Africa Press Releases South Africa

LeddarTech annonce un financement de série D de 140 millions $ US combiné à une facilité de crédit

Ce dernier financement soutient les efforts de croissance et de développement accélérés de LeddarTech entourant ses solutions uniques et exclusives de fusion de données de capteurs et de perception automobiles.

QUÉBEC, 03 févr. 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — LeddarTech®, chef de file de calibre mondial en technologie de détection précise, robuste et polyvalente pour les systèmes avancés d’aide à la conduite (systèmes ADAS) et de conduite autonome (systèmes AD), est heureuse d’annoncer une ronde de financement réussie avec un investissement de 140 M$ US, qui comprend une première clôture de série D de 116 M$ US et une facilité de crédit de 24 M$ US.

FS Investors a mené la ronde de financement avec la participation d’Investissement Québec, BDC Capital, Go Capital, certains fonds gérés par Fidelity Investments Canada ULC, Fonds de solidarité FTQ, Exportation et développement Canada, ams OSRAM, Desjardins Capital, UI Investissement, Cowen Investment II LLC et d’autres membres de la direction de LeddarTech. La facilité de crédit a été garantie avec Groupe Desjardins.

Cet investissement accélérera le développement et la commercialisation des solutions LeddarTech. De plus, LeddarTech utilisera les fonds pour accroître ses ressources en ingénierie afin de répondre aux demandes des équipementiers et des fournisseurs automobiles de rang 1-2 mondiaux, activement engagés avec l’entreprise pour des solutions de détection intégrant la fusion de données de capteurs et la perception.

« Notre décision de nous associer à LeddarTech s’est faite dès que nous avons été présentés à la haute direction de l’entreprise. À titre individuel, les membres séniors de l’équipe possèdent des décennies d’expérience dans l’industrie technologique. De plus, beaucoup ont travaillé dans de grandes entreprises mondiales actives dans les technologies automobiles et de la détection », a déclaré Nick Stone, fondateur et partenaire de FS Investors. « Un processus de diligence raisonnable approfondi, associé à une solide validation des clients, a confirmé que la solution exclusive de LeddarTech est la mieux positionnée sur le marché pour favoriser l’adoption massive des systèmes ADAS et AD en brisant la dépendance logicielle vis-à-vis du matériel généralement rencontrée dans les technologies de détection », selon M. Stone. Celui-ci a conclu : « La solution de LeddarTech, appelée LeddarVision, permet aux clients de s’adapter aisément aux différents modèles de véhicules et de livrer plus rapidement avec de meilleures performances et à moindre coût ».

« Le succès de cette ronde de financement témoigne de la croissance et de la reconnaissance de l’industrie que LeddarTech a obtenues. Je suis ravi de compter FS Investors parmi nos investisseurs les plus récents, qui apportent un haut niveau d’expérience et de savoir-faire dans le secteur de la technologie innovatrice », a déclaré Charles Boulanger, chef de la direction de LeddarTech. « J’ai été impressionné par la qualité et la minutie de leur diligence et leur compréhension exceptionnelle du marché des systèmes ADAS et AD, ce qui confirme la valeur de notre solution logicielle unique. Notre équipe et moi-même sommes impatients de travailler avec FS Investors, nos autres nouveaux investisseurs et nos partenaires existants pour permettre à nos clients de déployer de manière significative nos solutions ADAS et AD fiables et efficientes sur leur marché », a conclu M. Boulanger.

Cowen et Desjardins Marché des capitaux ont agi en tant que co-conseillers dans cette ronde d’investissement.

À propos de LeddarTech

Fondée en 2007, LeddarTech a évolué pour devenir une entreprise active dans les solutions de détection environnementale intégrées permettant aux clients de résoudre des problèmes critiques en matière de détection, de fusion de données et de perception tout au long de la chaîne de valeur. L’entreprise offre des solutions de fusion de données brutes de capteurs et de perception efficaces et extensibles comme LeddarVision™, une plateforme qui génère un modèle environnemental 3D intégré qui accepte des configurations multicapteurs pour appuyer les niveaux d’autonomie 2+ à 5 et prend en charge tous les niveaux d’automatisation des véhicules. LeddarTech soutient également les fabricants de LiDARs et les intégrateurs de systèmes automobiles de rang 1 et 2 avec le LeddarSteer™, un dispositif d’orientation numérique du faisceau, ainsi que le XLRator, la solution de développement de LiDARs solid-state de classe automobile basée sur le LeddarEngine™ et qui intègre des composants clés provenant de leaders mondiaux des semiconducteurs. Détentrice de plus de 100 technologies brevetées (brevets accordés ou en instance) qui améliorent les capacités des systèmes d’aide à la conduite et de conduite autonome, la société a contribué à plusieurs innovations liées à des applications de pointe en matière de télédétection automobile et de mobilité.

Renseignements complémentaires disponibles sur et sur LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook et YouTube.

Contact :
Daniel Aitken, vice-président, Marketing, communications et relations avec les investisseurs mondiaux, LeddarTech Inc.
Tél. : + 1-418-653-9000 poste 232

Leddar, LeddarTech, LeddarSteer, LeddarEngine, LeddarVision, LeddarSP, LeddarCore, LeddarEcho, VAYADrive, VayaVision, XLRator et les logos associés sont des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées de LeddarTech Inc. et de ses filiales. Tous les autres noms de marques, noms de produits et marques sont ou peuvent être des marques de commerce ou des marques déposées utilisées pour désigner les produits ou les services de leurs propriétaires respectifs.

Africa Press Releases South Africa

Woolpert fait l’acquisition d’eTrac Inc., une entreprise de levés hydrographiques par navire basée en Californie

Cette fusion combinera des produits et des services complémentaires de technologie maritime pour mieux servir les clients aux États-Unis et dans le reste du monde à l’aide de capacités intégrées.

DAYTON, Ohio, 3 février 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Woolpert a fait l’acquisition d’ eTrac Inc., une entreprise spécialisée en levés hydrographiques par navire et en technologies maritimes, qui fournit des services maritimes personnalisés et intégrés à des projets menés aux États-Unis et dans ses territoires. L’entreprise collecte et traite un large éventail de données, notamment des données de levés hydrographiques et de cartes bathymétriques pour une application dans les domaines de la cartographie côtière, de la sécurité de la navigation et de la cartographie nautique ; des données de sonars multi-faisceaux à haute résolution pour une application dans le domaine du dragage de chenaux de navigation et des inspections de pipelines ; ou encore des données d’imagerie sous-marine et de lidar aérien pour une application dans le domaine de l’analyse des changements, ainsi que du positionnement et de la surveillance des navires.

En alliant l’expertise en matière de levés hydrographiques et de sonars multi-faisceaux d’eTrac aux capacités topographiques, bathymétriques et géospatiales aériennes de Woolpert, cette acquisition permet aux deux entreprises d’approfondir leur offre de services, de tirer parti des synergies inhérentes, de réaliser des gains d’efficacité opérationnels et d’étendre leur portée géographique. Par ailleurs, elle intègre la flotte de navires de reconnaissance d’eTrac dans celle de Woolpert, qui compte 49 aéronefs habités et sans pilote.

eTrac a son siège social à San Rafael, en Californie, et compte des bureaux au Texas, à Washington et en Alaska. L’entreprise intégrera le secteur géospatial de Woolpert et élargira ses activités en vue de servir des clients à l’échelle des États-Unis et du monde.

À propos de Woolpert
Woolpert est la première société spécialisée en architecture, ingénierie et géospatial (AEG) et en conseil stratégique, et a pour vocation de devenir l’une des meilleures entreprises au monde. Inscrite à la liste des 150 premières sociétés de design dans le monde d’ENR, Woolpert a récemment obtenu pour une sixième année consécutive la certification « Great Place to Work », et cultive activement une culture de croissance, d’inclusion, de diversité et de respect. Fondée en 1911 à Dayton, dans l’Ohio, Woolpert est la société américaine spécialisée en AEG qui connaît la croissance la plus rapide depuis 2015. Elle emploie plus de 1 600 employés et compte 60 bureaux sur quatre continents. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site :

À propos d’eTrac Inc.
Fondée en 2003 à titre d’entreprise de relevés hydrographiques, de positionnement de navires et d’instrumentation marine, eTrac s’est rapidement développée et emploie aujourd’hui plus de 40 employés dans plusieurs bureaux situés le long de la côte des États-Unis. L’entreprise a acquis une solide réputation auprès de nombreux acteurs de l’industrie hydrographique, y compris les organismes gouvernementaux et les entreprises du secteur privé. Sa flotte d’équipement s’est agrandie et comprend désormais des navires de levés géophysiques, ainsi que plusieurs bateaux ultraportables de sondage en eau peu profonde. eTrac est engagée à réinvestir continuellement dans un équipement de pointe et un personnel compétent, afin de réaliser les levés multi-faisceaux, les levés par faisceau unique, par balayage latéral ou par lidar mobile, ainsi que les levés de fond marin et du niveau de l’eau requis par les clients. Pour de plus amples informations, consultez le site :

Contact pour les médias : Jill Kelley, responsable des RP de Woolpert ; 937-531-1258,

Vidéo –


ECOWAS to send stabilization force to Guinea-Bissau after foiled coup

ACCRA— The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has decided to send a stabilization force to help stabilize the security situation in Guinea-Bissau after Tuesday’s failed coup, an ECOWAS official said.

ECOWAS Commission President Jean-Claude Kassi Brou said at a press briefing after an extraordinary summit of the authority of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government that the regional bloc has decided to offer military support to Guinea-Bissau to secure its democracy and sustain peace and security in the country.

“This is something that we will do very rapidly to ensure that this type of attempt of take-over power by force does not take place,” said Kassi Brou.

He said it took such a force from ECOWAS in the past to stabilize democracy in a country that experienced two military coups, a civil war, and a presidential assassination by the military since 1994.

The government of Guinea-Bissau on Wednesday confirmed 11 people died during a failed coup attempt that took place in the country on Tuesday.



Violence Displaces Sudanese, South Sudanese Refugees in Ethiopia

More than 20,000 Sudanese and South Sudanese forced by violence to flee their refugee camps in northwestern Ethiopia are in desperate need of lifesaving aid.

A camp hosting 10,300 Sudanese and South Sudanese refugees in Ethiopia’s northwestern region of Benishangul-Gumuz was looted and burned on January 18.

This, after fighting broke out between unidentified armed groups and federal forces in the nearby town of Tongo.

This alarming event followed the looting of another camp in the area in late December.

A spokesman for the U.N. high commissioner for refugees, Boris Cheshirkov, said the situation in this region has been very tense since violence first erupted in December.

“A total of 22,000 people in both camps have been cut off from access and assistance since then," Cheshirkov said. "All humanitarian staff have had to evacuate, and access to the area including to the two camps remains impossible. “

The Benishangul-Gumuz region borders Sudan and South Sudan. It hosts more than 70,000 refugees from those countries, as well as more than a half-million Ethiopians internally displaced by intercommunal violence and conflict.

Cheshirkov reports that since violence erupted in December, more than 20,000 refugees have made the long, difficult trek to three different sites closer to Asosa, the regional capital. He said all have arrived exhausted and in need of assistance.

“UNHCR, the U.N. refugee agency, and partners are rushing life-saving aid to more than 20,000 refugees," Cheshirkov said. "UNHCR is working with the Ethiopian Refugee and Returnees Service and partners to provide the most urgent assistance to displaced refugees, including hot meals, clean water, and medical care.”

Cheshirkov said regional authorities are setting up a new temporary site that can hold 20,000 people. He said UNHCR is working to install basic services including shelter, water collection points and latrines. It then will seek to relocate the refugees to the new site as soon as possible.

Source: Voice of America

Health Care

New WHO platform promotes global cancer prevention

With one in five people worldwide developing cancer during their lifetimes, prevention of the disease has become one of the most significant public health challenges of the 21st century.

To mark World Cancer Day, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research of Cancer (IARC) launched on Friday the World Code Against Cancer Framework, an online platform that will promote prevention globally and the development of Regional Codes to help fight the disease.

Based on current scientific evidence, at least 40 per cent of all cancer cases could be prevented with effective primary prevention measures, and further mortality can be reduced through early detection of tumours.

Regional differences

Dr. Carolina Espina, the IARC scientist who leads the project, explains that some risk factors are common worldwide, but some patterns are specific to certain regions and socioeconomic and cultural conditions.

Because of that, the new framework provides a common strategy and methodology to develop recommendations tailored to the context and needs of local populations.

The framework builds on the success of the fourth edition of the European Code Against Cancer.

“This new platform will host existing Regional Codes Against Cancer, such as the European Code…as well as Regional Codes that are currently under development, such as the Latin America and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer, and other future Regional Codes”,Dr.Espina explained.

The Latin America and the Caribbean Code Against Cancer is expected to be launched in 2023. It will be the first regional adaptation of the European Code Against Cancer.

Rays of Hope Initiative

Also on Friday, The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced a new initiative, called Rays of Hope, to support Member States with diagnosis and treatment using radiation technologies, beginning with African countries most in need.

In a joint statement, the World Health Organization (WHO)Director-General, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and the IAEA Director General, Rafael Mariano Grossi,explained how low and middle-income countries (LMICs) are disproportionately affected.

By 2040, over 70 per cent of cancer deaths are expected to occur in LMICs.

According to the two officials, recommended interventions for preventing cancer and other noncommunicable diseases have not been adequately implemented, and treatment remains inaccessible in many parts of the world.

“Globally, an estimated half of people diagnosed with cancer may require radiotherapy as part of their care, yet many countries do not have a single radiotherapy machine”, they say.

The disparity is particularly acute in Africa where nearly 70 per cent of countries reported that radiotherapy is generally unavailable.

The IAEA and WHO have a long-standing collaboration to support Member States to address their cancer burdens.

The organizations have successfully supported more than 90 governments through imPACT review missions, and through WHO cancer initiatives in cervical, childhood and breast cancers.

Source: United Nations

Health Care

Africa’s First mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Produced

South African pharmaceutical company Afrigen is the first on the continent to make an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine using Moderna's publicly available data. The company hopes to start clinical trials of the vaccine in November.

Afrigen is one of the companies taking part in a World Health Organization-backed hub to develop vaccines for low- and middle-income countries. Afrigen Managing Director Petro Terblanche said the mRNA vaccine was made with the company's own knowledge base, processes and people. She said there were no technology transfers from any third party.

"The latest development at the mRNA hub at Afrigen in Cape Town is that our scientists have used the sequence of the Moderna vaccine 1273 published by Stanford University in an open-source manner and formulated a drug product at laboratory scale. They are currently doing more batches and analytical tests to make sure that they have the quality in place. So this is the first lab scale full end-to-end vaccine candidate that has been developed," she said.

Terblanche said the company did not need permission from Moderna because its vaccine is still in the research and development stage.

"The sequence is published in the first place, secondly we are operating in the R&D space," she said. "We have full freedom to operate, an exemption under the Bolar Exemption in IP law. So up to phase 3 clinical trials we are completely legal, and we don't need any permission. Once that product is commercialized and there are IP constraints, we need to get a voluntary license for that."

Terblanche said they would be asking Moderna to voluntarily license the vaccine to them, as it will be mutually beneficial to the companies and to low- and middle-income countries that will use this technology.

She added that they were using the new vaccine as a test case for a second-generation vaccine that is in the design phase.

Moderna has not commented on Afrigen's announcement, but it was widely reported late last year that the company had paused a patent dispute with the U.S. government over its coronavirus vaccine.

Moderna had been disputing claims that three U.S. government scientists were co-inventors. However, the company said it would not pursue the fight for now, as it did not want to take attention away from battling the pandemic.

Terblanche acknowledged support from scientists in other countries for Afrigen's work.

"This is our learning case and we're pleasantly surprised with the results, but the design of the new formulation is already happening with the scientists and with technical partners globally," she said. "It's not only us, it's a fantastic partnership with scientists in the U.S. and in Europe."

South Africa's acting director general of the National Health Department, Dr. Nicholas Crisp, welcomed news of the mRNA vaccine development.

"We're very pleased to note that they've been picking up speed very fast in their capabilities," he said. "It's very exciting, it's very important for the country. It's one of a number of facilities that we are busy working on as a country between the department of health and science and innovation and other partners. So very encouraging."

The World Health Organization's regional director for Africa, Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, said 11% of the African population is fully vaccinated, and 85% have not received a single dose. She added that 239,000 people in Africa have died due to the pandemic.

Source: Voice of America

Health Care

Covid-19: Fatalities worldwide exceed 12,500 in past day – WHO

GENEVA— More than 12,500 coronavirus-related deaths were registered worldwide in the past 24 hours, making Thursday the deadliest day since July 2021, the World Health Organization said.

As of Feb 3, as many as 383,509,779 novel coronavirus cases and 5,690,824 coronavirus-associated deaths were registered across the globe.

The number of confirmed cases grew by 3,015,863 over the past day and the number of fatalities increased by 12,513. It was the highest daily fatality figure registered since July 21, 2021, when the novel coronavirus infection claimed the lives of 20,111 people all over the world.

The WHO statistics is based on officially confirmed data from the countries. The threshold of 350 million cases was crossed on Jan 25, of 300 million on Jan 8, of 250 million on Nov 9, of 200 million on Aug 5.

The biggest number of coronavirus cases was reported from the United States (74,787,329), followed by India (41,803,318), Brazil (25,620,209), France (19,322,157) and the United Kingdom (17,515,203). The biggest number of fatalities was reported from the United States (884,477), followed by Brazil (628,067), India (498,983), Russia (333,357) and Mexico (306,920).


Africa Asean MENA Pakistan Press Releases South Africa

FloQast Celebrates 2021 as Landmark Year for Company Growth

Fueled by a Successful Series D Funding Round and Hiring Campaign, FloQast Continues Building Momentum Throughout Q4 with Massive YoY Growth Rate

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 03, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — FloQast, a provider of accounting workflow automation software created by accountants for accountants, today announced its Q4 and 2021 metrics, concluding a milestone year highlighted by international expansion, new product and company initiatives, industry accolades, and the biggest growth the company has seen since its launch. The company reported 97% year-over-year growth in annual recurring revenue (ARR) for the quarter, as well as 153% year-over-year growth in net new ARR for 2021. Further, with more than 1,500 customers globally, FloQast added 171 new customers in Q4. These milestones stem from the recent $110 million Series D funding, led by Meritech Capital, and further the company’s leadership role in workflow automation technology.

“This past year, FloQast experienced exceptional growth across the board – including funding, product and platform launches, customer acquisition and more – making this one of the most important and successful years for the company since we were founded,” says Mike Whitmire, inactive CPA, co-founder and CEO at FloQast. “This growth is a testament to the critical advances taking root across the accounting industry and highlights FloQast’s ability to deliver next-generation technology to usher in a new era of modernization and change.”

Over the course of 2021, FloQast experienced milestones in several key areas:

  • A successful $110 million Series D funding round, led by Meritech Capital, and a valuation of $1.2 billion, making the company a “unicorn workflow solution provider.”
  • The receipt of 36 G2 badges in 2021, including:
    • #1 Leader in the G2 Momentum Grid, Fall 2021 and Winter 2022 Leader, Users Love Us, High Performer in Enterprise, Leader in Mid Market, and Winter 2022 Momentum Leader.
  • Notable Q4 customer acquisition includes prominent names such as Atmosphere TV, Demandbase, Valo Health, BioLegend Inc., Black Rock Coffee, Shenandoah Valley Organic, and more.
  • The launch of several new initiatives, tools and programs, including:
    • FloQast Ops, a new workflow manager solution that addresses upstream and downstream financial functions to deliver greater control and transparency across accounting operations.
    • FloQast ReMind, a new request management workflow add-on that automates manual tasks and delivers new levels of visibility across the close process.
    • FloQast Studios, a full-scale production arm of FloQast designed to create entertaining, engaging, and educational content by accountants for accountants.
    • Partnership with Donnelley Financial Solutions (NYSE: DFIN) to transform the financial close and reporting processes, especially for companies planning to go public.
  • Notable growth in EMEA including:
    • The opening of FloQast’s London-based office.
    • 68 new customers – notable Q4 logos include Revolut, Babylon Health, Watches of Switzerland, and Ironsource.
  • The appointment of several new executives to drive FloQast’s success in 2022 and beyond, including:
  • The hosting of TakeControl 2021 in September, FloQast’s third-annual user conference, drawing more than 2,000 industry professionals and recognizing world-class accounting professionals and FloQast customers excelling in their pursuit of operational excellence.
  • The receipt of several high caliber awards and accolades, such as inclusion in Built In’s Best Place to Work list for the fourth year in a row, being named one of the Best Workplaces in the Country by Inc. Magazine, and one of the Best Places to Work by the Los Angeles Business Journal.
  • Reaching 1,000 users in the FloVerse, an online community platform for FloQast customers to network and collaborate.

This growth and momentum is made possible by FloQast’s community of employees who are committed to making accountants and financial leaders’ lives easier and more productive. Despite the challenges faced over the past two years during the pandemic, the company continues to excel in its performance, a credit to the team’s commitment to customer service and excellence in pursuit of FloQast’s overarching vision.

About FloQast
FloQast delivers workflow automation software enabling organizations to operationalize accounting excellence. Trusted by more than 1,500 accounting teams – including Twilio, coinbase, Los Angeles Lakers, Zoom, and snowflake – FloQast was built by accountants, for accountants to enhance the way accounting teams work. FloQast enables customers to streamline processes such as automated reconciliations, documentation requests, and other workflows that impact the month-end close, financial reporting, and payroll, and is consistently rated #1 across all user review sites. Learn more at

Kyle Cabodi
FloQast Director of Corporate Communications