St Kitts and Nevis crowned as best destination to invest in according to 2023 CBI (CITIZENSHIP BY INVESTMENT) Index

Basseterre, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St Kitts and Nevis has been recognised as the best CBI destination in the 2023 edition of the CBI Index, trumping 11 other countries with active citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes.

The country, which has made several sweeping changes to its CBI Programme in the last year, took top honours, scoring 77 points in a race between nations such as Dominica, Saint Lucia, Grenada, Antigua & Barbuda, Malta, Vanuatu, Turkey, Egypt, Austria, Cambodia, and Jordan.

The 2023 CBI Index noted that St Kitts and Nevis has been the most proactive CBI nation in the Caribbean when it comes to responding to security concerns raised by Western nations. The country ‘stands out for taking immediate and decisive action based on the ‘Six Principles’ framework. Moreover, it underscores a political will to take a proactive leadership role in the long-term sustainability of the industry through good governance, enhanced due diligence, and regional harmonisation with international partners.’

Now in its seventh year, the CBI Index utilises its established nine-pillar index architecture to provide investors with a data-driven framework with which to measure the performance and appeal of global CBI programmes. The nine pillars include Standard of Living, Freedom of Movement, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

St Kitts and Nevis scored full marks in Mandatory Travel or Residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence and Certainty of Product pillars.

The Mandatory Travel or Residence pillar examines the travel or residence conditions imposed on applicants both before and after the granting of citizenship. St Kitts and Nevis does not have travel or minimum residency requirements for its programme, making it straightforward for busy entrepreneurs and global citizens to attain citizenship in the country.

The Ease of Processing pillar measures the end-to-end complexity of the CBI application process. The overall effortlessness of the application process is a particularly vital component, and the promise of a smooth, hassle-free process can generate readiness to engage with a programme.

The Due Diligence pillar measures a programme’s integrity. St Kitts and Nevis retains its top position from the previous year due to the Citizenship by Investment Unit’s changes made as part of a rapid implementation of the ‘Six Principles,’ which include mandatory interviews and measures to stop financial irregularities in the real estate option to safeguard the Programme’s reputation.

The Certainty of Product pillar encompasses a range of factors that measure a programme’s certainty across five different dimensions including longevity, popularity and renown, stability, reputation, and adaptability. As the only country to attain a perfect score in this category, St Kitts and Nevis’ performance reflects not only its swift response to the recent unprecedented international pressure imposed on all Caribbean CBI programmes, but its continuous proactive approach to instituting industry leading changes.

“I am thrilled to once again to have the St Kitts and Nevis CBI Programme recognised as the best in the industry,” said Michael Martin, Head of the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Unit.

“This recognition by the CBI Index is another confirmation of why St Kitts and Nevis should be the first choice for any global investor. For four decades we have crafted solid, innovative and sustainable investment solutions, giving investors the confidence to attain their goals in the global arena.”

St Kitts and Nevis continues to provide an exemplary model to the investment migration industry. The country made bold changes to its Programme at the end of 2022 and further changes in July, the latter changes convincingly addressed security concerns raised by the United Kingdom, the European Union and previously the United States.

The country hosted four of the Caribbean’s CBI nations, along with a delegation from the United States, who all agreed on 6 Principles to be followed by the Caribbean nations. While many of the security measures were already in place as part of St Kitts and Nevis’ due diligence processes, the country was one of the first to institute mandatory interviews with applicants aged 16 years and older.

St Kitts and Nevis has also tightened regulations around how Authorised Agents and International Marketing Agents operate, requiring them to have their businesses registered under the laws of St Kitts and Nevis and limiting how they may advertise the St Kitts and CBI Programme internationally.

Other legislative changes include increased minimum investment thresholds, revised dependant eligibility, and the closing of loopholes for real estate investment options.

St Kitts and Nevis has shown the most commitment to upholding the integrity and reputation its CBI programme in the international arena.

The CBI Index is a rating system designed to assess the performance and appeal of active CBI programmes across a diverse range of indicators and measures. Its purpose is to bring value to the CBI industry by providing a data-driven and practical tool for appraising programmes and facilitating the decision-making process for individuals considering them.

The CBI Index stands as one of the most recognised and reputable rating tools in the investment migration industry and has a reputation for providing valuable industry insights and knowledge.

Secretary of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
00 (1-869) 467-1474

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8923046

La Réunion annuelle sur l’investissement s’offre une nouvelle identité pour devenir le Congrès AIM et prépare sa 13e édition qui se déroulera à Abou Dabi en mai 2024

ABOU DABI, Émirats arabes unis, 15 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sous la nouvelle étiquette de « Congrès AIM », le comité d’organisation de l’une des plus grandes plateformes d’investissement au monde accueillera cette année encore des dirigeants régionaux et internationaux, des décideurs d’élite et des pionniers à l’occasion de la 13e édition de la réunion annuelle qui se tiendra du 7 au 9 mai 2024 au centre national des expositions d’Abou Dabi.

La conférence se déroulera sur le thème « S’adapter à un paysage de l’investissement en pleine mutation en exploitant le nouveau potentiel du développement économique mondial ». Le Congrès AIM 2024 bénéficie du soutien du ministère de l’industrie et des technologies avancées, et compte le département du développement économique d’Abou Dabi (ADDED) comme partenaire principal.

Les Émirats arabes unis accueilleront une nouvelle fois les participants au cœur de leur belle capitale, et comptent bien faire un succès inédit de cet événement qui a attiré l’année dernière pas moins de 10 313 participants et 693 intervenants de 175 pays.

Son Excellence Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, le Ministre d’État au Commerce extérieur des Émirats arabes unis s’est montré très enthousiaste envers le Congrès AIM 2024, en déclarant que « Depuis plus de dix ans, le Congrès AIM démontre son ferme engagement en faveur de la promotion d’une coopération économique mondiale et de la mobilisation du potentiel de certains pays émergents. Dans un périmètre mondial de l’investissement en pleine évolution, il apparaît capital de faire preuve d’adaptation pour explorer de nouveaux axes de croissance. Le rassemblement du Congrès AIM demeure un événement majeur en 2024, et réunit les principaux acteurs économiques du monde autour d’un dialogue constructif ouvrant la voie à des investissements à fort impact qui contribueront à bâtir un meilleur avenir pour chacun ».

Son Excellence Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, le Président de l’ADDED déclare pour sa part que « En capitalisant sur le remarquable succès de l’édition 2023 du Congrès AIM, nous relevons la barre pour répondre aux attentes de la communauté mondiale de l’investissement tout entière. En tant que capitale fédérale, Abou Dabi est la ville idéale pour mener le débat mondial sur les perspectives de l’investissement et ses dynamiques dans un monde en profonde mutation. Notre approche envers les flux d’investissement s’aligne sur notre engagement sans faille pour consacrer le développement humain, la durabilité et les technologies avancées au cœur de programmes socio-économiques à l’échelle nationale et internationale, tout en respectant le calendrier d’application des normes ESG et en favorisant des synergies à travers des initiatives de coopération internationale – pour que chacun d’entre nous ait de meilleures conditions de vie ».

Dawood Al Shezawi, le Président de la fondation AIM Global, a quant à lui souligné que « Renommer la Réunion annuelle sur l’investissement en Congrès AIM se fait sur fond de recul continu de la croissance économique mondiale dans une société en proie à de multiples enjeux ». Il ajoute que « Ce congrès se veut un événement majeur pour le monde de l’investissement et donne aux décideurs d’élite et aux dirigeants prestigieux du monde entier une occasion unique de se concentrer, ensemble, sur les défis les plus urgents, comme repenser le commerce mondial, rectifier les contours du paysage de l’investissement pour – in fine – créer un impact socio-économique durable dans plusieurs régions du monde ».

Le Congrès AIM repose sur cinq piliers : les investissements directs à l’étranger, les portefeuilles d’investissement étrangers, les start-ups, les PMEs et les villes du futur. La réunion consacrera ces sujets essentiels, et en encadrera les activités.

Pour en savoir plus :
Shreya Verma – +971 521133926

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000839622

Encontro anual de investimentos anuncia nova identidade enquanto AIM Congress, em preparação para a 13.ª edição em Abu Dhabi, em maio de 2024

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Sept. 15, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Sob a sua nova identidade enquanto “AIM Congress“, a comissão organizadora da plataforma de investimentos líder a nível mundial junta, mais uma vez, os líderes, pensadores e inovadores regionais e internacionais na 13.a edição do evento que irá ocorrer de 7 a 9 de maio de 2024 no Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

Tendo como base o tema “Adaptação a uma perspetiva de investimento em mudança: impulsionamento de novo potencial para o desenvolvimento económico mundial“, o AIM Congress 2024 é apoiado pelo Ministério da Indústria e da Tecnologia Avançada e pelo Departamento de Desenvolvimento Económico de Abu Dhabi (ADDED) enquanto principal parceiro.

Tendo novamente, lugar na vibrante capital dos EAU, o AIM Congress 2024 planeia superar o sucesso alcançado com a sua edição do ano passado, a qual atraiu 10 313 participantes e 693 oradores de 175 países.

Sua Excelência, o Dr. Thani bin Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Ministro do Comércio Externo dos EAU, expressou o seu entusiasmo pelo AIM Congress 2024, afirmando que “Durante mais de uma década, o AIM Congress tem sido firme no seu compromisso de promover a cooperação económica global e impulsionar os mercados especialmente emergentes dos países. No âmbito do panorama em mudança do investimento global, é extremamente importante que os países se adaptem e explorem novas possibilidades de crescimento. Na edição de 2024, o AIM Congress continuará a ser o palco principal para o encontro dos agentes económicos mais proeminentes a nível mundial, facilitando o diálogo e o caminho para investimentos impactantes que impulsionam um futuro melhor e mais brilhante para todas as pessoas.”

Sua Excelência, Ahmed Jasim Al Zaabi, Presidente do ADDED, declarou que “Tendo por base o enorme sucesso da edição anterior do AIM, estamos a elevar o nível do evento para atingirmos as expectativas da comunidade global de investimentos. Enquanto capital do capital, Abu Dhabi é palco para conversações globais sobre o panorama e a dinâmica dos investimentos, numa era caracterizada por grandes mudanças. A nossa abordagem aos investimentos internos e estrangeiros é orientada pelo nosso compromisso inabalável em colocar o desenvolvimento humano, a sustentabilidade e a tecnologia avançada no núcleo dos planos socioeconómicos aos níveis local e internacional, em apoiar as agendas ESG e em reforçar as sinergias através da cooperação internacional para a melhoria da vida de todas as pessoas.”

A este respeito, Dawood Al Shezawi, Presidente da fundação global do AIM, comentou: “Face aos diversos desafios que o nosso mundo enfrenta atualmente, e considerando o declínio contínuo do desenvolvimento económico global, emerge o anúncio da nova identidade do AIM enquanto AIM Congress, posicionando-se como o palco principal para o investimento e fornecendo a plataforma ideal para que os líderes e responsáveis pela tomada de decisões proeminentes de todo o mundo possam abordar coletivamente os problemas mais urgentes, reformar o panorama comercial e de investimentos global e, por fim, impulsionar impactos positivos e duradouros a nível económico e social em diversas regiões em todo o mundo.”

O AIM Congress tem por base os seus cinco principais pilares — IDE, IEC, empresas em fase de arranque, PME e futuras cidades — que sustentam os objetivos do evento e fornecem um fluxo de trabalho para as respetivas atividades.

Para obter mais detalhes
Shreya Verma – +971 521133926

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000839622

Ethiopia, South Korea Enjoy Strong Partnership: Ambassador Seokhee

Ethiopia and South Korea need to strengthen business and global partnership, according to South Korean Ambassador to Ethiopia Kang Seokhee.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, the ambassador stated that Ethiopia and Korea are celebrating their 60th strong diplomatic anniversary in 2023.

He added we have a good relationship with Ethiopia; Korea has in particular a strong development partnership with Ethiopia.

During his recent official visit to Ethiopia, South Korea's Foreign Affairs Minister, Park Jin had fruitful discussion with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and other top government officials about ways of further strengthening the existing relationship, the ambassador recalled.

“So far, the two countries focused on development issues but looking to further strengthen the future. I think we can do more, in particular, we need to focus on business partnership and also global partnership,” Ambassador Seokhee said.

South Korea is working to promote trade and investment expansion in Ethiopia, he stated, noted "we are entering a new level of stage and are upgrading the partnership between Korea and Ethiopia."

Mentioning that South Korea will be organizing the Korea-Africa Summit next year aimed at fostering relationship with Africa, the ambassador emphasized “Ethiopia has a very important role to play in that regard.”

According to him, Ethiopia receives the largest development partnership support from South Korea.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia to Host Pan-African Mosquito Control Association Conference

The 9th Pan-African Mosquito Control Association (PAMCA) Annual Conference and Exhibition will open on September 17, 2023 in Addis Ababa.

Briefing journalists about the 5-day global conference, Pan-African Mosquito Control Association Chairman Professor Dilnesaw Yehualaw said about 1,000 participants are expected to attend the meeting.

According to him, the conference will advise on activities to prevent and control malaria.

The spread of waterborne and mosquito-borne diseases is increasing both in Ethiopia and Africa, he noted, adding that the main aim of the conference is to combat malaria in Africa.

Health Ministry Public Relations and Communication Director, Dr. Tegegn Regassa pointed out that 95 percent of people infected with malaria are Africans. Thus this is an African agenda.

In Ethiopia, the number of individuals contracting and succumbing to malaria has undergone a major decline of 90 percent over the last decade, he added.

Nonetheless, the spread of malaria has been on the upswing in the past two years mainly due to natural and man-made problems like climate change and security issues.

Ethiopia faces a significant malaria socio-economic burden beyond the health issues with the mosquito-borne parasites falciparum and P. vivax being the predominant malaria cases.

The ministry, in collaboration with partners, is working on the prevention and control of malaria in Ethiopia, it was learned.

Nearly seventy five percent of Ethiopia's landmass is considered malarious.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia, Canada Agree to Solidify Economic Cooperation

Addis Ababa, September 15/2023 (ENA) Ethiopia’s State Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga and his delegation had a productive meeting with Cheryl Urban, Deputy Minister at Global Affairs Canada.

They discussed various crucial bilateral matters, aiming to strengthen the already robust diplomatic ties between Ethiopia and Canada.

During the meeting, the State Minister expressed gratitude for Canada’s continuous support to the Ethiopian people and strong partnership.

They acknowledged the necessity for increased assistance, given Ethiopia’s growing needs and its role as a major regional host for refugees.

Moreover, both sides agreed to work together to enhance trade and investment relations between the two countries, solidifying economic cooperation.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethio-Qatar Parliamentary Diplomacy Friendship Group Confers with Qatari Ambassador

The Ethio-Qatar Parliamentary Diplomacy Friendship Group and Qatari Ambassador to Ethiopia, Hamad Mohammed Al-Dosari held a discussion today on bilateral relations, according to the House of Peoples of Representatives.

The purpose of the discussion is to introduce to the members of the friendship group with the ambassador of the State of Qatar to Ethiopia, to work together on the treatment of Ethiopian workers in Qatar, it was indicated.

The deliberation also intends to facilitate the exchange of experience between the parliaments of the two countries in various sectors and activities, to further strengthen the existing bilateral relationship, increase cooperation and pave the way for working together.

In the discussion, the Chairman of the Ethio-Qatar Friendship Group, Mohammed Al-Arusi explained that Ethiopia has a historical relationship with Qatar and the relationship is based on mutual benefit and will continue to be strengthened in all fields.

Qatari Ambassador to Ethiopia, Hamad Mohammed Al-Dosari, pointed out that the relationship between the two countries is deep-rooted and developing.

The ambassador further stated that Qatar will continue to strengthen bilateral relations with Ethiopia in media, labor management, investment and other fields.

In the discussion, the relationship between the two countries has continued since 1995 and they have signed 11 cooperation agreements in various sectors of economy, tourism, employment, labor management, investment and infrastructure.

After the discussion, an official visit was made to the Science Museum of Ethiopia, where Ethiopia's current and future technological as well as scientific development was explained to the Ambassador Hamad Mohammed Al-Dosari.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Human trafficking: JDPC solicits more funding for NAPTIP activities

Justice Development and Peace Commission (JDPC) has solicited more funding for the National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons (NAPTIP) to enable the agency perform effectively.

JDPC Director of Programmes, Mr Timothy Ejeh, made the call on Friday in Abuja, at an ongoing training for journalists on ethics for covering human trafficking and irregular migration issues.

The training is organised by Action Against Trafficking in Persons Cluster (AATiP) with support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) palladium project.

The palladium project is under the cause of Strengthening Civil Advocacy and Local Engagement (SCALE).

According to Ejeh, the current funds made available to NAPTIP is too meagre compared to the array of functions it performs.

He said that NAPTIP was doing a whole lot as an agency of government trying to counter trafficking in persons in Nigeria with a limited budget.

According to him, currently NAPTIP has been saddled with the responsibility of regulating the Act of protection and prohibition of persons against violence.

“This has come into the work of the agency without any budget line for it.’’

He said that the agency had currently been asked to station at the border post and at the port of entry into the country.

He said this was to see how it could clamp down traffickers, adding that without enough resources the agency might not perform well.

“If you don’t have enough resources, manpower and personnel at various borders, how can you counter trafficking in persons. So, there is need for NAPTIP to have enough funding to be able to clamp down on traffickers.

“With enough funding, the agency will also be able to help victims of trafficking because there are a lot of them in NAPTIP shelters; currently NAPTIP is having 14 shelter camps across the country.

“NAPTIP has to feed these people, provide medications, and protect them and others which require a lot of funding.

“NAPTIP is really in need of funding, so there is need for an upward review of its funding,” he said.

Ejeh also said that there was nothing wrong for a country to have private shelters, apart from government owned, but owners of such shelters must align with the minimum standard of establishment issued by NAPTIP.

“There are various shelters privately owned, perpetrating evil in the name of running shelters for vulnerable victims of human trafficking and Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV).

“The commission has discovered that some persons are abusing the privilege of having private shelters, by housing little children and turning such shelters into baby factory.

“They also use the children for their own illicit and nefarious trade,”he said.

He said that owners of private shelters must comply with the minimum standard of regulation in line with the regulation issued by NAPTIP as the authority in charge of such issues.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria