Youth devt: Ex-lawmaker harps on strengthening creative industry, creates employment

A former member of the House of Representatives, Mr Shina Peller, has called for a stakeholders collective efforts towards strengthening the creative to enhance employment opportunities in the country.

Peller, made the call on Saturday in Abuja during a farewell dinner organised in his honour by the Nigerian Youth Stakeholders.

The lawmaker said most developed countries achieved the feat by investing so much in their youths, urging the government to follow similar direction by strengthening the creative industry.

“We believe that once we strengthen the creative industry, there will be so much employment for the unemployed youths.

“This will help the country to also have an alternative way of generating revenue if the country needs to diversify its economy from oil revenue.

“I am optimistic and believe that looking at the creative industry is a way out.

“I believe that this industry is going to help a lot of youth to become what they want to be and also provide them with jobs,”Peller Said.

In his remarks, Hamzat Lawal, Chief Executive Officer, Connected Development (CODE) expressed the need to bring together young people from all spheres, across boards and beyond politics.

“Young people bring lots of ideas and creativity which is why we are calling on FG to at least give them 30 per cent opportunity in governance across board.

Mr Solomon Adodo, President, National Youth Council of Nigeria (NYCN)

appreciate the Honoree for his contribution towards youth development.

He described youth inclusion in decision making as a critical tool for nation building.

“We call on Mr president and other stakeholders in leadership that we need great icon like this in this season because a new Nigeria will be reborn.

“A Nigeria where the potential of the youths will be moved from mere potentials into productivity.

“In order to achieve this, we need vehicle, instruments and great patriots for this.

“We want to also advocate for young people to be in the seat of power, we sincerely hope for more youth inclusion.

“So it is very important for an avenue to be created so that the youths can interface with government in order to proffer more advance solutions that will move our country forward,”Adodo said.

Also speaking, Mr Olufowobi Desmond, the President of Nigerian Youth in Politics expressed optimistic that the new administration would not disappoint in terms of active participation of youths in leadership.

“From the appointment that President Bola Tinubu has made, we are very confident that the youths will be carried along.

“We believe and hope that this administration will bring the best for the Nigerian youths,” he said.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Disasters: CCD urges NEMA, others to be inclusive of PWDs in response measures

The Centre for Citizens with Disabilities (CCD) urges the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) and other emergency management agencies to be inclusive of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) in their response and measures to reduce disasters.

According to CCD, an NGO, disaster is always inclusive and does not discriminate, as such when it occurs, it disproportionately affects persons with disabilities and their families in vulnerable situations.

Mr David Anyaele, Executive Director, CCD, made the call while briefing news men on Friday on the impact of impending flood in some parts of the country on Persons with Disabilities (PWDs).

He said that NEMA, state agencies and partners in emergency management should take appropriate steps to identify PWDs and ensure their inclusion in the planning for support to flood survivors and displaced persons.

“It is an issue that requires to be addressed as a matter of utmost urgency, of which, if not adequately checked, may affect persons with disabilities the most.

“Recognising that disasters is always inclusive and it does not discriminate, as such when it occurs, it disproportionately affects persons with disabilities and their families in vulnerable situations.

“ It further exposes persons with disabilities to increased difficulty as a result of separation from family, loss of assistive and mobility devices, and difficulties with accessing information and relief materials.’’

According to him, in spite various calls by the disability community and organisations of persons with disabilities (OPDs) like CCD on disaster risk reduction and prompt response, most state emergency management agencies fail to adequately plan for or include PWDs in their disaster management activities.

“ This causes severe inequities in access to immediate response.

“As well as long-term recovery resources for persons with disabilities prior to the disaster and those who acquire a disability as a result of the disaster.

“If adequate care is not taken to address these issues by the identified states by its emergency management agencies and governments beforehand, most persons with disabilities will lose their lives and property.

“This is the main reason we are sounding a note of warning through this press conference to avert impending catastrophes that will befall the disability community in the would-be affected states by the impending flooding.’’

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that on Wednesday, July 5, 2023, NEMA projected that about 14 states and 31 communities might witness heavy rainfall that could lead to flooding from July 4 to July 8.

Some of the states include Kano, Delta, Kebbi, Plateau, Akwa-Ibom, Sokoto, Kaduna, Adamawa, Kastina, Kebbi, Kwara, Zamfara, Borno, and Jigawa.

Similarly, in February 2023, the Federal Government warned that not less than 178 Local Government Areas (LGAs) in 32 states including Lagos and Federal Capital Territory (FCT) were at a high risk of flooding in 2023.

Anyaele noted that climate change also drastically increased the frequency and intensity of disaster globally, saying that flooding had been the major disaster in Nigeria with deleterious impacts on livelihood, properties and human lives.

He also called for data to show aggregate of PWDs affected by disasters in Nigeria.

“In 2022, Nigeria recorded the most devastating flood events in a decade, claiming over 600 lives, and displacement of 1.3 million persons.

“Although, there was no disaggregated data on the number of PWDs affected yet.

“In a media release by Cable on Jan. 4, 2023, the experience of persons with disabilities during the 2022 flooding event were shared.

“The release highlighted the challenges faced by PWDs and the impacts of poor and non-inclusive emergency/disaster management on their welfare and safety.

“Abu Hajara, a lady using wheelchair from Kogi State narrowly avoided being swept away by the flood;

“ Bisi Akponanabofa, a person with physical disability from Bayelsa had to swim a distance of 200 metres to seek refuge with a lot of trampling along the way.

“Also, Joy Ogbogene, a 36-year-old lady with albinism shared she among other cluster member were exposed to dirty water which later caused skin infections.

“Due to their low vision, they encounter difficulty sighting reptiles transported to their homes and communities through floodwater.’’

Proffering some solutions, he urged NEMA, state emergency management agencies and other relevant stakeholders to awareness campaigns on the inclusion of PWDs in disaster response.

He said that this should be carried out involving organisations of persons with disabilities and disability NGOs.

Anyaele also advised that Local and State Governments officials responsible for emergency management should take appropriate measures to map PWDs in all the wards in the flooding prone states.

According to him, this will ensure that they are not forgotten when flood disaster occurs.

He said that adequate measures should also be taken to ensure that relief materials and other support to displaced persons were distributed without discrimination against persons living with disability.

“State and other emergency management agencies should ensure that all mechanism for data capturing and impact assessment are designed to reflect the needs of persons with different forms of disability.

“ Federal and State Ministries of Women Affairs and Social Development in affected states should provide leadership and coordinate efforts to reach out to PWDs.

“All emergency management institutions should ensure that water and sanitation measures at the relief camps include options that are easily accessible to persons on wheelchairs, the visually impaired and those with other forms of disabilities.

“State and other agencies for emergency management should pay adequate professional medical attention to newly injured or disabled persons to avoid medical complications, secondary disabilities or even fatal outcomes.

“They should equally pay adequate attention to the emotional and social needs of disaster victims to help them overcome normal trauma symptoms, including providing professional psychologists to handle disaster victims.’’

He also advised PWDs, their families and organisations to take the warning of the NEMA very seriously.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

OPC urges Tinubu to stop Discos’ plans to increase electricity tariffs

The Oodua People’s Congress (OPC) has urged President Bola Tinubu to stop the proposed increase in electricity tariffs by the Distribution Companies (DISCOs).

The OPC President, Mr Wasiu Afolabi, made the call in a statement signed by its General-Secretary, Mr Bunmi Fasehun, in Lagos on Sunday.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the Federal Government on Friday disclosed that 11 successor electricity companies have applied for a review of their respective electricity tariffs.

The Nigeria Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) said the rate review is to incorporate changes in macroeconomic parameters and other factors affecting the quality of service, operations and sustainability of the companies.

Afolabi, in the statement, described the move as anti-people, oppressive, unjustified and aimed at discrediting the new regime of President Tinubu.

He urged Tinubu to kill the proposed electricity price increase, saying that workers under the umbrella of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and industrialists under the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (MAN) had earlier rejected the move.

Afolabi noted that Nigerians were still grappling with the consequences of the fuel subsidy removal, saying that increasing the cost of electricity would be adding to citizens’ burden and painting the Tinubu administration as uncaring.

“Furthermore, the power distributors will increase their earnings if they stop incessant power cuts and poor services.

“Today, citizens are the ones buying their own poles, transformers, cables and prepaid meters.

“DISCOs have turned themselves into rent-takers and blackout distributors. We cannot continue this way.

“DISCOs should be told to supply prepaid meters free-of-charge, something they have refused to do so far.

“This is because they enjoy sending crazy bills to customers who suffer darkness and power failure all the time,” he lamented.

Adolabi advised the DISCOs to borrow the example of the telecommunications companies (TESCOS) that had reduced the cost that consumers paid for calls and data.

He reminded Discos that they had inherited the backbone and infrastructure of the old NEPA and PHCN for a small amount.

Afolabi said that in comparison, TESCOS independently made colossal investments in laying underground, underwater and fibre-optic cables, antenna and electricity generators, and they are reaping the profits today.

He urged DISCOs to justify the hundreds of billions in public funds that past regimes pumped into the sector, even when the distribution segment of the electricity value chain had been privatised.

According to him, it had become clear that the DISCOs wanted to reap where they did not plant.

“This is because the generation and transmission companies were largely discharging their responsibilities while distribution remained problematic.

“President Tinubu should tell distribution companies that if they cannot deliver with the current tariff, they should submit their licences and close shop.

“Moreover, the government should scrap this territorial monopoly, where only one DISCO has commandeered a service area and allows no competition.

“Consumers in any area should be able to choose and transfer to other DISCOs as currently obtains in telecommunications and in other countries,” he said.

Afolabi added that this would further create competition and push DISCOs to render quality service in order not to lose customers to competing suppliers.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Imo 2023: Achonu LP candidate urges indigenes to rescue state from misrule

Sen. Athan Achonu, Governorship Candidate of Labour Party (LP) for the Imo State gubernatorial election, has urged Imo indigenes in Lagos to collaborate with him to rescue the state from misrule by electing him come Nov. 11 election.

Achonu made the call during a gathering of Imo indigenes residing in Lagos organised by “The Concerned Imo Influencers” in Lagos State.

The forum took place at the Eko Club, Surulere, Lagos on Saturday.

Lamenting the worsening insecurity situation in the state marked by gruesome killings and bloodshed of youths, men and women, the LP candidate tasked the people on reclaiming their mandate.

“Let us join the movement to take back Imo from inept administrators that had run the state aground, by returning home en masse to vote in the Nov. 11 election.”

Achonu pledged to tackle insecurity, improve the electricity power sector, prioritise human capital, implement local government autonomy, overhaul the healthcare system and revamp the agricultural sector among others.

He said: “The primary function of the government is to protect lives and property of the people, unfortunately, this is non-existent in Imo State.

“Imo state has become the most insecure place on the face of the planet now, comparable only to Somalia and Afghanistan.

“My administration will adopt a diplomatic approach in tackling insecurity

“We are going to have a one- on-one dialogue to address concerns of aggrieved parties in order to achieve a peaceful resolution to the problem of insecurity and other agitations in Imo.

“I will inaugurate full autonomy of all the local governments and create vigilante groups by legislation to empower the local governments, in tandem with the police and the DSS.

“I will also conduct a free and fair local government election within six months of my election.”

He, therefore, assured the people of a new dawn and to change the narrative of Imo if elected governor.

On economy, Achonu said his government would leverage the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal to bring all round development to Imo.

The LP gubernatorial candidate added that he would declare a state of emergency in the power sector such that within one to two years of his administration, Imo would enjoy a steady power supply.

He added that he would also turn Imo Airport into a cargo hub in Africa.

Achonu advised Imo indigenes and all the Igbos in general, both home and in the diaspora to domicile their investments in the South East, in order to encourage developments.

According to him, the sensitisation initiative, which he tagged “Aku Ruo Ulo” (meaning “bring your wealth back home”), is built on seven key focal sectors.

“This includes Security, Infrastructure, Education, Agriculture/Tourism, Manufacturing, Employment and Excellence in Leadership.

“I have been promoting the ‘Aku Ruo Ulo’ idea for the past 20 years which is aimed at discouraging the Igbos from wasteful investments.

“I also pledge to implement judicial reforms, facilitate women and youths active participation in governance.

“I will improve access to financial empowerment for Small and medium-sized enterprises, especially for the People With Disabilities, improve the economy and bring foreign investments to Imo, if elected as governor, ” he said.

“I, therefore, charge you to avail yourselves of the opportunity presented by the forthcoming election to turn around the fortunes of the state and restore its glory,” Achonu said.

The News Agency of Nigerian (NAN) reports that eminent Imo indigenes from all walks of life turned out in their numbers including the National Vice-Chairman of the Labour Party, South-East, Chief Innocent Okeke as well as veteran singer and actress, Onyeka Onwenu popularly known as the ‘Elegant Stallion’.

NAN reports that the highlight of the event was the performance by the legendary musician who sang a piece ‘Ka-Anyi-Dozie-Imo State’ in support of Achonu’s campaign.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Foundation sensitises IDP pupils on GBV, donates stationery

Olwin Kids Foundation, has sensitised children at the new Kuchigoro Internally Displaced persons (IDPs) camp on Gender Based Violence (GBV), as well as donated stationery to their school .

Mr Olufemi Winfunke, Executive Director of the foundation made this known during its outreach at the camp in Abuja.

Winfunke said the Joyful Kids Foundation, a sister organisation of Olwin decided to build the capacity of the children on GBV to empower them against abuses and other vices .

He said: “The main goal of the intervention is to enlighten the children and also support of the IDP camp.

“We are here to pass valuable information on GBV, body parts protection, things that they should know so that they are not taken advantage of.

“We are also here to support the teachers with stationery such as text books ,pencils ,books and others because they are lacking a lot of support in terms of materials needed for the educational process.

“We will also be helping them with the construction of new classrooms as well as the completion of the classrooms they have.

“This is because most of them don’t have windows, so when it’s raining, water pours into and disturbs their class.

“So, we picked this place to lend our support to because one, it is an IDP camp , two, because our foundation is focused mainly on children and this school here is for children from nursery to primary six.”

Winfunke said the nature of the school which was estaished by the community made it more imperative for the foundation to intervene and support the school.

“It is a very touching story and the government needs to come and set up schools, medical facilities and other amenities.

“It should also integrate these people back into the system to take them to their communities because as of now, it seems that they are just forgotten, ” he added.

Winfunke said the foundation also carry out other interventions in the area of fertility management where it helps to empower people facing infertility challenges.

He said they include fibroid and conception, among others, and equip the people with the requisite knowledge on how to come out of it.

Mr Mayowa Elebiyo ,Public Relations Manager,Teen County Africa, a partner of Olwin foundation, said that it was important to teach children on GBV.

According to him, it is critical to catch the kids young to save them from being victims and suffering its repercussion in the future.

He said: “We are community service experts and we took it upon ourselves to reach out to the IDP camp today.

“One of our objectives is to ensure that we build the capacity of these young ones about sexual abuse and other vices happening around them.

“So, one of the modules I took them was about sexual abuse, we reoriented them on how to know when they are being touched wrongly and who to report to.

“The children from ages five to seven were taught using fun ways to pass the information and they understood it.”

Mr Luka Ayedoo,Headmaster of Sharing Prosperity School and Secretary of the camp commended the NGO for the invaluable gesture .

He added: “We established the school ourselves to make sure our children have access to education and the teachers run the school on vulunterily, because there is no money to pay salaries since there is no much support .

“Before, some NGOs helped us but it was not enough, so, I am pleading with more organisations and individuals to support us so the children can be in school.

“We started with 85 pupils but now we have close to 300. These children would have been on the streets rooming about but now they are in school.”

Ayedoo called on the government to fight illiteracy by empowering more children to be in school, adding, “thereby prevent them being used as willing tools for social vices and terrorism.”

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

FIFA Women’s W/C: Super Falcons arrive Brisbane camp

Nigeria’s Super Falcons have arrived their camp in Brisbane Australia, ahead of the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the World Cup co-hosted by Australia and New Zealand is scheduled to hold from July 20 to Aug. 20.

The nine-time African champions will begin her campaign on Friday against Canada before meeting hosts Australia on July 27 and the Republic of Ireland on July 31.

After a 10-day camp in Gold Coast, the team is now set for the World Cup beginning on Thursday.

In a video posted on the team’s twitter handle @ngsuperfalcons on Sunday, the team was welcomed to its Sofitel Luxury Hotel by officials of the Federation of International Football Association (FIFA).

The Super Falcons have been unable to dominate at the World Cup just like they have done in Africa.

The team has been to every World Cup since 1991 but managed to finish in the top eight just once.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Unavoidable voice note, Eto’o fires back to Njalla Quan

During his press conference held in the sea side resort in Limbe, South West region, the former 4th national vice president of the Cameroon Football Federation, Henry Njalla Quan Jr, played a voice note with the voice of national president, Samuel Eto’o, heard, saying that he, Njalla should sometimes exercise dictatorship to rule.

But Eto’o sent a cryptic message on his Instagram account saying that the concerned individual was on his knees at the time begging to save his career.

“As for lying, let’s not forget you were on your knees and the only thing you worried about was your career while we strive to succeed for 28 million Cameroonians. Instruction doesn’t mean there’s no fault.Bla bla bla.” Eto’o wrote.

Samuel Eto’o also said that those talking about management issues are lies tellers and blackmalilers.

“What football are we talking about? What management are we talking about? What lie are we telling? Football will never be the same again. Blackmail and others have no place anymore.”

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Njalla Quan Jr. plays shocking voice recordings from chat with Eto’o

Njalla Quan Jr. has played recordings from conversations he had with Eto’o, as proof to back his claims against the president of the Cameroon Football Federation.

He organized a press conference on Saturday, July 15, in Limbe, during which he told the public that he has enough evidence. “Even if they break my phone and kill me, I have people in the diaspora with all the evidence.”

The voice recordings from Eto’o played during the conference, portrayed the federation president as a “dictator”, Njalla Quan highlighted.

“My little one, you are a president. A president is a president, I cannot give you power, you have to take it. If things are not working as you want you need to take decisions and I’ll assume the responsibility. You don’t come towards me as if I’m the one to do that for you…” Samuel Eto’o said in one of the voice notes played to journalists.

Njalla Quan further disclosed that he had been receiving death threats from spies who received a million FCFA from the federation to monitor his movements.

“If something happens to me now, it is clear, they know who to hold responsible” Njalla Quan Jr. said.

He also commented on the recent decision to suspend him from all football activities across Cameroon for a period of 10 years with a fine of 10 million FCFA. “They should remove it from the 20 million they are owing me from the Qatar World Cup. They are not getting it from my pocket.”

Source: Cameroon News Agency