Posted in Science & Technology

EU, Ministry of Health Sign Agreement to Improve Specialized Health Education in Ethiopia

The European Union (EU) and Ministry of Health have today signed an agreement that aims at improving specialized health education in Ethiopia with a budget of 5 million Euros.Ethiopian Minister of Health, Lia Tadesse and the European Union Ambassador t…

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Posted in General

Day of living together in peace, some IDPs say they are happy in host communities

May 16 is the international day of living together in peace.In Cameroon, the celebrtaion of this day comes in a context where the country is getting ready to observe its national unity day celebrated every May 20th although a socio-political crisis has…

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Where are the motorbikes donated to vigilante groups?

About a year ago on May 11 2022, the Governor of the North West region, Adolphe Lele L’Afrique handed over a total of 80 new motorcycles to Senior Divisional Officers of the region to distribute to vigilante groups in their divisions.This was during a …

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NW security forces accuse authorities of delaying their integration salaries, arrears

Some security forces working in the restive North West region have been accusing authorities in the region of delaying their salary advancements and other benefits for years now.According to a reliable source working in the Police, ever since they grad…

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