Executive Secretary Will Call for Support to Regional Peace Initiatives at Upcoming UN General Assembly, Says IGAD

IGAD Executive Secretary Workneh Gebeyehu will participate in high-level bilateral engagements aimed at strengthening partnerships and fostering sustainable development in the IGAD region during his stay in New York to attend the upcoming 78th Session of the UN General Assembly.

His engagements will focus on opportunities for collaboration and the sharing of best practices in the face of global challenges in line with IGAD's mission to promote regional cooperation and sustainable growth, according to a press release of the authority.

The executive secretary “will also call for support for regional initiatives for peace and security and mediation efforts in the IGAD region,” the release added.

During his visit, Gebeyehu will also participate in high-level bilateral engagements aimed at strengthening partnerships and fostering sustainable development in the IGAD region.

Besides, he will address side events on climate change and peace and security in which the executive secretary is expected to underscore the urgent need for international cooperation to address the escalating climate crisis and its implications for food security and livelihoods.

The 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 78) is scheduled to begin on Tuesday 19th September 2023.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Deputy PM & FM Calls for Genuine Reform of Global Institutions to Accommodate Interest of Global South

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen has called for genuine reform of global institutions to accommodate the interest of the South at the Group 77+ China Summit underway in Havana.

The Group 77+ China Summit is aimed at ensuring that technology works for all humanity and accelerates the Sustainable Development.

Speaking at the Group 77+ China Summit, he said unilateral sanctions and coercive economic actions hamper progress in science, technology and economic development.

According to him, facilitating knowledge and technology transfer through South-South cooperation fosters innovation and the implementation of SDGs.

In this respect, Ethiopia's digital strategy envisages inclusive digital economy with wider benefits to the wider public, Demeke added.

The deputy premier also said that Ethiopia has registered encouraging results in the implementation of the digital strategy.

The summit is expected to conclude today issuing declarations, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

BRICS Membership Will Boost Ethiopia’s Global Political, Economic Standing: Senior Fellow Matthew Ehret

The membership of Ethiopia in BRICS will increase the political and economic standing of the country in the international arena, Senior Fellow Matthew Ehret told ENA.

The senior fellow at American University in Moscow noted that Ethiopia’s membership serves it as a major bedrock and carries major weight as the country is the seat of the African Union(AU) and is a pivotal hub for the pan-African reality.

According to him, Ethiopia has many interesting points of potential cooperation with countries in the expanding BRICS.

"I am thinking immediately of the 17-point agreement that was signed between the UAE, also a new member of the BRICS plus grouping, and Ethiopia very recently --- almost every point of economic, technological sharing, governance cooperation that are very important in counterterrorism activities as well as infrastructural and agricultural development. So you have many interesting points of potential."

In general, Ethiopia’s BRICS membership will enhance its economic and political influence in the global arena, he stated.

"This is going to increase Ethiopia's political and economic clout very much," the senior fellow stressed.

There is a new way of thinking about economic value, self-interest, and cooperation, which is embodied by the BRICS.

For Ehret, this new reality means that the New Development Bank could become a real alternative to the IMF and the World Bank.

He also believes that Ethiopia can leverage benefits from both the West and the BRICS group by devising and implementing competent, successful and mature policy.

Noting that BRICS represents over 32 percent of the world GDP, the senior fellow said, “Now when you see the additional members that will be added at the beginning of next year, Ethiopia being a major bedrock, this is going to propel that to 37 percent of the world GDP.”

The membership of Ethiopia in BRICS is expected to further enhance and expand the existing bilateral relations and cooperation of Ethiopia with BRICS member countries.

"We are talking about something pushing on 50 percent of the world’s population to be represented by this new agency, and even much more people as well because when dealing with 11 BRICS members --- and also dealing with the regions with close economic cooperation and ties, and will feasibly be following soon as the BRICS could go from 11 to much greater number in a short order.”

The expanding BRICS is bringing mutually beneficial and sustainable alternative models for many countries, Ehret stressed.

Moreover, the senior fellow said that with strong relations developing between Ethiopia and the BRICS founding members and the new entrants, the country's position as the seat of the AU and a crucial hub for the Pan-African reality further bolsters its significance within the bloc.

Recall that Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Egypt, and Argentina were invited to join the BRICS last month.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

National Rehabilitation Commissioner Confers with Heads of International Organizations

The National Rehabilitation Commissioner Ambassador Teshome Toga held discussion today with the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Ramiz Alakbarov and European Union Delegation Head in Ethiopia, David Krivanek.

Commissioner Teshome discussed with the officials on ways of further strengthening cooperation on supporting the ongoing Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) program in Ethiopia.

They have pledged to strengthen their collaboration towards ensuring lasting peace in Ethiopia.

Ambassador Teshome twitted that he had a discussion with the new UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, Ramiz Alakbarov on how to further our cooperation on supporting the DDR program to ensure lasting peace in Ethiopia.

The commissioner also indicated that he had very good discussion on European Union’s support in the implementation of the DDR program.

He reaffirmed the commitment of Ethiopia to ensuring peace and stability in the east African region.

“We reiterated the importance of Ethiopia’s peace and stability in the Horn of Africa,” he said.

The National Rehabilitation Commission was established by the government of Ethiopia in November 2022 to assist with demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants across the country.

The commission has so far identified 371,971 ex-combatants which need to be engaged in the national development efforts.

In this regard, the support to the DDR process by partners is anticipated to play a significant role in the stabilization and peace building efforts, and in creating an environment in which a peace process, political and social reconciliation, access to livelihoods as well as sustainable development can take root.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency