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Nigeria pledges commitment to build resilience, sustainability of Niger Basin

The Federal Government on Wednesday pledged its commitment to build resilience and sustainability of Niger Basin to promote livelihood support for countries benefiting from its resources.This was the thrust of the National Workshop on the “Establishme…

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Army heritage centre harps on needs-driven research

The Nigerian Army Heritage and Future Centre (NAHFC) has expressed commitment to embark on needs-driven research aimed at bridging identified gaps in the Nigerian army’s tactical, operational and logistics capabilities.The Director-General of NAHFC, M…

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Ethiopia Reiterates Commitment to Realization of LAPSSET Vision

The three-day meeting that runs from May 17–19, 2023, is expected to come with an outcome document that aims at accelerating the Regional LAPSSET Corridor project implementation.Ethiopian high level delegation led by State Minister of Finance, Dr. Eyo…

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Yaounde: thief beaten to death by population

A thief has been beaten to death this May 17 at the Amour Mezam, Tongolo branch neighborhood in Yaounde, center region of Cameroon.According to eye witnesses, the alleged thief attempted to steal a lady’s bag and phone when the agency guard intervened…

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