AI-Media et Middleman annoncent un partenariat d’insertion publicitaire

BROOKLYN, État de New York, 01 sept. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — AI-Media et Middleman Software, Inc., grand fournisseur de solutions de messagerie SCTE 104 et 35, ont joint leurs forces afin d’offrir aux diffuseurs une puissante solution de messagerie unifiée SCTE 104/35 pour les workflows de production en direct.

AdIT : AdIT Live de Middleman Software révolutionne la génération de messages SCTE 104 et 35 en temps réel, permettant la monétisation d’événements live direct-to-stream sans système d’automatisation de la diffusion.

Alta : Alta Caption Encoder Software d’AI-Media permet l’intégration de légendes et sous-titres en direct ainsi que l’injection de messages SCTE 104/35 dans des environnements de production vidéo IP en direct, ce qui en fait un choix évident pour les diffuseurs.

Une architecture simplifiée

De par l’intégration fluide d’AdIT Live et Alta, les diffuseurs peuvent automatiquement gérer et injecter n’importe quels messages SCTE 104 et 35 directement dans des streams de transport MPEG et ST 2110, aux côtés de données d’intégration de sous-titres et de légendes. Aucun composant supplémentaire n’est requis dans la chaîne de signal.

De multiple profils dans un seul stream

AdIT Live et Alta Software prennent en charge l’intégralité de la norme SCTE 104/35, offrant des capacités avancées qui aident les diffuseurs. Une fonction notable est la capacité à acheminer de multiples « streams » de messages SCTE 104/35 distincts vers des destinataires individuels via le même stream vidéo en tirant parti des valeurs d’index DPI PID pour identifier les services uniques, assurant une distribution efficace et parallèle sans gaspillage de bande passante.

Cette solution combinée simplifie et améliore les workflows de production en direct pour fournir aux diffuseurs un contrôle et une flexibilité sans précédent leur permettant de maximiser les revenus publicitaires à l’échelle.

James Heliker, PDG de Middleman, a déclaré : « Nous sommes ravis de faire équipe avec AI-Media pour offrir une solution moderne et complète destinée a la production en direct de messages SCTE 104/35. Notre collaboration établit une nouvelle référence pour le secteur, dotant les diffuseurs d’un contrôle, d’une flexibilité et de capacités de monétisation supérieurs dans leurs productions en direct. »

Bill McLaughlin, directeur produits chez AI-Media, commente ainsi ce partenariat : « Nos systèmes Alta ont acquis une notoriété importante parmi les grands réseaux de diffusion traditionnels et chaînes sportives OTT de premier plan mondial, et ce en raison de leur flexibilité exceptionnelle pour l’injection de déclencheurs SCTE en temps réel dans des workflows SMPTE-2110 ou compressés. Cependant, beaucoup de nos clients ont du mal à emplir ces messages déclencheurs de données live détaillées à partir d’autres sources de veille économique.

Pour relever ce défi, nous avons fait équipe avec Middleman afin d’intégrer son système AdIT pour offrir une couche d’intégration optimisant les avantages en termes d’automatisation et de monétisation de contenu d’une solution SCTE-35 complète de bout en bout. En combinant AdIT et Alta, le système déclencheur peut transcender la signalisation on/off traditionnelle, dévoilant une multitude de possibilités. Nous sommes impatients de travailler avec Middleman sur ce projet, ainsi que dans le cadre de futures collaborations. »

À propos d’AI-Media

Fondée en Australie en 2003, la société technologique AI-Media est un leader mondial des solutions de traduction, de transcription et de sous-titrage enregistrés et en direct. La société aide les principaux diffuseurs, entreprises et organismes gouvernementaux du monde à assurer des sous-titrages de haute précision, sécurisés et rentables via sa solution de sous-titrage automatique LEXI optimisée par l’IA. Des sous-titres LEXI sont livrés sur des millions d’écran à travers le monde grâce à la gamme d’encodeurs de sous-titrage d’AI-Media et à son réseau iCap Cloud – le réseau de livraison de sous-titres le plus grand et le plus sécurisé au monde. À l’échelle mondiale, AI-Media livre plus de 8 millions de minutes de contenu multimédia en direct et enregistré chaque mois. AI-Media est cotée à la bourse australienne (ASX : AIM). Pour de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur le site

À propos de Middleman

Depuis sa création en 2017, Middleman Software, Inc. se trouve au premier plan pour ce qui est de révolutionner les workflows médiatiques par l’automatisation. La société s’est démarquée comme un fournisseur majeur de technologies de monétisation publicitaire avancées, offrant des capacités révolutionnaires aux grands réseaux et groupes de stations. Son produit phare, AdIT, automatise la génération de messages SCTE 104 et 35 afin que les diffuseurs puissent mettre en œuvre une insertion publicitaire dynamique et précise à l’image près sur leurs feeds OTT, et ce en toute fluidité. Avec AdIT, les diffuseurs bénéficient de bien meilleurs revenus sans perturber leurs opérations de diffusion existantes. Pour en savoir plus sur Middleman Software, Inc. et AdIT, veuillez vous rendre sur

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Contact auprès des médias :
Fiona Habben
Responsable sénior du marketing mondial

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8914871

AI-Media e Middleman Anunciam Parceria de Inclusão de Anúncios

BROOKLYN, N.Y., Sept. 01, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A AI-Media e a Middleman Software, Inc., fornecedora líder de soluções de mensagens SCTE 104 e 35, uniram forças para oferecer às emissoras uma poderosa solução unificada de mensagens SCTE 104/35 para fluxos de trabalho de produção ao vivo.

AdIT: O AdIT Live da Middleman Software revoluciona a geração de mensagens SCTE 104 e 35 em tempo real, permitindo a monetização de eventos ao vivo diretamente para streaming, onde um sistema de automação de playout não é necessário.

Alta: O software Alta Caption Encoder da AI-Media integra legendas ocultas, legendagem e injeção de mensagens SCTE 104/35 ao vivo em ambientes de produção de vídeo IP ao vivo, tornando-o uma escolha natural para as emissoras.

Arquitetura Simplificada

Através da integração perfeita do AdIT Live com o Alta, as emissoras podem gerar e injetar automaticamente quaisquer mensagens SCTE 104 e 35 diretamente nos fluxos de transporte ST 2110 e MPEG, juntamente com dados de legendagem e legendagem. Nenhum componente adicional na cadeia de sinal é necessário.

Vários Perfis em Uma Única Transmissão

Os softwares AdIT Live e Alta são totalmente compatíveis com o padrão SCTE 104/35, oferecendo recursos avançados que capacitam as emissoras. Uma característica notável é a capacidade de roteação de vários “fluxos” de mensagens SCTE 104/35 distintas para destinatários individuais através do mesmo fluxo de vídeo, aproveitando os valores do índice PID DPI para identificação de serviços exclusivos, garantindo distribuição eficiente e paralela sem desperdício de largura de banda.

Esta solução conjunta simplifica e aprimora os fluxos de trabalho de produção ao vivo para fornecer às emissoras controle e flexibilidade sem precedentes para maximizar a receita de publicidade em escala.

James Heliker, CEO da Middleman, disse: “Estamos muito contentes com a nossa parceria com a AI-Media para fornecimento de uma solução abrangente e moderna para mensagens SCTE 104/35 para produção ao vivo. Nossa colaboração estabelece uma nova referência para a indústria, capacitando as emissoras com recursos avançados de controle, flexibilidade e monetização das suas produções ao vivo.”

Bill McLaughlin, Diretor de Produto da AI-Media, comentou sobre a parceria: “Nossos sistemas Alta ganharam popularidade significativa entre as grandes redes de transmissão tradicionais e os canais esportivos OTT líderes mundiais devido à sua flexibilidade única na injeção de gatilhos SCTE em tempo real em fluxos de trabalho compactados ou SMPTE-2110. No entanto, muitos dos nossos clientes se empenham para preencher essas mensagens de gatilho com dados detalhados em tempo real de outras fontes de inteligência de negócios.

Para enfrentar esse desafio, fizemos uma parceria com a Middleman para incorporar seu sistema AdIT para oferecer uma camada de integração que otimiza as vantagens de automação e monetização de conteúdo de uma solução SCTE-35 completa de ponta a ponta. Ao combinar p AdIT com a Alta, o sistema de disparo pode transcender a sinalização liga/desliga tradicional, revelando uma infinidade de possibilidades. Estamos prontos para trabalhar em parceria com a Middleman nesta colaboração e em colaborações futuras.”

Sobre a AI-Media

Fundada na Austrália em 2003, a empresa de tecnologia AI-Media é líder global de soluções de legendagem transcrição e tradução ao vivo e gravadas. A empresa ajuda as principais emissoras, empresas e agências governamentais do mundo a garantir alta precisão, segurança e custo-benefício por meio da sua solução de legendagem automática LEXI com tecnologia de IA. As legendas LEXI são entregues a milhões de telas em todo o mundo através da gama de codificadores de legendas da AI-Media e sua iCap Cloud Network – a maior e mais segura rede de entrega de legendas do mundo. A AI-Media entrega mais de 8 milhões de minutos de mídia ao vivo e gravada mensalmente em todo o mundo. A AI-Media é negociada na Bolsa de Valores da Austrália (ASX: AIM. Para mais informação, visite

Sobre a Middleman

Desde a sua criação em 2017, a Middleman Software, Inc. tem estado na vanguarda da revolução dos fluxos de trabalho de mídia por meio da automação. A empresa emergiu como provedora líder de tecnologias avançadas de monetização de anúncios, oferecendo recursos de ponta para as principais redes e grupos de estações. Seu principal produto, o AdIT, automatiza a geração de mensagens SCTE 104 e 35 para que as emissoras possam implementar perfeitamente a inserção dinâmica de anúncios com precisão de quadros nos seus feeds OTT. Com o AdIT, as emissoras alcançam receitas substancialmente mais altas sem interrupção das operações de transmissão existentes. Para mais informações sobre a Middleman Software, Inc. e AdIT, visite

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Contato com a Mídia:
Fiona Habben
Gerente Sênior de Marketing – Global

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8914871

Coup not significant, still Bongo family- Gabon opposition

On August 30, 2023, Gabon’s military leaders staged a coup and removed President Ali Bongo Ondimba from power.

The coup came hours after Mr. Bongo was declared winner of the August 26, presidential elections with 64%. However, the military leaders said the results were marred by fraud that could lead to social turmoil in Gabon.

However, the loser in this coup is the main opposition leader, Ondo Ossa. He revealed that though the coup succeeded, Gabon is still being ruled by the Bongo family because of the coup leader and now Interim president, General. Oligui is Bongo’s cousin.

“It is not a coup, it is a palace revolution. They said that Bongo has ruled for a long hence there was a need for change.” He told TV5 Monde.

While speaking to TV5 Monde, he revealed that what we call a military takeover is nothing but a Bongo family manipulation. Adding that, the real person behind the coup was the eldest daughter of Omar Bongo, known as Pascaline Bongo, former Minister of Foreign Affairs under Omar. He called on the military leaders to continue vote counting the ballots which will show that he won.

Another opposition leader who lost the polls in 2016, Jean Ping, said the putschists are loyal to

France, hence, there should be no jubilation yet.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Tourisque Voyage: Many stranded in Y’de as gov’t maintains suspension

The suspension was expected to last for two weeks following a road accident in Mbe that killed 11. On Thursday at midnight, passengers were hoping that the sanctions by the Minister of Transport would be lifted. But nothing has been done, they have been waiting, looking at their watches as more schoolgoers trooped in.

We are waiting for the lifting of the suspension that was supposed to be some hours ago…thousands of people are stranded because they are supposed to go back to school, to resume work,” a stranded passenger expressed his frustration.

The Interregional travel agency is one of the most popular that travels to the northern part of Cameroon. Such a suspension has definitely taken a great toll on passengers “Touristique is the number one agency that takes about 60-70 % of passengers going up to the northern part of Cameroon. Not even the train station, not even Danai agency can contain the passengers at this time…people take now three days to get a ticket to travel by train,” the passenger noted.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Professional photographers decry smartphones taking over their business

The rapid rise of smartphones over the years has a great impact on photographer’s business.

Some photographers have complained about the negative effects of smartphones on their businesses, indicating that they no longer have customers like before.

“We are proud to be photographers, but with smartphones, the business of photography is dwindling because most people prefer to use their phones to take pictures, especially `selfies’. They prefer using their phones to snap and post on social media directly than get the services of a photographer,” a professional photographer, Cham Henry told CNA.

He however noted that although the threat of smartphones is looming over the business, they haven’t conquered the affordability problem yet.

“Getting a smartphone that can take very good pictures, entails a lot of money. It’s almost the same price as a camera,” he said.

According to Ateh Bonaventure, “Smartphone users at times see no need getting the services of a photographer since they have their pictures clear in their phones. That is why in most events, professional photographers are hardly solicited,”.

He further stated that smartphone cameras are ‘here to stay’ but they cannot take away the importance of professional cameras.

“Despite this, their place still stands, photography is an art and will always have its place no matter the technology. Remove the picture from your phone and print it out, you will discover that the quality is not the same as that of a camera. There are still some people who understand our worth as photographers and always call us for their events to immortalize it. I call on everyone to keep trusting photographers, our grandparents understood this, and this is why they still have their pictures up to date,” he further explained.

Some Smartphone users on their part indicated that they are very comfortable using their phones as it is less costly and ‘you can post your pictures at all times and get images from anywhere.’

“I am very comfortable using my phone to take my pictures, it is less costly and very relaxed. I can’t call and book a photographer any time I want to get a picture even in my daily activities. I prefer to take pictures with my phone and even save them on my Google Drive. Printing pictures these days is very old-fashioned. I mostly schedule for a photographer when it’s an image I want to enlarge,” a smartphone user explained.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Back to school: GBPS Bafemgha in ruins hours to new school year

Government Bilingual Primary School Bafemgha in Mbouda subdivision, West Region whose buildings were shattered by heavy rains during the Easter holiday period of the last academic year is still a shadow of itself and remains uncertain for a safe school resumption.

The administrative and teaching staff at the school like in other schools across the country resumed the school year on August 28 and August 30, 2023, under the supervision of its Headteacher Mme Mafofou Fopa Leontine. The school’s authority has given assurances for its readiness pedagogic-wise to start lessons on Monday, September 4, 2023, with an expected 250 pupils.

” The academic year began smoothly for both the administrative and teaching staff here. We are expecting over 250 pupils as was the case last year. If not pedagogically we are ready as teachers have been assigned in their respective classrooms,” Mafofou Fopa Leontine, Headteacher of the school told the press.

The major challenge the school faces as the school year begins is the incomplete nature of the buildings including the headteacher’s office, that were destroyed on April 18, 2023, during the second term holiday by heavy rains. Even though work is still incomplete, the main worry is where the children attend classes.

” Our major problem is the building that fell during the Easter holiday period, it is true they began works but the works are not complete. I don’t know where my children will begin classes on the 4th of September. My colleagues who borrowed me their classrooms last year are taking them back, so I don’t know what to do. ” Mafofou bemoaned.

After the building was shattered, municipal authorities managed to raise the sum of FCFA 1,500,000 to begin construction works that were to be completed by the start of the new school year. As things stand, the 3-classroom building and the headteacher’s office have been erected but no roofs.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Niger Govt to recruit 1,000 health workers

Niger Government says it is working on recruiting not less than 1,000 health workers to address shortage of manpower in its health sector.

Gov. Umaru Bago of Niger disclosed this on Friday during the launching and handover ceremony of distribution of essential commodities to the 25 local government areas of the state.

Bago listed doctors, nurses and other essential health workers as the people to be recruited in the sector.

He said that health is a fundamental cardinal principle of his administration, adding that plans had been concluded for the conversion of Shiroro Hotel to University Teaching Hospital.

“We are signing the contract soon, and have also created Ministries for Primary Healthcare and Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare for proper oversight on health issues,” he said.

Bago disclosed that he had directed the Commissioner for Finance to create a sinking fund account for health-related counterpart funding and pledged continuous partnership with development partners.

He promised to reward best performing health workers with houses, vehicles and scholarships for motivation.

In his remarks, Dr Bello Tukur, Commissioner, Ministry for Secondary and Tertiary Healthcare, said the governor had ordered for the revitalisation of secondary facilities across the state.

He added that the governor had also directed training of health workers for them to be in tune with global best practices.

Earlier, Dr Ibrahim Dangana, Commissioner, Ministry for Primary Healthcare, said the distribution of essential commodities would reduce mobility and mortality rates across the state.

He said that the governor had approved the release of N170 million for the revitalisation of primary healthcare facilities across the three political zones as part of repositioning the health sector.

He added that the governor also approved the release of N250 million to all the focal primary healthcare centres in 274 wards to address issues of dilapidated facilities and lack of commodities.

Dr Gerida Birukila, Chief of Field Office, UNICEF Kaduna, who spoke on behalf of the partners, expressed their readiness to work with the state government by providing integrated services.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NLC to begin nationwide warning strike from Sept. 5

The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) says it will commence a two-day nationwide warning strike from Sept. 5 to Sept. 6,except the Federal Government addresses the excruciating suffering of the masses.

Mr Joe Ajaero, NLC President, said this while addressing newsmen at the end of the National Executive Council (NEC) of the congress on Friday in Abuja.

Ajaero while reading the communiqué he4 jointly signed by Mr Emmanuel Ugboaja, General Secretary of the Congress, said the resolutions were reached after exhaustive deliberation.

According to him, NEC in session resolved to embark on a total and indefinite shutdown of the nation within 14 working days or 21 days from today.

“This is until steps are taken by the Government to address the excruciating mass suffering and impoverishment being experienced around the country.

“To commence a two-day nationwide warning strike on Tuesday and Wednesday from Sept.5 to 6 to demonstrate our readiness for the indefinite strike later in the month .

“To also demand that the State vacates the illegally occupied National Headquarters of the National Union of Road Transport Workers (NURTW).

“To embark on a mass protest and rally in Imo within September in preparation for a major shutdown of the state.

“This is to compel the State government to stop the abuse and violation of the rights and privileges of workers and trade unions in the state, ’he said.

He also added that to begin the shutdown of the operations of Air peace Airline, and other companies in the Aviation sector that were involved in serial violation of the rights of workers in the sector.

The NLC president said this was to ensure freedom of Association and to collectively bargain.

He called on communities around the nation to stop taking laws into their hands but report to the authorities for amicable resolution.

He said that this was on any matter involving members of the Amalgamated Union of Food Stuffs, and Cattle Dealers of Nigeria (AUFCDN) which is one of our affiliates.

He urged the new FCT Minister, Mr Nyesome Wike to desist from threatening poor masses with demolition of their properties, and focus more on making houses available to the people.

“He is not a minister of demolition and should be prepared to meet Nigerian workers and citizens on the street if he carries out his insensitive utterances,” ‘he said.

Ajaero said that NEC had deeply analysed the prevailing national sentiment, taking into account the extensive hardships and deprivation afflicting the citizens across all states of the federation.

He said the council scrutinised the Federal Government’s failures to establish essential structures to address the widespread suffering in our nation.

He also noted that it considered the government’s deliberate neglect and disregard for engaging with national stakeholders through the channels of social dialogue.

“This is a commitment it had solemnly declared during the President’s inaugural address on May 29,”he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria