Dor Haleon (HPI)[1], conduzido pela empresa de saúde do consumidor Haleon, sugere que as atitudes em relação à dor na sociedade pós-pandemia agora são mais de crítica e menos tolerantes, com metade (49%) das pessoas com dor se sentindo estigmatizadas e um terço (32%) temendo ser julgada por ter dor.

O índice global analisa o impacto real que a dor tem na vida das pessoas há quase uma década. O estudo deste ano constatou que, desde a sua primeira edição em 2014, o impacto social e emocional da dor aumentou quase 25%, com o estigma e o isolamento social decorrentes da dor cotidiana aumentando em todo o mundo. 42% das pessoas entrevistadas disseram que se sentem solitários quando têm dor. A solidão séria aumentou em todo o mundo, com relato de 38% das pessoas na China continental, 33% na Austrália e 32% no Reino Unido. Isso coincide com os alertas sobre os impactos da solidão e do isolamento social na saúde pública emitidos pela Organização Mundial de Saúde [4] e a Epidemia de Solidão [5] apontada no primeiro semestre de 2023.

A Dra. Linda Papadopoulos, Psicóloga e Autora, comentou: “A dor cotidiana é um problema de saúde que pode ser facilmente descartada ou banalizada. Muitas pessoas não percebem isso pode ser muito pior do que os próprios sintomas. O resultado da solidão e do impacto na saúde mental causado pela falta de empatia e por ser tratado de forma diferente só piora. Como sociedade, precisamos aumentar a empatia e a compreensão em um mundo que continua cada vez mais a ignorar essas questões.”

O HPI revelou que as pessoas que já passam por preconceito, discriminação e exclusão na sociedade são as mais afetadas por essa visão quanto a dor.

  • 58% das mulheres disseram que sua dor foi tratada de forma diferente, desacreditada ou discriminada em comparação com 49% dos homens. Os índices mais altos foram encontrados entre as mulheres da Índia (74%), Reino da Arábia Saudita (KSA) (74%), Brasil (74%) e China continental (61%).
  • 59% das pessoas de cor disseram que sua dor foi tratada de forma diferente, desacreditada ou discriminada em comparação com 48% das pessoas brancas. Os índices mais altos foram encontrados no Brasil (71%), Polônia (64%), EUA (64%), e Reino Unido (60%).
  • 44% das pessoas LGBQ+ temem as suposições sobre elas e sua dor, em comparação com 32% dos heterossexuais. Os índices mais altos foram encontrados na Índia (74%), EUA (74%), Canadá (74%) e Austrália (48%).

O estudo também revelou uma divisão geracional acentuada na forma como as pessoas sentem dor, sugerindo que os pacientes mais jovens têm mais dificuldades para falar sobre a dor conhecida e buscar tratamento:

  • 70% das pessoas da Geração Z disseram que sua dor foi tratada de forma diferente, desacreditada ou discriminada em comparação com 40% dos Baby Boomers. Os índices mais altos foram encontrados na Índia (80%), EUA (79%) e Reino Unido (74%).
  • 45% das pessoas da Geração Z as disseram que falar sobre a dor é um tabu em comparação com 35% dos Baby Boomers.

Embora a geração mais velha ache mais fácil falar sobre a dor e acessar tratamento, eles são os mais marginalizados quando se trata de acessar informações relacionadas à saúde online. 45% das pessoas de 75 a 84 anos disseram ter dificuldade ao acesso online sobre o assunto por não terem confiança em navegar na internet, em comparação com 33% no geral.

Os entrevistados concordaram com a necessidade de uma visão mais personalizada e compassiva da dor. Mais de dois terços (68%) das pessoas disseram que mais empatia para lidar com o preconceito e a exclusão faria uma grande diferença na sua dor. Enquanto isso, 69% disseram que gostariam que os médicos e 62% gostariam que os farmacêuticos fossem mais bem treinados sobre a sensação da dor em diferentes pacientes.

Lisa Jennings, Diretora da Categoria Global de Remédios de Venda Livre da Haleon, disse: “Embora a dor seja uma experiência humana universal, resultando em solidão e estigma para muitos, seu impacto varia consideravelmente entre os grupos sociais, com os mais marginalizados entre os mais afetados. O nosso objetivo é eliminar as barreiras para alcançar uma melhor saúde cotidiana para todos – independentemente da idade, raça, etnia, gênero, orientação sexual, deficiência e outros fatores. O HPI mostra que podemos diminuir o impacto social e emocional da dor mudando as percepções e a conversa sobre o controle da dor. É por isso que estamos agindo por meio de vários programas, como nossa iniciativa #ListenToPain, que está sendo lançada para profissionais de saúde em todo o mundo.”

O programa # ListenToPainda Haleon apoia os profissionais de saúde para que possam melhorar a comunicação com os seus pacientes e a ter uma discussão focada na dor de cada pessoa. #ListentoPain inclui cinco perfis que descrevem as pessoas com diferentes atitudes e comportamentos em relação ao tratamento da dor que ajudam os profissionais de saúde a personalizar sua abordagem com seus pacientes. Com a continuidade dos cuidados, o verdadeiro entendimento de como a dor pode mudar ao longo do tempo, resultando em estratégias de gestão da dor mais compreensíveis e mais eficazes a longo prazo.

Contato com a Mídia

Para mais informação sobre o HPI ou solicitar uma entrevista, contate:

Para informação sobre a Haleon, contate:

Notas aos Editores

Sobre o estudo Haleon Pain Index (Índice de Dor da Haleon)

O Haleon Pain Index (HPI) é um estudo social longitudinal exclusivo, globalmente representativo, conduzido pela Edelman Data x Intelligence (DXI). O estudo foi projetado para dar voz às pessoas que sentem dor e avaliar o estado evolutivo da dor. O estudo capta o impacto da sensação da dor na vida cotidiana dos indivíduos, sua saúde, suas sensações, emoções, motivações e comportamentos, com foco na experiência humana. Na sua quinta edição, o estudo avalia as barreiras de inclusão na saúde para o tratamento eficaz da dor. As percepções de mais de 18.000 entrevistados em 18 países foram obtidas na quinta edição.

Mercados rastreados no HPI 5: Austrália, Brasil, Canadá, China, Colômbia, França, Alemanha, Índia, Itália, KSA, Malásia, México, Polônia, África do Sul, Espanha, Suécia, Reino Unido, EUA.

As faixas etárias são divididas em diferentes gerações:

  • Geração Z: pessoas de 18 a 26 anos de idade
  • Milênios: pessoas de 27 a 42 anos de idade
  • Geração X: pessoas de 43 a 58 anos de idade
  • Baby Boomers 1*: pessoas de 59 a 66 anos de idade
  • Baby Boomers 2*: pessoas de 67 a 77 anos de idade
  • Geração Silenciosa: pessoas de 78 a 84 anos de idade

1*Pela primeira vez, o Haleon Pain Index (HPI) agora está obtendo a voz de especialistas, clínicos gerais, farmacêuticos e enfermeiros, em 4 mercados principais: Austrália, Alemanha, KSA e EUA. Nesta primeira edição, reunimos informações de mais de 600 especialistas (150 por mercado*) por meio de uma pesquisa online personalizada de 15 minutos, explorando as opiniões sobre a dor, seus desafios como profissionais de saúde e o papel que eles podem desempenhar na condução de mudanças positivas.

2*Nos EUA, nossas entrevistas incluíram um grupo de médicos e enfermeiros; na Austrália e na Arábia Saudita, um grupo de médicos e farmacêuticos, e na Alemanha, um grupo de farmacêuticos e assistentes de farmacêuticos.

Sobre a Listen To Pain

#ListenToPain é uma iniciativa global da Haleon que viabiliza que os profissionais de saúde maximizem seu tempo com os pacientes e os ajudem a entender melhor a sensação de dor de um paciente — e forneçam ao paciente um plano de tratamento adequado. Encontrada na Haleon Health Partner, uma plataforma digital dedicada para profissionais de saúde, a # ListenToPain inclui uma série de ferramentas práticas para aprimorar as interações, avaliações e resultados. Essas ferramentas e recursos para os farmacêuticos os ajudarão a entender melhor a dor dos seus pacientes e a conversar sobre o controle da dor.

Para mais informação e recursos completos de #ListentoPain visite

Sobre A Haleon
A Haleon (LSE/NYSE: HLN) é líder global em saúde do consumidor que tem por objetivo aprimorar a saúde cotidiana de forma mais humana. O portfólio de produtos da Haleon abrange cinco categorias principais: Saúde Oral, Alívio da Dor, Saúde Respiratória, Saúde Digestiva e Outras, e Vitaminas, Minerais e Suplementos (VMS). Suas marcas de longa data – como Advil, Sensodyne, Panadol, Voltaren, Theraflu, Otrivin, Polident, parodontax e Centrum – são desenvolvidas com base na ciência confiável, inovação e profundo entendimento humano.
Para mais informação, visite


1 Haleon. Pain Index. 2023. Data on file.
2 The Haleon Pain Index is formerly known as the Global Pain Index.
3 Russell, D, et al.,1978. Developing a measure of loneliness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 290-294. Available: [2023, September 18].
4 World Health Organization (WHO). N.d. Social Isolation and Loneliness. Available: [2023, September 18].
5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023. Health Risks of Social Isolation and Loneliness. Available:,linked%20to%20increased%20risk%20for%3A&text=Heart%20disease%20and%20stroke.,Type%202%20diabetes. [2023, September 18].

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930759

Une nouvelle étude mondiale révèle que les personnes qui souffrent se sentent plus socialement exclues que jamais

Une nouvelle étude mondiale révèle que les personnes qui souffrent se sentent plus socialement exclues que jamais

  • La toute dernière édition de Haleon Pain Index indique que la moitié (49 %) des individus qui souffrent se sentent stigmatisés[1][2]
  • 42 % des répondants se sentent régulièrement seuls à cause de leur douleur, et un tiers ressent un grave sentiment de solitude (sur la base de l’échelle du sentiment de solitude de l’UCLA)[3]
  • 32 % des personnes qui souffrent craignent d’être jugées
  • Les femmes, les personnes de couleur et les membres de la communauté LGBQ+ sont les plus touchés
  • Les individus de la génération Z sont plus susceptibles de ne pas se sentir entendus que les baby-boomers

LONDRES, 29 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Une nouvelle étude auprès de 18 097 personnes à travers 18 pays a démontré que la société était devenue moins tolérante vis-à-vis des gens qui souffrent, malgré la COVID-19 qui a eu pour effet de sensibiliser l’opinion publique sur la santé à l’échelle mondiale.

La cinquième édition de Haleon Pain Index (HPI)[1], une étude menée par Haleon, société axée sur la santé des consommateurs, suggère que les attitudes à l’égard de la douleur dans la société post-pandémique sont aujourd’hui plus critiques et moins tolérantes, la moitié (49 %) des individus qui souffrent se sentant stigmatisés et un tiers (32 %) craignant d’être jugés en raison de leur douleur.

Cette étude mondiale explore le véritable impact de la douleur sur la vie des gens depuis près d’une décennie. L’étude de cette année a démontré que, depuis la première édition en 2014, l’impact social et émotionnel de la douleur a augmenté de près de 25 %, la stigmatisation et l’isolement social dus à la douleur quotidienne étant en hausse à l’échelle mondiale. 42 % des personnes interrogées ont déclaré se sentir régulièrement seules lorsqu’elles souffrent. Les sentiments de grave solitude ont bondi à l’échelle mondiale, 38 % des individus en Chine continentale, 33 % en Australie et 32 % au Royaume-Uni ayant indiqué en éprouver. Cela coïncide avec les avertissements concernant les impacts de la solitude et de l’isolement social sur la santé publique émis par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé[4] et avec l’épidémie de sentiments de solitude[5] mise en lumière au printemps 2023.

La Dre Linda Papadopoulos, auteure et psychologue, a commenté : « Les douleurs du quotidien constituent un trouble de santé qui peut facilement se retrouver ignoré ou banalisé. De nombreuses personnes ne réalisent pas que ses effets peuvent être bien pires que les symptômes eux-mêmes. L’impact du manque d’empathie et de la stigmatisation sur les sentiments de solitude et la santé mentale ne fait que s’aggraver. En tant que société, nous devons améliorer notre empathie et notre compréhension dans un monde qui continue de s’endurcir face à ces problèmes. »

HPI a révélé que les personnes qui subissent déjà des préjugés, de la discrimination et l’exclusion de la société sont les plus touchées par ces visions de plus en plus dures de la douleur.

  • 58 % des femmes ont déclaré que leur douleur avait été traitée différemment, ou avait fait l’objet de doutes ou de discriminations, contre 49 % des hommes. Ces sentiments sont les plus forts parmi les femmes en Inde (74 %), en Arabie saoudite (74 %), au Brésil (74 %) et en Chine continentale (61 %).
  • 59 % des personnes de couleur ont déclaré que leur douleur avait été traitée différemment, ou avait fait l’objet de doutes ou de discriminations, contre 48 % des individus blancs. Ces sentiments sont les plus forts au Brésil (71 %), en Pologne (64 %) et aux États-Unis (64%), tandis que cela reste vrai pour 60 % des répondants basés au Royaume-Uni.
  • 44 % des membres de la communauté LGBQ+ craignaient que les autres se fassent des idées sur eux et leur douleur, contre 32 % des hétérosexuels. Ces sentiments sont les plus forts en Inde (61 %), aux États-Unis (54 %), au Canada (49 %) et en Australie (48 %).

L’étude a aussi révélé un grand fossé générationnel en ce qui concerne la façon dont les gens expérimentent la douleur, suggérant que les patients plus jeunes ont le plus du mal à faire connaître leur douleur et à accéder à un traitement :

  • 70 % des membres de la génération Z ont déclaré que leur douleur avait été traitée différemment, ou avait fait l’objet de doutes ou de discriminations, par rapport à 40 % des baby-boomers. Ces sentiments sont les plus forts en Inde (80 %), aux États-Unis (79 %) et pour 74 % des répondants au Royaume-Uni.
  • 45 % des membres de la génération Z ont déclaré qu’il était trop tabou de parler de leur douleur, contre 35 % des baby-boomers.

Alors que l’ancienne génération trouve qu’il est plus facile d’exprimer sa douleur et d’accéder à un traitement, ses membres sont les plus marginalisés pour ce qui est d’accéder à des informations de santé en ligne. 45 % des 75–84 ans ont déclaré qu’ils avaient du mal à accéder à ce genre d’informations en ligne car ils n’avaient pas assez confiance pour naviguer sur Internet, par rapport à 33 % globalement.

Les répondants ont convenu du besoin d’une vision plus personnalisée et compatissante de la douleur. Plus de deux tiers (68 %) des répondants ont déclaré que davantage d’empathie vis-à-vis des préjugés et de l’exclusion ferait pour eux une grande différence en ce qui concerne leur expérience de la douleur. Dans le même temps, 69 % des répondants ont déclaré qu’ils aimeraient que les médecins soient mieux formés sur la douleur personnelle que peuvent ressentir différents patients. 62 % souhaiteraient la même chose pour les pharmaciens.

Lisa Jennings, responsable de la catégorie des médicaments sans ordonnance à l’échelle mondiale chez Haleon, a déclaré : « Bien que la douleur soit une expérience humaine universelle, qui donne lieu à des sentiments de solitude et de stigmatisation pour beaucoup d’individus, son impact varie considérablement entre les groupes sociaux, les plus marginalisés étant les plus touchés. Nous avons pour ambition de briser les barrières d’une meilleure santé pour tous au quotidien, indépendamment de l’âge, de la race, de l’origine ethnique, du genre, de l’orientation sexuelle, du handicap et d’autres facteurs. HPI montre que nous pouvons amoindrir l’impact social et émotionnel de la douleur en changeant les perceptions et les conversations sur la gestion de la douleur. C’est pourquoi nous agissons à travers plusieurs programmes tels que notre initiative #ListenToPain qui est en train d’être déployée auprès des professionnels de santé du monde entier. »

Le programme #ListenToPain de Haleon aide les professionnels de santé à améliorer la communication avec leurs patients et à profiter d’une discussion ciblée sur la douleur, personnalisée en fonction de l’individu. #ListentoPain inclut cinq profils décrivant des gens aux attitudes et comportements différents concernant la gestion de la douleur, qui aident les professionnels de santé à personnaliser leur approche vis-à-vis de leurs patients. Dans le cadre de soins continus, une véritable compréhension de la façon dont la douleur peut changer au fil du temps permet la mise en place de stratégies de gestion de la douleur plus évoluées et plus efficaces sur le long terme.

Contacts auprès des médias

Pour tout complément d’information sur HPI, ou pour des demandes d’entretiens, veuillez contacter :

Pour tout complément sur Haleon, veuillez contacter :

Notes à l’intention des rédacteurs

À propos de l’étude Haleon Pain Index

Haleon Pain Index (HPI) est une étude sociale longitudinale propriétaire mondialement représentative menée par Edelman Data x Intelligence (DXI). Cette étude vise à permettre de s’exprimer aux individus qui souffrent ainsi qu’à évaluer le statut en pleine évolution de la douleur. Elle saisit l’impact perçu de la douleur sur le quotidien des individus, leur santé, leurs sentiments, leurs émotions, leurs motivations et leurs comportements, en mettant l’expérience humaine au centre. Pour sa cinquième édition, cette étude évalue les obstacles d’inclusion de la santé à un traitement efficace de la douleur. Les perceptions de plus de 18 000 répondants à travers 18 pays ont été recueillies dans le cadre de cette cinquième édition.

Les marchés ciblés par HPI 5 sont les suivants : Afrique du Sud, Allemagne, Arabie saoudite, Australie, Brésil, Canada, Chine, Colombie, Espagne, États-Unis, France, Inde, Italie, Malaisie, Mexique, Pologne, Royaume-Uni, Suède.

Les groupes d’âges sont répartis selon différentes générations :

  • La génération Z : les individus de 18 à 26 ans
  • La génération Y : les individus de 27 à 42 ans
  • La génération X : les individus de 43 à 58 ans
  • Les baby-boomers 1* : les individus de 59 à 66 ans
  • Les baby-boomers 2* : les individus de 67 à 77 ans
  • La génération silencieuse : les individus de 78 à 84 ans

1*Pour la première fois, Haleon Pain Index (HPI) recueille l’opinion d’experts, de généralistes, de pharmaciens et d’infirmiers, sur 4 marchés clés : l’Allemagne, l’Arabie saoudite, l’Australie et les États-Unis. Pour cette édition, nous avons rassemblé des insights auprès de plus de 600 experts (150 par marché*) dans le cadre d’une enquête en ligne personnalisée de 15 minutes, afin explorer leur vision de la douleur, leurs défis en tant que professionnels de santé et le rôle qu’ils peuvent jouer pour créer un changement positif.

2*Aux États-Unis, nos entretiens ont eu lieu avec des médecins et infirmiers, en Australie et en Arabie saoudite avec des médecins et pharmaciens, et en Allemagne avec des pharmaciens et des aide-pharmaciens.

À propos de Listen To Pain

#ListenToPain est une initiative mondiale de Haleon visant à permettre aux professionnels de santé de maximiser leur temps avec les patients et à les aider à mieux comprendre l’expérience de la douleur du patient, afin de prescrire au malade un programme de soins qui lui convient. Se basant sur Haleon Health Partner, une plateforme numérique dédiée pour les professionnels de santé, #ListenToPain inclut une série d’outils pratiques pour des interactions, évaluations et résultats améliorés. Ces outils et ressources pour les pharmaciens les aideront à mieux comprendre la douleur de leurs patients et à mieux gérer les conversations sur la gestion de la douleur.

Pour tout complément d’information et voir la gamme complète de ressources de #ListentoPain, rendez-vous sur

À propos de Haleon
Haleon (LSE / NYSE : HLN) est un leader mondial de la santé des consommateurs, ayant pour objectif d’offrir une meilleure santé au quotidien à l’humanité. Le portefeuille de produits de Haleon couvre cinq catégories majeures, à savoir la santé orale, le soulagement de la douleur, la santé respiratoire, la santé digestive ainsi que les sujets autres, les vitamines, les minéraux et les compléments alimentaires. Ses marques de longue date, comme Advil, Sensodyne, Panadol, Voltaren, Theraflu, Otrivin, Polident, parodontax et Centrum, se basent sur une science éprouvée, l’innovation et une compréhension humaine approfondie.
Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez consulter le site


1 Haleon. Pain Index. 2023. Données au dossier.
2 Haleon Pain Index était autrefois dénommé Global Pain Index.
3 Russell, D, et al., 1978. Developing a measure of loneliness. Journal of Personality Assessment, 42, 290-294. Disponible à l’adresse : [18 septembre 2023 ].
4 Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS). N.d. Social Isolation and Loneliness. Disponible à l’adresse : [18 septembre 2023].
5 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 2023. Health Risks of Social Isolation and Loneliness. Disponible à l’adresse :,linked%20to%20increased%20risk%20for%3A&text=Heart%20disease%20and%20stroke.,Type%202%20diabetes. [18 septembre 2023].

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8930759

Mfoundi High Court dissolves CMC for poor management

The Cameroon Music Corporation was dissolved and liquidated by the Mfoundi High Court on Thursday, September 28, 2023.

This decision meant that the Category B musical author’s rights company ceased to exist in Cameroon as a company.

For now, only Ateh Bazor’s SONACAM is the musical author’s right company to operate in that category.

This decision is the outcome of a judicial battle that has existed for the past years between some disgruntled artists and the company. The company had been accused of not paying authors’ rights to artists for the past years, thus going against its main mission which was to ensure the collective management of these rights and distribute them to member artists at national and international levels.

A situation that reportedly tarnished the country’s image as many Cameroonian musical artists remained or even died without ever perceiving a franc as the author’s right.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

RADA publish study on youth perception in ending Anglophone conflict

The Reconciliation and Development Association, RADA has made public a study, on the perception of Cameroonian youths in ending the over 7 years Anglophone conflict.

The study was made known by the management of RADA on September 25, 2023, in Bamenda. It is done with support from stakeholders and the National Endowment for Democracy, NED, the association revealed.

The study which took 8 months to be conducted was done by administering surveys to over 875 youths. The study acts as a contribution by the young people to end the crisis.

Statistics from the research revealed that political factors are the primary cause of the Anglophone crisis. Historical, cultural, and personal aspects have also been cited as causes of the prolonged crisis.

Proposed recommendations to resolve the crisis

In the same study, the Reconstruction and Development Association said since the youths constitute about 65 to 70% of the population of Cameroon, their voices need to be heard when it comes to resolving the crisis.

Dialogue has been recommended by the youths as the only way to solve the crisis. “Overwhelmingly, participants identified political factors as the primary cause…,”

The study also made it known that despite the challenging situation in the North West, and South West region, youths must participate in peace initiatives if they want peace.

According to the study, the government of Cameroon and the media have a greater role to play when it comes to resolving the crisis.

Violence has been criticized and condemned as one of the strategies being used by the actors, which cannot help in ending the situation.

The keynote address at the virtual meeting was delivered by Professor Willibroad Dze-Ngwa, while the presentation of findings was done by the project director and project manager, Ferdinand Sonyuy, and Nange Hezelle, respectively.

Contributions also came from the Civil Society Organizations and other stakeholders.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

NW/SW Post and Telecommunications workers lament over eight years of unpaid salaries

A group of Post and Telecommunications workers under the Multipurpose Community Telecenters and Digital Access Points (TCPs) in the North West and South West regions, have cried foul over the non-payment of their salaries.

They say their plea is yet to be heard despite multiple letters written to the Minister of Post and Telecommunications and others deposited at the Prime Minister’s office.

As indicated in their last letter to the Prime Minister on February 1, 2023, they are on a strike which “will continue till we know why we are not being paid”.

One of the affected workers, who opted for anonymity, wrote to CNA noting that their service was initiated to bring technology closer to the people in the local areas or villages, “but for over the years we haven’t been paid or compensated.

“We are not even recognized as workers under this ministry or better still not covered by the labour code in Cameroon” the worker added.

Concerns have also been raised over the loss of some colleagues during the anglophone crisis, with the striking personnel regretting that other government and private institutions are taking steps to assist victims, “but we have been neglected since 2015”.

The workers say they won’t relent till their money is paid.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

NCPBM says bilingualism is still lacking in most hospitals

The practice of bilingualism in some health facilities in the West Region is far from being a reality as the absence of both official languages on posters remains the major concern.

The remark was made on Thursday September 28 by a delegation of the National Commission for the promotion of bilingualism and multiculturalism at the Bafoussam Regional hospital during a 2-day working visit in the West to assess the level of bilingualism practices in public services.

A failure admitted by the Director General of the hospital Dr George Enow Orock who also promised take necessary measures to improve the situation in his institution.

“Bilingualism is still timid here meantime to treat a patient, we must diagnose and convince him in both languages. We will henceforth have a day for bilingualism, multiculturalism and living together here at the Bafoussam Regional hospital ” says Enow Orock

Apart from the Bafoussam regional hospital, the delegation visited the University of Dschang and other structures where they reminded actors of the legal dispositions governing the practice of bilingualism in Cameroon.

The wish of this commission which is touring all ten regions, is to that bilingualism practices be applied on the field.

Source: Cameroon News Agency