Posted in General

Researchers Stress Need for Synergy Among Stakeholders to Achieve SDGs in Ethiopia

Synergy among stakeholders is significantly fundamental in order to help expedite the implementation and achievement of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Ethiopia, researchers underscored.The 3-day national conference on Sustainable Development G…

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Posted in General

Environmental Studies Professor Says Nation Should Focus on Completing GERD and Related Works

Ethiopia should focus on completing the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and work on related developments, Addis Ababa University Environmental and Development Studies Professor Belay Simane said.Recall that the Arab League issued a resolution re…

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Posted in General

Japan Provides 3 Million USD for Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission

The Government of Japan has provided 3 million USD to support the Ethiopian National Dialogue Commission.Japan’s Ambassadors to Ethiopia Ito Takako and UNDP Resident Representative Tuhan Saleh inked the agreement.The grant will be channeled through the…

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Posted in General

Gov’t Launches First Round Former TPLF Forces Rehabilitation Program

The first round rehabilitation and restoration of former Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) forces was officially launched today.The rehabilitation and restoration work started in Mekele City at a place called Quiha.During the launching of the pro…

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Posted in Science & Technology

DPM, FM Demeke Calls for collaboration between Ethiopian, Chinese Higher Education Institutions

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Demeke Mekonnen has called for collaboration between Ethiopian and Chinese higher education institutions.He made the remark while attending the Beijing Foreign Studies University’s launch of Amharic…

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Posted in Sports

CNA Sports: Cameroon Cup 2023; early exit for YOSA, PWD humbles Dream Olympique, Gazelle crowned Futsal champions

The two darling clubs of the North West were in action Thursday, May 25, for their matches counting for the 32nd finals of the Cup of Cameroon.PWD Social Club of Bamenda whitewashed Dream Olympique, an amateur club from the East Region, 7-1 at the Yaou…

Read More CNA Sports: Cameroon Cup 2023; early exit for YOSA, PWD humbles Dream Olympique, Gazelle crowned Futsal champions
Posted in Health Care

Corpse of woman finally out of mortuary after two years dispute

The corpse of a woman, Mme Kuissu Wouaffo Clarisse disputed for over two years by her son and a certain Eric Nodou she was married to for over 16 years has finally been removed from the Aluchem hospital mortuary on Thursday, May 25, 2023, and laid to r…

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Posted in Science & Technology

UB students urged to be impactful wherever they go

Students in the University of Buea, have been called upon to create an impact wherever they find themselves. This was the main message passed during the launch of activities marking the 30th anniversary of the institution.The three-day event kicked off…

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