Abu Dhabi’s artificial intelligence university establishes dedicated robotics and computer science departments to meet surging global demand

MBUZAI Students

ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates, Aug. 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) has established two new departments and four associated graduate programs dedicated to robotics and computer science, catering to the surging global demand for these disciplines, which is expected to hit USD $225 billioni and $140 billion, respectively, by 2030ii.

The new departments complement the university’s existing computer vision (CV), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) departments, which are ranked among the top 20 globally by CSRankings.

Aligned with the formation of the new departments, the university has launched master’s and Ph.D. programs in robotics and computer science. These programs will help further develop the UAE’s wider AI ecosystem and strengthen its position as an international hub for AI research and innovation.

MBZUAI President and University Professor, Eric Xing, said: “The addition of these two new departments represents MBZUAI’s lasting effort in developing a solid foundation for research excellence and innovation in artificial intelligence. The university will continue to bring into Abu Dhabi world leading faculty and researchers in the fields and to empower students to become pioneers with highly sought-after skills in developing advanced AI tools and applications across industries. Given the digital renAIssance we find ourselves in, skills in these disciplines are increasing in demand.”

The Robotics Department will focus on rigorous, high-impact, original research, emphasizing robot learning and robot algorithms rather than the development of new robot hardware. The Computer Science Department will provide unparalleled technical depth in the foundational technologies that have given rise to the phenomenal growth and impact of IT in the past four decades.

MBZUAI Acting Provost, Professor Timothy Baldwin, said: “MBZUAI is at the forefront of AI education and research, making our programs distinctive and globally competitive. The Robotics Department will focus on human-centered and autonomous robotics research, as well as the development of the next generation of robotics practitioners with deep skills in both AI and robotics, supporting careers at the cutting edge of academia, industry, and government.”

Robotics is a transformative technology, revolutionizing sectors such as manufacturing, healthcare, agriculture, and transportation. Research indicates strong demand for robotics expertise in the coming years, with the robotics technology market expected to surpass US$225.6 billion in value by 2030iii. This demand will be critically hampered by a predicted global talent shortage, with up to 85 million jobs potentially going unfilled by 2030 due to a lack of skilled people to fill themiv. Similarly, the global computer science job market is also booming, with projections of a 14.5% CAGR from 2021 to 2027 and an estimated 3.5 million jobs by 2026v.

Applications for the 2024 admissions year will open on September 1, 2023. For more information, visit mbzuai.ac.ae or contact admissions@mbzuai.ac.ae

Precedence Research
ii Precedence Research
iii Precedence Research
iv Korn Ferry
v CS job market projections (The Most Surprising Computer Science Job Statistics And Trends in 2023 • GITNUX)

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GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000833037

Zenas BioPharma annonce la publication d’une étude de phase 2 sur l’obéxélimab, un traitement expérimental pour la maladie liée aux IgG4 (ML-IgG4), dans The Lancet Rheumatology

L’étude a montré que l’obéxélimab produisait une amélioration clinique rapide, forte et soutenue, y compris une rémission clinique complète, chez la plupart des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 active

Les résultats soutiennent la poursuite du développement de l’obéxélimab pour le traitement de la ML-IgG4 et potentiellement d’autres maladies auto-immunes à médiation par les cellules B

WALTHAM, Massachusetts, 02 août 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zenas BioPharma, une société biopharmaceutique mondiale déterminée à devenir un leader dans le développement et la commercialisation de traitements basés sur l’immunité, annonce que The Lancet Rheumatology a publié les résultats d’une étude de phase 2 évaluant l’obéxélimab pour le traitement de patients atteints de la maladie liée aux IgG4 (ML-IgG4). Sur la base des résultats de cette étude, un essai de phase 3 chez des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 est en cours afin d’évaluer davantage l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’obéxélimab administré par injection sous-cutanée.

La ML-IgG4 est une maladie fibro-inflammatoire chronique à médiation immunitaire qui peut toucher plusieurs organes, notamment les glandes salivaires principales, les orbites, les glandes lacrymales, le pancréas, l’arbre biliaire, les poumons, les reins et le rétropéritoine. Environ 20 000 patients sont diagnostiqués comme étant atteints d’une ML-IgG4 rien qu’aux États-Unis. Bien qu’elle soit de plus en plus reconnue, il reste nécessaire de poursuivre la recherche et de trouver des options thérapeutiques efficaces pour les personnes qui vivent avec cette maladie invalidante.

Dans le monde entier, l’utilisation de glucocorticoïdes est largement considérée comme la norme de soins pour traiter la ML-IgG4. Il n’existe aucune option de traitement approuvée pour cette condition. Bien que couramment utilisés, les glucocorticoïdes et les traitements de déplétion des cellules B disponibles conduisent rarement à des rémissions à long terme sans traitement, et sont associés à un risque élevé de toxicité chez ces patients. Ces traitements altèrent également les réponses vaccinales, y compris celles contre le SRAS-CoV-2 et la grippe.

Dans une étude pilote prospective ouverte à bras unique et centre unique visant à évaluer l’efficacité et l’innocuité de l’obéxélimab dans le traitement des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 (inscription NCT02725476 sur clinicaltrials.gov), l’obéxélimab a démontré une forte amélioration sur l’IgG4-RD Responder Index, qui mesure l’activité de la maladie, en inhibant la fonction des cellules B, sans les épuiser.

Le manuscrit publié, intitulé « Obexelimab for the Treatment of Patients with IgG4-Related Disease: An Open-Label, Single-Arm, Pilot Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action » (L’obéxélimab pour le traitement des patients atteints de maladie liée aux IgG4 : une étude pilote ouverte à bras unique visant à évaluer l’efficacité, l’innocuité et le mode d’action) est disponible en ligne et figurera dans le numéro d’août de The Lancet Rheumatology 2023;5(8) [E428-E429].

Ci-après figurent les principales conclusions du document :

  • L’obéxelimab a produit une amélioration clinique rapide, forte et soutenue, y compris une rémission complète (score de 0 sur l’IgG4-RD Responder Index), chez la plupart des patients atteints de ML-IgG4 active.
  • Lors du traitement à base d’obéxélimab, des réductions des cellules B en circulation, y compris les plasmablastes, ont été observées sans preuve de mort cellulaire.
  • Par ailleurs, une réduction des cellules B en circulation et un rapide retour à des niveaux quasi-normaux après arrêt du traitement suggèrent que l’obéxélimab pourrait mener à une séquestration des cellules B dans les organes lymphoïde ou la moelle osseuse.
  • L’obéxélimab s’est révélé bien toléré. La majorité des effets indésirables liés aux traitement étaient de grades 1 ou 2, les plus courants étant des réactions liées à la perfusion gastro-intestinale, modérées pour la plupart.

« Nos conclusions constituent un pas en avant considérable dans notre compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents de la maladie liée aux IgG4, ouvrant la voie à des stratégies de traitement plus ciblées », a déclaré John Stone, MD, MPH, professeur de médecine à la Harvard Medical School, et de la chaire de médecine Edward A. Fox au Mass General Hospital. « Notre équipe est honorée de voir ses recherches être reconnues par The Lancet Rheumatology, et nous sommes immensément reconnaissants aux patients qui ont participé à cette étude révolutionnaire. »

À propos de l’obéxélimab

L’obéxélimab est un anticorps monoclonal, humanisé, non cytolytique, bifonctionnel et expérimental de phase 3 qui imite l’action de complexes antigène-anticorps en liant la CD19 et le FcγRIIb afin d’inhiber l’activité des cellules de lignée B. Dans plusieurs études cliniques de stade précoce pour diverses maladies auto-immunes, 198 sujets ont été traités avec l’obéxélimab. Dans le cadre de ces études cliniques, l’obéxélimab a démontré une inhibition efficace de la fonction des cellules B sans les épuiser, donnant lieu à un effet thérapeutique encourageant chez les patients atteints de diverses maladies auto-immunes. Zenas a acquis des droits mondiaux exclusifs sur l’obéxélimab auprès de Xencor, Inc.

Davantage d’informations sur l’étude de phase 3 (INDIGO) pour le traitement de la maladie liée aux IgG4 sont disponibles sur clinicaltrials.gov : NCT05662241.

À propos de Zenas BioPharma

Zenas BioPharma est une société biopharmaceutique mondiale déterminée à devenir un leader dans le développement et la commercialisation de traitements immunitaires pour les patients dans le monde entier. Avec un développement et des opérations cliniques à l’échelle mondiale, Zenas fait progresser un portefeuille mondial approfondi et équilibré de thérapies auto-immunes potentielles premières et meilleures de leur catégorie dans des domaines où les besoins médicaux ne sont pas satisfaits, tout en répondant aux exigences de valeur de l’environnement dynamique mondial des soins de santé. Le portefeuille de la société continue de croître grâce à notre stratégie de développement commercial fructueuse. Notre équipe de direction expérimentée et notre réseau de partenaires commerciaux stimulent l’excellence opérationnelle pour apporter des thérapies potentiellement transformatrices afin d’améliorer la vie des personnes confrontées à des maladies rares et auto-immunes. Pour tout complément d’information sur Zenas BioPharma, veuillez consulter le site www.zenasbio.com et nous suivre sur Twitter à l’adresse @ZenasBioPharma et LinkedIn.

Contact auprès des investisseurs et des médias :
Joe Farmer, président et directeur de l’exploitation
Zenas BioPharma

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8886118

Zenas BioPharma Publica Fase 2 do Estudo Clínico do Obexelimabe, um Tratamento Investigativo da Doença Relacionada à IgG4 (IgG4-RD), no The Lancet Rheumatology

Estudo revelou que o obexelimabe produziu melhora clínica rápida, forte e sustentada, incluindo remissão clínica completa, na maioria dos pacientes com IgG4-RD ativa

Os resultados apoiam o desenvolvimento contínuo do obexelimabe para o tratamento de IgG4-RD e potencialmente outras condições autoimunes mediadas por células B

WALTHAM, Mass., Aug. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Zenas BioPharma, uma empresa biofarmacêutica global comprometida em se tornar líder no desenvolvimento e comercialização de terapias imunológicas, anunciou a publicação da Fase 2 do estudo que avalia o obexelimabe para o tratamento de pacientes com a Doença Relacionada à IgG4 (IgG4-RD) Com base nos resultados deste estudo, a Fase 3 do estudo em pacientes com IgG4-RD está em andamento para investigar ainda mais a eficácia e a segurança do obexelimabe administrado como uma injeção subcutânea.

A IgG4-RD é uma doença fibroinflamatória crônica imunomediada que pode afetar múltiplos órgãos, incluindo as principais glândulas salivares, órbitas, glândulas lacrimais, pâncreas, árvore biliar, pulmões, rins e retroperitônio. Cerca de 20.000 pacientes são diagnosticadas com IgG4-RD somente nos Estados Unidos. Apesar da crescente visibilidade da doença, ainda há necessidade de mais pesquisas e opções terapêuticas eficazes para indivíduos que vivem com essa doença debilitante.

Em todo o mundo, o uso de glicocorticoides é amplamente considerado o padrão de tratamento para o tratamento de IgG4-RD. No momento não existe nenhum tratamento aprovado para esta condição. Embora comumente usados, os glicocorticoides e as terapias de depleção de células B disponíveis raramente levam a remissões livres de tratamento a longo prazo e estão associados a um alto risco de toxicidade para os pacientes. Tais terapias também prejudicam as respostas vacinais, incluindo as do SARS-CoV-2 e da gripe.

Em um estudo piloto prospectivo, aberto, de braço único e centro único para avaliar a eficácia e a segurança do obexelimabe no tratamento de pacientes com IgG4-RD (registro clinicaltrials.gov NCT02725476), o obexelimabe demonstrou forte melhora no IgG4-RD Responder Index, uma medição da atividade da doença, inibindo a função das células B, sem esgotar as células B.

O manuscrito publicado, intitulado “Obexelimab for the Treatment of Patients with IgG4-Related Disease: An Open-Label, Single-Arm, Pilot Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety, and Mechanism of Action,” está disponível online e constará na edição de agosto do The Lancet Rheumatology 2023;5(8) [E428-E429].

As principais conclusões do artigo são as seguintes:

  • O Obexelimabe apresentou melhora clínica rápida, forte e sustentada, incluindo remissão completa (pontuação 0 no IgG4-RD Responder Index), na maioria dos pacientes com IgG4-RD ativa.
  • Durante o tratamento com obexelimabe, foram observadas reduções nas células B circulantes, incluindo plasmablastos, sem evidência de morte celular.
  • Além disso, a redução das células B circulantes e o rápido retorno aos níveis quase normais após a descontinuação do tratamento, sugerem que o obexelimabe pode levar ao sequestro de células B em órgãos linfoides ou na medula óssea.
  • O Obexelimabe foi bem tolerado. A maioria dos eventos adversos relacionados ao tratamento foram de grau 1 ou 2, com os eventos adversos mais comuns sendo eventos relacionados à infusão gastrointestinal, a maioria dos quais foram leves.

“Os resultados são um passo significativo na compreensão dos mecanismos subjacentes da Doença Relacionada à IgG4; abrindo caminho para estratégias de tratamento mais direcionadas”, disse John Stone, MD, MPH, Professor de Medicina da Harvard Medical School e Edward A. Fox Chair em Medicina do Mass General Hospital. “Nossa equipe tem a honra de ter nossa pesquisa reconhecida pelo The Lancet Rheumatology, e somos imensamente gratos aos pacientes que participaram deste estudo inovador.”

Sobre o Obexelimab

O obexelimabe é um anticorpo monoclonal humanizado de Fase 3 bifuncional, não citolítico, de investigação que imita a ação dos complexos antígeno-anticorpo por ligação a CD19 e FcγRIIb para inibir a atividade das células da linhagem B. Em vários estudos clínicos em fase inicial de diversas doenças autoimunes, 198 indivíduos foram tratados com obexelimabe. Nestes estudos clínicos, o obexelimabe demonstrou inibição eficaz da função das células B sem a redução das células, e um efeito encorajador no tratamento de pacientes com várias doenças autoimunes. Zenas adquire da Xencor, Inc. direitos mundiais exclusivos do obexelimabe.

Mais informações sobre a Fase 3 (INDIGO) do estudo para o tratamento de Doenças Relacionadas à IgG4 estão disponíveis em clinicaltrials.gov: NCT05662241.

Sobre a Zenas BioPharma

A Zenas BioPharma é uma empresa biofarmacêutica mundial comprometida em se tornar líder global no desenvolvimento e comercialização de terapias imunológicas para pacientes em todo o mundo. Com desenvolvimento clínico e operações globais, a Zenas está avançando um portfólio global profundo e equilibrado das melhores terapêuticas autoimunes em potencial em áreas de alta necessidade médicas, atendendo aos requisitos de valor do dinâmico ambiente global de saúde. O pipeline da empresa continua a crescer por meio da nossa estratégia de desenvolvimento de negócios de sucesso. Nossa experiente equipe de liderança e rede de parceiros de negócios impulsionam a excelência operacional para oferecer terapias potencialmente transformadoras para melhorar a vida das pessoas que enfrentam doenças autoimunes e raras. Para mais informação sobre a Zenas BioPharma, visite www.zenasbio.com e siga-nos no Twitter em @ZenasBioPharma e LinkedIn.

Contato com Investidores e com a Mídia:
Joe Farmer, Presidente e COO
Zenas BioPharma

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 8886118

Afrosoul sensation, Emelonye, unveils new single, ‘Baby You’

Afrosoul singer and multi-instrumentalist, Uchechi Emelonye, is set to drop a new single, ‘Baby You’, which will be available for streaming on major music stores from Aug. 15.

21-year-old Emelonye in a statement on Thursday said this track was coming on the heels of previous successes recorded by her earlier releases.

She said her earlier releases, Little Black Bird’, ‘Sunrise to Sundown’ and ‘Underwater’, won the BBC Music Introducing ‘Record of the Year 2022’ in Lancashire, England.

She noted that the new single, ‘Baby You’, aligned with her pattern of music, which addresses realistic themes everyone can relate with.

According to her, this is largely influenced by her interest in soul music legends as well as cultural assimilation occasioned by the privilege of being raised in seven countries and across three continents.

Emelonye said she had completed her undergraduate studies in law at the prestigious United Kingdom Russel League Lancaster University.

She noted that this portends positive signs for her music career as she could now concentrate to work on a full album.

Emelonye’s singles have gained enormous airplay across major Nigerian, British and American radio stations.

Huge interest has been evoked in her, evidenced by the numerous interviews she has done with radio personalities and on TV.

Her music video for ‘Little Black Bird’ directed by Nigerian Director, Sesan, is still being played on prime music channels and has garnered over 130,000 streams on YouTube.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Military neutralises 36 terrorists, arrests 163 criminals – DHQ

The Defence Headquarters says the troops of the Armed Forces of Nigeria have in the last two weeks eliminated 36 terrorists and apprehended no fewer than 163 suspected criminals and gunmen across theatres of operation.

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, said this while giving update on the operations of the armed forces at the bi-weekly news briefing on Thursday in Abuja.

Buba said the troops arrested 137 gunmen, three gunrunners, two kidnappers, six collaborators, 15 perpetrators of oil theft, two kidnappers and six collaborators.

The defence spokesman said the troops also recovered the sum of N3.1 million, rescued 140 kidnapped hostages, recovered 37 weapons and 370 ammunition.

He listed the arms recovered as 16 AK47 rifles, six pump action guns, six Dane guns, three fabricated rifles, two locally made pistol, 199 rounds of 7.62mm special, six rounds of 7.62mm NATO, nine AK47 magazines and two G3 magazines.

“Also recovered were eight vehicles, 45 motorcycles, 32 mobile phones and 925 machetes, and 151 machete sharpeners.”

On oil theft, Buba said the troops discovered and destroyed 61 dugout pits, 32 wooden boats, 87 storage tanks, one speedboat, 32 cooking ovens, three outboard engine, one generator, two pumping machines and 36 illegal refining sites.

He added that 310,700 litres of stolen crude oil, 14,675 litres Automotive Gas Oil, 49,000 Dual Purpose Kerosene and five litres of Premium Motor Spirit.

In the North East, Buba said the troops of Operation Hadin Kai neutralised nine terrorists and arrested 19 insurgents, six terrorist collaborators and couriers and rescued 12 hostages within the period.

He said a total of 313 terrorists comprising 12 male adults, 138 female adults and 162 children surrendered to troops at different locations within the theatres of operation.

According to him, the Air component attacked and degraded terrorists who were gathered at a hideout in Wulade.

In North Central, Buba said the troops of Operations Safe Haven and Whirl Stoke conducted several operations in Benue, Nasarawa, Plateau and Taraba, eliminating and apprehending criminals.

He said the troops of Op Safe Haven recovered two AK 47 rifles, three Dane guns, 15 rounds of 7.62mm Special ammo and a pair of military uniform belonging to a dismissed soldier identified as Bashir Abass.

According to him, preliminary investigation revealed that one of the recovered AK 47 rifle belongs to the dismissed soldier who is at large with two terrorists members.

“In the course of operations, troops recovered three AK47 rifles, three Dane guns, one locally fabricated pistol, one locally made gun, 23 rounds of 7.62mm special, one cartridge, three mobile phones, a pair of camouflage, jack knife

“In the course of operation, troops of Operation Whirl Stroke recovered one pistol, 40 rounds of 7.62mm special, four rounds of 7.62mm NATO, two G3 magazines, one vehicle, one motorcycle, one mobile phone and a pair of black boots.

“Additionally, troops neutralised one terrorist, arrested 13 suspects and rescued nine kidnapped hostages,” he said.

In the North West, Buba said the troops of Operation Hadarin Daji rescued kidnapped hostages and arrested some terrorists in Jibia, Matazu and Funtua Local Government Areas all in Katsina State.

He said that troops also foiled attacks on farmers, conducted several air interdictions and recovered arms and ammunition in Maru and Zurmi Local Government Areas of Zamfara.

He added that troops rescued 20 kidnapped hostages and recovered one AK47 rifle, four AK47 rifle magazines, two rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, one motorcycle and 80 livestock.

According to him, troops of Operation Whirl Punch arrested a bandit collaborator and logistics supply, rescued kidnapped hostages and recovered weapons and ammunition in Chikun and Kajuru Local Government Areas of Kaduna State.

“The air component conducted acquired target on terrorist camp at Hanawanka, a Boko Haram Terrorist camp in Shiroro Local Government Area of Niger State where terrorists were neutralised with bombs and rockets.

“The operation is one of several conducted by the air component.

“In the course of operation, the troops neutralised 11 terrorists and recovered two fabricated rifle, 16 rounds of 7.62mm special, three motorcycles and 80 livestock.

“Troops also arrested 16 terrorist, logistic suppliers or collaborators and rescued two kidnapped hostages,” he added.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Troops destroy 36 illegal refining sites, apprehend 22 suspects

The Defence Headquarters says troops of Operation Delta Safe have destroyed 36 illegal refining sites and apprehended 22 suspected oil thieves in the last two weeks.

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, said this while giving an update on the operations of the armed forces at a bi-weekly news briefing on Thursday in Abuja.

Buba said troops also destroyed 61 dugout pits, 32 wooden boats, 87 storage tanks, three vehicles, 126 cooking ovens, three outboard engine, one speedboat, two motorcycles, one generator and two pumping machines.

He said the troops also recovered 310,700 litres of crude oil, 14,675 litres of Automotive Gas Oil, 49,000 litres of Dual Purpose kerosene, one weapon and three ammunition.

According to him, “troops on July 24, intercepted and destroyed one wooden boat loaded with 1000 litres of product suspected to be stolen crude oil at Wellhead Cluster Opukushi Community in Ekeremor Local Government Area of Bayelsa State.”

In the Southeast, troops of Operation UDO KA conducted raids on camps/hideouts of Indigenous People of Biafra/Eastern Security Network gunmen in Abia and Anambra States.

He said the troops also arrested suspected gunrunners, rescued kidnapped hostage and recovered arms and ammunition at Onitsha North Local Government Area of Anambra.

“In the conduct of the operations, troops recovered one AK47 rifle loaded with 35 rounds of 7.62mm special, six pump action guns, one locally made pistol, one dane gun, one locally made hand grenade, four vehicles, nine motorcycles, 925 machetes and 151 machetes sharpeners.

“Others are 1,080 sickles, Nigerian Police uniforms and boots, IPOB/ESN uniform, one speaker, rain coats and boots and a chain saw. Troops also apprehended three gunrunners and rescued nine kidnapped hostages.

“Overall, troops will sustain the momentum in tackling the security challenges and shall continue to fight the perpetrators to submission.

“It is expected that well-meaning Nigerians would continue to support the military and indeed stand with the military to flush out the perpetrators of these dastardly acts from among us. Together we can flush them out,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Air Force wives seek more support, collaboration from NAF

The National President, Nigerian Air Force Officers’ Wives Association (NAFOWA), Mrs Rakiya Abubakar, has solicited the continued support and collaboration of the Nigerian Air Force (NAF) in the areas of education, women and youth empowerment, healthcare and poverty alleviation.

Mrs Abubakar made the call when she paid a courtesy call on the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS), Air Marshal Hasan Abubakar, at the Headquarters NAF (HQ NAF), Abuja on Tuesday.

She said her request was in line with the motto of NAFOWA which is, “Service to Humanity”.

The Director of Public Relations and Information, Nigerian Air Force (NAF), Air Commodore Edward Gabkwet, made this known in a statement on Tuesday.

Mrs Abubakar, who was accompanied by other members of the association, appreciated the CAS for the support and encouragement they had received so far noting that the Association was willing, able and ready to contribute its quota to the overall success of the Service.

She congratulated the CAS on his appointment, promotion and subsequent decoration with the rank of Air Marshal by the President, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Bola Ahmed Tinubu.

She said the visit was to consolidate on the existing cordial relationship between the NAF and NAFOWA and reaffirmed the unalloyed loyalty and support of the association to the service.

NAFOWA president said the association’s overall objective was the promotion of welfare and wellbeing of its members, children and the less privileged in the society through education and various skills acquisition programmes.

She also solicited the support of the NAF in the provision of needed infrastructure at the newly established NAFOWA Secondary School and NAFOWA Little Angeles, Asokoro, Abuja.

In his response, the CAS described members of NAFOWA as pillars of strength, unsung heroes and source of motivation to their husbands and families.

According to him, the association has contributed immensely to the educational sector of the Country through the NAFOWA Little Angels Schools and vocational centres.

He said the skills acquisition and empowerment programmes had been impactful, adding that over 300 dependents had benefitted in the last 12 months in various skills including catering, event decoration, soap making, embroidery and tailoring amongst others.

Abubakar urged the air force wives to derive strength from their unity as a community, while acknowledging some of the challenges facing the members occasioned by frequent postings and relocations as well as long absence of their husbands.

According to CAS, when you come together under one umbrella, your synergy as women is unrivalled and amazing.

The CAS also urged them to remain a network of support and beacon of hope to those in despair and others who might be going through other challenges.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Nigerian military yet to receive order for intervention in Niger – DHQ

The Defence Headquarters says the the Armed Forces of Nigeria is yet to receive order for any military intervention in the Republic of Niger following the coup that led to the ouster of democratic governance in the country.

The Director, Defence Information, Brig.-Gen. Tukur Gusau, in a statement on Thursday, dismissed the online report that the Nigerian military was assembling its forces for military action in Republic of Niger.

According to him, the AFN is yet to receive any order from the appropriate authority to commence military action against the Military Junta in Niger.

“It is no longer news that some members of the Republic of Niger Armed Forces seized power from a democratically elected government through un-constitutional means.

“In reaction to this illegal takeover of government, the ECOWAS Heads of Government met and a series of options were reached on how to intervene in the crisis.

“Military option was the last option to be taken in case every other option fails, to reverse the situation and return the Government of Republic of Niger to constitutional order.

“At the moment, ECOWAS Committee of Chiefs of Defence Staff is currently holding an extraordinary meeting in Abuja to discuss the political situation in Republic of Niger and submit their plans to the committee of Heads of States and Government of ECOWAS for consideration.

“In conclusion, the Armed Forces of Nigeria cannot proceed on any operation in any of the member states of ECOWAS without the mandate from the Authority of Heads of States and Government,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria