Les employeurs se tournent vers les diplômés d’écoles de commerce pour ce qui est des compétences d’aujourd’hui et de demain

Une enquête du GMAC identifie les talents convoités et les projections d’embauche des recruteurs d’entreprise

RESTON, Virginie, 20 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Malgré des conditions macroéconomiques défavorables et des incertitudes émergentes, les employeurs demeurent confiants en ce qui concerne l’embauche de diplômés d’écoles de commerce, selon une enquête auprès de recruteurs d’entreprise publiée aujourd’hui par le Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC). Le GMAC, une association mondiale représentant les meilleures écoles de commerce, a publié les conclusions de l’enquête de 2023 qui étudie quelles compétences caractériseront le lieu de travail du futur selon les employeurs – et dans quelle mesure ceux-ci estiment que les candidats de MBA et de masters en affaires sont préparés.

Les employeurs affirment que la communication, l’analyse des données et la stratégie font actuellement partie des compétences les plus importantes pour les diplômés d’écoles de commerce, et la plupart disent que leur importance continuera de s’intensifier. Notamment, les employeurs américains qui s’intéressent aux compétences technologiques ont une haute estime de leur importance future mais pensent que les diplômés d’écoles de commerce pourraient être mieux préparés pour des capacités technologiques spécifiques. Les recruteurs américains, ainsi que leurs collègues dans les secteurs de la finance et de la comptabilité, sont également plus critiques concernant le degré de préparation des candidats pour tirer parti de certaines compétences de communication importantes par rapport à d’autres régions et estiment que les écoles de commerce pourraient mieux développer les compétences interculturelles de leurs diplômés.

« Selon la plupart des employeurs, les écoles de commerce sont sur la bonne voie en dotant leurs diplômés des compétences actuellement importantes et d’autres de plus en plus cruciales pour évoluer dans un monde chargé en informations et affecté par l’IA », a déclaré Joy Jones, PDG du GMAC. « Nous sommes persuadés que les écoles de commerce et leurs diplômés relèveront le défi de la mise à niveau des compétences cruciales de l’avenir, qu’il s’agisse d’aptitude interculturelle, de Web3 et de Blockchain, ou de communication numérique – afin de leur permettre de prospérer dans des organisations hybrides mondiales et d’avoir un impact significatif dans un environnement en constante évolution. »

Autres principales conclusions :

Globalement, les employeurs ont tendance à croire que les écoles de commerce peuvent apporter un avantage par rapport aux talents sans formation supérieure en management. Les employeurs d’Asie et figurant au palmarès Fortune 500 ont une vision plus optimiste des capacités et du potentiel d’avancement des diplômés d’écoles de commerce, mais sont aussi plus susceptibles de recruter plus fortement auprès d’écoles de commerce « de premier plan ». Et comme au cours des dernières années, les employeurs continuent d’accorder plus de valeur aux talents ayant suivi des programmes en personne qu’à ceux ayant obtenu leurs diplômes ou micro-qualifications uniquement en ligne.

« Les titulaires de diplômes d’affaires en ligne devraient parler de leurs qualifications différemment selon l’employeur—les employeurs d’Asie sont plus susceptibles d’accorder de la valeur au diplôme lui-même, tandis que les employeurs basés aux États-Unis et spécialisés dans la consultation préfèreraient en savoir davantage sur les compétences spécifiques acquises par les candidats », a suggéré Andrew Walker, directeur de l’analyse des recherches et des communications au GMAC, et auteur du rapport. « Les micro-qualifications sont en soi moins susceptibles d’impressionner les employeurs par rapport aux diplômes supérieurs en affaires bien que les compétences apportées soient appréciées par certains employeurs. »

L’enquête examine aussi de quelle manière les conditions macroéconomiques influencent les décisions d’embauche et de salaire à travers les secteurs et autour du monde. Ce qui est encourageant, c’est que même en considérant l’inflation, les salaires de MBA en 2023 aux États-Unis devraient être plus élevés que les projections de 2022, tandis que les salaires des masters en affaires et sectoriels pourraient baisser. Malgré les préoccupations signalées par rapport à la récession, les plans d’embauche 2023 restent optimistes, une certaine croissance étant attendue en ce qui concerne l’embauche parmi les masters en affaires par rapport aux résultats réels de l’année 2022.

À propos de l’enquête

Depuis plus de deux décennies, l’Enquête sur les recruteurs d’entreprise du GMAC fournit aux écoles supérieures de commerce et aux employeurs du monde entier des données et perspectives permettant de comprendre les tendances actuelles de l’embauche, de la rémunération, de la demande en compétences et des perceptions des titulaires de MBA et masters en affaires. Le GMAC, associé aux partenaires de l’enquête que sont l’European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD) et la MBA Career Services and Employer Alliance (MBA CSEA), a rassemblé les réponses de 1 028 personnes interrogées dans 34 pays représentant 55 % des entreprises figurant au palmarès Global Fortune 500 entre janvier et mars 2023, en collaboration avec les bureaux de services de carrières d’écoles supérieures de commerce participantes dans le monde entier. GMAC Research a aussi travaillé avec un cabinet d’études de marché pour recruter d’autres participants afin de rendre l’échantillon global plus représentatif à l’échelle mondiale.

À propos du GMAC

Le Graduate Management Admission Council™ (GMAC™) est une association de prestigieuses écoles supérieures de commerce du monde entier, au service d’une mission. Le GMAC fournit au secteur de l’enseignement supérieur en management des recherches, conférences sectorielles, outils de recrutement et évaluations de classe mondiale, ainsi que des outils, ressources, événements et services qui guident les candidats pendant leur parcours dans l’enseignement supérieur. Propriété du GMAC, qui assure sa gestion, l’examen du Graduate Management Admission Test™ (GMAT™) est l’évaluation pour école de commerce la plus largement utilisée.

Plus de 12 millions d’étudiants potentiels par an font confiance aux sites Web du GMAC, y compris mba.com, pour en savoir plus sur les programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce, contacter les écoles du monde entier, se préparer et s’inscrire aux examens, et obtenir des conseils sur les procédures d’admission aux programmes de MBA et de masters de commerce. BusinessBecause et GMAC Tours sont des filiales du GMAC, une organisation internationale avec des bureaux en Chine, en Inde, à Singapour, au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis.

Pour en savoir plus sur notre travail, rendez-vous sur www.gmac.com

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Super Falcons play goalless with Canadian counterparts as Nnadozie saves penalty

Goalkeeper Chiamaka Nnadozie’s 50th minute save denied Canada’s Christine Sinclair a place in history in scoreless draw at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup.

The result meant Nigeria and Canada shared the spoils in their tight Group B opener in Melbourne, with the two captains involved in the game’s pivotal moment.

After a goalless opening half, Canada were awarded a penalty shortly after the break.

Their captain, Sinclair, stepped up to the spot but was thwarted by a superb stop low to her left by the Super Falcons skipper Nnadozie.

A tight first half saw Canada shade possession but the best of the chances fell Nigeria’s way.

Ifeoma Onumonu had an effort parried wide by Kailen Sheridan midway through the half.

This was followed by a vital intervention from Vanessa Gilles, which kept Asisat Oshoala’s goal-bound effort out after a missed clearance from Sheridan.

Five minutes after the restart, came the game’s key moment with Canada awarded a penalty as Sinclair was brought down by Francisca Ordega.

But the 40-year-old missed the chance to become the tournament’s oldest scorer as Nnadozie made a fine save low to her left.

NAN also reports that four of the last six penalties awarded at the FIFA Women’s World Cup have been missed, with Sinclair’s effort the latest on that list.

Both nations went in search of a winner, with Nigeria’s Michelle Alozie having a shot well blocked with a quarter of an hour remaining.

Canada substitutes Evelyne Viens and then Cloe Lacasse also had late efforts cleared.

The Super Falcons will be without midfielder Deborah Abiodun for their next match though.

This was after she was shown a red card late in second half stoppage time, as Nigeria saw out their first scoreless draw in 27 Women’s World Cup matches.

The Super Falcons will take on tournament’s co-hosts Australia on July 27 after defeating Republic of Ireland 1-0 on Thursday in their opening fixture.

They will then round off their group stage matches against Republic of Ireland on July 31.

The 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup which is being co-hosted by Australia and New Zealand, kicked off on July 20 and will end on Aug. 20.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Agba says late Esogban of Benin was a man of great intellect

Mr Clem Agba, former Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, has mourned the Esogban of Benin Kingdom, Chief David Edebiri, who passed, on Thursday, at the age of 93.

Agba, in a statement on Friday, said Edebiri’s transition was a great loss to the Benin kingdom and the Palace of the Oba of Benin, where he served with distinction as a chief.

He commiserated with the Oba of Benin, Omo N’Oba N’Edo Uku Akpolokpolor, Ewaure II, the family of the Esogban and the entire Kingdom on his transition.

He said that the late Esogban, who was a frontline journalist of the anti-colonial struggle and an engaging prose stylist, was a statesman of huge repute who deployed his wise counsel and invaluable guidance in helping the youth and those who looked up to him for direction.

“An iconic statesman, a refined leader, and a great counsellor came, saw, conquered, and has taken his dignifying exit. I was a beneficiary of his wise counsel and his positive influence. I will sorely miss him. The entire Benin Kingdom and Edo State will, also, sorely miss him.

“I commiserate with members of his family and the Edo royalty on his transition. Chief David Edebiri, the Esogban of Benin Kingdom, lived a good life. His life and times were characterized by beautiful stories of great accomplishments,” Agba said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Military destroys rogue oil vessels in line with extant law – DHQ

The Defence Headquarters says the destruction of rogue vessels used to steal crude oil in the Niger Delta is in line with the extant laws guiding the military operations.

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, said this while addressing newsmen on the operations of the Armed Forces of Nigeria on Thursday in Abuja.

Buba, while explaining the rationale behind the destruction of such vessels, said the military was carrying out its operations in line with laid down operational procedures.

He said the military would continue to perform its responsibilities in accordance with the law, adding that the decision to destroy any facility, vehicle, boat and vessels used in stealing crude oil was lawful.

According to him, troops of Operation Delta Safe and Operators of Tantita Surveillance contractors intercepted a vessel loaded with suspected stolen crude oil and arrested 12 suspects (a Ghanian and 11 Nigerians) on July 7.

“The vessel was arrested between the boundaries of Delta and Ondo State. The vessel, MT TURA II reportedly owned by Holab Maritime Services Limited, has a tank capacity of 800,000 litres.

The vessel was previously named ALI RITA BEY and a close inspection on the vessel revealed that only two compartments were partially filled with about 150 metric tonnes which is approximately 178,000 litres.

“This quantity is less than a quarter of the vessel. The vessel, upon arrest, was moved to Oporoza in Warri South West Local Government Area of Delta State.

“The voyage of the vessel revealed that it originated from Lagos and was heading to Republic of Cameroon as its destination.

“The vessel captain admitted to having been engaged in same illegal activities for over four years.

“On July 11, the vessel was destroyed in accordance with extant operating procedure that stipulates instant destruction of any vehicle, vessel or equipment linked with crude oil theft,” he said.

Buba said the troops also discovered and destroyed 23 illegal refining sites, 15 wooden boats, 34 storage tanks, 96 ovens and 16 dugout pits in the last two weeks.

He added that troops equally recovered 367,200 litres of crude oil, 27,150 litres of Automotive Gas Oil, 220 assorted rounds of ammunitions, six calibers of weapons, three vehicles and 10 motorcycles. Troops also arrested 25 suspected economic saboteurs.

According to him, the Air Component conducted several air interdictions to degrade and restrict the activities of oil theft at Samkri and Elem Kalabari.

“In the course of operations, troops recovered 367,200 litres of crude oil, 27,150 litres of Automotive Gas Oil and 550 assorted rounds of ammunition.

Others discovered included 12 calibers of weapons, seven empty magazines, 17 cutlasses, three vehicles, 19 motorcycles and one dagger while 60 suspected criminals were apprehended within the period.

“it is noteworthy to state that an estimated N202.7 million was denied the oil thieves during the period in focus,” he said.

In the South East, Buba said the troops neutralised and apprehended gunmen of Eastern Security Network in a raid on their hideouts in Ohaozara, Aninri, Calabar South and Ikwo Local Government Areas of Ebonyi, Enugu and Cross River States.

In South West, he said the troops of Operation AWATSE, had during the period, intercepted a lorry with two occupants conveying concealed ammunition cartridges that originated from Mali and were to be delivered to Onitsha.

According to him, troops intercepted a truck with 720 cartons of Red Star Cartridge of 12 caliber containing 25 cartridges each and 250 packets of live cartridge of black pellets containing 10 cartridges each.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Troops knock out several terrorists, bandits in ground, air operations – DHQ

The Defence Headquarters (DHQ), says Nigerian troops in various operations, eliminated several terrorists and bandits across the various theatres of operation in North East, North Central and North West.

The Director, Defence Media Operations, Maj.-Gen. Edward Buba, said this while briefing newsmen on the operations of the Armed Forces of Nigeria on Thursday in Abuja.

Buba said the operational successes were achieved in the last two weeks in various land and air operations.

In the North East, he said troops of Operation Hadin Kai neutralised some terrorists, arrested high-profile terrorist collaborators in Mafa, Kukawa and Konduga Local Government Areas (LGSs) of Borno.

According to him, active terrorists and fighters also surrendered to troops owing to sustained onslaught against them, although they claimed that they had lost interest in the terrorist ideology.

He said that the Air Component of Operation Hadin Kai conducted several air operations against terrorist enclaves and their logistics bases and degraded them.

According to him, the air component conducted air reconnaissance and intelligence at terrorist’ hideouts in Hyawa in Borno, with bombs.

“After, action review revealed that many of the terrorists were neutralised and their structures destroyed.

“In the course of operations, troops recovered seven AK 47 rifles, two FN rifles, one 36 hand grenade, 100 rounds of 7.62 mm Special ammo, two mobile phones, food stuff, condiment, one cart and the sum of N2.1 million.

“Troops equally neutralised six terrorists and arrested eight suspected terrorist collaborators as well as rescued 10 kidnapped civilians during these operations,” he said.

In North Central, Buba said the troops of Operation Safe Haven raided criminal hideouts and recovered weapons in Mangu and Jos South Local Government Areas of Plateau State.

He said the troops of Operation Whirl Stroke had in separate operations raided kidnappers’ hideouts at Duduguru village in Obi Local Government of Nasarawa State and Chinkai Forest in Wukari Local Government Area of Taraba and rescued kidnapped victims.

He added that the troops neutralised nine bandits, arrested 10 suspects and rescued nine kidnapped victims as well as recovered arms.

In North West, the defense spokesman said the troops of Operation Hadarin Daji raided bandit hideouts in five separate operations around villages, towns and mountains at Batsari, Tangaza and Maru Local Government Areas of Katsina, Sokoto and Zamfara States during the period.

He said the operations led to the killing of scores of terrorists, arrest of six terrorists who are Nigeriens and five others in different locations.

According to him, the air component conducted several air operations to degrade terrorist groups and their logistics bases, pursuant to denying them freedom of action.

He said the troops of Operation Whirl Punch, had during the period ambushed and neutralised several terrorists in Igabi Local Government Area.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Gas proliferation: Stakeholders solicit regulatory bodies’ synergy to ensure safety

Stakeholders have expressed concern over the recurring incidents of gas proliferation in the country and called for synergy between regulatory bodies to ensure that the issue of safety was not being compromised.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the stakeholders spoke on Thursday in Abuja at a consultative meeting towards implementation of Project Safety – a global safety action against illegal gas proliferation in Nigeria.

The meeting was organised by the National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN) and International Human Rights Commission (IHRC) in Nigeria, in collaboration with other stakeholders in industrial safety.

The various stakeholders expressed concern over the development, noting that the proliferation of cooking gas retail outlets in the country had made it difficult for effective supervision and enforcement to take place.

They highlighted the dangers of cooking gas plants within residential areas, while seeking best practices to ensure safety standards were applied at all times.

Dr Duru Hezekiah, IHRC’s Ambassador at Large and Head of Diplomatic Mission in Nigeria, decried the devastating consequences of gas explosions.

Hezekiah said IHRC was deeply concerned about the existence of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) facilities in residential areas and the potential dangers they posed to the lives and properties of citizens.

He explained that the primary objective of the project was to reduce the rate of mortality and morbidity associated with gas plants in residential areas, while upholding fundamental human rights.

“By advocating for sustainable practices, formulating effective policies, and strengthening the capacities of the state, we strive to mitigate the devastating effects of gas-related incidents in Nigeria.

“We aim to carry awareness on international safety measures making it possible for gas operators and users to adhere to regulations.

“We firmly believe that safety standards must apply to every individual or organisation involved in the installation, alteration, maintenance, or operation of gas technologies in Nigeria.

“As stakeholders, we will leverage on our partnerships by creating awareness, implementing enforceable regulations that can help in reducing risks posed by these facilities and protect the rights to life of citizens in our communities,” he said.

Dr Festus Daniel, President, National Industrial Safety Council of Nigeria (NISCN), commended IHRC’s contribution to Project Safety, and assured the stakeholders of council’s commitment to the quest for any cause that would guarantee industrial safety.

Daniel, who was represented by Adeyinka Oyediran, Lagos State NISCN Chairman, stressed that the alarming consequences that have emerged due to the establishment and operation of gas plants in residential areas cannot be ignored.

He noted that apart from industry players being worried that quacks were manning gas outlets, residents were getting perturbed that their safety was being compromised.

The NISCN boss noted that this was due to the fact that untrained gas outlet owners were proliferating, while appropriate government agencies looked the other way.

“For safety and emergency response, we will bolster our emergency response systems to effectively address incidents or accidents that may occur in the vicinity of gas plants.

“Training programmes, regular drills, and the deployment of advanced technology will be implemented to enhance our response capabilities.

“The safety of our citizens is non-negotiable, and we will leave no stone unturned in protecting their lives,” he said.

Mr Yahaya Bukar, Director, Standards Development, Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON), stressed the need for synergy and collaboration between all the regulatory bodies.

He noted that SON had a lot of standards requirements for LPG cylinders, adding that their major role was to establish standards for various products in Nigeria and also monitor the products coming into the country.

“So, we need to identify where we can synergise; for instance, if we are issuing certificates for plants, who are those regulatory agencies that should ensure safety.

“NEMA has a role to ensure that all the necessary facilities are put in place in case there is an emergency. So, we all have a role to play.

“But in Nigeria, we are faced with the problem I refer to as the ‘silo syndrome’. Everybody wants to operate in isolation.

“We are endowed with a lot of resources in this country but all these cannot be useful to us if we don’t interact and collaborate with each other,” he said.

Sini Omar of the IGP Special Task Force on Petroleum and Illegal Bunkering, Force Headquarters, Abuja, on his part said that setting up of a taskforce to prosecute defaulters of gas proliferation was the way to go.

“We must push for relevant laws with regards to gas proliferation to be enacted by the National Assembly to cater for sanctions.

“Defaulters must be sanctioned through civil remedy, minimal sentences or criminal sanctions by empowering the relevant law enforcement agencies to prosecute them,” he said.

Mr Atabo Daniel, the Chief Search and Rescue Officer at NEMA said there was need for all stakeholders to double their efforts, not only in the area of regulation, but also enlightenment.

Atabo pleaded with parents and business owners to keep members of their families and those at workplaces abreast of safety tips.

“In as much as we ensure that more people comply, as we enforce safety precautions on a sustainable basis, the issue of education and enlightenment of the public cannot be overemphasised.

“When you are not using gas cookers, teach family members how to lock the gas cylinders and steps to take to ensure that there are no leakages on the gas cylinders.

“Apart from working towards ensuring safety at home, safety at the workplace is also of great importance in making the country safe,” he said.

NAN also reports that stakeholders at the consultative meeting were representatives of SON, the Inspector General of Police, NEMA, Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) and the Federal Ministry of Environment.

The Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment (FMITI), Nigeria Red Cross Society and Federal Ministry of Health were also in attendance.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Subsidy Removal: NULGE demands 300% minimum wage increment

The Nigeria Union of Local Government Employees (NULGE) has called for 300 per cent increment in the minimum wage for workers across all sectors due to the inflation caused by the removal of fuel subsidy.

NULGE National President, Mr Ambali Olatunji, said this in a communique jointly signed by Mr Isah Gambo, General Secretary of the union, at the end of its regular National Executive Council (NEC) meeting on Thursday in Abuja.

Olatunji said that the 300 per cent rise was imperative considering the inflation necessitated by the removal of fuel subsidy on local government staff.

Accordingly to him, it is the position of NULGE that there should be 300 per cent rise in the minimum wage for all Local Government workers and other public servants including private sector workers.

He also said that considering the overbearing posture of the state governors on local government which had left it prostrate in the country, there was need for state of emergency to be declared on local government administration.

This, he said would address the infrastructural decay, poverty and state of unemployment across the local governments in the country.

Olatunji also said that government as a matter of urgency should create a special intervention fund to take care of aforementioned social welfare and infrastructural decay through the Ministry of Special Duty.

NUGLE boss said that the proposed fund should be able to carter for projects and programmes in conjunction with local government.

He further called on the federal government to establish a special agency to collaborate with the local government administration in administering the fund for the development and the transformation of the rural areas.

He added that considering the state of insecurity that had affected food production in the country, the local government administration should be assisted in establishing special vigilante to protect farmers.

He, however, acknowledged the effort of federal and state governments to cushion the effect of the economic policies on citizens.

Olatunji also urged the government to utilise the 800 million dollars from World Bank to provide mass transit and other interventions especially in the auto-mobile spare parts companies, to carter for the transport need of the masses.

“This will discourage importation, alternate energy provision (CNG), vocational skill acquisition centers for youth and women,” he said.

He also advised government to give tax rebate/holiday for low income earners and small scale entrepreneurs, as a way of encouraging and sustaining their businesses.

He condemned the attacks on local government secretariats in Plateau, Anambra, Abia and Enugu states by gunmen nothing that they were unwarranted.

Olatunji while calling for urgent re-opening of the 17 local governments in Plateau shut down as a result of alledged political crisis, urged the SGF to expedite action on the scheme of service for the local government.

“It is the conviction of the union that autonomy for local governments remains the best way to return the country to the part of development and growth.

“This will translate to the direct funding of local governments without which no genuine national development can be achieved,” he said.

He also called for the establishment of Local Government Police (Community Police) to address the spate of insecurity across the country.

Olatunji further called for special rural allowances for local government staff to discourage rural-urban migration.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Investigation: How Nacho killings unfolded, ADF alleged involvement

Inhabitants of Nacho, Abangoh, and Ntahsah neighborhoods are yet to come to terms, following the killing of 10 persons in the area on Sunday, July 16, 2023.

According to information gathered from reliable sources in Ntahsah, a quarter in Bamenda I where 8 victims came from, they were removed from their homes by gunmen suspected to be separatist fighters and taken to the junction, where they were killed.

“I wasn’t home that fateful evening. Upon returning home at about 6:45 pm, I heard that gunmen entered the quarter and kidnapped some persons. My wife and kids were not home, I called her on the phone, but she didn’t pick up. As I ran to the junction, the first corpse I saw was that of my wife. I carried a corpse for the first time…,” a man whose wife was killed lamented.

According to another eyewitness in the same area, the gunmen came with a car, moved into the street, asking for indigents from the West region( The West region shares a boundary with the North West)

“That evening, I was at my door preparing Eru(a local vegetable dish), and my son ran to me and said some people came and were demanding people from Mbouda (a town in the West region) to enter their car. All those who accepted that they are from the other region were bundled and taken to the junction. We only heard later at about 7 pm that they were killed, “a woman narrated.

The lady whose identity can’t be disclosed for security reasons added that the said gunmen claimed that indigents of the West region showed the hideout of their colleagues to security forces and they were killed. The death of five young men happened a day before the Nacho shootings. Separatists have claimed that four of those men were students. A relative of the five victims had reached out to CNA on July 16, 2023, informing the newsroom that his brother had just left Douala in the Littoral region, to catch up with some jobs in the Bamenda.

“That boy was my nephew and that was the only son of my uncle. he was asked to come for holidays, he said he had some people with whom he has been working, that is what he told his family. That house belonged to someone who was not living there…they were fighting inside the house, and neighbors said they heard noises around…someone called the government forces who came around midnight and fired shots in their direction. The military men did not even enter there, they fired shots and killed 5 of them, that is the story, he was not a fighter, just a stubborn boy,” he told CNA.

Another eyewitness who was at the junction, where the 10 persons were killed revealed that there was no indiscriminate shooting, but only the 8 persons brought from the quarter were targeted and killed. He added that 2 persons were the only victims of stray bullets.

“I belong to a veteran club in Bamenda. So everyone Sunday we usually go and play football and meet somewhere to relax. That Sunday our friends called us for a friendly match and after that, we joined at a drinking spot at the junction and were having fun. Out of a sudden, gunmen dressed in civilian and mixed attires landed onboard a car, fired gunshots in the air, and asked everyone to lie down. They removed 8 persons from the car, and shot them dead saying they were ‘black legs’. Stray bullets killed one of my members and another person whom I don’t know. Two others were wounded. It was after they went that we heard all the first 8 persons are Bamileke(people from the West region),” he said.

The victims including 3 women and 7 men were later that evening confirmed dead at the Bamenda regional hospital, where they were rushed for treatment by the population. Their corpses were deposited at the hospital mortuary for identification.

Their names as we got include Lontsi Simplice 37, Tonga Raisa 24, Tchoffo Virginie 39, Dontiuo Boris 40, Chi Martin 57, Tindo Berthus 25, Mbate Remond 28, Njei Alfred 56, Tchinda Dyliane 18, Tchoffo Rodrigue 35.

Among them is a couple, Lontsi Simplice and Tonga Raissa. They were killed, as they left behind 3 kids ages below 10.

On Monday, July 17, the government of Cameroon reacted through the Ministry of Defense by saying the act was carried out by Separatists.

“A group of about a dozen secessionists, deceptively dressed in military gear similar to those of the Army and carrying riffles, gathered a few innocent citizens before firing heavily and indiscriminately at them, leading to the death of a few customers comfortably seated at a table,” a section of the press release says.

As of the time of this report, one of the two who were wounded was discharged, meaning another who received a bullet in his stomach is still under treatment. Some of the corpses were removed and buried by family members, while some were still in the mortuary with restrictions from the government.

The incident has instilled fear in the people, causing some of them to relocate from the neighborhood.

Targetting Francophones, the new normal with Ambazonia Governing Council

At the time when accusations fingers were pointing at Separatists fighting in the Anglophone regions, without a specific group being named, the leaders of a frontline group, Ambazonia Governing Council, Ayaba Cho Lucas said, his signed orders for such actions to be taken whenever government forces kill an Anglophone. In a video posted on the group’s Facebook page on July 18, 2023, the leader who also commands the group’s armed wing said, his “boys” investigated the killing of five young men on July 15, 2023, and discovered that four were students. They had to take action for revenge for their death.

“Let me very clear to Cameroon- one Ambazonian is equal to three Cameroonians- going forward, you attack our civilian population, they will reciprocate,” he warned.

Ayaba July 2023

The Norway-based leader of the armed group furthered that, since Cameroonian soldiers have failed to respect the Geneva Convention, they will not respect it either.

“A few days ago, I signed an executive order, it will not only be enforced by our forces, you must assist, you must identify all those who facilitate and enable the killings of our people…no chief will be spared…and I warn those of the Savanna( North West ) including the ADF and all other forces who arrest and release…I am talking to you soldiers of the Savanna…all the forces, you arrest and release, I will call you out, they do not release, they kill our own…when Cameroon begins to respect the Geneva Convention, we will do the same.”

Though Ayaba Cho Lucas did not say clearly that his fighters carried out the Nacho -Banagoh attack, he gave clues to justify the act, “Few days ago they went into Awing quarters, directed by blacklegs, they went into a home where students were just having their fun, they killed all of them, unarmed, no resistance, they murdered all of them in cold blood…our forces did their investigations and got the facts, four of those killed were students…no words, no chiefs marching, no archbishops…”

An ADF dissident, formerly aiding as the Deputy Defense Chief and Spokesman of the separatist group, Ngong Emmanuel, also known as Capo Daniel, said Ayaba’s narratives are false.

“What you have to know is that with time, things are getting clearer, we have spoken with some of those family members of the men who were killed…a fighter who told me that those men were thieves and not fighters…that some of those killed had staged a kidnapping and the mother of the girl who claimed to have been kidnapped called state forces and directed them to the area.”

This is the first time since 2016 when the conflict started in the Anglophone regions, that a leader has openly called for the killing of Francophones-Ayaba Cho Lucas, says the decision is in the interest of Anglophones.

Source: Cameroon News Agency