PM Abiy Says Nation Managed to Increase Honey Productivity to Around 98 Thousand Tons Per Year

''Through our ‘Bounty of the Basket’ initiative launched last year, we have managed to increase honey productivity to around 98 thousand tons per year through modern methods," Prime Minister Abiy twitted.

The premier further said our target for next year is, to double annual output considering the varied ecological and climatic conditions of the country with diverse flora and fauna that make honey production conducive.

Let’s build on our current efforts for better harvest, he added.

According to him, Ethiopia is one of ten largest producers of honey globally.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Heroes Who Sacrifice for Country Deserve Honor: Legendary long-distance Runner Kenenisa

The legendary Ethiopian long-distance runner Kenenisa Bekele emphasized that heroes who have sacrificed for their country across all fields deserve celebration, gratitude, and respect.

Ethiopians have been observing ‘Sacrifice Day’ today under the theme “Sustaining a Country through Sacrifices” to commemorate and pay tribute to those who paid sacrifices for their country in all areas of their activities.

The legendary Ethiopian long-distance runner Kenenisa Bekele told ENA that Ethiopia has many heroes who have fought and sacrificed in their professional areas, helping to bring glory to the nation and enhance its reputation globally.

In the world of sports alone, Ethiopia has been represented by inspirational figures like Abebe Bikila, who famously won Olympic marathon gold on barefoot, Derartu Tulu, Fatuma Roba, Haile Gebrselassie, Tirunesh Dibaba, and many more.

Kenenissa himself has made heroic athletic history for Ethiopia through his astonishing victories in long distance events, winning three Olympic golds, five World Championship golds, and 11 golds at the World Cross Country Championships, among numerous other accolades.

"By winning 26 gold medals across major international competitions, I've aimed to highlight Ethiopian excellence on the global stage and make my country proud," Kenenissa remarked.

He further emphasized that Ethiopia has nurtured heroes across many fields besides athletics. "It is the responsibility of all of us to honor and express gratitude towards those who have made heroic sacrifices for their country in any arena," Kenenissa said.

He stressed the importance of acknowledging other heroes, who sanctified their everything to uphold the honor of their country, by giving them the necessary honor, respect and recognition.

Kenenissa noted that overcoming challenges and making lasting history for one's country and people is a great honor.

Living a legacy to generations that are vital to the betterment of people and country should be paid the highest tribute and honor, he said.

The internationally recognized athlete has also urged Ethiopians to realize national development by strengthen their unity.

"I hope all Ethiopians can unite and work together towards national unity, solidarity and development across all fields," he said.

May the New Year be one of peace, love, solidarity and success for our cherished country, he pointed out.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Nation Will Play Active Role in Upcoming 78th UN General Assembly, G-77+ China Summit, Says Foreign Affairs Spokesperson

Ethiopia is ready to play an active role in the upcoming 78th United Nations General Assembly and Summit of Heads of State and Government of the G-77+ China, Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Meles Alem said.

Briefing the media today, he stated that preparations have been made for the General Assembly sessions which will be represented by high-level government officials.

According to him, Ethiopia’s positions will be pronounced in 55 of the 174 agenda items at the UN General Assembly.

A range of agenda items, including the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, will be discussed during the sessions that will take place between 18 and 24 September 2023, it was learned.

Noting that multilateral forums have crucial meaning for Ethiopia, Meles said Ethiopia will work effectively to use these opportunities.

World leaders will gather in New York for the assembly under the theme, “Rebuilding trust and re-igniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and the sustainability for all.”

Ethiopia will also participate at the Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Group 77 and China that will take place on September 15-16, 2023, in Havana, Cuba.

The summit will be held under the theme, “Current Development Challenges: Role of Science, Technology, and Innovation.”

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

First Ethiopia-Somalia Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting Kicks off in Mogadishu

The first Ethiopia-Somalia Joint Ministerial Commission Meeting kicked off in Mogadishu today, according to Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen is participating at Ethiopia-Somalia Ministerial Commission Meeting, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Meles Alem said.

During the meeting, the performance of the bilateral agreements between the two countries will be thoroughly reviewed, he said.

Moreover, he added that the meeting will contribute to further elevate the long-standing diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Somalia in multifaceted spheres.

Agreements in areas of trade and defense are also expected to be signed , Meles said.

On other hand, Ethiopia has finalized preparation to actively participate at the 78th UN General Assembly in New York and the G-77 plus China Summit in Havana.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Observing Sacrifices Paid by Our Patriot Forefathers, Mothers Essential on This Sacrifice Day: National Defense State Minister

Honoring and respecting our patriot forefathers and mothers for handing over to us an independent country, we need to observe the sacrifices they paid, Ethiopian Defense Force State Minister Martha Luiji said.

Speaking at the event organized by security institutions in connection with the Sacrifice Day, the state minister said that sacrifice means giving ones irreplaceable life for the dignity and safety of others.

She stressed that sacrifice also includes giving ones time, property, knowledge and life for the nation and its people.

The history of Ethiopian patriots shows that Ethiopian people do not hesitate to give their lives to protect the sovereignty of the nation, Martha noted.

According to her, security institutions of the country are manifestations of national unity and cementing Ethiopia by paying sacrifice together with the people.

National Intelligence and Security Service Director-General, Temesgen Tiruneh said that a nation cannot be sustained without sacrifice.

A generation has paid in blood to protect the sovereignty, statehood, and bring a better system, he added.

Highlighting Ethiopia’s history and how the country defended itself from foreign invasion, the director-general stated that Ethiopians from across the nation sacrificed their lives fighting against invading forces..

Temesgen further said that Ethiopians have been fighting against foreign invaders and internal traitors who prioritize their interest over national interest.

Ethiopian Patriots Association President, Lij Daniel Jote Mesfin noted that Ethiopia remained independent thanks to the priceless sacrifice our forefathers paid.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopia Upholds its Honor through Sanctifies of People, Security Forces: Former Army Members

Ethiopia was able to firmly ascertain its sovereignty, territorial integrity and honor through the relentless sanctifies paid by the people and members of the security forces, commanders of the former Ethiopian army underscored.

Ethiopians across the nation have been observing the 2nd day of Pagumen which has been designated to ‘Sacrifice Day’ under the theme “Sustaining a Country through Sacrifices.”

The day is observed to commemorate and pay tribute to Ethiopians who paid relentless sacrifices for their country at all areas of their activities.

Speaking to ENA, the former army commanders remarked that members of the defense and other security forces who safeguarded public peace and national unity need to be commended for the selfless sacrifices they have made.

They added that Ethiopia, the owner of ever shining history is a cradle of thousand years of civilization, whose sovergnnity was not tampered by any force and the only African country that was not colonized.

Brigadier General Tesfaye Habtemariam, a veteran of the former army decorated with a medal for his extraordinary performance at the battle field remarked that in her long history Ethiopia has managed to swart all aggressions.

He added that since the advent of our forefathers, Ethiopians have paid unfathomable sacrifices in their lives to ensure that the nation would be able to withstand firmly and conquer all her challenges and cruise through history with honor and glory.

Brigadier General Tesfaye stressed that the current National Defense force of Ethiopia had continued to safeguard the sovereignty of the country which was transferred to it by the sacrifice paid in flesh and blood by the former defense forces of the country.

Another veteran commander of the former defense forces, Major Tamene Abate said that Ethiopia has valorous and patriotic fighters who stand for the dignity of their country from generation to generation.

He added the unity among the people of Ethiopia, love for their country and security forces that will never compromise the sovereignty of the nation, have made the country to stand firmly and with honor through ages.

Sergeant Birhanu Amare, another officeer in the former defense forces said Ethiopians have paid numerous sacrifices throughout the generations and noted that the people of Ethiopia are anxious for the unity and solidarity of their country.

He added that the present generation of soldiers in the army is equipped with modern technology, strong zeal to defend their country with strong patriotic feelings.

Members of the former defense forces who talked to ENA stressed that those who are paying sacrifices for the defense of their country must be accorded with pertinent honor and glory.

They added that the current generation should realize that paying sacrifices in one’s irreplaceable life is the highest form of patriotism

The former defense forces officers noted that honoring and decorating patriots will help to generate new blood of patriotic fighters.

They remarked that the history of their achievements must be properly recorded so that the present generation would be able to draw lessons from their experiences.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Present Generation Urged to Pay Sacrifices by Effectively Discharging National Responsibilities

Present generation should exert the utmost efforts to effectively discharge responsibilities in the national development endeavors of the country by drawing lessons from its forefathers, members of Ethiopian Patriots Association urged.

The six days of Pagumen, the 13th “month” of Ethiopian calendar are being marked at national level with various activities.

Today is the 2nd day of Pagumen which has been designated to ‘Sacrifice Day’ under the theme “Sustaining a Country through Sacrifices.”

Ethiopians across the nation have been observing the day to commemorate Ethiopians who paid relentless sacrifices for their country at all areas of their activities.

ENA has talked to some members of Ethiopian Patriots Association on the values of sacrifices for nation building.

The members of the association recalled how their forefathers have paid outstanding sacrifices to ensure the sovereignty and territorial integrity of their country by shedding their blood and flesh under extremely difficult terrains of the country effectively registering remarkable and patriotic achievements.

Present generation should exert the utmost efforts to effectively discharge responsibilities in the national development endeavors of the country by drawing lessons from its forefathers, the members urged.

Tigist Haile, an alternate member of the Ethiopian Patriots Association remarked that the patriotic feat of our forefathers in paying selfless sacrifices for the freedom of their motherland was quite remarkable.

She noted that the present generation needs to discharge its patriotic responsibilities by paying on the necessary sacrifices of their country.

Asmamaw Makete, another member of the Association said our patriotic forefathers endured all sorts of challenges and fought against the encroaching enemy forces in all terrains across the country.

He added that the present generation is expected to pay all the necessary sacrifices by effectively discharging their responsibilities as patriots for their country.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopians Marking Sacrifice Day Under the Theme “Sustaining A Country through Sacrifices”

Ethiopians across the nation have been observing Sacrifice Day to under the theme “Sustaining a Country through Sacrifices.”

The six days of Pagumen, the 13th “month” of Ethiopian calendar are being marked at national level with various activities.

Today is the 2nd day Pagumen which has been designated as ‘Sacrifice Day.’

The day symbolizes Ethiopia’s staunch commitment to honor her sons and daughters who paid relentless sacrifices for their country at all areas of their activities.

As part of the day, all Ethiopians across the nation will pay tribute to the heroes of the country who sacrificed their precious lives to strengthen the peace and unity of Ethiopia.

Apart from sustaining the sovereignty of the nation by sacrificing the precious life, sacrifices could also be demonstrated in devoting energy, knowledge and finance for the betterment of fellow citizens.

Hence, on Sacrifices Day all citizens particularly the young generation are expected to make promises to discharge responsibilities by paying the necessary sacrifices with a view to expediting national development.

The day is also observed to pay tribute to Ethiopians who have been sacrificing their everything to sustain the current nation and improve the lives of citizens.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency