NW region: Gov’t forces set two women on fire, burn houses

The people of Mejang, a village near Mbingo in Belo Subdivision, Boyo Division in the North West region, have buried their “Queen Mother”.

A witness said government forces in search of separatist fighters invaded the village early Tuesday, July 4, 2023. They only left around 8 PM after allegedly setting several houses on fire, including the Mejang palace where the Queen Mother, Nafoyn Mejang lived.

“The military entered Mejang about 3 AM and left at about 8 PM after burning down many houses, also the Palace, and finally this morning the queen mother and another old blind mother’s corpses were found in ashes. We are in tears.” the source narrated to CNA.

The identity of the second victim was not immediately gotten.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Cameroon is Sudan-style disaster waiting to happen – warns Canadian foreign policy expert

A Canadian foreign policy expert and academic has warned that if Cameroon does not take appropriate steps to address the “civil war” in its Anglophone regions, it risks witnessing the same political turmoil that has taken place in Sudan recently.

Chris Roberts, a professor in international relations at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada, made his comments in an article for Foreign Policy magazine which CNA has seen.

In his submission, Roberts warns that “There are lessons from Sudan that will likely remain unlearned in Cameroon until it is too late when a looming crisis over Biya’s successor could potentially drive conflict from the periphery to the center of the country”.

He buttresses his point further:

“With an impending succession crisis, endless war on the frontiers, a factionalized governing party, and fragmented security forces, Cameroon faces similar risks to Sudan” he cautions.

The expert who authored a 10-point statement in October 2022 (which CNA reported on at the time, see link https://cameroonnewsagency.com/independence-best-option-to-resolve-anglophone-war-says-canadian-institution/) also stated that nearly 5 million Anglophone Cameroonians are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance, but the attention of the world -specifically the West, is more fixated on Ukraine and that Cameroon’s close partners such as France and the US have done very little to mitigate the civil conflict.

The scholar also states that continued financial bailouts for Cameroon from global financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have cemented the Cameroon Government’s recalcitrant attitude as “the regime is increasingly confident that loans, grants, investment, and humanitarian assistance will keep rolling in no matter what it does”.

The warning comes barely 3 days after Amnesty International released a statement in which government soldiers, separatist fighters, and Mbororo Fulani herdsmen were all faulted by the rights group for being behind “atrocities” in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon.

Roberts’ warning adds to a long list of similar warnings issued by other organizations such as the International Crisis Group which warned of an “armed uprising” in 2017 at a time when the Anglophone Crisis was still more of sectoral strikes by teachers and lawyers, but authorities dismissed the warnings and claimed that the International Crisis Group was on the payroll of secessionists.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Gov’t presents Philemon Yang, candidate for 79th president of UNGA

The candidacy of the former Prime Minister, and current Grand Chancellor of National Orders, Philemon Yang, for the president of the 79th United Nations General Assembly, has been presented in Yaounde.

His candidacy was presented by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, LeJeune Mbella Mbella on Thursday, July 6, 2023, to the heads of diplomatic missions accredited to Cameroon.

According to the External Relations Minister, Philemon Yang is the best candidate for the position as he tried to convince the African diplomatic core composed of High Commissioners, and Ambassadors.

“He has been a very good collaborator of the Head of State and also, he has been playing a very key role in the domestic politics of Cameroon. He is very calm, and quiet but very wise and dynamic,” Minister Mbella Mbella stated.

The presentation of this candidacy follows the decision of member states of the Economic Community of Central African States, ECOWAS, to throw their weight behind Yang’s for the coveted position.

This was during their 23rd conference which took place in Libreville, Gabon.

“The conference pledges to give him its full support. It calls for the solidarity of the community and its member states, as well as the support of other African countries, to ensure that this candidacy is supported by the African Union,” the communique issued at the end of the proceedings partly read.

Cameroon will be competing alongside South Africa.

Philemon Yang was Prime Minister of Cameroon for more than 9 years, he was Ambassador, High Commissioner of Cameroon to Canada for roughly 20 years. The former deputy secretary general of the Presidency of the Republic, a one-time Minister of Energy. Just recently, he was appointed as a member of the Wise Committee of the Economic Community of Central African States and over the years, has been serving as the Chair of the African Union Eminent personalities, to discuss key issues on the continent.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Cameroonians, Africans and Commonwealth citizens can now enter Rwanda visa-free

Cameroonians along with all other Africans, citizens from member countries of the Commonwealth and La Francophonie, can now enter Rwanda without a visa.

This was the revelation made by Rwanda’s charge d’affaires in Nigeria, Mr. Vianney Rubagumya.

Speaking recently in Abuja, Rubagumya stated that:

“In a bid to widen tourism and spur trade and investment, Rwanda has waived entry visas for all visitors from all over Africa, the Commonwealth and la Francophonie nations”, further noting that “The move complements the ease of doing business and Rwanda’s popularity as a preferred conference destination”.

The announcement in Nigeria’s capital was welcomed with much optimism and will also see Cameroonians able to visit and invest in the East African nation.

Rwanda is often described as “the Singapore of Africa” for its near-mythical turn-around from the face of genocide 29 years ago to the face of innovation, resilience, and economic success under the leadership of President Paul Kagame.

The tiny, land-locked nation of 13 million inhabitants was “one of only two African nations that achieved all the health Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and saw a significant decrease in the mortality rate of children aged below 5 according to the World Bank.

Kigali, the capital is often described as the cleanest capital in Africa – ahead of Cape Town in South Africa and as one of the most salubrious in the world.

Rwanda has a reputation as one of the few technology hubs in Africa and the recent visa waiver means that Cameroonians within the engineering field who are looking for effective training at an affordable price do not have to travel far away to Europe or North America.

As of July 2023, Cameroonian passport holders can travel visa-free to 22 countries including Haiti, Nigeria, Singapore, the Philippines, Dominican Republic, Senegal, and Barbados among several others in Africa.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Mbonge: Separatists kill two in Kombone

Two inhabitants of Kombone Bakundu, a locality located some 13 kilometers away from Kumba, Mbonge Subdivision of the South West Region have been killed by Separatist fighters.

They were killed last Wednesday, July 5, 2023, in Boa Bakundu, shortly after they were kidnapped in Kombone Bakundu, CNA gathered from witnesses.

Sources from the village revealed, Separatist fighters, under the command of Besaka Belget, popularly known as, General Black Bat, invaded Kombone, in search of Obie Christopher Lyonga, the Chairman of the Kombone Bakundu Traditional Council, for motives, no one could ascertain.

After they (Separatist fighters) successfully located Obie Christopher Lyonga, he was ordered at gunpoint to follow them to Boa Bakundu, a neighboring locality.

Upon seeing the current tension between Obie Christopher and Separatist fighters, a youth from the village, Mukete Theodore Oben, popularly known as “Papa god” intervened and resisted the Kidnapped of Mr. Obie.

Armedless, and outnumbered by Separatist fighters, both Mr Obie Christopher and Mukete Theodore Oben, succumbed to pressure, and were taken to Boa Bakundu.

A few hours after they were taken to Boa Bakundu, news of them being killed broke out in Kombone.

Faced with disbelief and anger, the families of both victims rushed to Boa Bakundu and were shocked, in despair, and anguish to find the corpses of both Obie Christopher and Mukete Theodore Oben in the mud.

Their corpses have been deposited at the Mile One Mortuary Kumba, pending burial.

Obie Christopher and Mukete Theodore Oben became the third victims from the same village, killed by ‘Amba boys’ in less than three years.

The Mother and Sister of the general Black Bat were recently released by Defense and Security forces, shortly after their arrest.

Kombone is located some 13 kilometers away from Kumba, along the Kumba – Ekondo Titi road. It’s been one of the hot spots of fighting, as it’s just 200 meters before Kwa-kwa.

Many civilians in Kombone Bakundu have been victims of kidnapping and torture by the same general.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Diaspora ordered killing of six Delegates- ex-Separatist

Tamaya Clinton, a 24-year-old Ambazonia fighter who recently dropped his weapon, has confirmed that the six Delegates in Ndian Division, who were kidnapped on June 15, 2021, were all killed by a commander called 10 Kobo.

“When he kidnapped them and called from up, the Diaspora who send him everything, they asked him not to release them, that he should kill them so that they will crown him Field Marshall…they assigned some men to dig graves and they sh0t all of them one after the other,” he said.

It is not clear which Diasporan leader asked them to kill the Delegates but the Expendables 100 is a group that pays loyalty to the Sako-Ikome faction of the Interim Government, fighting for an independent state in Cameroon called Ambazonia.

The commander later died from bullet wounds following a military ambush, but the Expendables 100 have been hiding his death.

The Delegates included: Divisional Delegate of State Property, Land Tenure, and Surveys, the Divisional Delegate of Housing and Urban Development, the Divisional Delegate of Water and Energy Resources, the Divisional Delegate of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Social Economy and Handicraft, the Divisional Delegate of Economy, Planning and Regional Development and the Divisional Chief of Service for Surveys.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Market leaders task LASG, others on peaceful coexistence

Market Leaders and Traders Associaton of Nigeria (MALETAN) Lagos State chapter, has called on the Lagos State Government, concerned persons and groups to address the challenges affecting peaceful coexistence in the state.

It also said that it was necesssary to address some identified anomalies within the political and business space for the growth of the state.

Its President, Mr Christopher Okpala, made the call on behalf of the association at a news conference on developments in the state and as it affect its members in the trading community, on Thursday in Lagos.

The News of Nigeria(NAN) reports that Okpala was in company of his Vice, Benjamin Nweke and Secretary, Okey Enwuru.

He said addressing all the anomalies would help boost the progress recorded in the state and Nigeria at large.

He said the association, trader’s rights protection initiative, had been following recent developments in the state in the last eight months; prior to the general elections to date.

According to him, after careful observation, studies and evaluations, the association came out with the position that will help to heal all wounds and uproot ill feelings.

He noted that it equally removes all manners of divisive seeds of bigotry, redirects the patriotic zeal and passion of all stakeholders.

Okpala said that achieving this would help contribute to the drive of the mantra of excellence in the state and development of Nigeria in general.

Okpala, advised those being used by desperate politicians to have a rethink, be remorseful, retrace their steps, and desist from divisive politicking in the future.

As an organisation, he called the government not to allow the ugly incidents of the pre-election and election periods to be swept under the carpet.

The MALETAN boss then urged the government to prosecute anyone identified to have caused mayhem on innocent residents of the state during the period under reference.

“It is also important that the Lagos State Government should start building confidence in residents of the state whose trust in the state have been eroded due to the roles played by some politicians and their agents prior, during and after the general elections.

“A situation worsened by the recent comment of Hon. Mudasiru Obasa, Speaker of the Lagos State House of Assembly, during his inaugural speech, which suggested that there will be legislations that will be enacted for the protection of a particular set of people and against another set living in the same Lagos State.”

“We want to believe that governance should be people-oriented and not anti-people, and that those entrusted with leadership should live by example of statesmanship, expected of them,” he said.

Okpala said that the association condoles Lagos residents, especially its members in the trading community, who were negatively affected directly or indirectly during the electioneering period.

He called on all the affected to put the sad experiences behind, counting them as the price and sacrifices they need to pay for the good of Lagos State and development of Nigeria.

Okpala said, “And so, continue to build bridges of unity and peaceful coexistence across Lagos State; bearing in mind that many developed cities and countries of the world went through similar dark alleys.

“Not quite long, some buildings, housing many traders and their businesses, were demolished by the Lagos State government at the Fancy and Furniture section of Ojo Alaba International market, citing reasons of distressed structure and construction along drainage channel by Lagos State Building Control Agency, LASBCA.

“Other sources claimed that the demolition was instigated by ethnic bias and reallocation of the portions of land to foreign developers who intend constructing a mega plaza or shopping complex on same plots of land.

“MALETAN wishes to weigh in on this matter by condemning the action of the State government who seemed to have taken a hasty decision to demolish the properties without taking into consideration the effect of such action on thousands of Lagos residents who carry out their businesses there.”

“However, while we commend the recent posture taken by the Lagos State Govermor, Mr Babajide Sanwo Olu,who denied knowledge of such exercise, and thereafter, instructing a stop further demolition on the area, and constituting a committee to look into the matter.

“MALETAN hopes that the governor will follow through his promise by monitoring closely on the activities of the committee and ensure that those affected by the demolition are well assuaged by ensuring their properties are reallocated to them and adequate compensation paid on the properties destroyed; so as to assure Lagosians that the government of the day is people oriented and not anti-people.”

On the other hand, MALETAN boss advised members and all prospective investors to carry out due diligence before committing any fund on any properties, saying it would help to retain such in case of conflicts or contestations either by individuats, families or government agencies on such properties.

He also urged members to endeavour to diversify their investment to other green business viable states in the Southeast.

The president hinted that association would soon commence a preparation for a triple programmes which include “Handshake among Business Community” as an avenue to build bridges of unity between all ethnic groups in the trading community in Lagos.

Others are annual business award which is to recognise, commend and appreciate some stakeholders in the trading community, as well as International Traders Days to celebrate every trader.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

AHF tasks NCC on digital sexuality, health education

The AIDS HealthCare Foundation (AHF), an international NGO, has tasked the Nigerian Communication Commission (NCC) on access to age-approporiate Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and health interventions through digital empowerment for youths.

AHF gave the task on Friday during a visit to the NCC Digital Economy Department in Abuja in commemoration of the 2023 International Day of the African Child (IDAC), with a theme: “Switched Up CSE Access through digital empowerment’’.

Dr Echey Ijezie, the Country Programme Director, AHF Nigeria, said the visit was to look at how the eight pillars of the National Digital Economy Policy (NDEP) would address the challenges of young people in supporting a digital environment that is sensitive to age appropriate comprehensive sexuality education.

“Youths are empowered with the appropriate knowledge, skills of assertiveness and understanding for them to feel the perils and all issues that they might arise as they grow older in the society.

“Comprehensive sexuality education is important as long as it is age appropriate and comprehensive to empower the youths and make them understand what the facts are and live fulfilled lives that is risk free.

“This is the main advocacy and we are looking at different platforms to disseminate these informations that it will form parts of conversation, education for the youths to be enlightened.

“Many of them need to be informed about some of these things that they hear, see and because they have access to different devices and sources of information, so it is important to educate them so make informed decisions.

“If information is hidden from the youths and they find it from other means, which may be wrong. So we are trying to make sure that the information given to them is appropriate, correct and useful,’’ he said.

Mr Steve Aborisade, the Advocacy and Marketing Manager, AHF Nigeria, highlighted the need to equip youths with appropriate knowledge to make informed decisions about their reproductive and health rights.

He said: “AHF emphasises the importance of equipping them with knowledge and skills to navigate online actions safely, understand their rights and make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

“We call on African communities to support age-appropriate CSE, empowering young individuals to make informed choices and contribute to national development.

“Comprehensive sexuality education covers critical areas including abstinence, gender equality, human rights, gender based violence, sexual reproductive health, ensuring young people have the knowledge to protect themselves and their wellbeing,” he said.

Aborisade said the NDEP provide a platform for the commission to support the wellbeing of young people which allow unfettered access to age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education.

He noted that despite the global and national technology shifts, Nigeria does not have a national data on the state of digital literacy, which has implications for education, empowerment and health information, among others.

He therefore called for the development of a national curriculum and programmes for digital literacy skills, youths friendly digital health intervention, and emergency communication centres, youth friendly toll-free health line to improve access to age-appropriate comprehensive sexuality education.

Responding, MS Olatokunboh Oyeleye, the Head of Digital Economy Department, NCC, urged the organisation and other stakeholders to contribute towards incorporating the required digital training in the curriculum for the different levels of education.

“We focus on online safety aspect of it and if you go through the website, you will see a lot that speaks on online safety for children.

“We want to collaborate and contribute to our sector and you should also bear in mind that when it comes to collaboration, we are a regulator.

“Look at your collaboration and how specifically does it impact on the industry and what role do you expect regulators to play that we are not playing and how do you want us to play more in those areas,” she said.

Similarly, Mr Hamisu Yahaya, an official of the NCC, assured the AHF that they would consider their suggestions and articulate it to the management for consideration.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that students from Victory of God International Academy, Apo, and Chinakwe Internationl School, Dakibiyu, Jabi, featured at the IDAC event.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria