Aztiq et Innobic annoncent le prix de vente secondaire des actions ordinaires de Lotus par l’AEMH

LONDRES et BANGKOK, Thaïlande, 03 juill. 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Aztiq Pharma Partners (« Aztiq »), une société de capital-investissement axée sur le secteur des sciences de la vie, et Innobic (Asia) Company Limited (« Innobic »), la branche sciences de la vie du conglomérat pétrolier et gazier thaïlandais PTT Public Company Limited (« PTT ») (collectivement, « les actionnaires »), ont annoncé aujourd’hui le prix fixé pour une vente de 25 095 850 actions de Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795:TT ; « Lotus », « la société »), une société pharmaceutique multinationale, à 297 NT$ par action. La transaction sera réglée le 5 juillet 2023, sous réserve de satisfaction des procédures de règlement habituelles. La vente est exécutée par Alvogen Emerging Market Holdings Limited (« AEMH »), qui continuera de détenir 41 % des actions ordinaires de Lotus après la clôture de la transaction. En incluant les participations directes détenues par Innobic dans Lotus, les actionnaires continueront de détenir environ 47,7 % de la société.

Robert Wessman, fondateur d’Aztiq, a déclaré : « L’annonce d’aujourd’hui constitue une étape importante dans l’évolution de Lotus qui a commencé comme une entreprise dont l’activité était presque entièrement nationale. Aujourd’hui, la société est devenue une entreprise pharmaceutique mondiale disposant d’un vaste portefeuille de produits et dont la portée mondiale touche la quasi-totalité des régions du monde grâce aux activités d’exportation de la société ou via l’infrastructure commerciale propre de Lotus qui s’étend dans toute l’Asie. En tant que président, j’ai hâte de continuer à travailler avec l’équipe de direction éprouvée de Lotus qui a mené à bien cette transformation, afin de collaborer sur la stratégie et de développer l’entreprise à l’avenir. »

Dr Buranin Rattanasombat, directeur des Nouvelles activités et de l’Infrastructure de PTT, et président d’Innobic, a déclaré : « Cette transaction représente une étape importante pour Lotus, car elle augmente simultanément le flottant de l’action et diversifie la base d’actionnaires avec de solides investisseurs institutionnels. En tant qu’actionnaire de référence de Lotus, nos intérêts restent véritablement alignés sur ceux de la société et de ses précieux actionnaires. »

J.P. Morgan et Credit Suisse interviennent en tant qu’agents de placement pour la transaction.

À propos d’Aztiq

Aztiq est une société de capital-investissement visionnaire axée sur les soins de santé qui se consacre à la promotion de l’innovation et s’efforce de favoriser les changements positifs au sein de l’industrie. Dirigée par Robert Wessman et une équipe d’entrepreneurs chevronnés, Aztiq s’engage en termes d’identification, d’investissement et de développement de solutions de soins de santé révolutionnaires dans les domaines pharmaceutique et biotechnologique afin de relever les défis mondiaux en matière soins de santé. En tirant parti de l’expérience cumulée de cette équipe, Aztiq vise à améliorer les résultats pour les patients, à accroître l’accès à des soins de santé de qualité, et à créer un écosystème de soins de santé plus efficace et plus durable. Forte de ses succès avérés, Aztiq continue d’exercer un impact durable sur la santé et le bien-être des populations dans le monde entier. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur et suivez Aztiq sur LinkedIn.

À propos d’Innobic

Innobic (Asia) Company Limited est une filiale à 100 % de PTT, la plus grande entreprise énergétique de Thaïlande détenue majoritairement par le ministère thaïlandais des finances et cotée au Fortune Global 500. PTT est passé du statut de fournisseur d’énergie national à celui de conglomérat multinational, et a commencé à diversifier ses activités dans de nouveaux secteurs, et notamment dans les sciences de la vie, les énergies renouvelables, la chaîne de valeur de l’électricité et les nouvelles entreprises afin d’assurer la progression de sa nouvelle courbe en S. PTT a officiellement créé Innobic en décembre 2020 dans le but stratégique de générer une nouvelle empreinte dans les domaines des sciences de la vie pour le groupe PTT en se concentrant initialement sur les produits pharmaceutiques, et vise à faire d’Innobic une entreprise leader des sciences de la vie dans la région afin d’apporter le meilleur de la science et d’améliorer la qualité de vie des populations. Pour obtenir de plus amples informations, rendez-vous sur

Demandes des médias :

Ming Li

Jaruchai Sutjarittam

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000828327

Aztiq e Innobic anunciam preço da venda secundária de ações ordinárias da Lotus pela AEMH

LONDRES e BANGKOK, Tailândia, July 03, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — A Aztiq Pharma Partners (“Aztiq”), uma empresa de private equity focada no setor de ciências da vida, e a Innobic (Asia) Company Limited (“Innobic”), o braço de ciências da vida do conglomerado tailandês de petróleo e gás PTT Public Company Limited (“PTT”) (coletivamente, “os acionistas”), anunciaram hoje o preço de uma venda de 25.095.850 ações da Lotus Pharmaceuticals (1795: TT; “Lotus”, “a empresa”), uma empresa farmacêutica multinacional, a um preço de NT$ 297 por ação. A negociação será liquidada em 5 de julho de 2023, sujeita ao cumprimento dos procedimentos habituais de liquidação. A venda está sendo executada pela Alvogen Emerging Market Holdings Limited (“AEMH”), que continuará a deter 41% das ações ordinárias da Lotus após o fechamento da transação. Incluindo as participações diretas da Innobic na Lotus, os acionistas continuarão a deter aproximadamente 47,7% da empresa.

Robert Wessman, fundador da Aztiq, comentou: “O anúncio de hoje é um grande passo na evolução da Lotus, que começou como uma empresa cujos negócios eram quase inteiramente domésticos. A empresa hoje evoluiu para uma empresa farmacêutica global com um vasto portfólio de produtos e um alcance global que atinge quase todos os cantos do mundo através do negócio de exportação da empresa ou através da própria infraestrutura comercial da Lotus que se espalha por toda a Ásia. Como presidente, estou ansioso para continuar a trabalhar com a equipe de gestão consagrada da Lotus que liderou essa transformação para colaborar na estratégia e expandir o negócio no futuro.”

Dr. Buranin Rattanasombat, Diretor de Novos Negócios e Infraestrutura da PTT e Presidente da Innobic, comentou: “Esta transação é um passo significativo para a Lotus, pois aumenta simultaneamente a circulação das ações e diversifica a base de acionistas com fortes investidores institucionais. Como principal acionista da Lotus, nossos interesses permanecem verdadeiramente alinhados com os da empresa e de seus valiosos acionistas.”

O J.P. Morgan e o Credit Suisse estão atuando como agentes de colocação para o negócio.

Sobre a Aztiq

A Aztiq é uma empresa visionária de private equity focada em saúde dedicada a promover a inovação e impulsionar mudanças positivas no setor. Liderada por Robert Wessman e uma equipe de empreendedores veteranos, a Aztiq está comprometida em identificar, investir e nutrir soluções inovadoras de saúde em farmacêutica e biotecnologia para enfrentar os desafios globais de saúde. Ao aproveitar a experiência acumulada da equipe, a Aztiq visa melhorar os resultados dos pacientes, aumentar o acesso a cuidados de saúde de qualidade e criar um ecossistema de saúde mais eficiente e sustentável. Com um histórico comprovado de sucesso, a Aztiq continua a causar um impacto duradouro na saúde e no bem-estar das pessoas em todo o mundo. Para mais informações, visite e siga a Aztiq no LinkedIn.

Sobre a Innobic

A Innobic (Asia) Company Limited é uma subsidiária integral da PTT, a maior empresa de energia da Tailândia de propriedade majoritária do Ministério das Finanças da Tailândia e listada na Fortune Global 500. A PTT deixou de ser uma fornecedora nacional de energia para se tornar um conglomerado multinacional e começou a diversificar os negócios em novos setores, incluindo Ciências da Vida, Energias Renováveis, Cadeia de Valor de Eletricidade e Empreendimentos, para servir como sua nova curva S. Ela estabeleceu oficialmente a Innobic em dezembro de 2020 com o objetivo estratégico de construir uma nova presença nos campos de Ciências da Vida para o Grupo PTT, com foco inicial em produtos farmacêuticos, e visa fazer com que a Innobic se torne uma empresa líder em Ciências da Vida na região para trazer a melhor ciência e melhorar a qualidade de vida das pessoas. Para mais informações, visite

Informações para a mídia:

Ming Li

Jaruchai Sutjarittam

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000828327

Self-destruction – Mbappe describes violent protests across France

Tensions are still high in cities across France following the police-involved killing of 17-year-old Nahel Mezouk, shot on Tuesday, June 27. The unarmed teenager of Algerian descent, was gunned at a police stop.

While the French police is being accused of racism and unfair treatment of persons in marginalized communities, the violence exercised by both sides for a week now, has been criticized.

Paris Saint Germain striker, Kylian Mbappe, reacted to the destruction of property and looting, saying “violence does not resolve anything, especially when it turns against those expressing it, their families and close ones” he tweeted.

Through the post, the footballer expressed the pain he felt, sympathizing with the family of the deceased, while condemning violence.

“It is your property that you are destroying, your quarters, your towns, your leisure facilities” the 2022 World Cup Golden Boot winner lamented. “The living together that we are attached to is in danger and it is our responsibility to preserve it” he reechoed.

“Violence needs to be stopped to give way to mourning, dialogue and reconstruction.”

Over 45,000 police officers and gendarmes have been deployed across various cities in France in the past days to crackdown on protesters. The use of force by the French police has been condemned by various rights groups.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Macky Sall teaches Paul Biya democratic values

In 2008, Cameroon’s president, Paul Biya, who once said, ‘he wants to be remembered for bringing democracy to Cameroon’, changed the constitution that remove the presidential term limit from two terms, seven years each, to seven years, infinitive terms.

Despite protests that started one month after the amendment of the constitution, Paul Biya remained unbothered and instead used security operatives to kill, injure and arrest several protesters.

The 2008 food riot was also sparked by political instability and anger over the revision of the constitution. Paul Biya will later win the 2011 presidential elections and that of 2018.

In reality, the president was not supposed to seek another mandate after 2011 but he chose to pass by his majority-dominated parliamentarians to make himself a ‘life president’.

Contrary to Paul Biya, is Senegal’s Macky Sall who announced on Monday, July 3, 2023, that he will not seek a third mandate in the February 25, 2024 polls.

In 2016, Senegalese voted in a referendum to adopt a revision of the 2001 constitution that limited the term from 7 to 5 years.

Macky Sall had enjoyed a seven-year mandate before seeing his second reduced to five. However, the presidential majority selected him as their next candidate for 2024 citing that after the revision of the constitution, Macky Sall has served only one term in the new status, thus he has another chance to serve five years.

Article 27 of the 2016 constitution stated that “The term of office of the President of the Republic shall be five years. No one may serve more than two consecutive terms.”

During his live speech on his official Facebook account, Macky Sall acknowledged that there are still arguments for him to seek another mandate.

But he shall not be doing so because he intends to keep the legacies left behind by his predecessors who in all efforts to maintain democratic principles, respected the law and the people.

Even though opinions hold that Macky Sall was frightened by weeks of protests that erupted after the sentencing of an opposition figure, Sonko, and that an announcement of a third mandate would have thrown the country into chaos, Sall remains selfish in his style and send a strong message to those African leaders like Paul Biya of Cameroon, who wants to remain president for life, irrespective of their environmental context.

The Sall example has made Senegal remain the beacon of democracy in 14 Francophone African countries.

However, protesters are demanding that the courts should reverse a two-year sentence on opposition Ousmane Sonko, his alleged role in corrupting the minds of the youths.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

Ebolowa: bike rider dies running away from police

Angry commercial motorcycle riders took to the streets this July 3, 2023 to protest the death of one of theirs which they believe was caused by constant police harassment.

The group mounted several road blocks making it impossible for vehicles to circulate for several hours. The previous night, a commercial rider whose name CNA got as Hassan, died after struggling to get away from the Police. According to several sources, Hassan was transporting a woman on his motorcycle when he was stopped by the Police for what was supposed to be a regular control. Hassan however chose to flee to Carrefour Mvondo with the passenger onboard. In a moment of panic, the passenger decided to jump off the moving motorcycle causing Hassan to lose balance and hit a woman who was standing by the roadside.

Both women were injured but Hassan who was not so lucky, lost his life. Informed of the incident the following morning, Hassan’s angered colleagues marched with his corpse to the regional delegation of the judiciary police in protest and destroyed city property all the way there.

Deployed Police and Gendarmerie elements used tear gas to disperse the mob and calm returned to the city in the late hours of the afternoon.

Source: Cameroon News Agency

EU, Yiaga Africa urges young parliamentarians to deepen democracy

The European Union and Yiaga Africa have urged young parliamentarians not to forget their constituents, but promote good governance and deepen democracy as they assume office.

They gave the advice on Tuesday in Abuja, during the Convergence 5.0 conference with the theme “Leadership, Power and Politics”, organised by Yiaga Africa in collaboration with Young Parliamentarians Forum, with support from EU.

The European Union Ambassador to Nigeria and ECOWAS, Samuela Isopi, said that young people represent a key actor for change and development, but inequality pushes them into political apathy.

Isopi, represented by the Deputy Head of the EU to Nigeria, Alexandre Borges-Gomes, said that the inclusion of young people in the electoral process and as political representatives was only fair and also good for development.

“The passage of the Not-Too-Young-To-Run law is a step in the right direction, however, it has not translated into a quantitative increase in youth political participation, only, it has expanded the space for their political participation.

“A good law is only as good as its implementation, and that needs political will to change .”

Isopi encouraged the young parliamentarians to do their bit to deepen democracy and build critical mass.

“Your constituents matter, never lose sight of that; we, the EU, will continue to provide support and do all we can to promote effective youth political participation,” she said.

Mr Samson Itodo, Executive Director, Yiaga Africa, said youth representation in legislature improved with a slight margin.

He said that the North West had the highest percentage of young legislators, but the North East, South East and South South had low representation of youths.

Itodo said that the All Progressives Congress (APC) had the highest number of young legislators followed by the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP).

” Key findings revealed that youth representation in the House of Representatives

increased from three per cent in 2019 to 3.92 per cent (0.9 increase), while

in the state assemblies it rose from 8.9 per cent in 2019 to 9.2 per cent

(0.3 increase).

“Two young people between 25 – 29 won seats in the House of Representatives. This is the first time candidates below 30 years will be elected to the National Assembly since the passage of the Act in 2018.

“Four young female legislators under 35 years won legislative seats in three state assemblies, namely Delta, Lagos and Kwara.

“Kwara has the highest record of young female legislators and the youngest elected female, 26 years, is from Kwara state.”

Itodo recommended an investment in sustained capacity building for young legislators who were primarily first-time lawmakers, to improve their knowledge of legislative practice and procedure.

He also said there was need to ensure young legislators were assigned leadership roles in

legislative committees to maximise their intellect, energy and creativity in improving legislative governance.

Itodo advised the establishment of Youth Parliamentarians Forum as legislative committees to

guarantee access to technical and financial resources to facilitate active youth participation in


He also called for more political participation of youths, adding that Yiaga Africa introduced the Not-Too-Young-To-Run Leadership Prize for Legislative Performance, with some benefits to celebrate outstanding leadership performance and encourage quality legislation.

Itodo said that Yiaga Africa had promised to dole out $20,000 to any lawmakers elected at the state and federal level who makes his or her mark in legislative duties.

He said lawmakers that would qualify for the prize money must be under 35 years of age, either at the state or federal legislature, and would be assessed based on the number of bills sponsored and level of contributions to legislative proceedings.

Yiaga Africa Director of Programmes, Cynthia Mbamalu, said that the convergence 5.0 is the largest gathering of young legislators in Nigeria and is a platform for young legislators to learn from experts in the field on how best to effectively deliver leadership.

Mbamalu said that it was also a platform for young elected representatives to learn how to build power and how to best to navigate the politics in the national and state houses of assembly, hence the theme, leadership, power politics.

She said that after the signing of the Not-Too-Young-To-Run law with the hope of having more young people in politics, the progress had been somewhat slow .

“In the 2023 elections, we hoped for better, but yes, it did not go the way we were expecting.

”But, we still have things to celebrate, like in the House of Reps, we have 14 under 35 years old who won the elections.

“At the state level, there are 92 under 35 year olds who won the elections; for the women, it is still a sad story as we have four lawmakers who are under 35 years old that are women.”

Mbamalu urged the young parliamentarians to promote legislations that can increase women political representation in Nigeria and support youth political representation in the country, as it would help to stem the tide of migration.

Prof. Abubakar Sulieman, Director-General, National Institute for Democratic and Legislative Studies (NILDS), said that legislators at all levels had two major roles to play as agenda setters.

Suleiman said one was policy agenda setting and constitutional matters of national security, social security, human security, national unity and sustainable development.

He said that their second role was that of law and policy reformation, and encouraged them to ensure that constitutional amendments are made to have better policies that would promote the security and welfare of all people.

He also urged them to properly carry out their monitoring and evaluation oversight to avoid sabotage .

Mr Kabir Tukura, Member, House of Representatives and Chair, Young Parliamentarians Forum, commended Yiaga Africa for the initiative to equip young legislators for good governance.

Tukura pledged the allegiance of the forum members to work to deepen democracy as well as leave a mark legislative wise, by supporting laws to improve the participation of marginalised groups in politics .

He called on all young parliamentarian to keep their heads down and learn, adding that Yiaga Africa taught him legislation and how to move motions in the House.

He said that the convergence platform was a well of knowledge for them.(NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

Why theological education is important to society – Pastor Adeboye

Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCCG), says theological education is very vital in correcting heresies and wrong doctrines in the society.

Adeboye said this on Tuesday during the inauguration of new administrative building and chapel of RCCG Bible College main campus, Redemption Camp, Mowe, Ogun.

Represented by Pastor Joseph Obayemi, National Overseer Emeritus, RCCG, Adeboye said theological education was necessary to guild and train up and coming pastors against wrong doctrine.

“Theological education, such as ours is very vital to our society, especially in this end time when there is a lot of heresies and wrong doctrines in our society.

“This happens when the up and coming pastors, who have no mentor will just climb the pulpit and say so many wrong things.

“And because of the charisma and youthful exuberance, many will continue to follow them, but school like this can be used to guild them.

“If they come for the training, we will teach them that there is difference between being charismatic, anointed by God or being matured spiritually.

“Theological education open our eyes to see more rudiments of Christianity and not just anybody going to the pulpit to preach.

“So, theological education is very necessary for our time and it will continue to be useful, even in the nearest future, ” he said.

Adeboye also said that the new administrative building of the college was a reflection of the glory of God.

In his remarks, Pastor Ezekiel Odeyemi, RCCG Continental Overseer, said the Bible college was an integral part of the church.

Odeyemi said the college was crucial to the progress of the church and to maintain the integrity of the doctrine of the gospel.

“The Bible college is an integral part of RCCG.

“An expanding organisation like redeemed, required trained hands and so the college is crucial to our progress and to maintain the integrity of the doctrine and the gospel.

“And that is the reason occasion like this makes us happy and show to us that the college is making progress and the people put in charge not disappointing us, ” he said.

Also, Pastor Babatunde Adedibu, the provost of the college, said the motivation behind the new building was the resolution of the board of governors to reposition the college to an affiliate of two recognised universities in Nigeria by the National Universities Commission (NUC).

Adedibu, who noted that the construction of the building started on Oct. 19, 2017, said it was conceived to serve the immediate and future need of the college.

He thanked the General Overseer and his wife for their financial, moral and spiritual support. (NAN)(

Source: News Agency of Nigeria

SGF urges ex-ministerial aids to work for Tinubu’s success

The Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Sen. George Akume, has called on Ministerial Special and Technical Assistants in the immediate past administration to support President Bola Tinubu’s administration to succeed.

Akume called for the support of Tinubu by the former staff of President Muhammadu Buhari so enable him succeed in the socioeconomic and political development of Nigeria.

Akume made the appeal when the ex-ministerial aides, under the aegis of the Network of former Ministerial Aides (NETMA), paid him a courtesy visit on Monday in Abuja.

According to him, Tinubu means well for this country, adding that he is a committed leader who is completely detribalised and committed to the peace and development of the country.

“President Tinubu is very passionate about creating a new path to the greatness of Nigeria through the faithful implementation of the renewed hope agenda of the new administration.

“I urge you to reach out to the Nigerian people with details of the various policies and programmes of the administration.

“This should be done in view of your unique national outlook given your membership that cuts across gender, religious and ethnic backgrounds,” Akume urged.

Earlier, the Chairman of the group and leader of the delegation, Dr Philip Ugbodaga, said that the body was originally set up for synergistic purposes.

He also added that it was for effective coordination of inter-ministerial responsibilities by Special Assistants as well as a strategic peer review platform among aides during their tenure with former ministers.

Ugbodaga, who served as Special Assistant to the immediate past Minister of State for Budget and National Planning, commended Tinubu for finding a very worthy personality in Akume for appointment as the SGF.

He noted that Akume had distinguished himself in politics and service to the country and to humanity.

“You played a very critical role in the victory of our great party, the All Progressives Congress, in the last general elections.

“With remarkable intellectual acumen and experiences signposted by your very impactful tenure as the governor of Benue State for eight years, you should be applauded.

“Even as a distinguished Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for 12 years and as a minister in the immediate past administration for four years, you have done well.

“The country is blessed to have you in the new administration to fitly coordinate and provide crucial impetus to the swift execution of government policies in the renewed agenda of President Tinubu,” Ugbodaga stated.

He explained that the group, the first in the history of the country, existed as the Network of Ministerial Aides (NETMA) during the last administration and had now been transformed to a ‘Policy Advisory Think Tank’.

According to Ugbodaga, as a ‘think tank’, the group looks forward to working closely with the new administration to establish cooperation and partnership at all levels.

Especially as the body has experts in every area urgently needed for the social, political and economic rejuvenation of Nigeria.

“We are confident that, working closely with you, we can offer the services of individual members of our organisation to the new administration in relevant capacities.

“This is as deemed appropriate in the implementation of the renewed hope agenda of President Tinubu, by drawing on our institutional memory working in the last administration,” he said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the visit had in attendance 39 members representing the aides who served in Buhari’s administration from 2015 to 2023.

Source: News Agency of Nigeria