L’université d’intelligence artificielle d’Abu Dhabi a créé des départements dédiés à la robotique et à l’informatique pour répondre à une demande mondiale croissante

ABU DHABI, Émirats arabes unis, 04 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — L’Université d’intelligence artificielle Mohamed bin Zayed (MBZUAI) a ouvert deux nouveaux départements et lancé quatre programmes d’études supérieures dans les domaines de la robotique et de l’informatique, afin de répondre à la demande mondiale croissante dans ces secteurs, qui devraient respectivement atteindre 225 milliards de dollarsi et 140 milliards de dollars d’ici à 2030ii.

Les nouveaux départements viennent compléter les départements actuels dédiés à la vision par ordinateur (CV), à l’apprentissage automatique (ML) et au traitement du langage naturel (NLP) de l’université, qui sont classés parmi les 20 premiers au monde par CSRankings.

En parallèle à la création de ces nouveaux départements, l’université a lancé des programmes de master et de doctorat en robotique et en informatique. Ces programmes contribueront à étendre l’écosystème d’IA des Émirats arabes unis et à renforcer leur position en tant que centre international de recherche et d’innovation dans le domaine de l’IA.

Le président et professeur universitaire du MBZUAI, Eric Xing, a déclaré : « La création de ces deux nouveaux départements témoigne de l’effort durable du MBZUAI visant à construire une base solide pour l’excellence de la recherche et l’innovation dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle. L’université continuera d’attirer à Abu Dhabi des professeurs et des chercheurs de renommée mondiale dans ces domaines, et de donner aux étudiants les moyens de devenir des précurseurs dotés de compétences très recherchées dans la mise au point d’outils et d’applications d’IA avancés dans tous les secteurs d’activité. Compte tenu de la renaissance numérique que nous connaissons actuellement, les compétences dans ces disciplines sont de plus en plus demandées. »

Le département de robotique se concentrera sur une recherche originale rigoureuse ciblant des résultats probants et mettra l’accent sur l’apprentissage et les algorithmes des robots plutôt que sur la mise au point de nouveaux appareils robotiques. Le département d’informatique offrira une expertise technique inégalée dans le domaine des technologies fondamentales qui ont été à l’origine de l’essor et de l’impact spectaculaires des technologies de l’information au cours des quatre dernières décennies.

Le professeur Timothy Baldwin, doyen par intérim du MBZUAI, a déclaré : « Le MBZUAI est à la pointe de l’enseignement et de la recherche dans le domaine de l’IA. C’est ce qui fait la spécificité et la compétitivité de nos programmes à l’échelle mondiale. Le département de robotique se concentrera sur la recherche en robotique autonome et centrée sur l’humain, ainsi que sur la formation de la prochaine génération de spécialistes de la robotique, qui maîtriseront à la fois l’IA et la robotique, afin de promouvoir des carrières à la pointe de l’enseignement, du secteur industriel et des pouvoirs publics. »

La robotique est une technologie de transformation qui révolutionne des secteurs tels que l’industrie, la santé, l’agriculture et les transports. Les études récentes annoncent une forte demande d’expertise dans le domaine de la robotique pour les années à venir, le marché de la technologie robotique devant dépasser 225,6 milliards de dollars en valeur d’ici à 2030iii. Cette demande sera fortement entravée par la pénurie mondiale de talents attendue, qui pourrait toucher jusqu’à 85 millions d’emplois d’ici à 2030, faute de personnes qualifiées pour les pourvoiriv. D’autre part, le marché mondial de l’emploi dans le secteur informatique est en plein essor, avec en prévision un TCAC à 14,5 % entre 2021 et 2027 et quelques 3,5 millions d’emplois d’ici à 2026v.

Les candidatures pour la rentrée 2024 seront ouvertes le 1er septembre 2023. Pour en savoir plus, rendez-vous sur mbzuai.ac.ae ou contactez admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

Precedence Research
ii Precedence Research
iii Precedence Research
iv Korn Ferry
v Projections du marché de l’emploi dans le secteur informatique (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000833222

A universidade de inteligência artificial de Abu Dhabi cria departamentos dedicados à robótica e às ciências informáticas para responder à crescente procura mundial

ABU DHABI, Emirados Árabes Unidos, Aug. 04, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) estabeleceu dois novos departamentos e quatro programas de pós-graduação associados dedicados à robótica e à ciência da computação, satisfazendo a crescente procura global por estas disciplinas, sendo esperado que atinjam, respetivamente, os 225 mil milhões de dólaresi e os 140 mil milhões de dólares até 2030ii.

Os novos departamentos complementam os atuais departamentos de visão computacional (CV), aprendizagem automática (ML) e processamento de linguagem natural (NLP) da universidade, que estão classificados entre os 20 melhores a nível mundial pela CSRankings.

Em paralelo com a formação dos novos departamentos, a universidade lançou programas de mestrado e doutoramento em robótica e ciências informáticas. Estes programas ajudarão a desenvolver o ecossistema de IA mais alargado dos EAU e a reforçar a sua posição de centro internacional de investigação e inovação em IA.

O Presidente da MBZUAI e Professor Universitário, Eric Xing, afirmou: “A adição destes dois novos departamentos representa o esforço duradouro da MBZUAI no desenvolvimento de uma base sólida para a excelência da investigação e a inovação no domínio da inteligência artificial. A universidade continuará a atrair para Abu Dhabi professores e investigadores de renome mundial nestes domínios e a preparar os estudantes para se tornarem pioneiros com competências muito procuradas no desenvolvimento de ferramentas e aplicações avançadas de IA em todas as indústrias. Dado o renascimento digital da IA em que nos encontramos, a procura de competências nestas disciplinas está a aumentar”.

O Departamento de Robótica centrar-se-á na investigação rigorosa, original e de grande impacto, dando ênfase à aprendizagem e aos algoritmos dos robôs e não ao desenvolvimento de novo hardware para robôs. O Departamento de Informática proporcionará uma profundidade técnica sem paralelo nas tecnologias fundamentais que deram origem ao crescimento fenomenal e ao impacto das TI nas últimas quatro décadas.

O Reitor em exercício da MBZUAI, Professor Timothy Baldwin, afirmou: “A MBZUAI está na vanguarda da educação e investigação em IA, tornando os nossos programas distintos e competitivos a nível mundial. O Departamento de Robótica centrar-se-á numa investigação em robótica autónoma e centrada no ser humano, bem como no desenvolvimento da próxima geração de profissionais de robótica com competências profundas em IA e robótica, apoiando carreiras na vanguarda do mundo académico, da indústria e da administração pública”.

A robótica é uma tecnologia transformadora, que revoluciona setores como a indústria transformadora, os cuidados de saúde, a agricultura e os transportes. A investigação indica uma forte procura de conhecimentos especializados em robótica nos próximos anos, prevendo-se que o mercado da tecnologia robótica ultrapasse os 225,6 mil milhões de dólares em valor até 2030iii. Esta procura será fortemente dificultada por uma previsível escassez de talentos a nível mundial, com um potencial de 85 milhões de postos de trabalho por preencher até 2030 devido à falta de pessoas qualificadas para os ocupariv. Do mesmo modo, o mercado de trabalho global das ciências informáticas também está em expansão, com projeções de uma taxa de crescimento anual (CAGR) de 14,5% entre 2021 e 2027 e uma estimativa de 3,5 milhões de empregos até 2026v.

As candidaturas para o ano de admissão de 2024 serão abertas a 1 de setembro de 2023. Para mais informações, visite mbzuai.ac.ae ou contacte admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

Pesquisa de precedência
ii Pesquisa de precedência
iii Pesquisa de precedência
iv Korn Ferry
v CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

Uma fotografia que acompanha este anúncio está disponível em https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/eb82e469-758c-46ca-b84c-ddeb1502171d

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000833222

جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي تطلق برامج في علم الروبوتات وعلوم الحاسوب

تلبية للطلب المتزايد على هذه التخصصات على مستوى العالم

أبوظبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 3 أغسطس 2023: أطلقت جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي قسمين جديدين يشملان مجالي علم الروبوتات وعلوم الحاسوب، وذلك تلبية للطلب العالمي المتزايد على هذين التخصصين، إذ من المتوقع أن يصل الطلب إلى 225 مليار دولار[i]  في مجال علم الروبوتات و 140 مليار دولار في مجال علوم الحاسوب بحلول العام [ii]2030.

ويأتي هذان القسمان الجديدان ليكملا سلسلة البرامج التعليمية التي تقدمها الجامعة لطلابها، والتي تشمل الرؤية الحاسوبية، وتعلّم الآلة، ومعالجة اللغات الطبيعية، وهي برامج تم تصنيفها من بين أفضل 20 برنامجاً عالمياً بحسب موقع CSRankings.

وبالتزامن مع إطلاق القسمين الجديدين، أعلنت الجامعة عن برامج الماجستير والدكتوراه الجديدة. وستساعد هذه البرامج في تطوير منظومة الذكاء الاصطناعي في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة وتعزيز مكانتها كمركز دولي لأبحاث الذكاء الاصطناعي والابتكار.

بهذه المناسبة، قال البروفيسور إريك زينغ، رئيس جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي والبروفيسور الجامعي: “تعكس إضافة القسمين الجديدين الجهود المستمرّة التي تبذلها جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي لتطوير أساس متين للتميز البحثي والابتكار في مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي. وستستمر الجامعة في استقطاب النخب العالمية من الهيئات التدريسية والباحثين في هذه المجالات إلى أبوظبي، كما ستدعم طلابها ليصبحوا رواداً في مجالاتهم وليتمتعوا بالمهارات اللازمة لتطوير أدوات الذكاء الاصطناعي وتطبيقاته المتقدمة في مختلف المجالات، لاسيما مع تزايد الطلب على المهارات المرتبطة بهذه التخصصات في ظل الثورة الرقمية التي يشهدها العالم حالياً”.

وسيقوم قسم الروبوتات على الأبحاث الأصلية التي تتسم بدقتها وبتأثيرها الواسع، مع التركيز على تعلّم الروبوت وخوارزميات الروبوت بدلاً من تطوير أجهزة روبوت جديدة. وفي الوقت عينه، سيتيح قسم علوم الحاسوب للطلاب التعمّق بشكل استثنائي في التقنيات الأساسية التي أدت إلى النمو الهائل الذي يشهده العالم وفي تأثير تكنولوجيا المعلومات في العقود الأربعة الماضية.

من جهته، قال عميد جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي بالإنابة، تيموثي بالدوين: “إن جامعة محمد بن زايد للذكاء الاصطناعي في طليعة المؤسسات المعنية بتعليم الذكاء الاصطناعي والبحوث التي تتمحور حوله، مما يجعل البرامج التي تقدمها لطلابها مميزة وتنافسية على الساحة العالمية. سيركز قسم علم الروبوتات على تطوير الجيل القادم من المتخصصين في علم الروبوتات ذوي المهارات الراسخة في الذكاء الاصطناعي كما في علم الروبوتات، ليشغلوا وظائف ريادية في الأوساط الأكاديمية والصناعية والحكومية”.

يُحدث علم الروبوتات ثورة في قطاعات متعددة مثل الصناعة والرعاية الصحية والزراعة والنقل. وتشير الأبحاث إلى ارتفاع الطلب على الخبرة في مجال الروبوتات بشكل كبير في السنوات القادمة، حيث من المتوقع أن تتجاوز قيمة سوق تكنولوجيا الروبوتات 225.6 مليار دولار بحلول العام 2030[iii]. إلا أن هذا الطلب الكبيرة سيواجه النقص المتوقع في المواهب العالمية، حيث من المحتمل أن تظل حوالي 85 مليون وظيفة شاغرة بحلول العام 2030 بسبب نقص المتخصصين في هذا المجال[iv].

أما سوق العمل العالمي في مجال علوم الحاسوب فيشهد ازدهاراً بارزاً، إذ من المتوقع أن يبلغ معدل النمو السنوي المركب 14.5٪ ما بين عامي 2021 و2027، وأن يشمل ما يقدر بنحو 3.5 مليون وظيفة بحلول عام [v]2026.

يُذكر أنه سيتم فتح باب تقديم الطلبات للعام 2024 في 1 سبتمبر 2023. لمزيد من المعلومات يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني mbzuai.ac.ae أو التواصل مع فريق عمل الجامعة على admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae.

[i] Precedence Research

[ii] Precedence Research

[iii] Precedence Research

[iv] Korn Ferry

[v] CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 300885913

NUPRC dismisses allegations by in-house union

The Nigerian Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Commission (NUPRC) on Thursday dismissed allegations of misappropriation of funds levelled against the leadership of the commission by its union members.

NUPRC management made this known in a statement issued in Abuja while reacting to the protest and allegations by the local branch of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN).

The union, while protesting what they termed among others, the escalating critical concerns affecting staff welfare in the commission, made several allegations against Mr Gbenga Komolafe, the Commission Chief Officer (CCE).

Responding, the NUPRC management said that the allegations were deliberately aimed at seeking cheap attention and disparaging the integrity of the commission’s chief executive for purely sinister motives.

On the matter of purported illegal recruitment, it stated that the exercise carried out by the board was done in compliance with all procedures, and compliance certificate issued by the relevant organ.

It described the accusation of ‘appalling’ workers welfare as baseless, adding that staff were granted all entitlements and were adequately paid in line with the terms and conditions of service which had been greatly enhanced over the period.

NUPRC said the issue of sundry claims and travel expenses raised during the protest were paid from time to time depending on the availability of funds.

It stated that the imputation that the management misappropriated N10 billion virement and donated billions to political parties was libellous and entirely unsubstantiated.

“The purveyors of the falsehood are challenged to publish details of the account of the commission from where the donations originated and the accounts of the political parties involved where the N4 billion and N10 billion were deposited.

“Equally, the financial source documents (invoices) utilised to make the donations ought to be published.

“There is no way N14 billion can leave the coffers of the commission without trace, especially given how funds are allocated to the commission,” it said.

It stated that there was no truth in the accusation of inflation of contracts at the NUPRC, adding that the commission approved a sustainable template for the engagement and payment of external solicitors engaged by the commission.

According to the NUPRC management, the legal fees paid by the commission comply with the limit set by the Attorney General of the Federation who has the constitutional powers to issue such fiat.

“The framework has ensured that the very best lawyers are engaged by the commission and the legal fees expended are a reflection of the complexity and high financial exposure of the cases involved.”

The NUPRC management further stated that the allegation that it wasted N900 million on “dubious” sensitisation workshops, was without basis.

It added that adequate sensitisation of key provisions of the Petroleum Industry Act (PIA) 2021 were necessary to ensure effective implementation.

“Specifically, justification for sensitisation on the provisions of Host Communities Development Trust (HCDT) across the Niger Delta region is apparent due to the high level of crude oil theft and vandalism of petroleum infrastructure with its devastating impact on Federation revenue.

“The sensitisation workshops were approved by the appropriate authority in line with due process and duly executed by the Health, Safety, Environment and Community (HSEC) department in line with the scope of duties and responsibilities.

“It is important to note that 13 slots of sensitisation campaigns were earmarked upon in 13 strategic locations within the oil producing zones and the campaigns are still ongoing.

“All documentary evidence including publications and video footage of the campaigns can be sought and obtained from the executive commissioner HSEC,” it said.

On the claim that it allegedly spent N500 million on renovations, it said it inherited offices used by the defunct Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), which was only a subsidiary of the defunct Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC).

“The appointment of executive commissioners and recruitment of 140 extra staff given the new and added responsibilities of the NUPRC necessitated reorganisation and renovation of the commission’s offices across the country to accommodate its operations.

“Therefore, some of the offices, including those in the zones and fields, had to be restructured, refurbished and furnished to accommodate additional personnel and replace old and damaged furniture and equipment inherited at inception.”

The NUPRC said it didn’t spend N1.5 billion on luxury transportation, including flying private jets and first class, insisting that there was no time that the commission chartered private jets for the commission’s chief executive.

“The purveyors are challenged to publish the account details and invoices supporting the transactions in their nefarious claims.

“The terms and conditions of service as approved by the governing board in accordance with the provisions of the PIA clearly stipulate the classes of tickets for the purpose of international travel for all categories of staff including the commission chief executive.

“It is worth indicating here that the CCE is not a sole administrator, but operates under the guidance of supervisory structures emplaced by the PIA 2021 and the federal government.”

They union had on Tuesday and Wednesday held protests and barricaded the office entrance, alleging poor welfare, non-payment of outsourced personnel and 2023 staff medicals as well as outstanding upfront allowances.

Others according to them include non-remittance of pension deductions from staff salaries, poor working environment, insufficient working tools and outstanding salaries payment, among others.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Foundation canvases inclusive budgeting, implementation of policies for children with disabilities

The IREDE Foundation (TIF), an NGO focused on supporting children living with limb loss, has called for inclusive budgeting and implementation of Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) policies for children with disabilities

Mrs Crystal Chigbu, the Executive Director TIF, said this at a Town hall Meeting on Mainstreaming Disability-Inclusive Budgeting for Children with Disabilities in Abuja.

Chigbu said the call became imperative because in spite of the numerous policies and laws on PWDs in Nigeria, fiscal provisions like budgetary allocation to operationalise these laws at all level of government have not been as expected.

She said PWDs still suffer the same challenges of discrimination, and marginalisation among others even in the budget process.

“We carried out a baseline line survey about two years ago and realised that there was no budget set aside for education for children with disabilities and as a result, they are not mainstreamed into education.

“So, you find out that a lot of children with disabilities stay back home because they are not able to go to school, even those that want to go to the inclusive schools their houses are probably very far away from the schools.

“The teachers are not well equipped to deliver effectively and as a result, the children are left behin .The whole essence of this project is for us to bring the attention of the government to this.

“This is so that going forward, we can start to have the education of children with disabilities being budgeted for because we know if its been budgeted for then we have the likelihood to have it implemented.’’

According to Chigbu, it is critical for us that this happens, that is the whole essence of this project.

She said the foundation inspires actions so that child amputees and their families would live an independent and limitless life and advocate for the full implementation of inclusive education legal frameworks at all levels.

“Inclusive education is not just a mere concept but a core of the foundation, it is our belief that children with disabilities should have equal access to quality education within mainstream schools, alongside their peers without disability.

“An inclusive environment fosters empathy, compassion, and understanding among children, which ultimately creates a more inclusive society.

“Inclusive education does not only improve academic outcomes, but also enhances social skills, self-esteem, and overall well-being of that child.

“ When we embrace inclusive education, we are paving the way for a future where children with disabilities can lead independent and self-sufficient lives,’’she said

Chigbu said that the town hall meeting brought together different stakeholders from the organisations of persons with disabilities, parents, policy makers, people who can in one way or the other affect decisions at the national and state levels.

This, she said was to ensure quality access to education for children with disabilities.

Mrs Angela Ajala ,TIF, Board Member and Education Expert ,said that inclusive education was not just about providing equal access, it was about fostering inclusive minds that celebrate diversity and embrace collaboration.

Ajala said that prioritising disability-inclusive budgeting would empower schools and educators to provide tailored support and resources to children with disabilities, ensuring that no one was left behind.

She said that the town hall meeting provided an excellent opportunity to learn from each other’s experiences and reflect on how best to design and implement effective and sustainable collaborative practices toward inclusive education for children with disabilities.

“Together, we have made substantial progress in mainstreaming disability-inclusive budgeting for children with disabilities. However, our journey is far from over.

“Let us reawaken our collaborative spirit, for it is through our collective efforts that we can truly make inclusive education a reality for every child. But we cannot stop here

“Let us reawaken our determination to make inclusive education a budgetary priority.’’

Mr Theophilus Odaudu, the Programme Manager, West Africa, Disability Rights Fund (DRF), said DRF provides support to organisations of PWDs across the group look to advance disability rights .

Odaudu said the support to the project by Irede Foundation for children with disabilities was hinged upon the principle of `leaving no one behind and not in for us without us’.

“As an organisation, we support persons with disabilities or provide even more support to those who are marginalised among the community like children with disability, whose voices are hardly heard.

“So, this project is meant to project the needs of children with disabilities, to advance their rights and to call for more budgetary allocation to ensure that issues that has to do with children with disabilities are not left behind.’’

Odaudu said that Nigeria has a lot of policies and laws on paper but the challenge lied with implementation.

He, therefore, called on ogranisations to continue the advocacy to ensure that policies where not just on paper but implemented.

He also called for increased budgetary allocation, accountability and monitoring to see how it could bt well channeled to ensure that children with disabilities benefited from it.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

NGO prays Court to nullify BPP’s certificates of no objection issued since 2007

A non-governmental organisation has urged the Federal High Court, Abuja to nullify all certificates of no objection issued by Bureau of Public Procurement (BPP) since 2007 over alleged breach of the agency’s law.

The NGO, under the auspices of the Registered Trustees of Network for the Actualization Of Social Growth and Viable Development (NAFGAD), told the court in a fresh suit filed by its lawyer, Timilehin Odunwo.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that certificate of no objection is a document which authenticates that due process was followed in the course of contract procurement, especially at a national or subnational scale.

The group, in its originating summons marked: FHC/ABJ/CS/1056/2023, had sued the president, the Attorney-General of the Federation (AGF), the BPP and its director-general as 1st to 4th respondents respectively.

In the suit dated Aug. 1 and filed Aug. 2, NAFGAD alleged that since the BPP was established in 2007, its National Council on Public Procurement (NCPP) had never been constituted contrary to relevant laws.

The group accused the BPP of taking decisions on its own volition, without supervision and in accordance with the establishment act.

It maintained that a non-constitution of the NCPP would breed corruption in the system to the detriment of the society.

It said despite its letters to the AGF and the BPP on the alleged unlawful act, the letters were ignored and the agency continued to issue certificate of no objection to procuring entities without recourse to the National Council’s regulations in line with its mandate.

The group, therefore, sought six reliefs which include “a declaration that the non-constitution of the National Council on Public Procurement by the President of Nigeria amounts to a breach of Section 1 (1&4) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007.

“A declaration that all the certificates of no objection issued over time by the Bureau of Public Procurement since 2007 till date, having not been supervised by a legally constituted National Council on Public Procurement in line with Sections 2 &6(1) of the Procurement Act, 2007 is void.

“A declaration that the appointment of the Director General of the Bureau of Public Procurement by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria without the recommendation of a constituted National Council on Public Procurement is a complete breach and total disregard to Section 7(1) of the Public Procurement Act, 2007 and therefore illegal.

“An order of the Honourable Court mandating the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to constitute the National Council on Public Procurement for the purpose of the appointment of the Director General of the Bureau of Public Procurement.

“An order of this Honourable Court prohibiting the Bureau of Public Procurement from further issuing certificate of no-objection to any government agency, parastatals or person until the National Council on Public Procurement is constituted,” among others.

The case is yet to be assigned to a judge for determination.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Africa needs railways for rapid development – Russian railway giant

Transmashholding (TMH), Russia’s leading manufacturer of railway rolling stock, says Africa is in dire need of modern railway infrastructure to propel the continent to rapid development.

The Chief Executive Officer of TMH, Mr Kiril Lipa, told newsmen in Moscow Russia, that absence of railway infrastructure in some major cities in Africa was a setback to the transportation sector on the continent.

While expressing the company’s willingness to expand the international footprint in the region, Lipa emphasised the need for African countries to invest more in railways.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that TMH is a leading manufacturer of passenger trains, locomotives, metro cars, trams, coaches, wagons, snow clearing equipment and engines for locomotives.

The company, which supplies railway operators in more than 30 countries, offers comprehensive maintenance and repair of rolling stock, manufacture of parts and components for the rail industry, among others.

According to Lipa, Africa has great potential for the rail industry since most of its produce are bulky such as minerals, oil and gas.

“In this regard, TMH is geared towards the needs of most African economies whose main focus is the export market with access to sea ports via rail and pipelines.

“Imports also come through the sea ports and are couriered to their final destinations by train.

“The African population is growing very fast and the cities are developing at a tremendous pace. For us we are looking into transporting minerals, oil and gas.

“There is therefore a need for cargo trains. We can also leverage on our technology to develop the rail infrastructure of most African countries.

“We are capable of providing this technology,” he said.

The Transmashholding boss further said that Africa is strategic not only to Russia but to the main financial and industrial institutions across the world.

He, however, said that basic trends must be met to actualise the dream.

“There are certain trends which are very basic and what we see in Africa are basic for the common world.

“We understand that the population is growing very fast, the cities are developing and the development of resources is quite intensive.

“And these resources are developed far in terms of distance from the seaports.

“So, these trends make the market very attractive in terms of rolling stock, specifically because the most effective way to transport mineral resources to the seaport is the railway excluding pipelines,” Lipa said.

He said that having the spread and the railway network would enable easy transportation of resources on the continent.

“There is a huge need for the development of Africa. The continent needs all kinds of rolling stock.

“That is why I believe that the continent will be developed; there is a huge need in the railway system network for all kinds of rolling stock for the population.

“And my belief is that Russia is quite capable of providing some critical components in terms of technology,” Lipa said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FG reiterates commitment to non-oil export, trains bankers on documentation

The Federal Government has reiterated commitment in strengthening collaboration that will promote Nigeria’s export competitiveness, to achieve its economic diversification agenda.

Dr Ezra Yakusak, Executive Director, Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC), said this on Thursday in Abuja, at a capacity building programme for bankers, organised by the council.

According to Yakusak, the non-oil export sector plays a very important role in the economic development of the nation and ensures Nigeria’s participate in the global market space.

He said Nigerian exporters faced numerous challenges, ranging from knowledge gap, access to finance, cumbersome procedures and documentation, poor packaging among others.

”Access to bank financial services by exporters is one of the major challenges stifling the smooth growth of non-oil export.

“This is due to high interest rates and low disbursement of credit facilities to finance non-oil export trade.

“This has ultimately affected the nation’s non-oil export performance because most exporters lack the financial muscle required to set up modern export related industries and ensure production of high quality products.

“The NEPC, as a responsive agency, has identified capacity building as a priority for relevant stakeholders in the non-oil export value chain.

“We believe that when key stakeholders like bankers, are equipped with the necessary export knowledge and expertise, they will work more efficiently to complement each other toward the promotion of export business in the country,” he said.

Yakusak reiterated the importance of the banking institution to non-oil export saying that without the banks, no formal export trade could be undertaken.

“May I inform you that in the year 2022 non-oil export performance report, a total number of 30 banks participated in the issuance and processing of NXPs forms.

“This led to a total export value of 4.8 billion dollars, the highest recorded since the creation of the NEPC in 1976,” he said.

The NEPC boss said the responsibilities of export desk officers was critical in facilitating export processes and procedures.

He said: “This informed our decision to organise this special technical session for all of you.

“I am optimist that this programme will deepen your understanding of the processes in non-oil export trade and assist in providing efficient export advisory services to clients.

“Your participation in this training programme is therefore not only of great value to you and the bank you represent, but also important to the entire non-oil export sector and the nation at large.”

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 29 banks with about three to four staff each participated in the training.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria