UN Agencies Launch World Breastfeeding Week, Stress Need for Greater Breastfeeding Support

United Nations agencies kicked off World Breastfeeding Week on Tuesday, emphasizing the need for greater breastfeeding support across all workplaces.

In the last decade, the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding has increased by a remarkable 10 percentage points, to 48 per cent globally, according to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Promoting and supporting breastfeeding at workplaces can help drive the progress higher and towards the global target of 70 per cent by 2030, the organizations stated.

“Supportive workplaces are key. Evidence shows that while breastfeeding rates drop significantly for women when they return to work, that negative impact can be reversed when workplaces facilitate mothers to continue to breastfeed their babies,” Catherine Russell, UNICEF Executive Director noted.

Highlighting the benefits of supporting breastfeeding for mothers, babies and businesses, UNICEF and WHO urged governments, donors, civil society, and the private sector to support all working mothers – including those in the informal sector or on temporary contracts.

The UN agencies also called for sufficient paid leave for all working parents and care-givers to meet the needs of their young children as well as increased investments in breastfeeding support policies and programs in all settings.

WHO and UNICEF further recommend that breastfeeding should begin within the first hour of birth and continue through the first six months of a child’s life – meaning no other foods or liquids are provided, including water.

World Breastfeeding Week (WBW) is a global campaign celebrated every 1-7 August to raise awareness and galvanize action on themes related to breastfeeding.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Gov’t of Azerbaijan Expresses Readiness to Enhance Cooperation with Ethiopia

State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, met at his office with the Chairman of Azerbaijani State Agency for Public Service and Social Innovations (ASAN), Ulvi Mehdieyev.

The State Minister, during their conversation, commended the Azerbaijani Government for its keenness to cooperate with the Ethiopian Government on matters pertaining to public service delivery.

The Government of Ethiopia is interested to learn from the Azerbaijani experience to boost its multifaceted reforms in both at federal and regional states levels, the State Minister stressed.

Mehdieyev, on his part, expressed the readiness of his government to enhance cooperation in areas of mutual interest such as public service delivery as well as development assistance, education, tourism and cultural ties.

Diplomatic relations between Ethiopia and Azerbaijan began in 1992.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Green Legacy Initiative Unique Model, Illustration of Willingness to Mitigate Climate Change: Morocco Ambassador

The planting of tree seedlings in Ethiopia through the Green Legacy Initiative is a unique model and a very clear illustration of willingness to mitigate climate change in Africa, Morocco's Ambassador Nezha Alaoui M'hammdi said.

The Green Legacy Initiative is a flagship program that succeeded in planting 25 billion seedlings, fruit trees and cattle feeds within four years.

The second phase of the program was launched to plant another 25 billion seedlings in June 2023, targeting to plant another 25 billion seedlings in the coming four years.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, the Moroccan ambassador said she was impressed by the project because the diplomatic corps has been invited to take part in planting trees.

“It is very impressive for many reasons because it is a unique model and it is a very clear illustration of willingness to mitigate climate change in African countries in an area or region where climate change is affecting not only agriculture and economy but also the population.”

The ambassador noted that we talk about displaced people because of security, but we have in Africa unfortunately displaced people for climate change reasons and the Horn of Africa is a clear illustration of that.

“Having a country like Ethiopia in the Horn of Africa and in Africa in general, showing this very commendable project of planting trees every year is an example for not only African countries, but also for other countries out of Africa because fighting or mitigating climate change today is not a luxury. It is necessity because we live it,” M'hammdi underscored.

Elaborating on the significance of the project, she stated that as a resident of Addis Ababa just this year it is the first time for her to see that the rainy season is no longer like before; and this is the impact of the climate change. Therefore, this endeavor is impressive and an example for all of us.

Many experts point out that the Green Legacy will have irreplaceable role for Ethiopia’s economic growth and development by enhancing the nation’s forest coverage and withstanding the impact of climate change.

Following the massive tree seedlings in Ethiopia, forest coverage has jumped over 17 percent in the past four years through the Green Legacy Initiative.

Moreover, Ethiopians across the country have recently planted 500 million seedlings in 12 hours or half a day as part of the second phase of the Green Legacy Initiative.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

Ethiopian Embassy Launches Green Legacy in Pakistan by Planting Saplings on Premises

The Embassy of Ethiopia in Islamabad, Pakistan, launched the Green Legacy Initiative today by planting diverse species of tree seedlings on the premises of the embassy.

Ambassador Jemal Beker Abdula, alongside federal ministers and business representatives, planted diverse species of trees, including jacaranda, avocado, pine, and olive, among others.

According to the embassy’s press release, the ambassador praised the visionary leadership of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed on the occasion and commended the Green Legacy Initiative for its significant impact in addressing climate challenges, conserving the environment, generating employment opportunities, and ensuring food security in Ethiopia.

He said 25 billion seedlings of trees, fruits, and cattle feeds were planted during the first phase of the Green Legacy Initiative which was launched in 2019.

On 17th July 2023, the second phase commenced under the theme "Let's plant our future today," aiming to plant another 25 billion seedlings across Ethiopia.

Notably, Ambassador Jemal said Ethiopia achieved a remarkable feat on 17th July 2023 by planting over 550 million seedlings in 12 hours, which was a success that garnered immense support from more than 32 million people participating in the initiative this year.

Beyond national borders, he stated that the Green Legacy Initiative earned recognition at the international and regional levels, inspiring neighboring countries to undertake massive tree plantation campaigns to shield the African continent from the adverse impacts of climate change.

Pakistani Minister for Aviation and Railways, Khawaja Saad Rafique extended gratitude to the Government of Ethiopia for supporting his country in carrying out flood relief activities in the country in the recent past.

He also welcomed the Green Legacy Initiative in Pakistan and vowed cooperation with the Ethiopian Government in this regard.

Pakistani Aviation and Railways Minister Khaja Saad Rafique, Narcotics Control Minister Nawabzada Shazain Bugti, PM Special Advisor Ahsan Zafar Bakhatawari, Islamabad Chamber of Commerce and Industry President, representative of diplomatic corps, senior officers from the Climate Change Ministry, religious leaders, youth association, and media outlets attended the plantation, the release said.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency